MarkerTypeEnum _Type; // Defines the marker type for values. Default: none #endregion Fields #region Constructors // properties for the marker(s). internal Marker(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _Type=MarkerTypeEnum.None; _Size=null; _Style=null; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach(XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Type": _Type = MarkerType.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Size": _Size = new RSize(r, xNodeLoop); break; case "Style": _Style = new Style(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; default: break; } } }
Style _Style; // Defines the border and background style // properties for the marker(s). internal Marker(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { _Type = MarkerTypeEnum.None; _Size = null; _Style = null; // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach (XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "Type": _Type = MarkerType.GetStyle(xNodeLoop.InnerText, OwnerReport.rl); break; case "Size": _Size = new RSize(r, xNodeLoop); break; case "Style": _Style = new Style(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; default: break; } } }
public static void CreateUiMarker(string objectname, MarkerTypeEnum type) { GameObject marker = Instantiate(UI.UImarker); marker.GetComponent <UiMarker>().target = GameObject.Find(objectname); marker.transform.SetParent(UI.transform); marker.transform.localScale =; }
public void MarkInNormalziedCoord(Vector2 uv, MarkerTypeEnum markerType) { var viewport = _targetCam.rect; var posInViewport = new Vector2(uv.x * viewport.width + viewport.x, uv.y * viewport.height + viewport.y); var ray = _targetCam.ViewportPointToRay(posInViewport); Vector3 worldPosition; if (dartboard.World(ray, out worldPosition)) { if ((markerType & MarkerTypeEnum.Creation) != 0) { RpcAddCreationMarker(worldPosition); } else { RpcAddDestructionMarker(worldPosition); } } }