// populates the home tab
        private void PopulateHomeTab(JObject result)
            //set the logo
            Logo.Source        = Utils.GetRestaurantField(result, "LogoUrl");
            Logo.WidthRequest  = Application.Current.MainPage.Height / 8;
            Logo.HeightRequest = Application.Current.MainPage.Height / 8;

            NameLabel.Text     = Utils.GetRestaurantField(result, "Name");
            CuisinesLabel.Text = Utils.GetRestaurantField(result, "CuisineTypes");

            //set the price range of that restuarant
            int price = 0;

            if (result["PricePoint"].Type != JTokenType.Null)
                price = Int32.Parse(result["PricePoint"].ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            PriceLabel.Text = Utils.GetRestaurantField(result, "PricePoint", "£", price);

            HomeStars.Value       = Convert.ToDouble(Utils.GetRestaurantField(result, "AverageReviewScore"));
            DescriptionLabel.Text = Utils.GetRestaurantField(consumer, "ShortDescription");

            //set functionality of clicking the ViewMore button on the HomePage
            var viewMoreTap = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            viewMoreTap.Tapped += async(s, e) =>
                await Navigation.PushPopupAsync(new AboutPopup(Utils.GetRestaurantField(consumer, "Description")));

            OpeningInformationLabel.Text = Utils.GetRestaurantField(consumer, "OpeningInformation").Replace("<br/>", Environment.NewLine);

            //Set the Social Media of each restaurant
            if (consumer["SocialNetworks"].Type == JTokenType.Null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumer["SocialNetworks"].ToString()))
                SocialMediaLabel.IsVisible = true;
                SocialMediaLabel.Text      = "No social media";
            else if (consumer["SocialNetworks"] is JArray)
                JToken[] arr    = consumer["SocialNetworks"].ToArray();
                int      column = 0;

                foreach (var a in arr)
                    //create a button for each social media platform - to link to it
                    Button button = new Button
                        Text              = a["Type"].ToString(),
                        Margin            = new Thickness(15, 10, 0, 0),
                        TextColor         = Color.FromHex("#11a0dc"),
                        FontSize          = 12,
                        CornerRadius      = 18,
                        BorderWidth       = 2,
                        BorderColor       = Color.FromHex("#11a0dc"),
                        VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.Start,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
                    button.SetDynamicResource(Button.BackgroundColorProperty, "BarBackgroundColor");
                    HomeGrid.Children.Add(button, column, 15);

                    button.Clicked += async(sender, args) => await Browser.OpenAsync(a["Url"].ToString(), BrowserLaunchMode.SystemPreferred);

            //set up the maps for the application
            double latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(result["Latitude"].ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            double longitude = Convert.ToDouble(result["Longitude"].ToString(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            string name      = result["Name"].ToString();

            //add a pin for the current restaurant
            var pin = new Pin()
                Position = new Position(latitude, longitude),
                Label    = name,

            MapArea.MoveToRegion(new MapSpan(new Position(latitude, longitude), 0.01, 0.01));

            // open up directions to restaurant in map app when map area is clicked
            MapArea.MapClicked += async(object sender, MapClickedEventArgs e) =>
                await Xamarin.Essentials.Map.OpenAsync(
                    new Location(latitude, longitude),
                    new MapLaunchOptions { Name = name, NavigationMode = NavigationMode.Default }