Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// C = A * B (where '*' denotes matrix multiplication)
        /// </summary>
        public static void MatrixMultiply(ManagedStorage <double> a, ManagedStorage <double> b, ManagedStorage <double> c,
                                          bool aShouldTranspose = false, bool bShouldTranspose = false)
            int aRows = aShouldTranspose ? a.ColumnCount : a.RowCount; int aCols = aShouldTranspose ? a.RowCount : a.ColumnCount;
            int bRows = bShouldTranspose ? b.ColumnCount : b.RowCount; int bCols = bShouldTranspose ? b.RowCount : b.ColumnCount;
            int cRows = c.RowCount;
            int cCols = c.ColumnCount;

            if (aCols != bRows)
                throw new Exception("A and B are not compatible sizes.");
            if ((cRows != aRows) || (cCols != bCols))
                throw new Exception("C is incorrectly sized for output.");
            int transposeA = aShouldTranspose ? (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasTrans : (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasNoTrans;
            int transposeB = bShouldTranspose ? (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasTrans : (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasNoTrans;

            fixed(double *p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
                fixed(double *p_b = &b.Array[b.ArrayStart])
                    fixed(double *p_c = &c.Array[c.ArrayStart])
                        int status = cblas_dgemm((int)CBLAS_ORDER.CblasColMajor, transposeA, transposeB, aRows, bCols,
                                                 aCols, 1.0, p_a, a.RowCount, p_b, b.RowCount, 0.0, p_c, c.RowCount);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void SortInPlace(ManagedStorage <double> a)
            char order = 'I'; // 'D'

            fixed(double *p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
                LAPACKE_dlasrt(order, a.Length, p_a);
Esempio n. 3
 public static double Dot(ManagedStorage <double> a, ManagedStorage <double> b)
     fixed(double *p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
         fixed(double *p_b = &b.Array[b.ArrayStart])
             return(cblas_ddot(a.Length, p_a, 1, p_b, 1));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs Eigenvalue decomposition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="eigenvectors"></param>
        /// <param name="eigenvalues"></param>
        public static void EigenvalueDecomposition(ManagedStorage <double> a, ManagedStorage <double> eigenvectors,
                                                   ManagedStorage <double> eigenvalues)
            int m = 0, info = 0;
            int n      = a.RowCount;
            var aClone = a.Clone();

            int[] isuppz = new int[2 * n];

            char jobz = 'V'; char range = 'A'; char uplo = 'U';

            double[] work = new double[1];
            int      lwork = -1, liwork = -1;

            int[]  iwork = new int[1];
            int    lda = n; int ldz = n; int il, iu;
            double vl, vu, abstol; vl = vu = abstol = 0;

            il = iu = 0;

            fixed(double *p_a = &aClone.Array[aClone.ArrayStart])
                fixed(double *p_eigenvectors = &eigenvectors.Array[eigenvectors.ArrayStart])
                    fixed(double *p_eigenvalues = &eigenvalues.Array[eigenvalues.ArrayStart])
                        DSYEVR(ref jobz, ref range, ref uplo, ref n, p_a, ref lda, ref vl, ref vu, ref il, ref iu, ref abstol, ref m,
                               p_eigenvalues, p_eigenvectors, ref ldz, isuppz, work, ref lwork, iwork, ref liwork, ref info);

                        if (info != 0)
                            throw new Exception("Eigenvalue decomposition error.");
                        lwork  = (int)work[0];
                        work   = new double[lwork];
                        liwork = (int)iwork[0];
                        iwork  = new int[liwork];
                        DSYEVR(ref jobz, ref range, ref uplo, ref n, p_a, ref lda, ref vl, ref vu, ref il, ref iu, ref abstol, ref m,
                               p_eigenvalues, p_eigenvectors, ref ldz, isuppz, work, ref lwork, iwork, ref liwork, ref info);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs Cholesky decomposition of a matrix in place.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The upper triangular part contains symmetric matrix on entry.
        /// Lower triangular part contains decomposition on exit.</param>
        /// <param name="positiveSemiDefinite">Whether matrix was positive semi-definite.</param>
        public static void CholeskyDecomposition(ManagedStorage <double> a,
                                                 out bool positiveSemiDefinite)
            if (a.RowCount != a.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("matrix must be square.");
            int  lda  = a.ColumnCount;
            int  info = -1;
            int  n    = a.ColumnCount; //subMatrixDimension; // to only transform sub-matrix
            char uplo = 'L';

            fixed(double *p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
                DPOTRF(ref uplo, ref n, p_a, ref lda, ref info);

            positiveSemiDefinite = true;
            if (info != 0)
                positiveSemiDefinite = false;
 public static void SortInPlace(ManagedStorage<double> a)
     char order = 'I'; // 'D'
     fixed (double* p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
         LAPACKE_dlasrt(order, a.Length, p_a);
 /// <summary>
 /// C = A * B (where '*' denotes matrix multiplication)
 /// </summary>
 public static void MatrixMultiply(ManagedStorage<double> a, ManagedStorage<double> b, ManagedStorage<double> c, 
     bool aShouldTranspose = false, bool bShouldTranspose = false)
     int aRows = aShouldTranspose ? a.ColumnCount : a.RowCount; int aCols = aShouldTranspose ? a.RowCount : a.ColumnCount;
     int bRows = bShouldTranspose ? b.ColumnCount : b.RowCount; int bCols = bShouldTranspose ? b.RowCount : b.ColumnCount;
     int cRows = c.RowCount;
     int cCols = c.ColumnCount;
     if (aCols != bRows) throw new Exception("A and B are not compatible sizes.");
     if ((cRows != aRows) || (cCols != bCols)) throw new Exception("C is incorrectly sized for output.");
     int transposeA = aShouldTranspose ? (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasTrans : (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasNoTrans;
     int transposeB = bShouldTranspose ? (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasTrans : (int)CBLAS_TRANSPOSE.CblasNoTrans;
     fixed (double* p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
         fixed (double* p_b = &b.Array[b.ArrayStart])
             fixed (double* p_c = &c.Array[c.ArrayStart])
                 int status = cblas_dgemm((int)CBLAS_ORDER.CblasColMajor, transposeA, transposeB, aRows, bCols,
                     aCols, 1.0, p_a, a.RowCount, p_b, b.RowCount, 0.0, p_c, c.RowCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs Eigenvalue decomposition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="eigenvectors"></param>
        /// <param name="eigenvalues"></param>
        public static void EigenvalueDecomposition(ManagedStorage<double> a, ManagedStorage<double> eigenvectors,
            ManagedStorage<double> eigenvalues)
            int m = 0, info = 0;
            int n = a.RowCount;
            var aClone = a.Clone();

            int[] isuppz = new int[2 * n];

            char jobz = 'V'; char range = 'A'; char uplo = 'U';
            double[] work = new double[1];
            int lwork = -1, liwork = -1;
            int[] iwork = new int[1];
            int lda = n; int ldz = n; int il, iu;
            double vl, vu, abstol; vl = vu = abstol = 0;
            il = iu = 0;

            fixed (double* p_a = &aClone.Array[aClone.ArrayStart])
                fixed (double* p_eigenvectors = &eigenvectors.Array[eigenvectors.ArrayStart])
                    fixed (double* p_eigenvalues = &eigenvalues.Array[eigenvalues.ArrayStart])
                        DSYEVR(ref jobz, ref range, ref uplo, ref n, p_a, ref lda, ref vl, ref vu, ref il, ref iu, ref abstol, ref m,
                            p_eigenvalues, p_eigenvectors, ref ldz, isuppz, work, ref lwork, iwork, ref liwork, ref info);

                        if (info != 0)
                            throw new Exception("Eigenvalue decomposition error.");
                        lwork = (int)work[0];
                        work = new double[lwork];
                        liwork = (int)iwork[0];
                        iwork = new int[liwork];
                        DSYEVR(ref jobz, ref range, ref uplo, ref n, p_a, ref lda, ref vl, ref vu, ref il, ref iu, ref abstol, ref m,
                            p_eigenvalues, p_eigenvectors, ref ldz, isuppz, work, ref lwork, iwork, ref liwork, ref info);
 public static double Dot(ManagedStorage<double> a, ManagedStorage<double> b)
     fixed (double* p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
         fixed (double* p_b = &b.Array[b.ArrayStart])
             return cblas_ddot(a.Length, p_a, 1, p_b, 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs Cholesky decomposition of a matrix in place.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matrix">The upper triangular part contains symmetric matrix on entry.
 /// Lower triangular part contains decomposition on exit.</param>
 /// <param name="positiveSemiDefinite">Whether matrix was positive semi-definite.</param>
 public static void CholeskyDecomposition(ManagedStorage<double> a,
     out bool positiveSemiDefinite)
     if (a.RowCount != a.ColumnCount) throw new ArgumentException("matrix must be square.");
     int lda = a.ColumnCount;
     int info = -1;
     int n = a.ColumnCount; //subMatrixDimension; // to only transform sub-matrix
     char uplo = 'L';
     fixed (double* p_a = &a.Array[a.ArrayStart])
         DPOTRF(ref uplo, ref n, p_a, ref lda, ref info);
     positiveSemiDefinite = true;
     if (info != 0) positiveSemiDefinite = false;