Esempio n. 1
        // // End SetInitialPowerVector(double[][] TobeSet)

        //  Calculate Matrix Global Vector product storing as a distributed vector
        public static void FindTraceandNorm(double[][,] MatrixDiagonals, double[][] GlobalxVector,
                                            ref double Trace, ref double Norm)
            Trace = 0.0;
            Norm  = 0.0;
            var FindTrace = new GlobalReductions.FindDoubleSum(SALSAUtility.ThreadCount);
            var FindNorm  = new GlobalReductions.FindDoubleMax(SALSAUtility.ThreadCount);

            Parallel.For(0, SALSAUtility.ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism, SALSAUtility.ParallelOptions,
                         (ThreadNo) =>
//	Start Code to calculate Trace and Norm
                double LocalTrace = 0.0;
                double LocalNorm  = 0.0;
                double WeightFunction1, WeightFunction2;

                int indexlen   = SALSAUtility.PointsperThread[ThreadNo];
                int beginpoint = SALSAUtility.StartPointperThread[ThreadNo] -
                for (int LongIndex1 = beginpoint; LongIndex1 < indexlen + beginpoint; LongIndex1++)
                    int GlobalIndex1 = LongIndex1 + SALSAUtility.PointStart_Process;
                    for (int LocalVectorIndex1 = 0;
                         LocalVectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension;
                        if (Hotsun.FixedParameter[GlobalIndex1][LocalVectorIndex1])

                        double RowNorm = 0.0;
                        for (int GlobalIndex2 = 0;
                             GlobalIndex2 < SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global;
                            if (
                                !ManxcatMDS.SetChisqWeights(GlobalIndex1, GlobalIndex2,
                                                            out WeightFunction1, out WeightFunction2))

                            double DistanceFudge1  = 1.0;
                            double DistanceFudge2  = 1.0;
                            double SquaredDistance = 0.0;
                            double funcl           = 0.0;
                            if (GlobalIndex1 != GlobalIndex2)
                                for (int LocalVectorIndex2 = 0;
                                     LocalVectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension;
                                    double tmp1 = GlobalxVector[GlobalIndex1][LocalVectorIndex2] -
                                    SquaredDistance += tmp1 * tmp1;
                                double ActualDistance = SquaredDistance;
                                if (UserRoutines.DistanceFormula == 1)
                                    SquaredDistance += UserRoutines.SQUAREMinimumDistance;
                                    ActualDistance   = Math.Sqrt(SquaredDistance);
                                    DistanceFudge1   = 0.5 / ActualDistance;
                                    DistanceFudge2   = DistanceFudge1 / SquaredDistance;
                                funcl = WeightFunction1 - WeightFunction2 * ActualDistance;
                            for (int LocalVectorIndex2 = 0;
                                 LocalVectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension;
                                if (Hotsun.FixedParameter[GlobalIndex2][LocalVectorIndex2])
                                double MatrixElement;
                                if (GlobalIndex1 == GlobalIndex2)
                                    // Diagonal Term
                                    MatrixElement =
                                            LocalVectorIndex1, LocalVectorIndex2];
                                    if (Hotsun.UseDiagonalScaling)
                                        MatrixElement *=
                                            Hotsun.sqdginv[GlobalIndex1][LocalVectorIndex1] *
                                    if (Hotsun.AddMarquardtQDynamically &&
                                        (LocalVectorIndex1 == LocalVectorIndex2))
                                        MatrixElement += Hotsun.Q;
                                    if (LocalVectorIndex1 == LocalVectorIndex2)
                                        LocalTrace += Math.Abs(MatrixElement);
                                    // Off Diagonal Term
                                    double correction         = 0.0;
                                    double VectorCrossProduct =
                                        (GlobalxVector[GlobalIndex1][LocalVectorIndex1] -
                                        (GlobalxVector[GlobalIndex1][LocalVectorIndex2] -
                                    MatrixElement = -8.0 * VectorCrossProduct * DistanceFudge1 *
                                                    DistanceFudge1 * WeightFunction2 * WeightFunction2;
                                    if (Hotsun.FullSecondDerivative)
                                        if ((UserRoutines.DistanceFormula == 2) &&
                                            (LocalVectorIndex1 == LocalVectorIndex2))
                                            correction = 4.0 * funcl * WeightFunction2;
                                        if ((UserRoutines.DistanceFormula == 1) &&
                                            (LocalVectorIndex1 == LocalVectorIndex2))
                                            correction = 4.0 * funcl * WeightFunction2 * DistanceFudge1;
                                        if (UserRoutines.DistanceFormula == 1)
                                            correction += -4.0 * funcl * VectorCrossProduct *
                                                          WeightFunction2 * DistanceFudge2;
                                        MatrixElement += correction;
                                    if (Hotsun.UseDiagonalScaling)
                                        MatrixElement *=
                                            Hotsun.sqdginv[GlobalIndex1][LocalVectorIndex1] *
                                RowNorm += Math.Abs(MatrixElement);
                            }              // End Loop over LocalVectorIndex2
                        }                  // End loop over GlobalIndex2

                        if (LocalNorm < RowNorm)
                            LocalNorm = RowNorm;
                    }              //  End Loop over LocalVectorIndex1
                }                  //  // End loop over LongIndex1

                FindTrace.addapoint(ThreadNo, LocalTrace);
                FindNorm.addapoint(ThreadNo, LocalNorm);
            });                  // End loop over Point dependent quantities


            Trace = FindTrace.Total;
            Norm  = FindNorm.TotalMax;
Esempio n. 2
        // End  UpdateManxcatMDS_Option12()

        public static void UpdateManxcatMDS_Option12_Functions(bool statistics)
            //  Setup weight: Only used in statistics
            var weights = new double[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];

            ManxcatMDS.WeightingOption = ManxcatCentral.Configuration.WeightingOption;
            string TypicalMDSFileName = "";

            //  Setup MDS: Only used in statistics
            var MDSPoints = new double[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global, Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension];

            if (statistics)
                // Set up statistics by reading MDS file
                TypicalMDSFileName = ManxcatCentral.ResultDirectoryName + "\\SIMPLE" +

                if (!File.Exists(TypicalMDSFileName))
                    Exception e = SALSAUtility.SALSAError(" File " + TypicalMDSFileName + " Does Not Exist");

                    throw (e);

                int NumberMDSPoints  = 0;
                var InitialMDSString = new string[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];
                var ColorValue       = new int[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];

                if (ReadMDSCluster_File(TypicalMDSFileName, InitialMDSString, ColorValue, ref NumberMDSPoints))
                    SALSAUtility.SALSAPrint(0, "MDS File " + TypicalMDSFileName + " Read Successfully");

                for (int PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global; PointIndex++)
                    // Extract MDS POints
                    string   inputLineStr = InitialMDSString[PointIndex].Trim();
                    string[] split        = inputLineStr.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (split.Length < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension)
                        Exception e =
                            SALSAUtility.SALSAError(" Point " + PointIndex.ToString() + " has wrong number of Entries "
                                                    + inputLineStr + " Entries" + split.Length);

                        throw (e);

                    for (int VectorIndex = 0; VectorIndex < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex++)
                        MDSPoints[PointIndex, VectorIndex] = Convert.ToDouble(split[VectorIndex].Trim());
            } // End set up of Statistics

            //  Set Mapping
            var ClusterLabel  = new int[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];
            int NumDivisions  = 10;
            int BasicSize     = SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global / NumDivisions;
            int LeftOver      = SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global - BasicSize * NumDivisions;
            int DivisionCount = 0;
            int Limit         = 0;

            for (int PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global; PointIndex++)
                if (PointIndex >= Limit)
                    Limit += BasicSize;

                    if (LeftOver >= DivisionCount)
                ClusterLabel[PointIndex] = DivisionCount;

            String FunctionFileName = ManxcatCentral.Configuration.ConversionInformation;

            if (!FunctionFileName.Contains(":"))
                FunctionFileName = ManxcatCentral.Configuration.ControlDirectoryName + "\\" + FunctionFileName;

            var functionkeys   = new double[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];
            var functionlabels = new int[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];

            int pickout = -1;

            while (true)
                bool   endofdata      = true;
                int    NumberofLines  = 0;
                double sumabs         = 0.0;
                double totalweight    = 0.0;
                double meangamma      = 0.0;
                double vargamma       = 0.0;
                var    meanxyz        = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension];
                var    varxyz         = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension, Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension];
                var    correlxyzgamma = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension];

                if (statistics)
                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        meanxyz[VectorIndex1] = 0.0;

                        for (int VectorIndex2 = 0; VectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex2++)
                            varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2] = 0.0;
                        correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1] = 0.0;

                    // Check if file exists
                    if (!File.Exists(FunctionFileName))
                        Exception e = SALSAUtility.SALSAError("File " + FunctionFileName + " does not exists.");

                        throw (e);

                    // Create a new stream to read from a file
                    using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(FunctionFileName))
                        // Read contents of a file, line by line, into a string
                        String inputLineStr;

                        while ((inputLineStr = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            inputLineStr = inputLineStr.Trim();
                            string[] split = inputLineStr.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            if (split.Length <= pickout)
                            endofdata = false;
                            string usethis = split[pickout].Trim();

                            if (usethis.Length < 1)
                                continue; //replace empty line
                            double gamma = Convert.ToDouble(usethis);
                            functionkeys[NumberofLines]   = gamma;
                            functionlabels[NumberofLines] = NumberofLines;
                            sumabs += Math.Abs(gamma);

                            if (statistics)
                                double wgt = weights[NumberofLines];
                                meangamma   += gamma * wgt;
                                vargamma    += wgt * gamma * gamma;
                                totalweight += wgt;

                                for (int VectorIndex1 = 0;
                                     VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension;
                                    meanxyz[VectorIndex1]        += MDSPoints[NumberofLines, VectorIndex1] * wgt;
                                    correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1] += MDSPoints[NumberofLines, VectorIndex1] * gamma * wgt;

                                    for (int VectorIndex2 = 0;
                                         VectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension;
                                        varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2] += MDSPoints[NumberofLines, VectorIndex1] *
                                                                              MDSPoints[NumberofLines, VectorIndex2] * wgt;
                catch (Exception e)
                    SALSAUtility.SALSAError("Failed to read data from " + FunctionFileName + " " + e);

                    throw (e);

                if (endofdata)

                if (NumberofLines != SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global)
                    SALSAUtility.SALSAError("Incorrect Function count read "
                                            + NumberofLines + " Expected " + SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global);

                // Set Statistics
                if (statistics)
                    var    alpha     = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension];
                    double alphanorm = 0.0;
                    meangamma = meangamma / totalweight;
                    vargamma  = (vargamma / totalweight) - meangamma * meangamma;

                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        meanxyz[VectorIndex1] = meanxyz[VectorIndex1] / totalweight;

                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        for (int VectorIndex2 = 0; VectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex2++)
                            varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2] = (varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2] / totalweight) -
                                                                 meanxyz[VectorIndex1] * meanxyz[VectorIndex2];
                        correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1] = correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1] / totalweight -
                                                       meangamma * meanxyz[VectorIndex1];
                        alpha[VectorIndex1] = correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1] / varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex1];
                        alphanorm          += alpha[VectorIndex1] * alpha[VectorIndex1];

                    // invert Matrix to find best alpha
                    var ConventionalFirst  = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension, 1];
                    var ConventionalAnswer = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension][];
                    var ConventionalMatrix = new double[Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension, Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension];

                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        ConventionalAnswer[VectorIndex1]   = new double[1];
                        ConventionalFirst[VectorIndex1, 0] = correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1] /
                                                             Math.Sqrt(varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex1]);

                        for (int VectorIndex2 = 0; VectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex2++)
                            ConventionalMatrix[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2] = varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2] /
                                varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex1] *
                                varxyz[VectorIndex2, VectorIndex2]);
                    LMatrix cMatrix       = LMatrix.Create(ConventionalMatrix);
                    LMatrix RightHandSide = LMatrix.Create(ConventionalFirst);
                    LMatrix MatrixAnswer  = cMatrix.Solve(RightHandSide);
                    ConventionalAnswer = MatrixAnswer;

                    alphanorm = 0.0;

                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        alpha[VectorIndex1] = ConventionalAnswer[VectorIndex1][0] /
                                              Math.Sqrt(varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex1]);
                        alphanorm += alpha[VectorIndex1] * alpha[VectorIndex1];

                    double Fullcorrelation = 0.0;
                    double varalphaxyz     = 0.0;

                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        alpha[VectorIndex1] = alpha[VectorIndex1] / Math.Sqrt(alphanorm);
                        Fullcorrelation    += alpha[VectorIndex1] * correlxyzgamma[VectorIndex1];

                    for (int VectorIndex1 = 0; VectorIndex1 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex1++)
                        for (int VectorIndex2 = 0; VectorIndex2 < Hotsun.ParameterVectorDimension; VectorIndex2++)
                            varalphaxyz += alpha[VectorIndex1] * alpha[VectorIndex2] * varxyz[VectorIndex1, VectorIndex2];
                    Console.WriteLine(varalphaxyz + " " + Fullcorrelation + " " + vargamma);
                    Fullcorrelation = Fullcorrelation / (Math.Sqrt(vargamma * varalphaxyz));
                    SALSAUtility.SALSAPrint(0, "Column "
                                            + pickout.ToString() + " File " + FunctionFileName + " MDS File " +
                                            TypicalMDSFileName +
                                            " Total Weight "
                                            + totalweight.ToString() + " Correlation " +
                                            Fullcorrelation.ToString("F4") + " Direction "
                                            + alpha[0].ToString("F4") + " " + alpha[1].ToString("F4") + " " +

                // Set Divisions
                Array.Sort(functionkeys, functionlabels);
                var PointColors = new int[SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global];

                for (int PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global; PointIndex++)
                    int UnsortedPosition = functionlabels[PointIndex];
                    PointColors[UnsortedPosition] = ClusterLabel[PointIndex];
                string OutputFileExtension = ManxcatCentral.Configuration.ConversionInformation;
                OutputFileExtension = OutputFileExtension.Replace(".dat", "");
                OutputFileExtension = OutputFileExtension.Replace(".txt", "");
                OutputFileExtension = OutputFileExtension + "-" + pickout.ToString() + ".txt";
                string labelFileDirectory = ManxcatCentral.Configuration.ClusterDirectory;
                // Directory for Colors attached to Points
                string OutputFileName = labelFileDirectory + "\\" + OutputFileExtension;
                WritePointCluster(OutputFileName, PointColors, SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global);

                double test = 0.1 * sumabs / NumberofLines;

                for (int PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global; PointIndex++)
                    int UnsortedPosition = functionlabels[PointIndex];

                    if (Math.Abs(functionkeys[UnsortedPosition]) < test)
                        PointColors[UnsortedPosition] = 0;

                OutputFileName = OutputFileName.Replace(".txt", "NZ.txt");
                WritePointCluster(OutputFileName, PointColors, SALSAUtility.PointCount_Global);
            } // End while over pickout (columns in data)