Esempio n. 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //start declarations for class
        unit.toonName    = "Lizard";
        unit.description = "He eats birds.";
        unit.elementType = "Water";

        unit.attack   = 2;   = 10;
        unit.movement = 2;
        unit.pageCost = 1;

        //fill in location info at start

        //just looking at dict in debug log.
        GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v11    map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();

        foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairs)
            Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
        foreach (var group in map.tileLocPairsInverse)
            Debug.Log("Key:" + group.Key + " Value:" + group.Value);
Esempio n. 2
    public void characterLocationUpdate()
        //updates location info. Does so every second, we may want to change to
        if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy == true) //Only check location if not on quiz screen (object script is attatched to is active)
            Vector3 coor;
            string  xLocStr;
            string  yLocStr;
            string  unityCoorStr;
            string  xTileStr;
            string  yTileStr;
            float   floatUnityX;
            float   floatUnityY;

            float X;
            float Y;

            GameObject liz   = gameObject; //Rather than having it search for a lizard in the scene, it instead just selects the gameobject this scripts attatched to
            GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
            Map_v11    map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();
            coor        = liz.transform.position;
            floatUnityX = coor.x;
            floatUnityY = coor.z;
            xLoc        = floatUnityX;
            yLoc        = floatUnityY;
            xLocStr     = coor.x.ToString();
            yLocStr     = coor.z.ToString();
            //create unity coordinate system to search inverse dictionary
            unityCoorStr = '(' + xLocStr + ", " + yLocStr + ')';
            //takes our unity coordinate system and pulls out the hex (x,y) system from inverse dictionary
            tileStr = map.tileLocPairsInverse[unityCoorStr];
            //split that string from dictionary into the tile numbers
            string[] tiles = tileStr.Split(new char[] { '(', ',', ')' });
            //x tile coordinate
            xTileStr = tiles[1];
            xTile    = int.Parse(xTileStr);
            //y tile coordinate
            yTileStr = tiles[2];
            yTile    = int.Parse(yTileStr);

            X = floatUnityX;
            Y = floatUnityY;

            if (X != coor.x || Y != coor.y)
                Counter = Counter + 1;
                string outText = "Turn " + Counter;
    public void SelectedUnit()

        //remove later, hard coded but should be procedural
        GameObject lizard = GameObject.Find("Lizard");
        GameObject bird   = GameObject.Find("Bird");
        GameObject board  = GameObject.Find("map");

        if (ourHitObject == bird)
            Map_v11 map = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();
            map.SelectedUnit = bird;
        if (ourHitObject == lizard)
            Map_v11 map = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();
            map.SelectedUnit = lizard;
Esempio n. 4
    public void characterLocationUpdate()
        //updates location info. Does so every second, we may want to change to
        Vector3 coor;
        string  xLocStr;
        string  yLocStr;
        string  unityCoorStr;
        string  xTileStr;
        string  yTileStr;
        float   floatUnityX;
        float   floatUnityY;

        GameObject liz   = GameObject.Find("Lizard");
        GameObject board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v11    map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();

        coor        = liz.transform.position;
        floatUnityX = coor.x;
        floatUnityY = coor.z;
        xLoc        = floatUnityX;
        yLoc        = floatUnityY;
        xLocStr     = coor.x.ToString();
        yLocStr     = coor.z.ToString();
        //create unity coordinate system to search inverse dictionary
        unityCoorStr = '(' + xLocStr + ", " + yLocStr + ')';
        //takes our unity coordinate system and pulls out the hex (x,y) system from inverse dictionary
        tileStr = map.tileLocPairsInverse[unityCoorStr];
        //split that string from dictionary into the tile numbers
        string[] tiles = tileStr.Split(new char[] { '(', ',', ')' });
        //x tile coordinate
        xTileStr = tiles[1];
        xTile    = int.Parse(xTileStr);
        //y tile coordinate
        yTileStr = tiles[2];
        yTile    = int.Parse(yTileStr);
Esempio n. 5
    //test movement module
    public void lizardMove()
        GameObject       board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v11          map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();
        ClickableTile_v5 click = board.GetComponent <ClickableTile_v5>();
        string xstr;
        string ystr;

        xstr = click.x.ToString();
        ystr = click.y.ToString();
        float charHeight;

        //new, for 2-Y movement in a turn
        int    twoYup      = yTile + 1;
        int    twoYDown    = yTile - 1;
        string twoYUpStr   = twoYup.ToString();
        string twoYDownStr = twoYDown.ToString();

        //finds, assignments
        GameObject liz = GameObject.Find("Lizard");

         * //finds the hex on which the lizard sits
         * GameObject currentHex = GameObject.Find("Hex_" + xstr + "_" + ystr);
         * //2Yup neighbor game object
         * GameObject twoYUpHex = GameObject.Find("Hex_" + xstr + "_" + twoYUpStr);
         * //2YDown neighbor ob
         * GameObject twoYDownHex = GameObject.Find("Hex_" + xstr + "_" + twoYDownStr);
         * //pulls the neighbors for that hex
         * Neighbor_v3 neighbors = currentHex.GetComponent<Neighbor_v3>();
         * //also pulls the neighbor for 1UpYaxis so he can move 1 X, 1 Y, or 2 Y in a single turn
         * Neighbor_v3 neighbor2Yup = twoYUpHex.GetComponent<Neighbor_v3>();
         * //pulls neighbor 1DownAxis
         * Neighbor_v3 neighbor2YDown = twoYDownHex.GetComponent<Neighbor_v3>();

        //new, used to find battle
        Battle_v3 battle = liz.GetComponent <Battle_v3>();

        //valid neighbor click
        if (((click.clickX == xTile + 1 || click.clickX == xTile + 2 ||
              click.clickX == xTile - 1 || click.clickX == xTile - 2) &
             ((click.clickY == yTile + 1) || (click.clickY == yTile - 1) ||
              (click.clickY == yTile))) ||
            ((click.clickY == yTile + 1 || click.clickY == yTile - 1) & click.clickX == xTile))
            //string unityCoor;
            float unityX;
            float unityY;

            //unityCoor = map.tileLocPairs[click.clickCoor];
            unityX     = click.xLoc;
            unityY     = click.yLoc;
            charHeight = .5f;

            //new shit to make occupied hexs un-enterable
            if (battle.OccupiedHexs.ContainsKey(click.clickCoor))
            //otherwise, move if it is a valid destination
                liz.transform.position = new Vector3(unityX, charHeight, unityY);
        //too far to move there
            Debug.Log("Cannot move this far");
Esempio n. 6
    void OnMouseUp()

        string xstr;
        string ystr;
        string unityStr;
        string unityStrX;
        string unityStrY;
        int length;
        //end testing

        GameObject       board = GameObject.Find("map");
        Map_v11          map   = board.GetComponent <Map_v11>();
        ClickableTile_v5 ct    = board.GetComponent <ClickableTile_v5>();

        GameObject liz    = GameObject.Find("Lizard");
        Lizard_v3  lizard = liz.GetComponent <Lizard_v3>();

        GameObject           mouse      = GameObject.Find("mouse");
        MouseInputControl_v3 mouseInput = mouse.GetComponent <MouseInputControl_v3>();

        ct.clickX = tileX;
        ct.clickY = tileY;
        xstr      = tileX.ToString();
        ystr      = tileY.ToString();

        ct.clickCoor = "(" + xstr + ", " + ystr + ")";

        unityStr = map.tileLocPairs[ct.clickCoor];
        string[] tiles = unityStr.Split(new char[] { '(', ',', ')' });
        //x tile coordinate
        unityStrX = tiles[1];
        unityStrY = tiles[2];
        ct.xLoc   = float.Parse(unityStrX);
        //y tile coordinate
        ct.yLoc = float.Parse(unityStrY);


        //test from here down(battle testing)
        Battle_v3 battle = liz.GetComponent <Battle_v3>();


        length = battle.OccupiedHexs.Count;

        //selected unit toggling?

        if (length == 0)
            Debug.Log("No Occupied Hexs");
        if (length >= 1)
            foreach (var units in battle.OccupiedHexs)
                Debug.Log("Key:" + units.Key + " Value:" + units.Value);

         * Debug.Log("Click!");
         * map.MoveUnitTo(xLoc, yLoc);
         * GameObject liz = GameObject.Find("Lizard");
         * lizard lizard = liz.GetComponent<lizard>();
         * lizard.characterLocationUpdate();