private void ConfigManeuver(ManeuverObject mo, Vector3 physPosition, Vector3 velocity)
        mo.parent.transform.position = GravityEngine.Instance().MapPhyPosToWorld(physPosition);
        Vector3 endPoint = physPosition + lineLengthScale * velocity;

        // May need separate velocity scale??
        mo.line.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { physPosition, endPoint });
        mo.line.widthMultiplier         = lineWidthScale;
        mo.line.positionCount           = 2;
        mo.cone.transform.localPosition = lineLengthScale * velocity;
        mo.cone.transform.rotation      = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, velocity.normalized);
        mo.cone.transform.localScale    = * coneScale * velocity.magnitude;
 void Start()
     maneuverObjects = new List <ManeuverObject>();
     // create an object pool of maneuverArrows at the start
     for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ARROWS; i++)
         GameObject go = Instantiate(maneuverArrowPrefab);
         // make it a child of this object
         ManeuverObject mo = new ManeuverObject(go);
    /// <summary>
    /// Show each maneuver in the list using an in-scene vector made from the maneuverArrowPreb.
    /// Optionally update on-screen text.
    /// Position is determined from the maneuver Nbody (if present) or taken from the maneuver
    /// physical location, scaled and mapped to the scene.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="maneuvers"></param>
    public void ShowManeuvers(List <Maneuver> maneuvers)
        int i = 0;

        foreach (Maneuver m in maneuvers)
            ManeuverObject mo = maneuverObjects[i];
            Vector3 pos = m.physPosition.ToVector3();
            // TODO - need to scale and map position
            Vector3 vel =;
            if (m.mtype == Maneuver.Mtype.vector)
                vel = m.velChange;
            ConfigManeuver(mo, pos, vel);
        // inactivate the rest of the cached maneuver objects
        for (int j = i; j < MAX_ARROWS; j++)