public static void CheckForNameChange(List <User> users, GraphServiceClient graphClient) { Queue <User> work = new Queue <User>(); foreach (var user in users) { work.Enqueue(user); } int wait = 0; while (work.Count > 0) { wait++; Thread.Sleep(25); var temp = work.Dequeue(); /* * User teneoUser; * try * { * teneoUser = graphClient.Users[temp.Id].Request().GetAsync().Result; * } * catch { teneoUser = null; }*/ if (temp.Mail != null) { if (temp.Mail.Contains("")) { Console.WriteLine(temp.DisplayName + " has been updated, sending mail."); String html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:/Rebrand/Misc/Notification.html"); html = html.Replace("TENEOAZUREFIRSTNAME", temp.GivenName); // Send mail of MySite reflecting UPN change Message notification = MailHelper.ComposeMail("Your Teneo Email Has Been Updated", html, new List <string>() { temp.Mail }); graphClient.Me.SendMail(notification, false).Request().PostAsync(); // Changing OneDrive Permissions //var result = UpdatePermissions("C:/Rebrand/Teneo_PEM.txt", graphClient, temp.Id); //if (result != null) { OneDrive.Enqueue(result); } // Send asynchronous call to permission rewrite for this user. } else { Console.WriteLine("\t" + temp.DisplayName + " has not changed yet. . . "); // update user object temp = graphClient.Users[temp.Id].Request().GetAsync().Result; Console.WriteLine("\tupdated user object and re-queueing."); work.Enqueue(temp); } } /* List<String> moreToDo = new List<String>(); * if (wait == 25) * { * for(int x = 0; x < OneDrive.Count;x++) * { * var moreWork = OneDrive.Dequeue(); * var stillMore = UpdatePermissions("C:/Rebrand/Teneo_PEM.txt", graphClient, moreWork); * * if (stillMore != null) { moreToDo.Add(stillMore); } * } * } * * OneDrive = new Queue<string>(moreToDo);*/ } }