Esempio n. 1
 public void Recognition_EmployeeLookUp_WS_69()
     if (false)
         _file    = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_69.xml";
         username = AwardData.GetAwardUserName(_file);
         MainHomePage       home            = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin();
         NominationHomePage recognitionPage = home.NavigateToNomination();
         //SCENARIO 1
         Assert.IsTrue(recognitionPage.BringToStep1(), "You didnt go back to step 1");
         //SCENARIO 2
         recognitionPage = home.NavigateToNomination();
                        "First User still in the list selected");
Esempio n. 2
 public void Recognition_ApprovalMon_WS_924()
     if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_924"))
         _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_924.xml";
         string user             = AwardData.GetAwardUserName(_file),
                award            = AwardData.GetAwardName(_file),
                secondAward      = AwardData.GetSecondAwardName(_file),
                populationImpact = AwardData.GetAwardPopulationImpact(_file),
                financialImpact  = AwardData.GetAwardFinancialImpact(_file),
                bussinesImpact   = AwardData.GetAwardBussinesImpact(_file);
         int    amount           = AwardData.GetAwardAmountValueNumbers(_file);
         string printype         = AwardData.GetAwardDeliverType(_file),
                msg              = AwardData.GetAwardMessage(_file),
                reason           = AwardData.GetAwardReason(_file),
                companyValue     = AwardData.GetAwardCompanyValue(_file),
                proxy_name       = ProxyData.GetProxyUserName(_file),
                approval_name    = AwardData.GetApprovalUserName(_file);
         ProxyHomePage proxyPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToAdminHomePage()
         MainHomePage home = proxyPage.ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.AreEqual("You are proxied in under: " + proxy_name, home.GetProxyLoginMsg(),
                         "The message of proxy login is not correct");
         NominationHomePage recognitionPage = home.NavigateToNomination()
         Assert.AreEqual(2, recognitionPage.GetCountEditLnk(), "Edit links are not two");
         Assert.AreEqual("Success!", recognitionPage.GetSuccesMsg(), "Message its not success");
         AdminHomePage proxy = recognitionPage.ExitProxy();
         home = proxy.LoginProxyAsuser().EnterUserName(approval_name).ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.AreEqual("You are proxied in under: " + approval_name, home.GetProxyLoginMsg(),
                         "The message of proxy login is not correct");
         Assert.IsTrue(home.IsPopUpRecognitionShow(), "Pop up recognition is not showing up");
         PendingApprovals pending = home.ClickHereAwardPopUp();
         Assert.AreEqual("Pending Approvals", pending.GetTitleMenu(), "Title is not pending approval");
         proxy = pending.ExitProxy();
         home  = proxy.LoginProxyAsuser().EnterUserName(user).ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.AreEqual("You are proxied in under: " + user, home.GetProxyLoginMsg(),
                         "The message of proxy login is not correct");
         MyAwards awards = home.ClosePopUp().NavigateToMyAwards();
         Assert.AreEqual(secondAward, awards.GetAwardName(1, 4),
                         "The last award that someone gave you is not present");
         awards.OpenDetailsAward(1, 7);
Esempio n. 3
 public void Approval_StandardMonAppvTextron_WS_927()
     if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_927"))
         _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_927.xml";
         string user = AwardData.GetAwardUserName(_file),
                award = AwardData.GetAwardName(_file), secondAward = AwardData.GetSecondAwardName(_file),
                populationImpact = AwardData.GetAwardPopulationImpact(_file),
                financialImpact = AwardData.GetAwardFinancialImpact(_file),
                bussinesImpact = AwardData.GetAwardBussinesImpact(_file),
                amount = AwardData.GetAwardAmountValue(_file), objetives = AwardData.GetAwardObjetives(_file),
                printype = AwardData.GetAwardDeliverType(_file),
                msg = AwardData.GetAwardMessage(_file), projectTask = AwardData.GetAwardProjectTask(_file),
                reason           = AwardData.GetAwardReason(_file),
                proxy_name       = ProxyData.GetProxyUserName(_file),
                approval_name    = AwardData.GetApprovalUserName(_file);
         ProxyHomePage proxyPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToAdminHomePage()
         MainHomePage home = proxyPage.ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.AreEqual("You are proxied in under: " + user, home.GetProxyLoginMsg(),
                         "The message of proxy login is not correct");
         Step2 step2 = home.NavigateToNomination()
         Assert.AreEqual("Appreciation Award", step2.GetAwardName("Appreciation Award"), "Award is not the same as expected");
         Assert.AreEqual("Honors Award", step2.GetAwardName("Honors Award"), "Award is not the same as expected");
         Assert.AreEqual("Excellence Award", step2.GetAwardName("Excellence Award"), "Award is not the same as expected");
         Assert.AreEqual("Distinction Award", step2.GetAwardName("Distinction Award"), "Award is not the same as expected");
         NominationHomePage recognitionPage = step2.SelectSecondAward(secondAward).SelectValueOfAward(amount)
         Assert.AreEqual(2, recognitionPage.GetCountEditLnk(), "Edit links are not two");
         Assert.AreEqual("Success!", recognitionPage.GetSuccesMsg(), "Message its not success");
         AdminHomePage proxy = recognitionPage.ExitProxy();
         home = proxy.LoginProxyAsuser().EnterUserName(approval_name).ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.IsTrue(home.IsPopUpRecognitionShow(), "Pop up recognition is not showing up");
         PendingApprovals pending = home.ClickHereAwardPopUp();
         Assert.AreEqual("Pending Approvals", pending.GetTitleMenu(), "Title is not pending approval");
         proxy = pending.ExitProxy();
         home  = proxy.LoginProxyAsuser().EnterUserName(proxy_name).ProxyToMainHomePage();
         MyAwards awards = home.ClosePopUp().NavigateToMyAwards();
         Assert.AreEqual(secondAward, awards.GetAwardName(1, 6), "The last award that someone gave you is not present");
         awards.OpenDetailsAward(1, 7);
Esempio n. 4
 public void Recognition_ApprovalNonMon_WS_921()
     if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_921"))
         _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_921.xml";
         string user             = AwardData.GetAwardUserName(_file),
                award            = AwardData.GetAwardName(_file),
                value            = AwardData.GetAwardValue(_file),
                amount           = AwardData.GetAwardAmountValue(_file),
                impact           = AwardData.GetAwardImpact(_file),
                printype         = AwardData.GetAwardDeliverType(_file),
                msg              = AwardData.GetAwardMessage(_file),
                reason           = AwardData.GetAwardReason(_file),
                proxy_name       = ProxyData.GetProxyUserName(_file);
         ProxyHomePage proxyPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToAdminHomePage()
         MainHomePage home = proxyPage.ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.AreEqual("You are proxied in under: " + proxy_name, home.GetProxyLoginMsg(),
                         "The message of proxy login is not correct");
         NominationHomePage recognitionPage = home.NavigateToNomination();
         if (reason != "")
         Assert.AreEqual(2, recognitionPage.GetCountEditLnk(), "Edit links are not two");
         Assert.AreEqual("Ready to send?", recognitionPage.GetReadyToSendMsg(),
                         "The message is not ready to send");
         Assert.AreEqual("Success!", recognitionPage.GetSuccesMsg(), "Message its not success");
         Assert.AreEqual("FINISH", recognitionPage.GetBtnFinishLabel(), "Button finish its not correct write");
         Assert.AreEqual("RECOGNIZE", recognitionPage.GetBtnRecognizOtherLabel(),
                         "Button finish its not correct write");
         AdminHomePage proxy = recognitionPage.ExitProxy();
         home = proxy.LoginProxyAsuser().EnterUserName(user).ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.IsTrue(home.IsPopUpRecognitionShow(), "Pop up recognition is not showing up");
         MyAwards awards = home.ClosePopUp().NavigateToMyAwards();
         Assert.AreEqual(award, awards.GetAwardName(1, 4), "The last award that someone gave you is not present");
         awards.OpenDetailsAward(1, 7);
Esempio n. 5
        public void Recognition_RealTimeValidations_WS_1161()
            if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1161"))
                _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_1161.xml";
                string user  = AwardData.GetAwardUserName(_file),
                       user1 = AwardData.GetAwardUserName1(_file)
                       user2      = AwardData.GetAwardUserName2(_file),
                       user3      = AwardData.GetAwardUserName3(_file),
                       user4      = AwardData.GetAwardUserName4(_file),
                       user5      = AwardData.GetAwardUserName5(_file),
                       proxy_name = ProxyData.GetProxyUserName(_file);

                //Scenario 1
                NominationHomePage recognitionPage = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin().NavigateToNomination();
                Assert.IsTrue(recognitionPage.IsStep2Block(), "Step2 is not blocked");

                //Scenario 2
                MainHomePage mainPage =
                Step2 ste2 = mainPage.NavigateToNomination().SearchEmployeeFound(user4);
                Assert.AreEqual("Rave", ste2.GetAwardName("Rave"), "Rave Award is not present");
                Assert.AreEqual("Pioneer Award", ste2.GetAwardName("Pioneer Award"), "Pioneer Award is not present");
                Assert.AreEqual("Pathfinder Award", ste2.GetAwardName("Pathfinder Award"),
                                "Pathfinder Award is not present");
                Assert.AreEqual("Trailblazer Award", ste2.GetAwardName("Trailblazer Award"),
                                "Trailblazer Award is not present");

                //Scenario 3
                ste2 = recognitionPage.SearchEmployeeFound(user5);
                Assert.AreEqual("Rave", ste2.GetAwardName("Rave"), "Rave Award is not present");
                Assert.IsFalse(ste2.IsAwardPresent("Pioneer Award"), "Pioneer Award is  present");
                Assert.IsFalse(ste2.IsAwardPresent("Pathfinder Award"), "Pathfinder Award not present");
                Assert.IsFalse(ste2.IsAwardPresent("Trailblazer Award"), "Trailblazer Award not present");
Esempio n. 6
 public void Awards_MultipleRecipients_WS_1438()
     if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1438"))
         _file = "Resources\\" + client + "\\TestsData\\WS_1438.xml";
         string        proxy_name = ProxyData.GetProxyUserName(_file);
         MainHomePage  home       = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin();
         ProxyHomePage proxyPage  = home.NavigateToAdminHomePage().LoginProxyAsuser();
         home = proxyPage.ProxyToMainHomePage();
         Assert.AreEqual("You are proxied in under: " + proxy_name, home.GetProxyLoginMsg(),
                         "The message of proxy login is not correct");
         Assert.AreEqual("Exit Proxy", home.GetExitMsg(), "The exit proxy link is not present");
         NominationHomePage nominationHome = home.NavigateToNomination().ClickMultipleRecipients();
         nominationHome.SearchEmployeeFoundMultiple("Brian Walters")
         .SearchEmployeeFoundMultiple("Aaron Ashing")
         Assert.AreEqual("Rave", nominationHome.GetFirstAwardName(), "the only Award name is not Rave");
Esempio n. 7
        public void General_IdentifyIncorrectLinks_WS_1112()
            if (!DataParser.ReturnExecution("WS_1112"))
                MainHomePage home = InitialPage.Go().Logon().ClickLogin();
                switch (client)
                case "HSS":
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = pending.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Send Appreciation", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(6),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    SendAppreciationPage appreciation = home.NavigateToSendAppreciation();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "customer_appreciation", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "Pinnacol":
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSpan();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "Textron":
                case "Eurest":
                case "BAE":
                    switch (client)
                    case "Textron":
                        url = url.Substring(0, 39);
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = pending.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "Akron":
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Caregiver", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(7),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationCaregiver();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Social Stream", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(8), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    SocialStreamHomePage socialStream = home.NavigateToSocialStream();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "social_stream", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = socialStream.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = myActivity.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" View Hierarchy", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(10),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    ViewHierarchyHomePage hierarchy = home.NavigateToViewHierarchy();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "hierarchy", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = hierarchy.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognition Training", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(11),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    TrainingHomePage training = home.NavigateToTraining();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "videos", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "GreatExpressions":
                    url = url.Substring(0, 36);
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = pending.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" View Hierarchy", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(10),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    ViewHierarchyHomePage hierarchy = home.NavigateToViewHierarchy();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "hierarchy", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "UC":
                    url = url.Substring(0, 32);
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNomination();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = myActivity.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = redemption.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Report Builder", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(12),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    ReportBuilderHomePage report = home.NavigateToReportBuilder();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "report_builder", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "TRU":
                case "Shawcor":
                    switch (client)
                    case "TRU":
                        url = url.Substring(0, 38);
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "Sprint":
                    url = url.Substring(0, 35);
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/recognize", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/event_calendar", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "ng#/approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "HealthAlliance":
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");

                case "WesternConnecticut":
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Recognize Someone", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(0),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    NominationHomePage nomination = home.NavigateToNominationSprint();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "nomination#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = nomination.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Event Calendar", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(1), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    EventCalendar events = home.NavigateToEventCalendar();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "event_calendar#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = events.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Go To Mall", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(2), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    GoToMallHomePage mall = home.NavigateToMall();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "mall#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = mall.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Awards", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(3), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyAwards awards = home.NavigateToMyAwards();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_awards#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" Pending Approvals", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(4),
                                    "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    PendingApprovals pending = home.NavigateToPendingApprovals();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "approval#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Redemptions", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(5), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyRedemptions redemption = home.NavigateToMyRedemptions();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_redemptions#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");
                    home = awards.NavigateToHomePage();
                    Assert.AreEqual(" My Activity", home.GetLeftMenuOpts(9), "Link is Broken or not well written");
                    MyActivityHomePage myActivity = home.NavigateToMyActivity();
                    Assert.AreEqual(url + "my_activities#/", home.GetCurrentUrl(),
                                    "Url is Broken or not well written or redirects to other pages");