public static void Add(MVPTypes type, string hero) { if (type == MVPTypes.GHOSTKILL && Displaying == true) { new Thread(() => { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Ghostkill!"; DisplayText = ""; int tick = Tick + 1; SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => Tick > tick || !ApplicationRunning); // okay, so one can win with a ghostkill. help // copy paste of Analyze Keys leader = Keys.None; Keys second = Keys.None; foreach (Keys p in InactiveKeys) { if (leader == Keys.None || HEADS[leader].Points < HEADS[p].Points) { second = leader; leader = p; } else if (second == Keys.None || HEADS[second].Points < HEADS[p].Points) { second = p; } } if (Head.getKeyString(leader) == hero && HEADS[leader].Points > HEADS[second].Points + 1 && HEADS[leader].Points >= Map.MaxPoints) { // won with a ghostkill O_o DisplayText = $"Ghostkill win by {hero}"; Map.EndGame(); Leader = leader; Clear(); } else if (Map.phase == Phases.ENDGAME && HEADS[leader].Points - HEADS[second].Points < 2) { // so leader won, but now seconds is in reached because of the ghostkill O_o Map.phase = Phases.ENDROUND; Map.RoundsPassed--; DisplayText = $"{hero} denied the win"; } else { DisplayText = "Ghostkill!"; } }).Start(); } else { records.Add(new Stat(hero, type)); } }
public static void Add(MVPTypes type) => records.Add(new Stat(type));
public Stat(string hero, MVPTypes type, string special) { this.Hero = hero; this.Type = type; this.Special = special; }
public Stat(string hero, MVPTypes type) { this.Hero = hero; this.Type = type; this.Special = ""; }
public Stat(MVPTypes type) { this.Hero = ""; this.Type = type; this.Special = ""; }
public static void Add(MVPTypes type, string hero, string special) => records.Add(new Stat(hero, type, special));