Esempio n. 1
            public async Task View(CommandContext ctx)
                var count = await ManageCharacter.GetCountAsync(Tables.Suggest);

                string Text = "`Suggestions`";

                while (count > 0)
                    var IssueGet = new ManageCharacter.Suggestions()
                        Entry = count - 1
                    var Issue = await ManageCharacter.GetAlls(IssueGet);

                    if (Issue != null)
                        string Solved = "Not Added";
                        if (Issue.Done == ManageCharacter.Done.yes)
                            Solved = "Done";
                        Text += $"\n`→ [{Issue.Entry}] - {Issue.Title} - [{Solved}]`";
                var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder();
                var inter = ctx.Client.GetInteractivity();
                var pages = inter.GeneratePagesInEmbed(Text, SplitType.Line, embed);
                await inter.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(ctx.Channel, ctx.Member, pages);
Esempio n. 2
            public async Task New(CommandContext ctx)
                var Issue = new ManageCharacter.Suggestions();
                var r     = await Interactivity.WaitForAnswerAsync(ctx, $"**What is the title of this Suggestion? (Command name, event name or just what it is)**", channel : ctx.Channel);

                if (r == null)
                Issue.Title = r.Content;
                r           = await Interactivity.WaitForAnswerAsync(ctx, $"**Describe the Suggestion**", channel : ctx.Channel);

                if (r == null)
                Issue.Desc = r.Content;
                var count = await ManageCharacter.GetCountAsync(Tables.Suggest);

                Issue.Entry = count;
                await ManageCharacter.InsertAsync(Suggest : Issue);

                await ctx.RespondAsync("New Suggestion added, see it with &Suggestion `" + count + "`");