Esempio n. 1
 private async Task ManualTriggerBurstAsync(ManualTriggerService service, int count = 10)
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Manually trigger for a number of iterations (<paramref name="iterationCount"/>) and test
        /// that the actions are invoked for the number of expected iterations (<paramref name="expectedCount"/>) and
        /// are throttled for the remaining number of iterations.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task ManualTriggerAsync(
            ManualTriggerService triggerService,
            CallbackActionService callbackService,
            PipelineCallbacks callbacks,
            int iterationCount,
            int expectedCount,
            MockSystemClock clock,
            TimeSpan clockIncrementDuration,
            bool completesOnLastExpectedIteration,
            CancellationToken token)
            if (iterationCount < expectedCount)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of iterations must be greater than or equal to number of expected iterations.");

            int  iteration = 0;
            Task actionStartedTask;
            Task actionsThrottledTask = callbacks.StartWaitForActionsThrottled();

            // Test that the actions are run for each iteration where the actions are expected to run.
            while (iteration < expectedCount)

                TaskCompletionSource <object> startedSource = new(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
                EventHandler startedHandler = (s, e) => startedSource.TrySetResult(null);
                using var _ = token.Register(() => startedSource.TrySetCanceled(token));

                actionStartedTask = await callbackService.StartWaitForCallbackAsync(token);

                triggerService.NotifyStarted += startedHandler;

                // Manually invoke the trigger.

                // Wait until action has started.
                await actionStartedTask.WithCancellation(token);

                // If the pipeline completes on the last expected iteration, the trigger will not be started again.
                // Skip this check for the last expected iteration if the pipeline is expected to complete.
                if (!completesOnLastExpectedIteration || iteration != expectedCount)
                    await startedSource.WithCancellation(token);

                triggerService.NotifyStarted -= startedHandler;

                // Advance the clock source.

            // Check that actions were not throttled.

            actionStartedTask = await callbackService.StartWaitForCallbackAsync(token);

            // Test that actions are throttled for remaining iterations.
            while (iteration < iterationCount)

                TaskCompletionSource <object> startedSource = new(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
                EventHandler startedHandler = (s, e) => startedSource.TrySetResult(null);
                using var _ = token.Register(() => startedSource.TrySetCanceled(token));

                actionsThrottledTask = callbacks.StartWaitForActionsThrottled();

                triggerService.NotifyStarted += startedHandler;

                // Manually invoke the trigger.

                // Check throttling has occurred.
                await actionsThrottledTask.WithCancellation(token);

                await startedSource.WithCancellation(token);

                triggerService.NotifyStarted -= startedHandler;

                // Advance the clock source.

            // Check that no actions have been executed.