/// <summary>
        /// Invalidate every resource due to a critical event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeErrorMessage">Message for cancelled codes</param>
        /// <returns>Asynchronous task</returns>
        public static async Task InvalidateData(string codeErrorMessage)
            // Close every open file. This closes the internal macro files as well
            await Print.Cancel();

            // Resolve pending macros, unbuffered (system) codes and flush requests
            foreach (CodeChannel channel in CodeChannels)

                using (await Channels[channel].LockAsync())
            _bytesReserved = _bufferSpace = 0;

            // Resolve pending heightmap requests
            using (await _heightmapLock.LockAsync())
                _getHeightmapRequest?.SetException(new OperationCanceledException(codeErrorMessage));
                _heightmapRequested = false;

                _setHeightmapRequest?.SetException(new OperationCanceledException(codeErrorMessage));
                _heightmapToSet = null;
        private static async Task HandleAbortFileRequest()
            DataTransfer.ReadAbortFile(out CodeChannel channel, out bool abortAll);
            Console.WriteLine($"[info] Received file abort request on channel {channel} for {(abortAll ? "all files" : "the last file")}");

            if (abortAll)
                if (channel == CodeChannel.File)
                    await Print.Cancel();
                if (_channels[channel].NestedMacros.TryPop(out MacroFile macroFile))
                    Console.WriteLine($"[info] Aborted last macro file '{macroFile.FileName}'");
        private static async Task HandleAbortFileRequest()
            DataTransfer.ReadAbortFile(out CodeChannel channel);
            Console.WriteLine($"[info] Received file abort request for channel {channel}");

            if (channel == CodeChannel.File)
                await Print.Cancel();
Esempio n. 4
        public void ProcessConfig()
            string    filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "File/GCodes/config.g");
            MacroFile macro    = new MacroFile(filePath, DuetAPI.CodeChannel.Daemon, null);

                Code code = macro.ReadCode();
            } while (!macro.IsFinished);

            // End
Esempio n. 5
        private static async Task Diagnostics(CodeResult result)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.AppendLine("=== Duet Control Server ===");
            builder.AppendLine($"Duet Control Server v{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}");
            await SPI.Interface.Diagnostics(builder);

            await Print.Diagnostics(builder);

            result.Add(MessageType.Success, builder.ToString().TrimEnd());
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Process an M-code that should be interpreted by the control server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">Code to process</param>
        /// <returns>Result of the code if the code completed, else null</returns>
        public static async Task <CodeResult> Process(Commands.Code code)
            switch (code.MajorNumber)
            // Cancel print
            case 0:
            case 1:
                if (Print.IsPrinting)
                    await Print.Cancel();

            // Select a file to print
            case 23:
                string file = await FilePath.ToPhysical(code.GetUnprecedentedString(), "gcodes");

                if (File.Exists(file))
                    using (await _fileToPrintLock.LockAsync())
                        _fileToPrint = file;
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"File {file} selected for printing"));
                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Could not find file {file}"));

            // Resume a file print
            case 24:
                if (!Print.IsPaused)
                    string file;
                    using (await _fileToPrintLock.LockAsync())
                        file = string.Copy(_fileToPrint);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Cannot print, because no file is selected!"));

                    // FIXME Emulate Marlin via "File opened\nFile selected". IMHO this should happen via a CodeChannel property
                    return(await Print.Start(file, code.Channel));

            // Pause print
            case 25:
            case 226:
                if (Print.IsPrinting && !Print.IsPaused)
                    // Stop sending file instructions to the firmware
                    await Print.Pause();

            // Set SD position
            case 26:
                CodeParameter sParam = code.Parameter('S');
                if (sParam != null)
                    Print.Position = sParam;
                // P is not supported yet
                return(new CodeResult());

            // Report SD print status
            case 27:
                if (Print.IsPrinting)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"SD printing byte {Print.Position}/{Print.Length}"));
                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "Not SD printing."));

            // Delete a file on the SD card
            case 30:
                string file = code.GetUnprecedentedString();
                    File.Delete(await FilePath.ToPhysical(file));
                    return(new CodeResult());
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to delete file {file}: {e.Message}"));

            // Start a file print
            case 32:
                string file = await FilePath.ToPhysical(code.GetUnprecedentedString(), "gcodes");

                using (await _fileToPrintLock.LockAsync())
                    _fileToPrint = file;
                return(await Print.Start(file, code.Channel));

            // Return file information
            case 36:
                if (code.Parameters.Count > 0)
                        string file = await FilePath.ToPhysical(code.GetUnprecedentedString());

                        ParsedFileInfo info = await FileInfoParser.Parse(file);

                        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info, JsonHelper.DefaultSettings);
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "{\"err\":0," + json.Substring(1)));
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, "{\"err\":1}"));

            // Simulate file
            case 37:
                // TODO: Check if file exists
                // TODO: Execute and await pseudo-M37 with IsPreProcessed = true so the firmware enters the right simulation state
                // TODO: Start file print
                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Warning, "M37 is not supported yet"));

            // Compute SHA1 hash of target file
            case 38:
                string file = await FilePath.ToPhysical(code.GetUnprecedentedString());

                    using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        var    sha1 = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create();
                        byte[] hash = await Task.Run(() => sha1.ComputeHash(stream), Program.CancelSource.Token);

                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "")));
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Could not compute SHA1 checksum for file {file}: {ae.InnerException.Message}"));

            // Report SD card information
            case 39:
                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadOnlyAsync())
                    int index = code.Parameter('P', 0);
                    if (code.Parameter('S', 0) == 2)
                        if (index < 0 || index >= Model.Provider.Get.Storages.Count)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"{{\"SDinfo\":{{\"slot\":{index},present:0}}}}"));

                        Storage storage = Model.Provider.Get.Storages[index];
                        var     output  = new
                            SDinfo = new
                                slot     = index,
                                present  = 1,
                                capacity = storage.Capacity,
                                free     = storage.Free,
                                speed    = storage.Speed
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(output)));
                        if (index < 0 || index >= Model.Provider.Get.Storages.Count)
                            return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Bad SD slot number: {index}"));

                        Storage storage = Model.Provider.Get.Storages[index];
                        return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"SD card in slot {index}: capacity {storage.Capacity / (1000 * 1000 * 1000):F2}Gb, free space {storage.Free / (1000 * 1000 * 1000):F2}Gb, speed {storage.Speed / (1000*1000):F2}MBytes/sec"));

            // Return from macro
            case 99:
                if (!MacroFile.AbortLastFile(code.Channel))
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Not executing a macro file"));
                return(new CodeResult());

            // Emergency Stop
            case 112:
                await SPI.Interface.RequestEmergencyStop();

                using (await Model.Provider.AccessReadWriteAsync())
                    Model.Provider.Get.State.Status = MachineStatus.Halted;
                return(new CodeResult());

            // Immediate DSF diagnostics
            case 122:
                if (code.GetUnprecedentedString() == "DSF")
                    CodeResult result = new CodeResult();
                    await Diagnostics(result);


            // Save heightmap
            case 374:
                string file = code.Parameter('P', "heightmap.csv");

                    Heightmap map = await SPI.Interface.GetHeightmap();

                    await map.Save(await FilePath.ToPhysical(file, "sys"));

                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, $"Height map saved to file {file}"));
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to save height map to file {file}: {ae.InnerException.Message}"));

            // Load heightmap
            case 375:
                string file = await FilePath.ToPhysical(code.Parameter('P', "heightmap.csv"), "sys");

                    Heightmap map = new Heightmap();
                    await map.Load(file);

                    await SPI.Interface.SetHeightmap(map);

                    return(new CodeResult());
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to load height map from file {file}: {ae.InnerException.Message}"));

            // Create Directory on SD-Card
            case 470:
                string path = code.Parameter('P', "");
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(await FilePath.ToPhysical(path));
                    return(new CodeResult());
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to create directory {path}: {e.Message}"));

            // Rename File/Directory on SD-Card
            case 471:
                string from = code.Parameter('S');
                string to   = code.Parameter('T');

                    string source = await FilePath.ToPhysical(from);

                    string destination = await FilePath.ToPhysical(to);

                    if (File.Exists(source))
                        if (File.Exists(destination) && code.Parameter('D', false))
                        File.Move(source, destination);
                    else if (Directory.Exists(source))
                        if (Directory.Exists(destination) && code.Parameter('D', false))
                            // This could be recursive but at the moment we mimic RRF's behaviour
                        Directory.Move(source, destination);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException();
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, $"Failed to rename file or directory {from} to {to}: {e.Message}"));

            // Store parameters
            case 500:
                await Utility.ConfigOverride.Save(code);


            // Print settings
            case 503:
                string configFile = await FilePath.ToPhysical(MacroFile.ConfigFile, "sys");

                if (File.Exists(configFile))
                    string content = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(configFile);

                    return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Success, content));
                return(new CodeResult(MessageType.Error, "Configuration file not found"));

            // Reset controller
            case 999:
                if (code.Parameters.Count == 0)
                    await SPI.Interface.RequestReset();

                    return(new CodeResult());