Esempio n. 1
        protected void BuildTriangleList()
            if (_TriangleList != null)

            _TriangleList = new List<MappingGridTriangle>[this._mapPoints.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < _TriangleIndiciesCache.Length; i += 3)
                int iOne = _TriangleIndiciesCache[i];
                int iTwo = _TriangleIndiciesCache[i + 1];
                int iThree = _TriangleIndiciesCache[i + 2];

                //Safe to go straight into the cache since we looked at TriangleIndicies to initialize list
                MappingGridTriangle newTri = new MappingGridTriangle(mapPoints,
                                                     _TriangleIndiciesCache[i + 1],
                                                     _TriangleIndiciesCache[i + 2]);

                //Get the list for each point and add a reference to the triangle

                if (_TriangleList[iOne] == null)
                    _TriangleList[iOne] = new List<MappingGridTriangle>(6);

                if (_TriangleList[iTwo] == null)
                    _TriangleList[iTwo] = new List<MappingGridTriangle>(6);

                if (_TriangleList[iThree] == null)
                    _TriangleList[iThree] = new List<MappingGridTriangle>(6);
Esempio n. 2
        public static MappingGridTriangle TriangleForPoint(int GridSizeX, int GridSizeY, GridRectangle Bounds, MappingGridVector2[] points, int[] TriIndicies, GridVector2 Point)
            //Having a smaller epsilon caused false positives.
            //We just want to know if we are close enough to check with the more time consuming math
            double epsilon = 5;

            if (Point.X < Bounds.Left - epsilon)
                return null;
            if (Point.X > Bounds.Right + epsilon)
                return null;
            if (Point.Y > Bounds.Top + epsilon)
                return null;
            if (Point.Y < Bounds.Bottom - epsilon)
                return null;

            double OffsetX = Point.X - Bounds.Left;
            double OffsetY = Point.Y - Bounds.Bottom;

            double X = (OffsetX / Bounds.Width) * (GridSizeX-1);
            double Y = (OffsetY / Bounds.Height) * (GridSizeY-1);

            int iX = (int)X;
            int iY = (int)Y;

            //This gives us the grid coordinates which contains two triangles, however there are two triangles.  If the fractional parts add up to a number greater than one it is the upper triangle.
            bool IsUpper = (X - iX) + (Y - iY) > 1;

            //Check edge case where point is exactly on the right edge of the boundary
            if (OffsetX + double.Epsilon >= Bounds.Width )
                IsUpper = true;
            else if (OffsetY + double.Epsilon >= Bounds.Height)
                IsUpper = true;
                IsUpper = (X - iX) + (Y - iY) > 1;

            int iTri = (iY * 2) + ((GridSizeY-1) * 2 * iX);
            //int iTri = (iX * 2) + ((GridSizeX-1) * 2 * iY);
            iTri += IsUpper ? 1:0;
            iTri *= 3;//Multiply by three to get the triangle offset

            MappingGridTriangle mapTri = new MappingGridTriangle(points, TriIndicies[iTri], TriIndicies[iTri + 1], TriIndicies[iTri + 2]);

            Debug.Assert(mapTri.IntersectsMapped(Point), "Calculated GridTransform does not intersect requested point");
            return mapTri;