// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        float voxelSize = 1.0f;
        int   size      = 33;

        Array3 <Voxel> voxels = WorldGenerator.CreateVoxels(size, 0, voxelSize, Vector3.zero);
        MeshData       data   = MarchingCubes.CalculateMeshData(voxels, voxelSize);


        Mesh mesh = null;

        if (data != null)
            mesh = data.CreateMesh();

        ChunkObject obj = SplitManager.GetObject();

        obj.ov.shouldDraw = true;
        obj.mr.material   = mat;
        obj.mf.mesh       = mesh;

        Vector3 center = Vector3.one * (size - 1) / 2.0f;
        Bounds  area   = new Bounds(center, Vector3.one * voxelSize * (size - 1));

        obj.ov.init(0, 0, center, area, null, Color.red);
Esempio n. 2
    void Start()
        miner = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <VoxelMining>();

        Array3 <Voxel> voxels = WorldGenerator.CreateVoxels(33, 0, 1.0f, Vector3.zero);
        //Array3<Voxel> voxels = WorldGenerator.CreateVoxels(64, 0, 1.0f, Vector3.zero);

        MeshData data = MarchingCubes.CalculateMeshData(voxels, 1.0f);
        Mesh     mesh = data.CreateMesh();

        go                      = SplitManager.GetObject();
        go.mr.enabled           = false;
        go.mr.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.TwoSided;
        go.mf.sharedMesh        = mesh;
        go.mr.material          = testMat;

        MeshData data2 = MarchingTetrahedra.CalculateMeshData(voxels, 1.0f);

        Mesh mesh2 = data2.CreateMesh();

        go2 = SplitManager.GetObject();
        go2.mf.sharedMesh        = mesh2;
        go2.mr.material          = testMat;
        go2.mr.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.TwoSided;
        miner.forceDrawChunk     = go2;
Esempio n. 3
    void Start()
        voxels = WorldGenerator.CreateVoxels(65, 0, 1, Vector3.zero);

        data = MarchingCubes.CalculateMeshData(voxels, 1);

        simp = new Simplification(data.vertices, data.triangles);

        mesh = data.CreateMesh();

        go               = SplitManager.GetObject();
        go.mr.material   = mat;
        go.mf.sharedMesh = mesh;
Esempio n. 4
    public MeshData GenerateMesh(bool createVoxels)
        // so while SIZE is 16, which means theres 16 cells/blocks in grid
        // you need 17 values to be able to construct those blocks
        // (think of 17 points in a grid and the blocks are the 16 spaces in between)
        // if smoothing then need a buffer of 2 around (front and back so +4) for smoothing and normal calculation
        // (so mesh goes from 2-19 basically (0, 1, 20, 21) are not visible in final result)

        if (createVoxels)
            voxels = WorldGenerator.CreateVoxels(SIZE + 5, depth, voxelSize, pos);
        MeshData data = MarchingCubes.CalculateMeshData(voxels, voxelSize, 2, 2);
        //Simplification simp = new Simplification(data.vertices, data.triangles);
        //data.normals = VoxelUtils.CalculateSmoothNormals(voxels, voxelSize, data.vertices);
        data.CalculateSharedNormals();  // todo figure out why this doesnt make it smoothed...
        if (createVoxels)
            voxels = WorldGenerator.CreateVoxels(SIZE + 1, depth, voxelSize, worldPos);

        //if (!needsMesh) {
        //    return null;

        //MeshData data = MarchingTetrahedra.CalculateMeshData(voxels, voxelSize);

        MeshData data = MarchingCubes.CalculateMeshData(voxels, voxelSize);
