Esempio n. 1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MUBLabelInfo mubLabelInfo = new MUBLabelInfo()
                ID            = "S9872509D",
                Name          = "Do Duc Tu TVO Long Name",
                MarkingNumber = "CSA18001991"

            string qrCodeString = string.Format("{0}*{1}*{2}", mubLabelInfo.MarkingNumber, mubLabelInfo.ID, mubLabelInfo.Name).PadRight(91, '*');

            mubLabelInfo.QRCodeString = qrCodeString;

            bool result = BarcodePrinterUtil.Instance.PrintMUBLabel(mubLabelInfo);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Not ready yet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mubLabelInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool PrintMUBLabel(MUBLabelInfo mubLabelInfo)
            lock (syncRoot)
                    // validate
                    if (!mubLabelInfo.IsValid())
                        //LogManager.Debug("Model is not valid.");

                    //Open specified printer driver

                    #region rotation 90 degrees
                    //Setup the media size and sensor type info
                    // page size 55mm x 100mm
                    // template size 55mm x 100mm (actually 56mm x 82mm)
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.setup("55", "82.5", "4", "8", "0", "0", "0");
                    //Clear image buffer
                    // DPI = 203 => 8px = 1 mm
                    //Draw windows font
                    int    startX       = 280;
                    int    startY       = 142;
                    int    startY_Value = startY + 160;
                    string fontName     = "ARIAL";
                    int    fontStyle    = 0; // Normal
                    int    fontHeight   = 30;
                    int    lineSpacing  = 10;
                    int    maxChar      = 17; // max char of name at first name line
                    int    rotation     = 270;

                    // send FEED command
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("FEED 80");

                    TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("SIZE 40mm, 80mm");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("GAP 3mm, 0mm");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("SIZE 42.5mm, 80mm");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("GAP 1.3mm, 0mm");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("DIRECTION 0");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("BOX 0,0,312,624,4");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("TEXT 280,312,\"ROMAN.TTF\",90,12,12,2,\"CENTRAL NARCOTICS BUREAU\"");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Name");
                    // Title line
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, 48, fontHeight + 8, rotation, 2, 0, fontName, "CENTRAL NARCOTICS BUREAU");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX-54, 0, fontHeight + 8, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "| Start");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX-54, 600, fontHeight + 6, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "| End");

                    // Name line
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= 64, startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Name");
                    if (mubLabelInfo.Name.Length > maxChar)
                        TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.Name.Substring(0, maxChar));
                        // Addition line if name is too long. Need to improve (detech addition row by space char)
                        TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY_Value + 32, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, mubLabelInfo.Name.Substring(maxChar, mubLabelInfo.Name.Length - maxChar));
                        TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.Name);
                        startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing);

                    // ID line
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "ID No.");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.ID);

                    // Date line
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Date");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                    // Marking no
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Marking No.");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.MarkingNumber);

                    //Drawing barcode
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("DMATRIX 200,16,400,400,x3,r90, \"" + mubLabelInfo.QRCodeString + "\"");
                    TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("DMATRIX 100,40,400,400,x2, \"" + mubLabelInfo.QRCodeString + "\"");

                    //Print labels
                    TSCLIB_DLL.printlabel("1", "1");

                    // send FEED command
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("BACKFEED 80");

                    #region rotation 270 degrees
                    //// Setup the media size and sensor type info
                    //// page size 55mm x 100mm
                    //// template size 55mm x 100mm (actually 56mm x 82mm)
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.setup("55", "82.5", "4", "8", "0", "0", "0");

                    ////Clear image buffer
                    //// DPI = 203 => 8px = 1 mm
                    ////Draw windows font
                    //int startX = 348;
                    //int startY = 134;
                    //int startY_Value = startY + 160;
                    //string fontName = "ARIAL";
                    //int fontStyle = 0; // Normal
                    //int fontHeight = 30;
                    //int lineSpacing = 10;
                    //int maxChar = 17;   // max char of name at first name line
                    //int rotation = 270;

                    //// Title line
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, 48, fontHeight + 8, rotation, 2, 0, fontName, "CENTRAL NARCOTICS BUREAU");
                    ////TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX-54, 0, fontHeight + 8, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "| Start");
                    ////TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX-54, 600, fontHeight + 6, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "| End");

                    //// Name line
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= 64, startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Name");
                    //if (mubLabelInfo.Name.Length > maxChar)
                    //    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.Name.Substring(0, maxChar));
                    //    // Addition line if name is too long. Need to improve (detech addition row by space char)
                    //    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY_Value + 32, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "-" + mubLabelInfo.Name.Substring(maxChar, mubLabelInfo.Name.Length - maxChar));
                    //    TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.Name);
                    //    startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing);

                    //// ID line
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "ID No.");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.ID);

                    //// Date line
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Date");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                    //// Marking no
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX -= (fontHeight + lineSpacing), startY, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, "Marking No.");
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.windowsfont(startX, startY_Value, fontHeight, rotation, fontStyle, 0, fontName, " : " + mubLabelInfo.MarkingNumber);

                    ////Drawing barcode
                    ////TSCLIB_DLL.barcode(startX.ToString(), (startY += fontHeight + 8).ToString(), "39", "72", "0", "0", "1", "3", mubLabelInfo.QRCodeString);
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("DMATRIX 144,8,400,400,x3, \"" + mubLabelInfo.QRCodeString + "\"");

                    ////Download PCX file into printer
                    ////TSCLIB_DLL.downloadpcx("UL.PCX", "UL.PCX");
                    ////Drawing PCX graphic
                    ////TSCLIB_DLL.sendcommand("PUTPCX 100,400,\"UL.PCX\"");
                    ////Print labels
                    //TSCLIB_DLL.printlabel("1", "1");

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Print exception: " + ex.ToString());
                    LogManager.Debug("Print exception: " + ex.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public void PrintMUBLabel(LabelInfo labelInfo)
            // Validate
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(labelInfo.Name))
                // username is null
                RaiseMonitorExceptionEvent(new ExceptionArgs(new FailedInfo()
                    ErrorCode    = (int)EnumErrorCodes.UserNameNull,
                    ErrorMessage = new ErrorInfo().GetErrorMessage(EnumErrorCodes.UserNameNull)

            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(labelInfo.NRIC))
                // NRIC is null
                RaiseMonitorExceptionEvent(new ExceptionArgs(new FailedInfo()
                    ErrorCode    = (int)EnumErrorCodes.NRICNull,
                    ErrorMessage = new ErrorInfo().GetErrorMessage(EnumErrorCodes.NRICNull)


            // Print label
            BarcodePrinterUtil printerUtils = BarcodePrinterUtil.Instance;

            // create image file to print
            //string filePath = string.Empty;
            //string fileName = string.Empty;
            //using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(labelInfo.BitmapLabel))
            //    Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms));

            //    // Rotate bitmap
            //    bitmap.RotateFlip(System.Drawing.RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone);

            //    string curDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            //    // create directory
            //    if (!Directory.Exists(curDir + "\\Temp"))
            //    {
            //        Directory.CreateDirectory(curDir + "\\Temp");
            //    }

            //    // set file path
            //    filePath = curDir + "\\Temp\\mublabel.bmp";

            //    // create image file (bit depth must be 8)
            //    Bitmap target = Convertor1.ConvertTo8bppFormat(bitmap);
            //    target.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Bmp);

            // Print mub label
                // qr code string: 91 chars
                string       qrCodeString = string.Format("{0}*{1}*{2}", labelInfo.MarkingNo, labelInfo.NRIC, labelInfo.Name).PadRight(91, '*');
                MUBLabelInfo mubLabelInfo = new MUBLabelInfo()
                    ID            = labelInfo.NRIC,
                    Name          = labelInfo.Name,
                    MarkingNumber = labelInfo.MarkingNo,
                    QRCodeString  = qrCodeString

                //if (printerUtils.PrintMUBLabel(filePath))
                if (printerUtils.PrintMUBLabel(mubLabelInfo))
                    // raise succeeded event
                    RaisePrintMUBLabelSucceededEvent(new PrintMUBAndTTLabelsEventArgs(labelInfo));
                    //MessageBox.Show("Failed to print");
                    // raise failed event
                    RaiseMonitorExceptionEvent(new ExceptionArgs(new FailedInfo()
                        ErrorCode    = (int)EnumErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                        ErrorMessage = new ErrorInfo().GetErrorMessage(EnumErrorCodes.UnknownError)
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error while printing MUB Label, details: " + ex.Message);