Esempio n. 1
        public bool SendMail(string to, string subject, string message)
            email.Subject = (subject == String.Empty) ? "[OSJ] NUEVO Curso de Astronomía Observacional" : subject;
            email.Message = message;

            return(MailUtils.SendEmail(email, to));
        public void SendEmailTest()
            MailUtils target      = new MailUtils();   // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string    mailUrl     = "*****@*****.**"; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string    title       = "test";            // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string    mailContent = "测试邮件服务器-Config";  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool      expected    = true;              // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool      actual;

            actual = target.SendEmail(mailUrl, title, mailContent);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Esempio n. 3
        public bool CheckNewPublicIPAdress()
            string auxPublicIP = IPUtils.GetPublicIP();

            if ((auxPublicIP != PublicIP) ||
                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(PublicIP) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalIP)))
                PublicIP = auxPublicIP;
                LocalIP  = IPUtils.GetLocalIP();

                email.Subject  = "[WhatsMyIP] Se cambió la IP pública a " + PublicIP;
                email.Message  = "<b>IP pública:</b> " + PublicIP + "\n <br />" + "<b>IP local:</b> " + LocalIP;
                email.Message += "\n <br /> \n <br /> <b><u>NETSTAT</u></b> \n <br />" + IPUtils.GetNetStat();
                email.Message += "\n <br /> \n <br /> <b><u>GEOLOCALIZACION</u></b> \n <br />" + IPUtils.GetGeoLocationWithIP(this.PublicIP);

Esempio n. 4
        public void SendMailTest()
            SMTPEmail email = new SMTPEmail();

            email.From       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromAddress"];
            email.To         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ToAddress"];
            email.SMTPClient = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTP"];
            email.SMTPServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTP"];
            email.SMTPPort   = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPPort"]);

            email.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"];
            email.Domain   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"];
            email.IsSSL    = bool.Parse(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableSSL"])? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableSSL"] :"false");
            email.UseDefaultCredentials = bool.Parse(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseDefaultCredentials"]) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseDefaultCredentials"] : "false");

            email.Subject = "[OSJ] SendMailTest ";
            email.Message = "Amigos de la Torre<br /><br />El viernes 21/03/14 comienza el curso de <b>'Astronomía Observacional'</b>, el objeto de este curso es que el alumno adquiera un conocimiento integral del cielo nocturno y aprenda paulatinamente conceptos como: sistemas de coordenadas, constelaciones, movimientos de los planetas, principales estrellas y lectura e interpretación de diferentes cartas celestes. El curso está basado principalmente en observaciones prácticas, con diferentes instrumentos, a fin de que los participantes logren familiarizarse rápidamente con el firmamento. Las observaciones con los instrumentos del observatorio se harán de acuerdo a las efemérides y a las condiciones meteorológicas."
                            + "<br /><br /><b>Dados los contenidos y metodologías aplicadas en el curso, el mismo es para adultos y chicos de 12 años en adelante y no se necesitan conocimientos previos de matemática, física o astronomía.</b>"
                            + "<b><br /><br /><ul><li>Comienzo: viernes 21/03/14</li><li>Duración: 4 clases</li><li>Horario: viernes de 20 a 22 hs</li><li>Arancel: $300 (se abonan el mismo día del inicio del curso) - Alumnos del Colegio San José gratis - Todo lo recaudado se destina al mantenimiento del observatorio</li><li>Dirección: Bartolomé Mitre 2455, Capital Federal (Colegio San José)</li><li>Informes e inscripción:<br /><br />[email protected]<br />[email protected]</b></li></ul>";

Esempio n. 5
        public void ProcessFile(string fileNameAndPath, string outputDir, string failedDir, string processedDir, string callerRef, string sentTo)
            DocConverterFactory factory = new DocConverterFactory();

            factory._logFile = _logFile;
            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileNameAndPath);

                IDocConverter converter = factory.GetDocConverter(file.FullName);
                converter.Convert(file.FullName, file.FullName, outputDir, processedDir, callerRef, sentTo);
            catch (Exception e)
                string mailMsg = "The file ''" + file.FullName + "'' has been moved to the directory " + failedDir + @"\" + Properties.Settings.Default.FailedSubDirConvert + ";" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Reason:" + Environment.NewLine + "There was an issue converting this file to TIF format.  " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message;
                MailUtils.SendEmail("Error", "Converting File", mailMsg, fileNameAndPath);
                FileUtils.MoveToDir(file, failedDir + @"\" + Properties.Settings.Default.FailedSubDirConvert);
                throw new FormatConversionException("Error: ''" + file.FullName + "'' has been moved to the directory " + failedDir + "; " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message);

Esempio n. 6
        public void ProcessFile(string fileNameAndPath)
                writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "----------------------------------------------------------");
                writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Processing: " + fileNameAndPath);
                string extWithPeriod = Path.GetExtension(fileNameAndPath);
                string ext           = extWithPeriod.Replace(".", "");

                string callerRef = getCallerRef(fileNameAndPath);
                //writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "callerRef=" + callerRef);

                string sentTo = getSentTo(fileNameAndPath);
                //writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "sentTo=" + sentTo);

                if (fileNameAndPath.Contains(THUMBS_DB))
                else if (_validExtList.Contains(ext, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "ext=" + ext + " is a valid extension. Processing...");

                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "DocConverter - Initializing.");
                    Controller controller = new Controller();
                    controller._logFile = _debugLog;
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "DocConverter - Sending sourceFile=" + fileNameAndPath + "; failedDir=" + this._failedDir + "; processedDir=" + this._processedDir);
                    controller.ProcessFile(fileNameAndPath, this._outputDir, this._failedDir, "", callerRef, sentTo);
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "DocConverter - Completed.");

                    //Move original data file to processed dir
                    string origNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(fileNameAndPath);
                    string datafileProcessedNameAndPath = Path.Combine(_processedDir, origNameOnly);
                    bool   processedFileExists          = File.Exists(datafileProcessedNameAndPath);
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Processed sourceFile(" + datafileProcessedNameAndPath + ") exists=" + processedFileExists);
                    if (File.Exists(fileNameAndPath)) //jvc make sure not already moved due to fail
                        writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Moving sourcefile to processedDir: " + datafileProcessedNameAndPath);
                        FileUtils.MoveToDir(new FileInfo(fileNameAndPath), _processedDir);
                        writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Move file complete.");

                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Processing Complete: " + fileNameAndPath);
                    _EventLog.WriteToLog("--> ProcessFile - Complete: " + fileNameAndPath);
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Skipped File: " + fileNameAndPath);
                    _EventLog.WriteToLog("-->** Skipped File: " + fileNameAndPath);
                    string mailMsg = "The file ''" + fileNameAndPath + "'' was skipped because it is not in a supported format (" + Properties.Settings.Default.ValidFileExt + ")." + Environment.NewLine +
                                     "It has been moved to the directory " + _failedDir + @"\" + Properties.Settings.Default.FailedSubDirUnsupported + ".";
                    MailUtils.SendEmail("Warning", "Unsupported File Format", mailMsg, fileNameAndPath);
                    FileUtils.MoveToDir(new FileInfo(fileNameAndPath), _failedDir + @"\" + Properties.Settings.Default.FailedSubDirUnsupported);

                //Israel 5/13/2015 -- address generated name collision.
                int milliseconds = 2000;
            catch (FormatConversionException ex) {
                writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "ERROR: " + ex.Message);
                _EventLog.WriteToLog("ERROR Processing: " + fileNameAndPath + "; " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                string erMsg = "ERROR Processing: " + fileNameAndPath + "; " + Environment.NewLine + e.Message + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                               "Stack Trace:" + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace;
                writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", erMsg);
                if (File.Exists(fileNameAndPath))
                    string mailMsg = "The file ''" + fileNameAndPath + "'' has been moved to the directory " + this._failedDir + ";" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                     "Reason:" + Environment.NewLine + "There was an issue while processing this file.  " + e.Message + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                     "Stack Trace:" + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace;
                    MailUtils.SendEmail("Error", "Exception Processing Inbound File", mailMsg, fileNameAndPath);
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Moving sourcefile to failedDir: " + fileNameAndPath);
                    FileUtils.MoveToDir(new FileInfo(fileNameAndPath), this._failedDir);
                    writeToDebugLog("ProcessFile", "Move file complete.");
                    string mailMsg = "There was an exception processing file ''" + fileNameAndPath + "'';" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Reason:" + Environment.NewLine + e.Message + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Stack Trace:" + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace;
                    MailUtils.SendEmail("Error", "Exception Processing Inbound File", mailMsg, "");