Esempio n. 1
    public static List <TiledMapLayer> BuildLayers(MapData2D map, TilesetData tileset, ref int nextLayerId)
        var underlayId = nextLayerId++;
        var overlayId  = nextLayerId++;

                Id = underlayId,
                Name = LayerName.Underlay,
                Width = map.Width,
                Height = map.Height,
                Data = new LayerData {
                    Encoding = "csv", Content = BuildCsvData(map, tileset, false)
                Id = overlayId,
                Name = LayerName.Overlay,
                Width = map.Width,
                Height = map.Height,
                Data = new LayerData {
                    Encoding = "csv", Content = BuildCsvData(map, tileset, true)
Esempio n. 2
        void Write(BaseMapData existing, AssetInfo info, ISerializer s)
            (byte[] bytes, string script) = existing switch
                MapData2D map2d => Write2D(map2d, info),
                MapData3D map3d => Write3D(map3d, info),
                _ => (null, null)

            if (bytes != null)
                s.Bytes(null, bytes, bytes.Length);

            var disk          = Resolve <IFileSystem>();
            var scriptPattern = info.Get(AssetProperty.ScriptPattern, "");

            if (script == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptPattern))

            // TODO: Find a less hacky way of doing this
            var scriptPath = info.BuildFilename(scriptPattern, 0);
            var assetDir   = GetAssetDir(info);

            if (!disk.DirectoryExists(assetDir))
            disk.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(assetDir, scriptPath), script);
Esempio n. 3
        public MapRenderable2D(MapData2D mapData, ITexture tileset, TilesetData tileData) : base(Handlers)
            _mapData  = mapData;
            _tileset  = tileset;
            _tileData = tileData;
            _tileset.GetSubImageDetails(0, out var tileSize, out _, out _, out _);
            TileSize = tileSize;

            var underlay = new SpriteInstanceData[_mapData.Width * _mapData.Height];
            var overlay  = new SpriteInstanceData[_mapData.Width * _mapData.Height];

            _underlay = new MultiSprite(new SpriteKey(
                Instances = underlay.ToArray()

            _overlay = new MultiSprite(new SpriteKey(
                Instances = overlay.ToArray()
Esempio n. 4
        static IEnumerable <ObjectGroup> BuildTriggers(
            MapData2D map,
            TilemapProperties properties,
            EventFormatter eventFormatter,
            ref int nextObjectGroupId,
            ref int nextObjectId)
            var objectGroups = new List <ObjectGroup>();

            var regions = TriggerZoneBuilder.BuildZones(map);
            var groupedByTriggerType = regions
                                       .Where(x => x.Item1.Chain != null)
                                       .GroupBy(x => x.Item1.Trigger)
                                       .OrderBy(x => x.Key);

            foreach (var triggerType in groupedByTriggerType)
                                     ref nextObjectId));

Esempio n. 5
        public LogicalMap2D(IAssetManager assetManager, MapData2D mapData,
                            IList <MapChange> tempChanges,
                            IList <MapChange> permChanges)
            _mapData        = mapData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapData));
            _tempChanges    = tempChanges ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tempChanges));
            _permChanges    = permChanges ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(permChanges));
            _tileData       = assetManager.LoadTileData(_mapData.TilesetId);
            _blockList      = assetManager.LoadBlockList((BlockListId)_mapData.TilesetId); // Note: Assuming a 1:1 correspondence between blocklist and tileset ids.
            UseSmallSprites = _tileData.UseSmallGraphics;

            // Clear out temp changes for other maps
            for (int i = 0; i < tempChanges.Count;)
                if (_tempChanges[i].MapId != mapData.Id)

            // Replay any changes for this map
            foreach (var change in permChanges.Where(x => x.MapId == mapData.Id))
                ApplyChange(change.X, change.Y, change.ChangeType, change.Value, change.Unk3);

            foreach (var change in tempChanges)
                ApplyChange(change.X, change.Y, change.ChangeType, change.Value, change.Unk3);
Esempio n. 6
 public MapRenderable2D(MapData2D mapData, ITexture tileset, TilesetData tileData) : base(Handlers)
     _mapData  = mapData;
     _tileset  = tileset;
     _tileData = tileData;
     _tileset.GetSubImageDetails(0, out var tileSize, out _, out _, out _);
     TileSize = tileSize;
Esempio n. 7
        public static (Map, string) FromAlbionMap2D(
            MapData2D map,
            TilesetData tileset,
            Tilemap2DProperties properties,
            string tilesetPath,
            Tileset npcTileset,
            EventFormatter eventFormatter)
            if (map == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(map));
            if (tileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileset));
            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties));
            if (npcTileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(npcTileset));

            ushort blankTileIndex = 0;
            int    nextObjectId   = 1;
            int    nextLayerId    = 3; // 1 & 2 are always underlay & overlay.

            npcTileset.GidOffset            = tileset.Tiles.Count;
            var(script, functionsByEventId) = BuildScript(map, eventFormatter);

            var result = new Map
                TiledVersion    = "1.4.2",
                Version         = "1.4",
                Width           = map.Width,
                Height          = map.Height,
                TileWidth       = properties.TileWidth,
                TileHeight      = properties.TileHeight,
                Infinite        = 0,
                NextLayerId     = 5, // max(layer or objectgroup id) + 1
                Orientation     = "orthogonal",
                RenderOrder     = "right-down",
                BackgroundColor = "#000000",
                Properties      = BuildMapProperties(map),
                Tilesets        = new List <MapTileset>
                    new() { FirstGid = 0, Source = tilesetPath, },
                    new() { FirstGid = npcTileset.GidOffset, Source = npcTileset.Filename }
Esempio n. 8
 public LogicalMap2D(
     IAssetManager assetManager,
     MapData2D mapData,
     MapChangeCollection tempChanges,
     MapChangeCollection permChanges) : base(mapData, tempChanges, permChanges)
     if (assetManager == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assetManager));
     _mapData        = mapData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapData));
     _tileData       = assetManager.LoadTileData(_mapData.TilesetId);
     _blockList      = assetManager.LoadBlockList(_mapData.TilesetId.ToBlockList());
     UseSmallSprites = _tileData.UseSmallGraphics;
Esempio n. 9
        public IMapData Serdes(IMapData existing, ISerializer s, AssetKey key, AssetInfo config)
            var startPosition = s.Offset;

            s.UInt16("DummyRead", 0); // Initial flags + npc count, will be re-read by the 2D/3D specific map loader
            MapType mapType = s.EnumU8(nameof(mapType), existing?.MapType ?? MapType.Unknown);


            return(mapType switch
                MapType.TwoD => MapData2D.Serdes((MapData2D)existing, s, config),
                MapType.TwoDOutdoors => MapData2D.Serdes((MapData2D)existing, s, config),
                MapType.ThreeD => MapData3D.Serdes((MapData3D)existing, s, config),
                _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Unrecognised map type {mapType} found.")
Esempio n. 10
        public FlatMap(MapId mapId, MapData2D mapData)
            On <PlayerEnteredTileEvent>(OnPlayerEnteredTile);
            On <NpcEnteredTileEvent>(OnNpcEnteredTile);
            On <ChangeIconEvent>(ChangeIcon);
            On <MapInitEvent>(e => FireEventChains(TriggerTypes.MapInit, true));
            On <SlowClockEvent>(e => FireEventChains(TriggerTypes.EveryStep, false));
            On <HourElapsedEvent>(e => FireEventChains(TriggerTypes.EveryHour, true));
            On <DayElapsedEvent>(e => FireEventChains(TriggerTypes.EveryDay, true));
            On <DisableEventChainEvent>(e => _logicalMap.DisableChain(e.ChainNumber));
            On <PartyChangedEvent>(e => RebuildPartyMembers());
            // On<UnloadMapEvent>(e => Unload());

            MapId    = mapId;
            _mapData = mapData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapData));
Esempio n. 11
        public object Load(BinaryReader br, long streamLength, string name, AssetInfo config)
            var startPosition = br.BaseStream.Position;

            br.ReadUInt16(); // Initial flags + npc count, will be re-read by the 2D/3D specific map loader
            int mapType = br.ReadByte();

            br.BaseStream.Position = startPosition;
            switch (mapType)
            case 1: return(MapData3D.Load(br, streamLength, name));

            case 2: return(MapData2D.Load(br, streamLength, name));

            default: throw new NotImplementedException($"Unrecognised map type {mapType} found.");
Esempio n. 12
        IMap BuildMap(MapId mapId)
            var assets  = Resolve <IAssetManager>();
            var game    = Resolve <IGameState>();
            var mapData = assets.LoadMap(mapId);

            if (mapData == null)

            return(mapData switch
                MapData2D map2d => new Entities.Map2D.FlatMap(mapId, map2d),
                MapData3D map3d => new Entities.Map3D.DungeonMap(mapId, map3d),
                _ => null
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Subscribed()
            if (_mapData == null)
                var assets = Resolve <IAssetManager>();
                _mapData = assets.LoadMap2D(MapId);
                var tileset = assets.LoadTexture((IconGraphicsId)_mapData.TilesetId);
                _tileData        = assets.LoadTileData((IconDataId)_mapData.TilesetId);
                _renderable      = new MapRenderable2D(_mapData, tileset, _tileData);
                _useSmallSprites = _tileData.UseSmallGraphics;

                foreach (var npc in _mapData.Npcs)
                    IComponent sprite =
                            ? new SmallNpc((SmallNpcId)npc.ObjectNumber, npc.Waypoints) as IComponent
                            : new LargeNpc((LargeNpcId)npc.ObjectNumber, npc.Waypoints);


                IMovement partyMovement = new PartyMovement(_useSmallSprites, Vector2.Zero, PartyMovement.Direction.Right);  // TODO: Initial position.

                var state = Resolve <IGameState>();
                foreach (var player in state.Party.StatusBarOrder)
                    player.GetPosition = () => partyMovement.GetPositionHistory(player.Id).Item1;
                    var playerSprite = _useSmallSprites
                        ? (IComponent) new SmallPlayer(player.Id, (SmallPartyGraphicsId)player.Id, () => partyMovement.GetPositionHistory(player.Id)) // TODO: Use a function to translate logical to sprite id
                        : new LargePlayer(player.Id, (LargePartyGraphicsId)player.Id, () => partyMovement.GetPositionHistory(player.Id));             // TODO: Use a function to translate logical to sprite id


            Raise(new SetClearColourEvent(0, 0, 0));
Esempio n. 14
    static string BuildCsvData(MapData2D map, TilesetData tileset, bool useOverlay)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
                int index     = j * map.Width + i;
                var tileIndex = useOverlay ? map.Overlay[index] : map.Underlay[index];
                var tile      = tileset.Tiles[tileIndex];
                sb.Append(tile.IsBlank ? BlankTileIndex : tileIndex);

        return(sb.ToString(0, sb.Length - (Environment.NewLine.Length + 1)));
Esempio n. 15
    void Write(BaseMapData existing, AssetInfo info, ISerializer s)
        (byte[] bytes, string script) = existing switch
            MapData2D map2d => Write2D(map2d, info),
            MapData3D map3d => Write3D(map3d, info),
            _ => (null, null)

        if (bytes != null)
            s.Bytes(null, bytes, bytes.Length);
            Warn($"No bytes were generated when saving map {info.Id}");

        if (script == null)
            Warn($"No script for map {info.Id}, aborting script output");

        var scriptPath = GetScriptFilename(info);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptPath))
            Warn($"No script path was set for map {info.Id}, aborting script output");

        var disk     = Resolve <IFileSystem>();
        var assetDir = GetAssetDir(info);

        if (!disk.DirectoryExists(assetDir))
        disk.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(assetDir, scriptPath), script);
Esempio n. 16
        public LogicalMap2D(
            IAssetManager assetManager,
            MapData2D mapData,
            MapChangeCollection tempChanges,
            MapChangeCollection permChanges)
            if (assetManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assetManager));
            _mapData        = mapData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapData));
            _tempChanges    = tempChanges ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tempChanges));
            _permChanges    = permChanges ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(permChanges));
            _tileData       = assetManager.LoadTileData(_mapData.TilesetId);
            _blockList      = assetManager.LoadBlockList(_mapData.TilesetId.ToBlockList());
            UseSmallSprites = _tileData.UseSmallGraphics;

            // Clear out temp changes for other maps
            for (int i = 0; i < tempChanges.Count;)
                if (_tempChanges[i].MapId != mapData.Id)

            // Replay any changes for this map
            foreach (var change in permChanges.Where(x => x.MapId == mapData.Id))
                ApplyChange(change.X, change.Y, change.ChangeType, change.Value);

            foreach (var change in tempChanges)
                ApplyChange(change.X, change.Y, change.ChangeType, change.Value);
Esempio n. 17
        IMap BuildMap(MapId mapId)
            var assets  = Resolve <IAssetManager>();
            var game    = Resolve <IGameState>();
            var mapData = assets.LoadMap(mapId);

            if (mapData == null)

                x => game.GetSheet(x),
                x => assets.LoadEventSet(x));

            return(mapData switch
                MapData2D map2d => new Entities.Map2D.FlatMap(mapId, map2d),
                MapData3D map3d => new Entities.Map3D.DungeonMap(mapId, map3d),
                _ => null
Esempio n. 18
 public FlatMapEditor(string name, MapData2D map) : base(map)
     _name = name;
     _map  = map ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(map));
Esempio n. 19
    public static (Map, string) FromAlbionMap2D(
        MapData2D map,
        TilesetData tileset,
        Tilemap2DProperties properties,
        string tilesetPath,
        Tileset npcTileset,
        EventFormatter eventFormatter)
        if (map == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(map));
        if (tileset == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileset));
        if (properties == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties));
        if (npcTileset == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(npcTileset));

        int npcGidOffset = tileset.Tiles.Count;

        var(script, functionsByEventId) = BuildScript(map, eventFormatter);

        (int?tileId, int w, int h) GetNpcTileInfo(AssetId id)
            var assetName = id.ToString();
            var tile      = npcTileset.Tiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == NpcMapping.Prop.Visual && p.Value == assetName));

                tile?.Id + npcGidOffset ?? 0,
                tile?.Image.Width ?? properties.TileWidth,
                tile?.Image.Height ?? properties.TileHeight);

        int nextObjectId = 1;
        int nextLayerId  = 1;

        var result = new Map
            TiledVersion    = "1.4.2",
            Version         = "1.4",
            Width           = map.Width,
            Height          = map.Height,
            TileWidth       = properties.TileWidth,
            TileHeight      = properties.TileHeight,
            Infinite        = 0,
            Orientation     = "orthogonal",
            RenderOrder     = "right-down",
            BackgroundColor = "#000000",
            Properties      = MapMapping.BuildMapProperties(map),
            Tilesets        = new List <MapTileset>
                new() { FirstGid = 0, Source = tilesetPath, },
                new() { FirstGid = npcGidOffset, Source = npcTileset.Filename }
Esempio n. 20
        public static Map FromAlbionMap(
            MapData2D map,
            TilesetData tileset,
            TilemapProperties properties,
            string tilesetPath,
            Tileset npcTileset,
            EventFormatter eventFormatter)
            if (map == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(map));
            if (tileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tileset));
            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties));
            if (npcTileset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(npcTileset));

            ushort blankTileIndex    = (ushort)(tileset.Tiles.Max(x => x.ImageNumber + x.FrameCount - 1) + 1);
            int    nextObjectId      = 1;
            int    nextObjectGroupId = 3; // 1 & 2 are always underlay & overlay.

            npcTileset.GidOffset = tileset.Tiles.Count + 1;

            return(new Map
                TiledVersion = "1.4.2",
                Version = "1.4",
                Width = map.Width,
                Height = map.Height,
                TileWidth = properties.TileWidth,
                TileHeight = properties.TileHeight,
                Infinite = 0,
                NextLayerId = 5, // max(layer or objectgroup id) + 1
                NextObjectId = 1,
                Orientation = "orthogonal",
                RenderOrder = "right-down",
                BackgroundColor = "#000000",
                Tilesets = new List <MapTileset>
                    new MapTileset {
                        FirstGid = 1, Source = tilesetPath,
                    new MapTileset {
                        FirstGid = npcTileset.GidOffset, Source = npcTileset.Filename
                Layers = new List <MapLayer> {
                    new MapLayer
                        Id = 1,
                        Name = "Underlay",
                        Width = map.Width,
                        Height = map.Height,
                        Data = new LayerData {
                            Encoding = "csv", Content = BuildCsvData(map, tileset, false, blankTileIndex)
                    new MapLayer
                        Id = 2,
                        Name = "Overlay",
                        Width = map.Width,
                        Height = map.Height,
                        Data = new LayerData {
                            Encoding = "csv", Content = BuildCsvData(map, tileset, true, blankTileIndex)
                ObjectGroups = new[] {
                    BuildTriggers(map, properties, eventFormatter, ref nextObjectGroupId, ref nextObjectId),
                    BuildNpcs(map, properties, eventFormatter, npcTileset, ref nextObjectGroupId, ref nextObjectId)
                }.SelectMany(x => x).ToList()
Esempio n. 21
    public static BaseMapData ToAlbion(this Map map, AssetInfo info, string script)
        if (map == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(map));
        if (info == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info));

        // Check width/height <= 255
        if (map.Width > 255)
            throw new FormatException($"Map widths above 255 are not currently supported (was {map.Width})");
        if (map.Height > 255)
            throw new FormatException($"Map heights above 255 are not currently supported (was {map.Height})");

        bool is3d        = map.Orientation == "isometric";
        var  mapId       = (MapId)info.AssetId;
        var  eventLayout = AlbionCompiler.Compile(script, mapId.ToMapText());

        List <TriggerInfo>  triggers    = new();
        List <MapNpc>       npcs        = new();
        List <MapEventZone> zones       = new();
        List <AutomapInfo>  markers     = new();
        List <byte>         markerTiles = new();

            info, map,
            is3d ? map.TileHeight : map.TileWidth,
            eventLayout, triggers, npcs, zones,
            markers, markerTiles);

        var paletteId = MapperUtil.PropId(map, MapMapping.Prop.Palette, true);

        BaseMapData albionMap;

        if (is3d)
            var labId = MapperUtil.PropId(map, MapMapping.Prop.Labyrinth, true);
            var map3d = new MapData3D(info.AssetId, paletteId, labId, (byte)map.Width, (byte)map.Height, eventLayout.Events, eventLayout.Chains, npcs, zones);
            LayerMapping3D.ReadLayers(map3d, map.Layers);

            for (int i = 0; i < markerTiles.Count; i++)
                map3d.AutomapGraphics[i] = markerTiles[i];


            albionMap = map3d;
            var tilesetId = MapperUtil.PropId(map, MapMapping.Prop.Tileset, true);
            albionMap = new MapData2D(info.AssetId, paletteId, tilesetId, (byte)map.Width, (byte)map.Height, eventLayout.Events, eventLayout.Chains, npcs, zones)
                RawLayout = LayerMapping2D.ReadLayout(map)

        MapMapping.ReadMapProperties(albionMap, map);