Esempio n. 1
    public GameObject[] setRandomRegion(int difficulty)
        currentRegion = (MapHelper.Region)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 4);
        float difficultyMultiplier = difficultyResourceModifier * difficulty;

        GameObject[] currentTileSet = null;

        if (currentRegion == MapHelper.Region.Forest)
            currentTileSet        = forestTiles;
            currentResourceChance = forestResourceChance - difficultyMultiplier;
        else if (currentRegion == MapHelper.Region.Desert)
            currentTileSet        = desertTiles;
            currentResourceChance = desertResourceChance - difficultyMultiplier;
        else if (currentRegion == MapHelper.Region.City)
            currentTileSet        = cityTiles;
            currentResourceChance = cityResourceChance - difficultyMultiplier;
        else if (currentRegion == MapHelper.Region.Neon)
            currentTileSet        = neonTiles;
            currentResourceChance = neonResourceChance - difficultyMultiplier;

Esempio n. 2
    public void GenerateMap(out Vector3 startPoint, out Vector3 endPoint)
        //currentMap = GetComponent<Tilemap>();

        int totalTileNum = UnityEngine.Random.Range(totalTileMin, totalTileMax);

         * //create starting region
         * int startX = mapWidth + (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) * 2 - 1);
         * if (startX > mapWidth)
         * {
         *  startX = startX - mapWidth;
         * }
         * int startY = mapLength + (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) * 2 - 1);
         * if (startY > mapLength)
         * {
         *  startY = startY - mapLength;
         * }
         * startX = 0;
         * startY = 0;
         * Vector2 startpos = new Vector2(startX, startY);

        //todo - always start with start spawn piece

        currentRegion = MapHelper.Region.Forest;//(MapHelper.Region)Random.Range(0, 3);

        GameObject[] currentTileSet = setRandomRegion(0);

        GameObject     currentTile            = currentTileSet[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, currentTileSet.Length)];
        Tilemap        prefabTilemap          = currentTile.GetComponent <Tilemap>();
        List <Locator> previousRegionLocators = new List <Locator>();

        print("add first tile");
        CopyTiles(currentMap, prefabTilemap, 0, 0);
        previousRegionLocators.AddRange(prefabTilemap.GetComponent <TileStats>().locators);
        Locator startLocator = previousRegionLocators[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, previousRegionLocators.Count)];

        startPoint = currentMap.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int((int)startLocator.location.x, (int)startLocator.location.y, 0));

        for (int i = 0; i < previousRegionLocators.Count; i++)
            Locator temp = previousRegionLocators[i];
            temp.difficulty           = 0;
            previousRegionLocators[i] = temp;

        print("add first region");
        GenerateRegion(previousRegionLocators, out previousRegionLocators);
        //print("locator list count: " + prefabTilemap.GetComponent<TileStats>().locators.Count);
        //print("locator count: " + openLocators.Count);

        while (tileNum < totalTileNum)
            GenerateRegion(previousRegionLocators, out previousRegionLocators);

        List <Locator> endPointLocators = new List <Locator>();

        endPoint = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        //mark end point location
        foreach (Locator l in previousRegionLocators)
            if (l.difficulty >= 4)

        if (endPointLocators.Count <= 0)
            Debug.LogError("no endpoint found");

        Locator endPointLocator = endPointLocators[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, endPointLocators.Count)];

        endPoint = currentMap.CellToWorld(new Vector3Int((int)endPointLocator.location.x, (int)endPointLocator.location.y, 0));

        //CopyTiles(currentMap, prefabTilemap, 5, 0);

        //check if tile has resource

        //grid, instead of simplifying 2,1, use actual tile numbers - 21, 67, then i have exact offset of each til
        //can calculate fitting
        //e.g. tile at x:25-53 are filled with one prefab, next prefab can start at 54
        //bool filled, bool locator if open locator
        //on generate region - copy tile over immediately, fill out helper grid values, don't keep reference to prefab?
        //only really need filled/open locator values
        //on fill tile, check if surrounding tile is locator, if so, remove open locator
        //set of open locator, closed locator

        //for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++)
        //for (int y = 0; y < mapLength; y++)

        //check region type of tile to connect with
        //starting region always minimum size (length + width?)

        //on creating new region
        //create random number of region size
        //assign difficulty number based on connecting square
        //if region changes, difficulty + 1
        //if region same, same difficulty
        //given random number, generate number of resources tiles
        //percent + noise

        //note adjust add tile frequency based on how initial maps turn out
        //what if each tile has approx size attached?
        //e.g. [2,1] or [5,2]
        //helper script object
        //holds region type
        //region tile number
        //resource number
        //array of tile size
        //holds prefabs of which tiles, and position start of tiles?
        //calculate based on locator connection, tag match, positional offset of locator
        //tile 0
        //pick random connector
        //add matching tile
        //assign tile location
        //add to list
        //set tile 0 locator as filled, + index of filling tile
        //set tile 1 locator as filled, + index of filling tile
        //back to tile 0
        //random locator not filled
        //roll if add tile
        //fill if roll passed
        //set as filled without prefab if roll failed
        //if all connectors filled, go to next index tile
        //repeat until region filled
        //if last index of tile filled without meeting region number requirements
        //rand index # of array range
        //pick a filled locator without a prefab
        //add tile
        //repeat until quota filled
        //roll for chance of resource tile
        //percent different based on difficulty
        //different pool of region tiles if resource tile
        //change region type
        //update difficulty
        //make random # of region tiles
        //pick random existing tile
        //pick random number of array
        //pick random direction
        //move in tile direction until i hit something that isn't populated
        //check to see there's at least a 3x3 grid of open space
        //start filling in from the first tile
        //for locator checks
        //when random locator chosen, check the corresponding grid tile
        //make sure no prefab already exists, if exist then assign to that locator

        //fill in large grid tracker as tiles are populated
        //for each region made, add region size to total size tracker
        //total size also random
        //when total size >= size set
        //make new tilemap, copy paste tiles based on grid location, and tile location inside prefab
        //overwrite tiles already existing
        //use helper function to ensure correct sprite

        //add props/exit

        //fake array grid with max side ranges, e.g. max 100 pieces, then 100x100
        //pick random grid to start from from an area near the edge
        //grid numbers e.g. 50,3, with reference to the tile that makes up the area

        //exit - find all tiles >= a given distance from entrance
        //pick random tile

        //helper script for replacing tile types
        //check all tiles around it, check all tiles about to be around it from prefab?
        //change sprite depending on which side(s) are free

        //create random array (2d?) of which tile type
        //e.g. [[1,2,3],[2,4],[,8,1]]
        //choose random tile
        //characteristics of tile kept in public script?
        //e.g. [north, pond], [east]
        //along with which instance is attached to it
        //choose random direction of existing connectors
        //get direction connection requirements based on tags?
        //add random tile fulfilling requirements based on tag
        //add to total # of tiles in region
        //roll random number of if next connector gets a connection

        //the smaller the number of region type in group, the more likely the connecting tile is same region
        //starting region difficulty 1