Esempio n. 1
    public void AddMapCell(MapRogulikeGenerator mapCell, Vector3 pos)
        float Far = 0;
        int   k   = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < MapCells.Length; i++)
            if (MapCells[i] == null)
                //  Debug.Log("qwertyuiop");
                MapCells[i] = mapCell;
            if ((MapCells[i].transform.position + new Vector3((float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, (float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2) - pos).magnitude > Far)
                Far = (MapCells[i].transform.position - pos + new Vector3((float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, (float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2)).magnitude;
                k   = i;

        MapCells[k] = mapCell;
Esempio n. 2
 public void Set(MapRogulikeGenerator newgameobject, WorldMapCell mapCell, Loader l)
     Debug.LogWarning("New world key");
     generator = newgameobject;
     mapcell   = mapCell;
     loader    = l;
Esempio n. 3
    public void StartGeneration(MyVector3 value)
        MapRogulikeGenerator MapCell = Instantiate(WorldCellPerhub);

        MapCell.transform.position = new Vector3(-(float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, -(float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, 1);// myCanvas.transform.position + new Vector3(DX * StaticData.WorldCellSize, DY * -StaticData.WorldCellSize);
        ZeroPosition = new Vector2(value.x, value.y);
        if (StaticData.MapData[(int)value.y][(int)value.x].Accesed)
            //  Debug.Log("Pezda");
            MapCell.Setter(loader, StaticData.MapData[(int)value.y][(int)value.x]);
        AddMapCell(MapCell, new Vector3(0, 0));
Esempio n. 4
    public void CreateWorldMapCell(Vector2 position)
//        Debug.Log("GeneratingMapCell");
//        Debug.Log(position);
        position += new Vector2(StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2);
//        Debug.Log(position);
        position /= StaticData.WorldCellSize;
        //      Debug.Log(position);
        position.x = Mathf.FloorToInt(position.x);
        position.y = Mathf.FloorToInt(position.y);
        //    Debug.Log((int)position.x+","+(int)position.y);
        //  Debug.Log((int)-0.1);
        WorldMapCell worldMapCell = StaticData.MapData[(int)position.x + (int)ZeroPosition.x][(int)position.y + (int)ZeroPosition.y];

//        Debug.Log(worldMapCell.PosX+"  "+worldMapCell.PosY);
        for (int i = 0; i < MapCells.Length; i++)
            if (MapCells[i] == null)
            if (MapCells[i].ThisCell.PosX == worldMapCell.PosX && MapCells[i].ThisCell.PosY == worldMapCell.PosY)
        Debug.Log(new Vector3((position.x * StaticData.WorldCellSize) - (float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, (float)(position.y * StaticData.WorldCellSize) - (float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, 1));
        MapRogulikeGenerator MapCell = Instantiate(WorldCellPerhub);

        MapCell.transform.position = new Vector3((position.x * StaticData.WorldCellSize) - (float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, (float)(position.y * StaticData.WorldCellSize) - (float)StaticData.WorldCellSize / 2, 1);

        MapCell.Setter(loader, worldMapCell);
        //Debug.Log($"Coordinate:{DY}, DX:{DX}");
        //Debug.Log($"ResultCoordinate:{tmpCell.PosY + DY},:{tmpCell.PosX + DX}");
        //Debug.Log($"MessageThis:{StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].Message}");
        //Debug.Log($"MessageThis:{StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].PosY}");
        AddMapCell(MapCell, position);
Esempio n. 5
    public void CreateWorldMapCell(int DX, int DY, MapRogulikeGenerator myCanvas, Vector3 position)

        //if (X < 0 || Y < 0 || X > 100 || Y > 100)
        //    Debug.Log("ERROR:CreateWorldMapCell Uncorrect (WorldState.css)");
        //    return;
        WorldMapCell tmpCell    = myCanvas.ThisCell;
        WorldMapCell targetCell = StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX];

        for (int i = 0; i < MapCells.Length; i++)
            if (MapCells[i] == null)
            if (MapCells[i].transform.position == myCanvas.transform.position + new Vector3(DX * StaticData.WorldCellSize, DY * -StaticData.WorldCellSize))
                if (!MapCells[i].Setted)
                if (!MapCells[i].Setted && targetCell.Accesed)
                    MapCells[i].Setter(loader, targetCell);
                else if (!MapCells[i] && targetCell.Generated && !tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY)
                    tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY).gameObject.SetActive(true);
                    tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY).Set(MapCells[i], targetCell, loader);

        //Debug.Log("Creating new cell");
        MapRogulikeGenerator MapCell = Instantiate(WorldCellPerhub);

        MapCell.transform.position = myCanvas.transform.position + new Vector3(DX * StaticData.WorldCellSize, DY * -StaticData.WorldCellSize);
        if (StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].Accesed)
            MapCell.Setter(loader, StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX]);
        else if (StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].Generated)
            Debug.Log("yy .gg");
            if (tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY) != null)
                Debug.Log("pesda1 .gg");
                tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY).gameObject.SetActive(true);
                tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY).Set(MapCell, StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX], loader);
        else if (!StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].Generated)
            //Debug.LogWarning("Adding to list " + tmpCell.PosY + DY + "  " + tmpCell.PosX + DX);
            GeneratorQuery.Add(StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX]);
            OnGenerationEnded += (x) =>
                Debug.Log("genered .gg");
                GenerationCallback callback = (GenerationCallback)x;
                if (callback.mapCell == StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX])
                    //MapCell.Setter(loader, StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX]);
                    if (tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY) != null)
                        Debug.Log("pesda2 .gg");
                        tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY).gameObject.SetActive(true);
                        tmpCell.GetKey(DX, DY).Set(MapCell, StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX], loader);
        //Debug.Log($"Coordinate:{DY}, DX:{DX}");
        //Debug.Log($"ResultCoordinate:{tmpCell.PosY + DY},:{tmpCell.PosX + DX}");
        //Debug.Log($"MessageThis:{StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].Message}");
        //Debug.Log($"MessageThis:{StaticData.MapData[tmpCell.PosY + DY][tmpCell.PosX + DX].PosY}");
        AddMapCell(MapCell, position);
Esempio n. 6
    public void LogicGeneration(Vector3 position)
        if (ActiveMapCell == null)
            ActiveMapCell = GetCell(position);

        Vector3 point = position - ActiveMapCell.transform.position;


        if (point.x < 0 || point.x > StaticData.WorldCellSize || point.y < 0 || point.y > StaticData.WorldCellSize)
            //Go to another canvas
            ActiveMapCell = GetCell(position);

            //Debug.Log("i go out from canvas");
        if (point.x < 5)
            //Debug.Log("loading -1 0");
            CreateWorldMapCell(-1, 0, ActiveMapCell, position);
        if (point.x > 20)
            CreateWorldMapCell(+1, 0, ActiveMapCell, position);
            //Debug.Log("loading +1 0");
            //load cell x:+1;y:0
        if (point.y < 5)
            CreateWorldMapCell(0, +1, ActiveMapCell, position);
            // Debug.Log("loading 0 +1");
            //load cell x:0;y:+1
            if (point.x < 5)
                CreateWorldMapCell(-1, +1, ActiveMapCell, position);
                //Debug.Log("loading -1 +1");
                //load cell x:-1;y:+1
            if (point.x > 20)
                CreateWorldMapCell(+1, +1, ActiveMapCell, position);
                //Debug.Log("loading +1 +1");
                //load cell x:+1;y:+1
        if (point.y > 20)
            CreateWorldMapCell(0, -1, ActiveMapCell, position);
            //Debug.Log("loading 0 -1");
            //load cell x:0;y:-1
            if (point.x < 5)
                CreateWorldMapCell(-1, -1, ActiveMapCell, position);
                //Debug.Log("loading -1 -1");
                //load cell x:-1;y:-1
            if (point.x > 20)
                CreateWorldMapCell(+1, -1, ActiveMapCell, position);
                //Debug.Log("loading +1 -1");
                //load cell x:+1;y:-1