protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { siteUrl = SiteConfig.SiteInfo.SiteUrl; if (siteUrl.Substring(siteUrl.Length - 1, 1) == "/") { siteUrl = siteUrl.Substring(0, siteUrl.Length - 1); } info = buser.GetLogin(); UserNameLb.Text = info.UserName; uName.Text = info.UserName; double GradeVar = info.UserExp; M_PointGrounp pointmod = pointBll.SelectPintGroup((int)info.UserExp); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pointmod.GroupName)) { UserLvLb.Text = ""; } else { UserLvLb.Text = "[" + pointmod.GroupName + "]"; } LvIcon_Span.Attributes["class"] = pointmod.ImgUrl; GroupPic gp = new GroupPic(); M_Uinfo binfo = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(info.UserID); UserAddressLb.Text = binfo.Address; UserSignLb.Text = binfo.Sign; UserRegTimeLb.Text = info.RegTime.ToString(); UserYeLb.Text = info.Purse.ToString(); UserJfLb.Text = info.UserExp.ToString(); UserJbLb.Text = info.SilverCoin.ToString(); imgUserPic.ImageUrl = getproimg(binfo.UserFace); MyBind(); MyDataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { switchID.Value = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["sel"]); if (!buser.CheckLogin()) { function.WriteErrMsg("请先<a href=/User/Login.aspx>登录</a>!", "/User/Login.aspx"); } if (SiteConfig.UserConfig.UserMobilAuth.Equals("0")) { tbMobile.Enabled = false; } M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); UserFace_Hid.Value = Path.GetFileName(mu.UserFace); tbUserFace.Text = mu.UserFace; CompanyName.Text = mu.CompanyName; UserFace_Img.ImageUrl = mu.UserFace; SFile_Up.FileUrl = mu.UserFace; //CompanyGroup是否为企业用户组0-否 1-是 //if (gpBll.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(mu.GroupID)).CompanyGroup == 1) //{ // DivCompany.Visible = true; // txtCompanyName.Text = mu.CompanyName; // txtCompanyDescribe.Text = mu.CompanyDescribe; //} M_Uinfo binfo = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); if (!binfo.IsNull) { tbTrueName.Text = mu.TrueName; txtHonName.Text = mu.HoneyName; tbUserSex.SelectedValue = binfo.UserSex ? "1" : "0"; address.Value = binfo.Province + "," + binfo.City + "," + binfo.County; tbAddress.Text = binfo.Address; tbBirthday.Text = binfo.BirthDay; tbFaceWidth.Text = binfo.FaceWidth.ToString(); tbFaceHeight.Text = binfo.FaceHeight.ToString(); tbFax.Text = binfo.Fax; tbHomepage.Text = binfo.HomePage; tbHomePhone.Text = binfo.HomePhone; tbIDCard.Text = binfo.IDCard; tbMobile.Text = binfo.Mobile; tbMSN.Text = binfo.MSN; tbOfficePhone.Text = binfo.OfficePhone; tbPrivacy.SelectedValue = binfo.Privating.ToString(); tbQQ.Text = binfo.QQ; tbSign.Text = binfo.Sign; tbUC.Text = binfo.UC; tbZipCode.Text = binfo.ZipCode; //公司信息与职务 Position.Text = binfo.Position; } lblHtml.Text = fieldBll.InputallHtml(0, 0, new ModelConfig() { Fields = SiteConfig.UserConfig.RegFieldsMustFill + "," + SiteConfig.UserConfig.RegFieldsSelectFill, Source = ModelConfig.SType.UserRegister, ValueDT = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID.ToString()) }); } }
protected string GetUserName(string UserID) { M_UserInfo uinfo = ull.GetUserByUserID(DataConverter.CLng(UserID)); M_Uinfo ubaseinfo = ull.GetUserBaseByuserid(DataConverter.CLng(UserID)); return(uinfo.UserName); }
public IActionResult Mobile_2() { string mobile = RequestEx["NewMobile_T"]; string key = RequestEx["NewVCode_hid"]; string vcode = RequestEx["NewVCode"]; string checknum = RequestEx["NewCheckNum_T"]; basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); ViewBag.newmoblie = mobile; Step = 2; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCheckNum)) { ShowAlert("校验码不存在,请重新发送校验码"); return(View("Mobile")); } else if (!checknum.Equals(NewCheckNum)) { ShowAlert("校验码不匹配"); return(View("Mobile")); } else if (buser.IsExist("ume", mobile)) { ShowAlert("该手机号已存在"); return(View("Mobile")); } else if (!RegexHelper.IsMobilPhone(mobile)) { ShowAlert("手机格式不正确"); return(View("Mobile")); } else { basemu.Mobile = mobile; buser.UpdateBase(basemu); } return(WriteOK("修改手机号成功", "/User/Info/UserInfo")); }
public IActionResult UserBase_Edit() { DataTable dt = ubfbll.Select_All(); DataTable table; try { table = Call.GetDTFromMVC(dt, Request); } catch (Exception e) { return(WriteErr(e.Message)); } mu.UserFace = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["UserFace_T"]); mu.HoneyName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["txtHonName"]); mu.CompanyName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["CompanyName"]); mu.TrueName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["tbTrueName"]); M_Uinfo binfo = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); binfo.Address = RequestEx["tbAddress"]; binfo.BirthDay = RequestEx["tbBirthday"]; binfo.UserFace = mu.UserFace; binfo.Fax = RequestEx["tbFax"]; binfo.HomePage = RequestEx["tbHomepage"]; //binfo.ICQ = Server.HtmlEncode(tbICQ.Text.Trim()); binfo.HomePhone = RequestEx["tbHomePhone"]; binfo.IDCard = RequestEx["tbIDCard"]; binfo.Mobile = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["tbMobile"]); binfo.OfficePhone = RequestEx["tbOfficePhone"]; binfo.Privating = DataConvert.CLng(RequestEx["tbPrivacy"]); //binfo.PHS = Server.HtmlEncode(tbPHS.Text.Trim()); binfo.QQ = RequestEx["tbQQ"]; binfo.Sign = RequestEx["tbSign"]; binfo.UC = RequestEx["tbUC"]; binfo.UserSex = DataConverter.CBool(RequestEx["tbUserSex"]); //binfo.Yahoo = Server.HtmlEncode(tbYahoo.Text.Trim()); binfo.ZipCode = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["tbZipCode"]); binfo.HoneyName = mu.HoneyName; binfo.TrueName = mu.TrueName; string[] adrestr = GetParam("address").Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); binfo.Province = adrestr[0]; binfo.City = adrestr[1]; binfo.County = adrestr[2]; binfo.Position = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(RequestEx["Position"]); buser.UpDateUser(mu); if (binfo.IsNull) { binfo.UserId = mu.UserID; buser.AddBase(binfo); } else { buser.UpdateBase(binfo);//更新用户信息 } if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { buser.UpdateUserFile(binfo.UserId, table); } return(WriteOK("修改成功", "UserBase")); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mu = buser.GetLogin(); if (!IsPostBack) { ucMod = ucBll.SelModelByUserID(mu.UserID); if (ucMod == null)//无对应权限,则是默认权限 { } else//拥有权限 { SetChk(); } uinfoMod = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); TrueName.Text = mu.HoneyName; if (uinfoMod.UserSex) { UserSex.SelectedValue = "1"; } else { UserSex.SelectedValue = "2"; } UserPhone.Text = uinfoMod.Mobile; UserTel.Text = uinfoMod.HomePhone; Branch.Text = groupBll.GetGroupNameByIDS(mu.GroupID.ToString()); StatusT.Text = mu.State == 0 ? "在职" : "离职"; } }
public IActionResult GetPassWord_Mobile() { if (!VerifyHelper.Check(RequestEx["VCode_hid"])) { return(WriteErr("验证码不正确", "/User/Change/GetPassword")); } M_UserInfo mu = GetUserByName(RequestEx["TxtUserName"]); M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basemu.Mobile)) { return(WriteErr("用户未设置手机号,无法通过手机号找回")); } string code = function.GetRandomString(6, 2); string mobile = basemu.Mobile; if (mobileBll.CheckMobile(HttpContext, mobile)) { CommonReturn ret = SMS_Helper.SendVCode(mobile, code, SMSConfig.Instance.Tlp_GetBack); //添加一条发送手机短信记录 mobileBll.Insert(new M_Safe_Mobile() { Phone = mobile, VCode = code, Source = "GetPassWord_Mobile", UserID = mu.UserID, UserName = mu.UserName, SysRemind = ret.err }); } else { return(WriteErr("短信发送次数超过上限!")); } UserMobile = mobile; GetPwdUName = mu.UserName; GetPwdStep = "mobile_code"; return(View("GetPassWord")); }
public ActionResult GetPassWord_Mobile() { if (!ZoomlaSecurityCenter.VCodeCheck(Request.Form["VCode_hid"], Request.Form["VCode"])) { function.WriteErrMsg("验证码不正确", "/User/Change/GetPassword"); return(Content("")); } M_UserInfo mu = GetUserByName(Request.Form["TxtUserName"]); M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basemu.Mobile)) { function.WriteErrMsg("用户未设置手机号,无法通过手机号找回"); return(Content("")); } string code = function.GetRandomString(6, 2); string content = "【" + SiteConfig.SiteInfo.SiteName + "】,你正在使用找回密码服务,校验码:" + code; SendWebSMS.SendMessage(basemu.Mobile, content); //短信信息存入数据库 M_Message messInfo = new M_Message(); messInfo.Title = "验证码:找回密码"; messInfo.PostDate = DataConverter.CDate(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString()); messInfo.Content = content; messInfo.Receipt = ""; messInfo.MsgType = 3; messInfo.status = 1; messInfo.Incept = mu.UserID.ToString(); B_Message.Add(messInfo); mu.seturl = code; buser.UpdateByID(mu); GetPwdStep = "mobile_code"; return(View("GetPassWord")); }
public void Submit_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string result = CheckUserName(UserName_T.Text.Replace(" ", "")); if (result.Equals("disabled")) { function.WriteErrMsg("该用户名禁止注册,请输入不同的用户名!"); } else if (result.Equals("false")) { function.WriteErrMsg("该用户名已被他人占用,请输入不同的用户名"); } M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); M_Uinfo baseMu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); if (baseMu.IsNull) { baseMu.UserId = mu.UserID; mu.UserBase = baseMu; } mu.UserName = UserName_T.Text; mu.UserPwd = StringHelper.MD5(Password_T.Text); mu.Email = Email_T.Text; mu.GroupID = 2; mu.RoomID = 1; buser.UpdateByID(mu); buser.UpdateBase(baseMu); function.WriteSuccessMsg("操作成功!", "/User/Default1.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_User.CheckIsLogged(Request.RawUrl); if (!IsPostBack) { M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); if (basemu != null) { Mobile_T.Text = basemu.Mobile; Email_T.Text = mu.Email; CompName_T.Text = mu.CompanyName; QQ_T.Text = basemu.QQ; } M_User_Plat upMod = upBll.SelReturnModel(mu.UserID); if (upMod != null && upMod.Status != -1) { ShowRemind("你已开通能力中心,不需要再申请"); } else if (alyBll.IsExist("plat_applyopen", mu.UserID)) { ShowRemind("你提交的审请正在审核中..."); } } }
/// <summary> /// 用于创建公司,审核认证 /// </summary> public void NewByUserDT(M_Plat_Comp compMod, DataTable userDT) { B_Plat_Group gpBll = new B_Plat_Group(); for (int i = 0; i < userDT.Rows.Count; i++) { string gname = userDT.Rows[i]["gname"].ToString(); string uname = userDT.Rows[i]["uname"].ToString(); string honey = userDT.Rows[i]["honey"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uname)) { continue; } M_UserInfo newmu = buser.NewUser(uname, "111111"); newmu.HoneyName = honey; newmu.UserID = buser.Add(newmu); M_Uinfo basemu = buser.NewBase(newmu); buser.AddBase(basemu); //----能力相关信息 M_Plat_Group gpMod = gpBll.NewGroup(gname, compMod.ID, newmu.UserID); M_User_Plat upMod = NewUser(newmu, compMod); gpMod.ID = gpBll.Insert(gpMod); upMod.Gid = gpMod.ID.ToString(); Insert(upMod); } }
//直接修改手机号,需要后端配置 public IActionResult Mobile_Free() { if (!SiteConfig.UserConfig.UserMobilAuth.Equals("1")) { return(WriteErr("未允许自由修改手机号")); } string page = "MobileFree"; string mobile = RequestEx["NewMobile_T"]; basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); = mu; ViewBag.basemu = basemu; if (buser.IsExist("ume", mobile)) { ShowAlert("该手机号已存在"); return(View(page)); } else if (!RegexHelper.IsMobilPhone(mobile)) { ShowAlert("手机格式不正确"); return(View(page)); } else { basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); basemu.Mobile = mobile; buser.UpdateBase(basemu); } return(WriteOK("修改手机号成功", "/User/Info/UserInfo")); }
public ActionResult GetPassWord_Mobile() { if (!VerifyHelper.Check(Request.Form["VCode_hid"])) { function.WriteErrMsg("验证码不正确", "/User/Change/GetPassword"); return(Content("")); } M_UserInfo mu = GetUserByName(Request.Form["TxtUserName"]); M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basemu.Mobile)) { function.WriteErrMsg("用户未设置手机号,无法通过手机号找回"); return(Content("")); } string code = function.GetRandomString(6, 2); string content = "你正在使用找回密码服务,校验码:" + code; string mobile = basemu.Mobile; if (mobileBll.CheckMobile(mobile)) { string ret = SendWebSMS.SendMessage(mobile, content); //添加一条发送手机短信记录 mobileBll.Insert(new M_Safe_Mobile() { Phone = mobile, VCode = code, Source = "GetPassWord_Mobile", UserID = mu.UserID, UserName = mu.UserName, SysRemind = ret }); } else { function.WriteErrMsg("短信发送次数超过上限!"); return(null); } UserMobile = mobile; GetPwdUName = mu.UserName; GetPwdStep = "mobile_code"; return(View("GetPassWord")); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stream srdPreview = FileUpload1.FileContent; string filecontent = StreamtoString(srdPreview); string[] linetxt = filecontent.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 1; i < linetxt.Length; i++) { string userinfo = linetxt[i]; string[] userarr = linetxt[i].Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int ii = 0; ii < userarr.Length; ii++) { if (buser.GetUserIDByUserName(userarr[0].ToString()).UserID == 0) { M_UserInfo userinfos = new M_UserInfo(); userinfos.GroupID = gll.DefaultGroupID(); userinfos.UserName = userarr[0].ToString(); userinfos.Email = userarr[1].ToString(); //userinfos.UserExp = DataConverter.CLng(userarr[2].ToString()); if (userpwd.Text == "") { userinfos.UserPwd = StringHelper.MD5("admin888"); } else { userinfos.UserPwd = StringHelper.MD5(userpwd.Text); } userinfos.TrueName = userarr[3].ToString(); int userid = buser.AddModel(userinfos); M_Uinfo uinfos = new M_Uinfo(); uinfos.UserId = DataConverter.CLng(userid); uinfos.BirthDay = userarr[4].ToString(); uinfos.Address = userarr[5].ToString(); uinfos.OfficePhone = userarr[6].ToString(); uinfos.HomePhone = userarr[7].ToString(); uinfos.Fax = userarr[8].ToString(); uinfos.ZipCode = userarr[9].ToString(); uinfos.Mobile = userarr[10].ToString(); uinfos.UserSex = DataConverter.CBool(userarr[11].ToString()); uinfos.QQ = userarr[12].ToString(); uinfos.MSN = userarr[13].ToString(); uinfos.IDCard = userarr[14].ToString(); uinfos.HomePage = userarr[15].ToString(); uinfos.Province = userarr[16].ToString(); uinfos.County = userarr[17].ToString(); uinfos.WorkProvince = userarr[18].ToString(); uinfos.WorkCounty = userarr[19].ToString(); buser.AddBase(uinfos); } } } Label1.Text = "<font color=green>导入成功!</font>"; }
//Excel导出 protected void Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (ViewState["tableinfo"] != null) //{ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string titles = "会员名,Email,会员积分,真实姓名,生日,联系地址,办公电话,家庭电话,传真号码,邮编,手机号,性别,QQ号码,MSN号码,身份证号码,个人主页,籍省,户籍县市,工作所在省,工作所在县市"; string fildname = "UserName,Email,UserExp,TrueName,BirthDay,Address,OfficePhone,HomePhone,Fax,ZipCode,Mobile,UserSex,QQ,MSN,IDCard,HomePage,Province,County,workProvince,workCity"; string[] usertit = titles.Split(','); string[] userfild = fildname.Split(','); DataTable viewtable = buser.SelAll(); sb.Append(titles.Replace(",", "\t")); sb.Append("\n"); for (int ii = 0; ii < viewtable.Rows.Count; ii++) { int UserID = DataConverter.CLng(viewtable.Rows[ii]["UserID"].ToString()); M_Uinfo ustino = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(UserID); if (ustino.UserId == 0) { ustino.UserId = UserID; buser.AddBase(ustino); } DataTable uinfo = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(UserID.ToString()); if (uinfo != null && uinfo.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < userfild.Length; i++) { if (i == 11) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(uinfo.Rows[0][userfild[i]])) { sb.Append("男\t"); } else { sb.Append("女\t"); } } else { sb.Append(uinfo.Rows[0][userfild[i]] + "\t"); } } } sb.Append("\n"); } Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=UserInfo(" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ").xls"); Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.Default; Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); //} }
//用户信息验证,身份证号,生日等 private bool CheckUserInfo(M_Uinfo basemu) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basemu.IDCard)) { return(true); } if (buser.IsExitcard(basemu.IDCard)) { //("该身份证号已被注册,请输入不同的身份证号!"); return(false); } bool foundMatch = false; try { foundMatch = Regex.IsMatch(basemu.IDCard, @"^\d{17}([0-9]|X)$"); if (foundMatch) { string birth = basemu.IDCard.Substring(6, 8).Insert(6, "-").Insert(4, "-"); DateTime time = new DateTime(); DateTime newDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-120); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (DateTime.TryParse(birth, out time) == false) { //("该身份证生日不正确!"); return(false); } else { DateTime data1 = Convert.ToDateTime(birth); TimeSpan ts = newDate - data1; TimeSpan ts2 = data1 - now; if (ts.Days > 0) { //("您超过了120岁?请核对身份证号。"); return(false); } else if (ts2.Days > 0) { //("您还没出生吧?请核对身份证号。"); return(false); } } } else { //("该身份证格式不正确!"); return(false); } } catch (ArgumentException) { return(true); } return(true); }
public void Submit_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string mobile = mobile_txt.Text; string code = mobile_code.Text; //string result = CheckUserName(UserName_T.Text.Replace(" ", "")); //if (result.Equals("disabled")) { function.WriteErrMsg("该用户名禁止注册,请输入不同的用户名!"); } //else if (result.Equals("false")) { function.WriteErrMsg("该用户名已被他人占用,请输入不同的用户名"); } M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); M_Uinfo baseMu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); string serverCode = Cache["mobile_code_" + mobile] as string; if (mu.IsNull) { function.WriteErrMsg("用户未登录!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile)) { function.WriteErrMsg("手机号不能为空!"); } else if (!regHelp.IsMobilPhone(mobile)) { function.WriteErrMsg("手机格式不正确!"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { function.WriteErrMsg("校验码为空!"); } else if (serverCode == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverCode)) { function.WriteErrMsg("无对应的校验码信息!"); } else if (!serverCode.Equals(code, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { function.WriteErrMsg("校验码不匹配"); } else { mu.UserPwd = StringHelper.MD5(Password_T.Text); mu.GroupID = 2; mu.RoomID = 1; if (baseMu.IsNull) { baseMu.UserId = mu.UserID; mu.UserBase = baseMu; } baseMu.Mobile = mobile; buser.UpdateByID(mu); buser.UpdateBase(baseMu); Cache["mobile_code_" + mobile] = ""; function.WriteSuccessMsg("注册成功!", "/User/Default1.aspx"); } }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { double money = 5; M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); DataTable pubdt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from ZL_Pub_code where PubUserID=" + mu.UserID + " And Pubstart=1 And DATEDIFF(MINUTE,PubAddTime,GETDATE())<=5", null); if (pubdt.Rows.Count > 0) { function.WriteErrMsg("五分钟之内只能购买一次!"); } else { DataTable bmdt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable("select * from ZL_CommonModel left join ZL_C_yjbl on ItemID=ID where ModelID=51 And Status=99 And bm=" + bm.Text); if (bmdt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable bmudt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable("select * from ZL_Pub_code where Pubstart=1 And bm=" + bm.Text); if (bmudt.Rows.Count > 0) { function.WriteErrMsg("该编码已使用,请重新输入!"); } else { pubMod = pubBll.SelReturnModel(PubID); string Mdata = "[{PubContentid:'" + bm.Text + "',PubTitle:'业绩信息',PubContent:'" + PubContent.Text + "',bm:'" + bm.Text + "'}]"; DataTable dt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataTable>(Mdata); ForDataColumn(pubMod, dt); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; if (DBCenter.Insert(pubMod.PubTableName, BLLCommon.GetFields(dr), BLLCommon.GetParas(dr), BLLCommon.GetParameters(dr)) > 0) { M_Uinfo umub = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); switch (umub.Province) { case "北京": money = 10; break; default: break; } buser.ChangeVirtualMoney(mu.UserID, new M_UserExpHis() { score = 10, ScoreType = 1, detail = "销售产品获得资金:" + money + ",业绩编码:" + bm.Text }); function.WriteSuccessMsg("销售成功!", "/User/Info/ConsumeDetail1.aspx?SType=1"); } } } else { function.WriteErrMsg("该编码无效,请重新输入!"); } } }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["id"]); M_UserInfo userinfo = Uinfo.GetUserByUserID(id); M_Uinfo users = Uinfo.GetUserBaseByuserid(id); B_Client_Basic bsc = new B_Client_Basic(); M_Client_Basic client = new M_Client_Basic(); //通过客户姓名获取客户信息 DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = bsc.SelByName(userinfo.UserName.Trim()); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count <= 0) //如果找不到客户则升级 { client.Flow = 0; client.Client_Source = "在线注册"; client.Client_Area = users.Province; client.P_name = userinfo.UserName; client.Add_Date = DateTime.Now; client.Code = DataSecurity.MakeFileRndName(); client.Add_Name = userinfo.TrueName; client.Title = "在线注册"; M_Client_Penson person = new M_Client_Penson(); B_Client_Penson bperson = new B_Client_Penson(); person.Flow = 0; person.Code = client.Code; person.Birthday = DataConverter.CDate(users.BirthDay); = users.County; = users.Country; person.Fax_phone = users.Fax; person.Home_Phone = users.HomePhone; person.Homepage = users.HomePage; person.ICQ_Code = users.ICQ; person.Id_Code = users.IDCard; person.MSN_Code = users.MSN; person.Native = users.Province; person.province = users.County; person.QQ_Code = users.QQ; person.Telephone = users.Mobile; person.UC_Code = users.UC; person.Work_Phone = users.OfficePhone; person.YaoHu_Code = users.Yahoo; person.ZipCodeW = users.ZipCode; bsc.GetInsert(client); bperson.GetInsert(person); function.WriteSuccessMsg("升级成功,请进入客户管理系统管理客户信息!"); } else //否则就提示 { Response.Redirect("EditCus.aspx?id=" + id); } if (dt != null) { dt.Dispose(); } }
public ActionResult UserBase() { M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); ViewBag.modelhtml = fieldBll.InputallHtml(0, 0, new ModelConfig() { Fields = SiteConfig.UserConfig.RegFieldsMustFill + "," + SiteConfig.UserConfig.RegFieldsSelectFill, Source = ModelConfig.SType.UserRegister, ValueDT = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID.ToString()) }); ViewBag.gpMod = gpBll.SelReturnModel(mu.GroupID); ViewBag.basemu = basemu; return(View()); }
//发送手机验证码(步骤1或步骤2的) public string SendValidCode(string key, string vcode, string mobile) { if (!B_User.CheckIsLogged(Request.RawUrl)) { return(null); } B_Safe_Mobile mbBll = new B_Safe_Mobile(); basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(buser.GetLogin().UserID); CheckNum = ""; NewCheckNum = ""; switch (Step) { case 2: NewCheckNum = function.GetRandomString(6, 2).ToLower(); basemu.Mobile = mobile; break; default: CheckNum = function.GetRandomString(6, 2).ToLower(); break; } if (!ZoomlaSecurityCenter.VCodeCheck(key, vcode)) { retMod.retmsg = "验证码不正确"; } else { if (mbBll.CheckMobile(basemu.Mobile)) { string content = "【" + SiteConfig.SiteInfo.SiteName + "】你正在使用修改手机号服务,校验码:" + CheckNum + NewCheckNum; SendWebSMS.SendMessage(basemu.Mobile, content); M_Message messInfo = new M_Message(); messInfo.Sender = basemu.UserId.ToString(); messInfo.Title = "验证码:修改手机号[" + basemu.Mobile + "]"; messInfo.Content = content; messInfo.Receipt = ""; messInfo.MsgType = 2; messInfo.status = 1; messInfo.Incept = basemu.UserId.ToString(); B_Message.Add(messInfo); retMod.retcode = M_APIResult.Success; retMod.retmsg = "校验码已成功发送到你的手机"; } else { retMod.retmsg = "禁止向该号码发送短信,请联系管理员"; } } return(retMod.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { WxAPI wxapi = WxAPI.Code_Get(); string code = Request.QueryString["code"] ?? ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { return; } string result = APIHelper.GetWebResult("" + wxapi.AppId.APPID + "&secret=" + wxapi.AppId.Secret + "&code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code"); JObject obj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result); string openid = obj["openid"].ToString(); Appinfo umod = appBll.SelModelByOpenID(openid, "wechat"); M_UserInfo mu = new M_UserInfo(); if (umod == null) { umod = new Appinfo(); M_WX_User wuMod = wxuserBll.SelForOpenid(wxapi.AppId.ID, openid); if (wuMod == null) { wuMod = wxapi.GetWxUserModel(openid); wxuserBll.Insert(wuMod); } mu.UserName = "******" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + function.GetRandomString(2).ToLower(); mu.UserPwd = StringHelper.MD5(function.GetRandomString(6)); mu.Email = function.GetRandomString(10) + ""; mu.HoneyName = wuMod.Name; mu.TrueName = wuMod.Name; mu.UserID = buser.Add(mu); umod.UserID = mu.UserID; umod.SourcePlat = "wechat"; umod.OpenID = wuMod.OpenID; appBll.Insert(umod); M_Uinfo mubase = new M_Uinfo(); mubase.UserId = mu.UserID; buser.AddBase(mubase); } else { mu = buser.SelReturnModel(umod.UserID); } //设置为登录状态 buser.SetLoginState(mu); Response.Redirect(RUrl); } }
public ActionResult UserBase() { M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); ViewBag.gpMod = gpBll.SelReturnModel(mu.GroupID); ViewBag.basemu = basemu; DataTable valueDT = DBCenter.SelTop(1, "UserID", "*", "ZL_UserBase", "UserID=" + mu.UserID, ""); ModelConfig modcfg = new ModelConfig() { Source = ModelConfig.SType.Admin, ValueDT = valueDT }; VM_FieldModel model = new VM_FieldModel(ubBll.Select_All(), modcfg); ViewBag.htmlMod = model; return(View(mu)); }
//发送校验号 protected void SendEMail_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(buser.GetLogin().UserID); CheckNum = function.GetRandomString(6, 2).ToLower(); //CheckNum = "111111"; if (!ZoomlaSecurityCenter.VCodeCheck(Request.Form["VCode_hid"], VCode.Text)) { ShowAlert("验证码不正确"); return; } else { SendWebSMS.SendMessage(basemu.Mobile, "【" + SiteConfig.SiteInfo.SiteName + "】你正在使用修改手机号服务,校验码:" + CheckNum); ShowInfo("校验码已成功发送到你的手机"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(buser.GetLogin().UserID); SMobile_T.Text = basemu.Mobile; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basemu.Mobile)) { step2_div.Visible = true; } else { step1_div.Visible = true; } } }
public string GetUserInfo(string str) { int id = DataConvert.CLng(Eval("CUser")); if (str.Equals("groupName")) { userinfo = buser.GetUserByUserID(id); return(bgp.GetByID(DataConverter.CLng(userinfo.GroupID)).GroupName); } else if (str.Equals("count")) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = barBll.SelByCateID(id.ToString(), 2); return(dt.Rows.Count + ""); } else if (str.Equals("userBirth")) { users = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(id); return(users.BirthDay); } else if (str.Equals("userExp")) { userinfo = buser.GetUserByUserID(id); return(userinfo.UserExp + ""); } else if (str.Equals("userSex")) { users = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(id); if ((users.UserSex + "") == "False") { return("女"); } else { return("男"); } } else if (str.Equals("regTime")) { DateTime datetime = tpuserBll.GetLogin().RegTime; return(datetime.Year + "-" + datetime.Month + "-" + datetime.Day); } else { return(""); } }
public IActionResult Index() { if (!buser.CheckUserStatus(mu, ref err)) { return(WriteErr(err)); } M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); //-------------------------------------------------- B_Search shBll = new B_Search(); DataTable dt = shBll.SelByUserGroup(mu.GroupID); string userapptlp = "<div class='col-xl-2 col-lg-2 col-md-2 col-sm-4 col-4 @mobile user_menuBox'><div class='user_menu'><a target='@target' href='@fileUrl'>@ico<br/>@name</a></div></div>"; string onthertlp = "<li><a target='@target' href='@fileUrl'>@ico<span>@name</span></a></li>"; string userhtml = ""; string ontherhtml = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; string fileUrl = DataConvert.CStr(dr["fileUrl"]).ToLower(); if (fileUrl.Contains(".aspx")) { continue; } if (fileUrl.Contains("/office") || fileUrl.Contains("markdown") || fileUrl.Contains("/design/") || fileUrl.Contains("userday")) { continue; } string targetlink = GetLinkTarget(dr["OpenType"].ToString()); string mobileStr = DataConvert.CLng(dr["mobile"]) == 1 ? "" : "d-none d-sm-block"; if (DataConverter.CLng(dr["EliteLevel"]) == 1)//抽出推荐应用 { userhtml += ReplaceData(userapptlp, dr).Replace("@target", targetlink).Replace("@mobile", mobileStr); } else { ontherhtml += ReplaceData(onthertlp, dr).Replace("@target", targetlink); } } ViewBag.userhtml = MvcHtmlString.Create(userhtml); ViewBag.ontherhtml = MvcHtmlString.Create(ontherhtml); //--------------------- = mu; ViewBag.basemu = basemu; return(View(mu)); }
//发送手机验证码(步骤1或步骤2的) public string SendValidCode(string key, string vcode, string mobile) { B_Safe_Mobile mbBll = new B_Safe_Mobile(); basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(mu.UserID); CheckNum = ""; NewCheckNum = ""; switch (Step) { case 2: NewCheckNum = function.GetRandomString(6, 2).ToLower(); basemu.Mobile = mobile; break; default: CheckNum = function.GetRandomString(6, 2).ToLower(); break; } if (!VerifyHelper.Check(RequestEx["VCode_hid"])) { retMod.retmsg = "验证码不正确"; } else { if (mbBll.CheckMobile(HttpContext, basemu.Mobile)) { string content = "你正在使用修改手机号服务,校验码:" + CheckNum + NewCheckNum; M_Message messInfo = new M_Message(); messInfo.Sender = basemu.UserId; messInfo.Title = "验证码:修改手机号[" + basemu.Mobile + "]"; messInfo.Content = content; messInfo.MsgType = 2; messInfo.status = 1; messInfo.Incept = basemu.UserId.ToString(); new B_Message().GetInsert(messInfo); retMod.retcode = M_APIResult.Success; retMod.retmsg = "校验码已成功发送到你的手机"; } else { retMod.retmsg = "禁止向该号码发送短信,请联系管理员"; } } return(retMod.ToString()); }
public void SyncUB(M_User_Plat model) { M_Uinfo ubMod = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(model.UserID); ubMod.UserId = model.UserID; ubMod.Position = model.Post; ubMod.Mobile = model.Mobile; ubMod.UserFace = model.UserFace; ubMod.TrueName = model.TrueName; if (ubMod.IsNull) { buser.AddBase(ubMod); } else { buser.UpdateBase(ubMod); } }
//-----------------Step2 protected void SendNewEmail_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { M_Uinfo basemu = buser.GetUserBaseByuserid(buser.GetLogin().UserID); NewMobile = NewMobile_T.Text.Trim(); //if (buser.IsExist("ume", NewMobile)) { ShowAlert("该手机号已存在"); return; } NewCheckNum = function.GetRandomString(6, 2).ToLower(); //NewCheckNum = "111111"; if (!ZoomlaSecurityCenter.VCodeCheck(Request.Form["NewVCode_hid"], NewVCode.Text)) { ShowAlert("验证码不正确" + Request.Form["NewVCode_hid"] + ":" + NewVCode.Text); return; } else { SendWebSMS.SendMessage(NewMobile_T.Text, "【" + SiteConfig.SiteInfo.SiteName + "】校验码:" + NewCheckNum); ShowInfo("校验码已成功发送到你的新手机!"); } }