Esempio n. 1
         * Asserts that the provided set of Mappings matches the one that was
         * created in createMappings();

        private void assertMappings(Mappings m)
            Mappings test = m.GetMappings("Test");

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("Test mappings is not present", test);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Should have a single Object Mapping", 1, test.GetObjectMappings().Length);

            // TODO: Test the version and sourceId filters more carefully

             * Assertion.AssertEquals( "SifVersion attr should be empty", 0,
             * test.SifVersionFilter().Length ); Assertion.AssertEquals( "SourceId attr
             * should be empty", 0, test.SourceIdFilter().Length ); Assertion.AssertEquals(
             * "Zone attr should be empty", 0, test.ZoneIdFilter().Length );

            // assert the object mapping
            ObjectMapping om = test.GetObjectMapping("StudentPersonal", false);

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("StudentPersonal mappings", om);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("There should be five rules", 5, om.RuleCount);
            IList <FieldMapping> rules = om.GetRulesList(false);

            // Field 1
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD1 name", "FIELD1", rules[0].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD1 rule", "Name/FirstName", rules[0].GetRule().ToString());
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD1 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullUnspecified, rules[0].NullBehavior);

            // Field 2
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 name", "FIELD2", rules[1].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 rule", "Name/LastName", rules[1].GetRule().ToString());
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 valueset", "VS1", rules[1].ValueSetID);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 alias", "ALIAS1", rules[1].Alias);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD2 default", "DEFAULT1", rules[1].DefaultValue);
            MappingsFilter filter = rules[1].Filter;

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("FIELD2 filter is null", filter);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter direction", MappingDirection.Inbound, filter
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter sif version", "=" + SifVersion.SIF11.ToString(),

            // Field 3
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 name", "FIELD3", rules[2].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 rule", "Name/MiddleName", rules[2].GetRule().ToString());
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 valueset", "VS2", rules[2].ValueSetID);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 alias", "ALIAS2", rules[2].Alias);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 default", "DEFAULT2", rules[2].DefaultValue);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD3 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullDefault, rules[2].NullBehavior);
            MappingsFilter filter2 = rules[2].Filter;

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("FIELD3 filter is null", filter2);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter2 direction", MappingDirection.Outbound, filter2.Direction);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("filter2 sif version",
                                   "=" + SifVersion.SIF15r1.ToString(), filter2.SifVersion);

            // Field 4
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD4 name", "FIELD4", rules[3].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertNull("FIELD4 valueset", rules[3].ValueSetID);
            Assertion.AssertNull("FIELD4 alias", rules[3].Alias);
            Assertion.AssertNull("FIELD4 default", rules[3].DefaultValue);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD4 ifNull", MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress, rules[3].NullBehavior);
            Rule r = rules[3].GetRule();

            Assertion.Assert("Rule should be OtherIdRule", r is OtherIdRule);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD5 name", "FIELD5", rules[4].FieldName);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("FIELD5 datatype", SifDataType.Date, rules[4]

            // TODO: The OtherIdRule doesn't have an API to get at the
            // OtherIdMapping. For now, just
            // convert it to a string and assert the results
            String ruleStr = r.ToString();

            Assertion.Assert("prefix should be BUSROUTE", ruleStr
                             .IndexOf("prefix='BUSROUTE'") > 1);
            Assertion.Assert("type should be ZZ", ruleStr.IndexOf("type='ZZ'") > 1);

            ValueSet vs = test.GetValueSet("VS1", false);

            Assertion.AssertNotNull("ValueSet VS1 should not be null", vs);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("VS1 should have 12 entries", 12, vs.Entries.Length);
            for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++)
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by appvalue", "SifValue" + a, vs.Translate("Value" + a));
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by sifvalue", "Value" + a, vs.TranslateReverse("SifValue" + a));
            // Test the default value entries
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs.TranslateReverse("abcdefg"));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs.TranslateReverse(null));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting sif default value", "SifDefault", vs.Translate("abcdefg"));
            Assertion.AssertNull("Expecting NULL value", vs.Translate(null));

            vs = test.GetValueSet("VS2", false);
            Assertion.AssertNotNull("ValueSet VS2 should not be null", vs);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("VS2 should have 4 entries", 4, vs.Entries.Length);
            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by appvalue", "w" + a, vs.Translate("q" + a));
                Assertion.AssertEquals("Mapping by sifvalue", "q" + a, vs
                                       .TranslateReverse("w" + a));
            // Test the default value entries
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting app default value", "AppDefault", vs
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting sif default value", "0000", vs
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expecting sif default value", "0000", vs.Translate(null));
Esempio n. 2
         * Creates a set of mappings that operations can be applied to, such as
         * saving to a DOM or Agent.cfg. The results can be asserted by calling
         * {@see #assertMappings(Mappings)}.
         * NOTE: This method returns an AgentConfig instance instead of a mappings
         * instance because there is no way set the Mappings instance on
         * AgentConfig. This might change in the future
         * @return

        private AgentConfig createMappings()
            Mappings root = fCfg.Mappings;

            // Remove the mappings being used

            Mappings newMappings = root.CreateChild("Test");

            // Add an object mapping
            ObjectMapping objMap = new ObjectMapping("StudentPersonal");

            // Currently, the Adk code requires that an Object Mapping be added
            // to it's parent before fields are added.
            // We should re-examine this and perhaps fix it, if possible

            objMap.AddRule(new FieldMapping("FIELD1", "Name/FirstName"));

            // Field 2
            FieldMapping field2 = new FieldMapping("FIELD2", "Name/LastName");

            field2.ValueSetID   = "VS1";
            field2.Alias        = "ALIAS1";
            field2.DefaultValue = "DEFAULT1";
            MappingsFilter mf = new MappingsFilter();

            mf.Direction  = MappingDirection.Inbound;
            mf.SifVersion = SifVersion.SIF11.ToString();
            field2.Filter = mf;

            // Field 3 test setting the XML values after it's been added to the
            // parent object (the code paths are different)
            FieldMapping field3 = new FieldMapping("FIELD3", "Name/MiddleName");

            field3.ValueSetID   = "VS2";
            field3.Alias        = "ALIAS2";
            field3.DefaultValue = "DEFAULT2";
            MappingsFilter mf2 = new MappingsFilter();

            mf2.Direction       = MappingDirection.Outbound;
            mf2.SifVersion      = SifVersion.SIF15r1.ToString();
            field3.Filter       = mf2;
            field3.NullBehavior = MappingBehavior.IfNullDefault;

            OtherIdMapping oim    = new OtherIdMapping("ZZ", "BUSROUTE");
            FieldMapping   field4 = new FieldMapping("FIELD4", oim);

            field4.DefaultValue = "Default";
            field4.ValueSetID   = "vs";
            field4.Alias        = "alias";
            field4.DefaultValue = null;
            field4.ValueSetID   = null;
            field4.Alias        = null;
            field4.NullBehavior = MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress;

            // Field4 tests the new datatype attribute
            FieldMapping field5 = new FieldMapping("FIELD5",

            field5.DataType = SifDataType.Date;

            // Add a valueset translation
            ValueSet vs = new ValueSet("VS1");

            // Add a few definitions
            for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++)
                vs.Define("Value" + a, "SifValue" + a, "Title" + a);

            vs.Define("AppDefault", "0000", "Default App Value");
            vs.SetAppDefault("AppDefault", true);

            vs.Define("0000", "SifDefault", "Default Sif Value");
            vs.SetSifDefault("SifDefault", false);

            // Add a valueset translation
            vs = new ValueSet("VS2");
            // Add a few definitions
            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
                vs.Define("q" + a, "w" + a, "t" + a);

            vs.Define("AppDefault", "0000", "Default Value");
            vs.SetAppDefault("AppDefault", true);
            vs.SetSifDefault("0000", true);
