public void RefreshAll() { if (root == null) { return; } var filename = root.Text; FileWriter(mapNode, filename); = 1; id = 0; root = new TreeNode(); root.Name = id.ToString(); id++; root.Text = Path.GetFileName(dialog.FileName); root.ImageIndex = root.SelectedImageIndex = 3; mainTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); mapNode = null; mapNode = new MappingNode(root.Text, 0, true); var yaml = FileHandler.LoadFile(mapNode, dialog.FileName); LoadTree.CreateTree(mapNode, yaml.Documents[0].RootNode as YamlMappingNode, root); mainTreeView.Nodes.Add(root); setTreeId(root); root.Expand(); }
/// <summary> /// Creats a column object and initializes it to the values defined in this ColumnAttribute. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new Column object.</returns> public new ForeignKeyColumn CreateColum(MappingNode parent) { ForeignKeyColumn column = new ForeignKeyColumn(parent); SetColumnValues(column); return(column); }
/// <summary> /// Creats a column object and initializes it to the values defined in this ColumnAttribute. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new Column object.</returns> public Column CreateColum(MappingNode parent) { Column column = new Column(parent); SetColumnValues(column); return(column); }
public override MappingNodeHead Dump_2(Caller caller) { this.logger?.Info($"{caller} DUMP"); lock (this.mappings) { var mappingNodeNullable = new MappingNodeHead(); MappingNode currentNode = null; foreach (Internal.Mapping mapping in this.mappings) { if (mappingNodeNullable.MappingNode == null) { mappingNodeNullable.MappingNode = new MappingNode { Mapping = mapping }; currentNode = mappingNodeNullable.MappingNode; } else if (currentNode != null) { var mappingNode = new MappingNode { Mapping = mapping }; currentNode.Next = mappingNode; currentNode = mappingNode; } } return(mappingNodeNullable); } }
public static void LoadTreeNode(TreeNode treeNode, MappingNode rootNode) { var children = rootNode?.Children; if (children == null) { return; } foreach (var child in children) { if (child is ScalarNode) { ScalarNode scalarChild = (ScalarNode)child; var node = treeNode.Nodes.Add($"{scalarChild.Key}: {scalarChild.Value}"); node.ImageIndex = scalarChild.ImageIndex; node.Tag = child.Tag; } else if (child is SequenceNode) { var node = treeNode.Nodes.Add(child.Value); node.Tag = child.Tag; node.ImageIndex = child.ImageIndex; LoadTreeNode(node, child as SequenceNode); } else if (child is MappingNode) { var node = treeNode.Nodes.Add(child.Value); node.Tag = child.Tag; node.ImageIndex = child.ImageIndex; LoadTreeNode(node, child as MappingNode); } } }
public void tableData() { MappingNode map = new MappingNode(); SequenceNode sec = new SequenceNode(); ComponentName = textBox1.Text; //INode nodeFound = editor.mapNode.searchNodeByName(ComponentName); INode nodeFound = editor.nodeSelected; if (nodeFound != null) { if (nodeFound == editor.mapNode) { map = new MappingNode(ComponentName,; getPropertiesFromWizard(map, dataGridView1); editor.mapNode.AddChild(map); } else if (nodeFound.Value != ComponentName) { map = new MappingNode(ComponentName, null, 4,, editor.nodeSelected); getPropertiesFromWizard(map, dataGridView1); editor.nodeSelected.AddChild(map); } else if (nodeFound is MappingNode) { if (ComponentName == nodeFound.Value && nodeFound.getParent() is SequenceNode) { MessageBox.Show("Can not add a new component with this name to this component", "Invalid operation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } map = (MappingNode)nodeFound; MappingNode tempMap = map.DeepClone(); map.RemoveNode(map); sec = new SequenceNode(tempMap.Value, tempMap.Tag, 3,, tempMap.parent); MappingNode mapAntigo = tempMap; =; sec.AddChild(mapAntigo); MappingNode newMap = new MappingNode(ComponentName, null, 4,, sec); sec.AddChild(newMap); getPropertiesFromWizard(newMap, dataGridView1); editor.nodeSelected.getParent().AddChild(sec); } else if (nodeFound is SequenceNode) { map = new MappingNode(ComponentName, null, 4,, editor.nodeSelected); editor.nodeSelected.AddChild(map); getPropertiesFromWizard(map, dataGridView1); } } //editor.mapNode.SearchNode(mapping); }
public RemoveCommand(ref MappingNode maxRoot, INode itemNode, ref TreeNode root, TreeNode nodeToRemove, YAMLEditorForm a) { this.maxRoot = maxRoot; this.nodeToRemove = nodeToRemove; this.itemNode = itemNode; this.root = root; this.editor = a; }
public static void LoadChildren(MappingNode root, YamlMappingNode mapping) { var children = mapping?.Children; if (children == null) { return; } foreach (var child in children) { var key = child.Key as YamlScalarNode; System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(key != null); if (child.Value is YamlScalarNode) { var scalar = child.Value as YamlScalarNode; if (scalar.Tag == "!include") { MappingNode scalarToMapping = (MappingNode)root.AddChild(new MappingNode(scalar.Value, scalar.Tag, ImageLoad.GetImageIndex(scalar), id, root)); id++; var yaml = FileHandler.LoadFile(scalarToMapping as MappingNode, scalar.Value); if (yaml.Documents.Count == 0) { continue; } //scalarToMapping.AddChild(newRoot); LoadChildren(scalarToMapping, yaml.Documents[0].RootNode as YamlMappingNode); continue; } ScalarNode scalarToSave = new ScalarNode(scalar.Value, child, scalar.Tag, ImageLoad.GetImageIndex(scalar), id, root, key.Value); id++; if (scalar.Tag == "!secret") { scalarToSave.Property = scalar.Tag; scalarToSave.ImageIndex = 2; } var node = root.AddChild(scalarToSave); } else if (child.Value is YamlSequenceNode) { var node = root.AddChild(new SequenceNode(key.Value, child.Value, ImageLoad.GetImageIndex(child.Value), id, root)); id++; LoadChildren(node as SequenceNode, child.Value as YamlSequenceNode); } else if (child.Value is YamlMappingNode) { var node = root.AddChild(new MappingNode(key.Value, child.Value, ImageLoad.GetImageIndex(child.Value), id, root)); id++; LoadChildren(node as MappingNode, child.Value as YamlMappingNode); } } }
public Dictionary <object, object> FindMappingNode(string objId) { if (MappingNode == null || MappingNode.Count <= 0 || !MappingNode.ContainsKey(objId)) { return(null); } return((Dictionary <object, object>)MappingNode[objId]); }
private INode searchForNode(INode root, int idNodeToEdit) { bool found = false; if (root is MappingNode) { MappingNode raiz = (MappingNode)root; if (raiz.Children == null) { return(null); } if ( == idNodeToEdit) { nodeSelected = raiz; } foreach (INode child in raiz.Children) { if (child.getID() == idNodeToEdit) { nodeSelected = child; } else if (child is MappingNode || child is SequenceNode) { searchForNode(child, idNodeToEdit); } continue; } } if (root is SequenceNode) { SequenceNode raiz = (SequenceNode)root; if (raiz.Children == null) { return(null); } foreach (INode child in raiz.Children) { if (child.getID() == idNodeToEdit) { nodeSelected = child; } else if (child is MappingNode || child is SequenceNode) { searchForNode(child, idNodeToEdit); } else { continue; } } } return(nodeSelected); }
public ValueCommand(MappingNode maxRoot, TreeNode nodeToEdit, ScalarNode itemNode, string key, YAMLEditorForm editor, string value = null) { this.itemNode = itemNode; this.key = key; this.value = value; this.maxRoot = maxRoot; this.nodeToEdit = nodeToEdit; this.editor = editor; }
private void doit() { MappingNode temp = editor.mapNode.DeepClone(); TreeNode tempTreeNode = (TreeNode)editor.root.Clone(); editor.mapNode = previousMaxRoot; editor.root = previousTreeNode; previousMaxRoot = temp; previousTreeNode = tempTreeNode; }
void AddProperty(object sender, EventArgs args) { AddPropertyDialog dlg = new AddPropertyDialog(); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { MappingNode mappingNode = (MappingNode)this.o; Property prop = new Property(mappingNode, dlg.PropName, dlg.Type, dlg.Value); mappingNode.AddProperty(prop); this.Nodes.Add(new PropertyNode(this, prop)); } }
public void doit() { TreeNode tempTreeNode = (TreeNode)editor.root.Clone(); MappingNode tempMaxRoot = maxRoot.DeepClone(); editor.root = previousTreeNode; editor.mapNode = previousMaxRoot; previousMaxRoot = tempMaxRoot; previousTreeNode = tempTreeNode; }
private void CreateFaultDistanceRow(double lineLength, MappingNode local, MappingNode remote) { FaultLocationData.DoubleEndedFaultDistanceRow row; row = m_doubleEndedFaultDistanceTable.NewDoubleEndedFaultDistanceRow(); row.LocalFaultSummaryID = local.Fault.ID; row.RemoteFaultSummaryID = remote.Fault.ID; row.Distance = local.DistanceCurve[local.Fault.CalculationCycle].Value; row.Angle = local.AngleCurve[local.Fault.CalculationCycle].Value; row.IsValid = IsValid(row.Distance, lineLength) ? 1 : 0; m_doubleEndedFaultDistanceTable.AddDoubleEndedFaultDistanceRow(row); }
public IReadOnlyList <Mapping> Dump() { var list = new List <Mapping>(); MappingNode node = this.client.Dump_2().MappingNode; while (node != null) { list.Add(Convert(node.Mapping)); node = node.Next; } return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the elements from wizard, crates the new nodes and add to map node /// </summary> /// <param name="map"></param> /// <param name="dataGridView1"></param> public void getPropertiesFromWizard(MappingNode map, DataGridView dataGridView1) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows) { string key = row.Cells[0].EditedFormattedValue.ToString(); string value = row.Cells[1].EditedFormattedValue.ToString(); if (key == "" && value == "") { continue; } ScalarNode scalar = new ScalarNode(value, null, null, 0,, map, key); map.AddChild(scalar); } }
public void Execute() { TreeNode tempTreeNode = (TreeNode)editor.root.Clone(); int i = 0; MappingNode tempMaxRoot = maxRoot.DeepClone(); RemoveTreeNode(nodeToRemove); itemNode.RemoveNode(itemNode); TreeNode teste = (TreeNode)editor.root.Clone(); TreeNode temTest = editor.searchTreeEdit(teste, itemNode.getID()); previousMaxRoot = tempMaxRoot; previousTreeNode = tempTreeNode; }
void ChangeProperty(object sender, EventArgs args) { AddPropertyDialog dlg = new AddPropertyDialog(); dlg.PropName = Property.Name; dlg.Type = Property.Type; dlg.Value = Property.Value; dlg.EditProperty = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Property.Type = dlg.Type; Property.Value = dlg.Value; MappingNode mn = (MappingNode)parent.Object; mn.AddProperty(Property); } this.TreeView.Refresh(); }
public static void FileWriter2(MappingNode n, string filename) //para auto-save { n.IsRoot = true; YamlMappingNode rootNode = new YamlMappingNode(); CreateNodeVisitor visitor = new CreateNodeVisitor(); //SaveTree.saveChildrenMapping(n, rootNode); n.Accept(visitor, rootNode); YamlDocument doc = new YamlDocument(rootNode); var yaml = new YamlStream(doc); using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(@"..\\Config_Files\\bin\\" + filename)) yaml.Save(writer, false); }
private void setExpanded(MappingNode node, bool expand, bool isTarget) { //don't do anything if null if (node == null) { return; } //set expanded property if (!node.showAll && isTarget) { node.setChildNodes(); } node.showAll = expand; //do the same for the childnodes foreach (MappingNode subNode in node.childNodes) { setExpanded(subNode, expand, isTarget); } }
void Initialize(MappingNode mappingNode, IEnumerable <OidColumn> oidColumns, IEnumerable <ForeignKeyColumn> fkColumns, KeyValuePair <string, int>?typeCodeInfo) { IEnumerator <OidColumn> oidEnumerator = oidColumns.GetEnumerator(); oidEnumerator.MoveNext(); List <OqlExpression> compareExpressions = new List <OqlExpression>(); foreach (ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in fkColumns) { OidColumn oidColumn = oidEnumerator.Current; compareExpressions.Add(new OnCompareExpression(mappingNode, oidColumn, fkColumn)); oidEnumerator.MoveNext(); } if (typeCodeInfo.HasValue) { compareExpressions.Add(new OnCompareExpression(mappingNode, typeCodeInfo.Value.Key, typeCodeInfo.Value.Value)); } if (compareExpressions.Count == 1) { Add(compareExpressions[0]); } else { OqlExpression andExpression = new OqlExpression(0, 0); int i = 0; foreach (var compareExpression in compareExpressions) { if (i++ == 0) { andExpression.Add(compareExpression); } else { andExpression.Add(compareExpression, "AND"); } } Add(andExpression); } }
private void ExtractDistanceVectors(MappingNode local, ComplexNumber[] curve) { List <DataPoint> vaRMS = local.CycleDataGroup.VA.RMS.DataPoints; int count = Math.Min(vaRMS.Count, curve.Length); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { local.DistanceCurve.Series.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint() { Time = vaRMS[i].Time, Value = curve[i].Magnitude }); local.AngleCurve.Series.DataPoints.Add(new DataPoint() { Time = vaRMS[i].Time, Value = curve[i].Angle }); } }
public static string Get(Column column) { Class cls = null; MappingNode node = column.Parent; while (!(node is Class)) { if (node.NodeParent == null) { break; } node = node.NodeParent; } cls = (Class)node; IProvider provider = cls.Provider; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(cls.GetQualifiedTableName()); sb.Append('.'); sb.Append(provider.GetQuotedName(column.Name)); return(sb.ToString()); }
public void setNewTreeRoot(TreeNode root, MappingNode mapingNode) { mainTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); if (root == null) { return; } var filename = root.Text; FileWriter(mapNode, filename); root = (mainTreeView.Nodes.Add(Path.GetFileName(dialog.FileName))); root.ImageIndex = root.SelectedImageIndex = 3; = 0; root.Name = id.ToString(); id++; LoadTree.LoadTreeNode(root, mapingNode); setTreeId(root); root.Expand(); }
public YamlMappingNode Visit(MappingNode node, YamlNode currentRootNode) { if (node.IsRoot) { return new YamlMappingNode() { Tag = "ignore" } } ; if (currentRootNode is YamlMappingNode) { YamlMappingNode rootNode = (YamlMappingNode)currentRootNode; //downcast if (node.Tag != null && node.Tag.ToString() == "!include" && node.Children != null) { YAMLEditorForm.FileWriter(node as MappingNode, node.Value); rootNode.Add(node.Value, new YamlScalarNode(node.Value) { Tag = "!include" }); return(null); } else { YamlMappingNode child = new YamlMappingNode(); rootNode.Add(node.Value, child); return(child); } // YamlMappingNode rootNode = (YamlMappingNode)currentRootNode; //downcast } else { YamlSequenceNode rootNode = (YamlSequenceNode)currentRootNode; YamlMappingNode child = new YamlMappingNode(); rootNode.Add(child); return(child); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate compares for type codes /// </summary> /// <param name="mappingNode"></param> /// <param name="columnName"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> public OnCompareExpression(MappingNode mappingNode, string columnName, int value) : base(null, 0, 0) { Class fkParentClass = mappingNode as Class; if (fkParentClass != null) { Add(new RawIdentifierExpression(QualifiedColumnName.Get(fkParentClass, columnName), 0, 0)); Add(new NumberExpression(value, 0, 0), "="); return; } MappingTable mappingTable = mappingNode as MappingTable; if (mappingTable != null) { Add(new RawIdentifierExpression(QualifiedColumnName.Get(mappingTable, columnName), 0, 0)); Add(new NumberExpression(value, 0, 0), "="); return; } else { throw new ArgumentException("OnCompareExpression: Unexpected mapping node type", "mappingNode"); } }
public OnCompareExpression(MappingNode mappingNode, OidColumn oidColumn, ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn) : base(null, 0, 0) { Class fkParentClass = mappingNode as Class; if (fkParentClass != null) { Add(new RawIdentifierExpression(QualifiedColumnName.Get(oidColumn), 0, 0)); Add(new RawIdentifierExpression(QualifiedColumnName.Get(fkParentClass, fkColumn), 0, 0), "="); return; } MappingTable mappingTable = mappingNode as MappingTable; if (mappingTable != null) { Add(new RawIdentifierExpression(QualifiedColumnName.Get(oidColumn), 0, 0)); Add(new RawIdentifierExpression(QualifiedColumnName.Get(mappingTable, fkColumn), 0, 0), "="); return; } else { throw new ArgumentException("OnCompareExpression: Unexpected mapping node type", "mappingNode"); } }
public Mapping(FaultLocationData.FaultSummaryRow left, FaultLocationData.FaultSummaryRow right) { Left = new MappingNode(left); Right = new MappingNode(right); }
private void ExecuteFaultLocationAlgorithm(double lineLength, ComplexNumber nominalImpedance, MappingNode local, MappingNode remote) { FaultLocationDataSet faultLocationDataSet; CycleData remoteCycle; ComplexNumber[] curve; faultLocationDataSet = new FaultLocationDataSet(); faultLocationDataSet.FaultType = local.FaultType; faultLocationDataSet.LineDistance = lineLength; faultLocationDataSet.Z1 = nominalImpedance; local.CycleDataGroup.PushDataTo(faultLocationDataSet.Cycles); remoteCycle = GetCycleAt(remote.CycleDataGroup, remote.Fault.CalculationCycle - remote.StartSample); curve = FaultLocationAlgorithms.DoubleEnded(faultLocationDataSet, remoteCycle, string.Empty); ExtractDistanceVectors(local, curve); }