private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { _mailSender?.Dispose(); } disposedValue = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Dispose of the underlying MailSender when this controller is destroyed. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">Whether we are disposing or not.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (MailSender != null) { MailSender.Dispose(); MailSender = null; } } base.Dispose(disposing); }
public void Dispose() { _mailer.Dispose(); }
public void PlayerGMCommand(GPlayer player, Packet packet) { GameBase Game; MailSender AddMail; Channel PLobby; uint ItemTypeID, Quantity, PlayerConnectionID; string Nick; byte Arg1; if (!(player.GetCapability == 4)) { WriteConsole.WriteLine("HandleGMCommands: Player has requested gm command but he is not an admin"); return; } if (!packet.ReadUInt16(out ushort CommandId)) { return; } PLobby = player.Lobby; if (PLobby == null) { return; } switch ((GM_COMMAND)CommandId) { case GM_COMMAND.GM_Visibility: //command /visible [on/off] (Ficar Visivel Ou Invisivel) { packet.ReadByte(out Arg1); switch ((TVISIBLE_ACTION)Arg1) { case TVISIBLE_ACTION.Enable: //visibilidade: on { player.Visible = 4; } break; case TVISIBLE_ACTION.Disable: //visibilidade: off { player.Visible = 0; } break; } PLobby.UpdatePlayerLobbyInfo(player); break; } case GM_COMMAND.Player_Whisper: //command /whisper [on/off] { packet.ReadByte(out Arg1); switch ((TWHISPER_ACTION)Arg1) { case TWHISPER_ACTION.Disable: //whisper: off { } break; case TWHISPER_ACTION.Enable: //whiper: on { } break; } player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Lobby: //command /TLobby [on/off] { packet.ReadByte(out Arg1); switch (Arg1) { case 0: //lobby: off { } break; case 2: //lobby: on { } break; } player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Open: //command /open [nick] { packet.ReadPStr(out Nick); WriteConsole.WriteLine("test =>" + Nick); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Close: //command /close [nick] { packet.ReadPStr(out Nick); WriteConsole.WriteLine("test =>" + Nick); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Kick: //command /kick [nick] [op] { if (!packet.ReadUInt32(out PlayerConnectionID)) { return; } var client = PLobby.GetPlayerByConnectionId(PlayerConnectionID); if (client == null) { return; } player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }); client.Close(); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Disconnect_By_UID: //command /discon_uid [uid] { if (!packet.ReadUInt32(out PlayerConnectionID)) { return; } var client = PLobby.GetPlayerByConnectionId(PlayerConnectionID); if (client == null) { return; } client.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x76, 0x02, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }); client.Close(); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Change_GameWind: //Command /wind [spd] [dir] { packet.ReadByte(out byte WP); packet.ReadByte(out byte WD); Game = PLobby.GetGameHandle(player); if (Game == null) { return; } if (Game != null && Game.GameType != GAME_TYPE.CHAT_ROOM) { Game.Send(ShowWind(WP, WD)); } } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_Change_GameWeather: //Command /weather [type] 'fine', 'rain', 'snow', 'cloud' (Chuva, Neve ...) { packet.ReadByte(out Arg1); Game = PLobby.GetGameHandle(player); if (Game == null) { return; } Game.Send(ShowWeather(Arg1)); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_GiveItem: //giveitem: /giveitem [nick][typeid][num] { packet.ReadUInt32(out PlayerConnectionID); //meu id de conexão ou do client packet.ReadUInt32(out ItemTypeID); //id do item enviado packet.ReadUInt32(out Quantity); //quantidade de itens enviado if (!IffEntry.IsExist(ItemTypeID)) { return; } var Client = (GPlayer)(player.Server).GetClientByConnectionId(PlayerConnectionID); if (null == Client) { return; } AddMail = new MailSender(); try { AddMail.Sender = "@GM"; AddMail.AddText("GM presents you"); AddMail.AddItem(ItemTypeID, Quantity, true); // Add to db AddMail.Send(Client.GetUID); Client.SendMailPopup(); player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }); } finally { AddMail.Dispose(); } } break; case GM_COMMAND.Player_GoldenBell: //Command goldenbell ID (enviar item para todos da sala) { //id do item enviado if (!packet.ReadUInt32(out ItemTypeID)) { return; } //quantidade de itens enviado if (!packet.ReadUInt32(out Quantity)) { return; } //Checagem do item if (!IffEntry.IsExist(ItemTypeID)) { return; } Game = PLobby.GetGameHandle(player); if (Game == null) { return; } AddMail = new MailSender(); try { foreach (var Client in Game.Players) { AddMail.Sender = "@GM"; AddMail.AddText("GM presents you"); AddMail.AddItem(ItemTypeID, Quantity, true); // Add to db AddMail.Send(Client.GetUID); Client.SendMailPopup(); } } finally { AddMail.Dispose(); } } break; case GM_COMMAND.HioHoleCupScale: { } break; case GM_COMMAND.SetMission: //Command /setmission [MISSION_NUM] { packet.ReadByte(out byte MissionID); WriteConsole.WriteLine("SetMission => " + MissionID); } break; case GM_COMMAND.MatchMap: //Command /matchmap [mapcount] { packet.ReadUInt32(out uint MapCount); WriteConsole.WriteLine("MatchMap => " + MapCount); } break; case GM_COMMAND.Notice_Prize: { //List<TNoticePrize> itens; if (!packet.ReadByte(out Arg1)) { return; } switch (Arg1) { case 0: //lobby: off { if (!packet.ReadUInt32(out uint Count)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { var item = (TNoticePrize)packet.Read(new TNoticePrize()); } } break; case 2: //lobby: on { } break; } player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }); } break; default: { WriteConsole.WriteLine("Command ID UNK => " + CommandId); packet.Save(); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Пересылка с почты oit на пользователей Lotus /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters"></param> public void StartMessageOit(ConfigFile.ConfigFile parameters) { try { int count = 0; ZipAttachments zip = new ZipAttachments(); using (Pop3Client client = new Pop3Client()) { client.CheckCertificateRevocation = false; client.Connect(parameters.Pop3Address, 995, true); MailSender mail = new MailSender(); Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception($"Соединение с сервером установлено (OIT)")); client.Authenticate(parameters.LoginOit, parameters.PasswordOit); Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception($"Пользователь проверен (OIT)")); if (client.IsConnected) { MailLogicLotus mailSave = new MailLogicLotus(); SelectSql select = new SelectSql(); UserLotus userSqlDefault = select.FindUserGroup(7); int messageCount = client.GetMessageCount(); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { MimeMessage message = client.GetMessage(i); var messageAttaches = message.Attachments as List <MimeEntity> ?? new List <MimeEntity>(); var messageBodyAttaches = new List <MimeEntity>(); messageBodyAttaches.AddRange(message.BodyParts); var calendar = messageBodyAttaches.Where(x => x.ContentType.MimeType == "text/calendar").ToList(); var file = messageBodyAttaches.Where(x => x.ContentType.MediaType == "image" || x.ContentType.MediaType == "application").ToList(); if (file.Count > 0) { messageAttaches.AddRange(file); } string body; var isHtmlMime = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.TextBody)) { body = message.HtmlBody; isHtmlMime = true; } else { body = message.TextBody; } var date = message.Date; if (date.Date >= DateTime.Now.Date) { if (!mailSave.IsExistsBdMail(message.MessageId)) { if (calendar.Count > 0) { var calendarVks = new CalendarVks(); body = calendarVks.CalendarParser(calendar, message); } var address = (MailboxAddress)message.From[0]; var mailSender = address.Address; var nameFile = date.ToString("") + "_" + mailSender.Split('@')[0] + ".zip"; var fullPath = Path.Combine(parameters.PathSaveArchive, nameFile); MailLotusOutlookIn mailMessage = new MailLotusOutlookIn() { IdMail = message.MessageId, MailAdressSend = parameters.LoginOit, SubjectMail = message.Subject, Body = body, MailAdress = mailSender, DateInputServer = date.DateTime, NameFile = nameFile, FullPathFile = fullPath, FileMail = zip.StartZipArchive(messageAttaches, fullPath) }; mailSave.AddModelMailIn(mailMessage); var mailUsers = mail.FindUserLotusMail(select.FindUserOnUserGroup(userSqlDefault, mailMessage.SubjectMail), "(OIT)"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.HtmlBody)) { var math = Regex.Match(body, @"CN=(.+)МНС"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(math.Value)) { mailUsers.Add(math.Value); } } if (isHtmlMime) { mail.SendMailMimeHtml(mailMessage, mailUsers); } else { mail.SendMailIn(mailMessage, mailUsers); } count++; Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception($"УН: {mailMessage.IdMail} Дата/Время: {date} От кого: {mailMessage.MailAdress}")); } } else { //Удаление сообщения/письма client.DeleteMessage(i); } } mailSave.Dispose(); Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception("Количество пришедшей (OIT) почты:" + count)); } mail.Dispose(); client.Disconnect(true); } //Очистить временную папку с файлами zip.DropAllFileToPath(parameters.PathSaveArchive); foreach (FileInfo file in new DirectoryInfo(parameters.PathSaveArchive).GetFiles()) { Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception($"Наименование удаленных файлов: {file.FullName}")); file.Delete(); } Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception("Очистили папку от файлов (OIT)!")); Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception("Перерыв 5 минут (OIT)")); } catch (Exception x) { Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Debug(x); } }
protected void PlayerGetEXP(GPlayer player, uint Total) { PangyaBinaryWriter Resp; bool IsUpdate = false; MailSender MailSender; Resp = new PangyaBinaryWriter(); if (player.Level >= 70) { player.SendResponse(new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }); return; } player.Exp = player.Exp += Total; while (true) { if (player.Level >= 70) { break; } EXPList.TryGetValue(player.Level, out uint EXPTotal); if (player.Exp >= EXPTotal) { player.Level = Convert.ToByte(player.Level + 1); MailSender = new MailSender(); try { MailSender.Sender = "@GM"; MailSender.AddItemLevel((TLEVEL)player.Level); MailSender.Send(player.GetUID); } finally { MailSender.Dispose(); } player.Exp = player.Exp -= EXPTotal; IsUpdate = true; } else { break; } } var _db = new PangyaEntities(); try { if (IsUpdate) { var table1 = $"UPDATE Pangya_User_Statistics SET Game_Point = '{player.Exp}', Game_Level = '{player.Level}' WHERE UID = '{player.GetUID}'"; _db.Database.SqlQuery <PangyaEntities>(table1).FirstOrDefault(); player.SendLevelUp(); } } finally { if (Resp != null) { Resp.Dispose(); } else if (_db != null) { _db.Dispose(); } } player.LoadStatistic(); }
/// <summary> /// Отправка писем абоненту внешней почты /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">Параметры конфигурации</param> public void SendSmtpMessage(ConfigFile.ConfigFile parameters) { try { Mail = new MailSender(); ZipAttachments zipAttach = new ZipAttachments(); MailLogicLotus mailSave = new MailLogicLotus(); var dbSend = Mail.SendMailOut(parameters.PathSaveArchive); foreach (var mailLotusOutlookOut in dbSend) { //Сначала манипуляции с файлами и архивами а потом отправка var builder = new BodyBuilder() { TextBody = mailLotusOutlookOut.Body }; if (mailLotusOutlookOut.FullPathListFile != null) { foreach (var fullFileName in mailLotusOutlookOut.FullPathListFile.Split(';')) { builder.Attachments.Add(fullFileName); } var nameFile = DateTime.Today.ToString("") + ".zip"; var fullPathZip = Path.Combine(parameters.PathSaveArchive, nameFile); mailLotusOutlookOut.FileMailZip = zipAttach.StartZipArchiveOut(mailLotusOutlookOut.FullPathListFile.Split(';'), fullPathZip); mailLotusOutlookOut.NameFileZip = nameFile; } //Проверка почты var user = new List <string>() { mailLotusOutlookOut.MailAdressIn }; var arrayMail = MailArraySubject(mailLotusOutlookOut.MailAdressOut); if (arrayMail.Length > 0) { mailLotusOutlookOut.ErrorMail = $"Письмо отправлено адресатам {string.Join("/", arrayMail)}"; foreach (var mail in arrayMail) { MimeMessage mailToClient = new MimeMessage(); mailToClient.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(mail)); mailToClient.Subject = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mailLotusOutlookOut.SubjectMail) ? "" : mailLotusOutlookOut.SubjectMail; mailToClient.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(mailLotusOutlookOut.MailAdressIn, parameters.LoginR7751)); //Сюда идентификатор mailToClient.Headers[HeaderId.MessageId] = mailToClient.MessageId; mailToClient.Headers[HeaderId.ResentMessageId] = mailToClient.MessageId; mailToClient.Headers[HeaderId.DispositionNotificationTo] = parameters.LoginR7751; mailToClient.Headers[HeaderId.ReturnReceiptTo] = parameters.LoginR7751; mailToClient.Body = builder.ToMessageBody(); try { using (var smtp = new SmtpCustomClient.SmtpCustomClient()) { smtp.DeliveryStatusNotificationType = DeliveryStatusNotificationType.Full; smtp.CheckCertificateRevocation = false; smtp.Connect(parameters.Pop3Address, 465, true); smtp.Authenticate(parameters.LoginR7751, parameters.PasswordR7751); smtp.Send(mailToClient); smtp.Disconnect(true); } Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception($"Отправка письма {mailLotusOutlookOut.IdMail} на адрес {mail}")); } catch (Exception ex) { Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Error(ex); mailLotusOutlookOut.ErrorMail = $"Письмо не отправлено адресату возникли ошибки во время отправки"; } } Mail.SendMailAutoOutput(user, $"Отправка писем произведена!!!", $"Адреса участники рассылки \r\n {string.Join("\r\n", arrayMail)}"); } else { Mail.SendMailAutoOutput(user, $"Отправка писем на адрес(а) не возможна {mailLotusOutlookOut.MailAdressOut} !!!", $"Ошибка почты {mailLotusOutlookOut.MailAdressOut} !!!"); mailLotusOutlookOut.ErrorMail = $"Почтовый ящик(и) не прошел(и) проверку отправка не возможна!"; Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Error(new Exception($"Отправка письма {mailLotusOutlookOut.IdMail} не прошла проверку внешних адресов")); } mailSave.AddModelMailOut(mailLotusOutlookOut); } //Очистить временную папку с файлами zipAttach.DropAllFileToPath(parameters.PathSaveArchive); Loggers.Log4NetLogger.Info(new Exception("Отправка почты внешнем абонентам закончена!")); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } finally { Mail.Dispose(); } }