public void ManageConnectionsCommand_QueryStatus()
            // Arrange
            OleMenuCommand command = CommandHelper.CreateRandomOleMenuCommand();

            // Test case 1: no TE controller
            // Arrange
            command.Enabled = false;

            var testSubject1 = new ManageConnectionsCommand(null);

            // Act
            testSubject1.QueryStatus(command, null);

            // Assert
            command.Enabled.Should().BeFalse("Expected the command to be disabled on QueryStatus when no TE controller");

            // Test case 2: has TE controller
            // Arrange
            var teController = new ConfigurableTeamExplorerController();
            var testSubject2 = new ManageConnectionsCommand(teController);

            // Act
            testSubject2.QueryStatus(command, null);

            // Assert
            command.Enabled.Should().BeTrue("Expected the command to be disabled on QueryStatus when does have TE controller");
        public void ManageConnectionsCommand_QueryStatus()
            // Arrange
            OleMenuCommand command = CommandHelper.CreateRandomOleMenuCommand();

            // Test case 1: no TE controller
            // Arrange
            IServiceProvider sp1 = CreateServiceProviderWithEmptyComponentModel();

            command.Enabled = false;

            ManageConnectionsCommand testSubject1;

            using (new AssertIgnoreScope()) // TE service is missing from MEF
                testSubject1 = new ManageConnectionsCommand(null);

            // Act
            testSubject1.QueryStatus(command, null);

            // Assert
            command.Enabled.Should().BeFalse("Expected the command to be disabled on QueryStatus when no TE controller");

            // Test case 2: has TE controller
            // Arrange
            var teController = new ConfigurableTeamExplorerController();
            var testSubject2 = new ManageConnectionsCommand(teController);

            // Act
            testSubject2.QueryStatus(command, null);

            // Assert
            command.Enabled.Should().BeTrue("Expected the command to be disabled on QueryStatus when does have TE controller");
        public void ManageConnectionsCommand_QueryStatus()
            // Setup
            OleMenuCommand command = CommandHelper.CreateRandomOleMenuCommand();

            // Test case 1: no TE controller
            // Setup
            IServiceProvider sp1 = CreateServiceProviderWithEmptyComponentModel();

            command.Enabled = false;

            ManageConnectionsCommand testSubject1;

            using (new AssertIgnoreScope()) // TE service is missing from MEF
                testSubject1 = new ManageConnectionsCommand(sp1);

            // Act
            testSubject1.QueryStatus(command, null);

            // Verify
            Assert.IsFalse(command.Enabled, "Expected the command to be disabled on QueryStatus when no TE controller");

            // Test case 2: has TE controller
            // Setup
            var teController = new ConfigurableTeamExplorerController();
            var sp2          = CreateServiceProviderWithMefExports <ITeamExplorerController>(teController);

            var testSubject2 = new ManageConnectionsCommand(sp2);

            // Act
            testSubject2.QueryStatus(command, null);

            // Verify
            Assert.IsTrue(command.Enabled, "Expected the command to be disabled on QueryStatus when does have TE controller");