/// <summary>
        /// process logic (to create master version window and Tab)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string DoIt()
            if (_AD_Tab_ID <= 0)
                _AD_Tab_ID = GetRecord_ID();

            if (_AD_Tab_ID <= 0)
                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "TabNotFound"));

            int Ver_AD_Window_ID = 0;
            int Ver_AD_Tab_ID    = 0;

            // Created object of MTab with Tab ID (either selected from parameter or from Record ID)
            MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), _AD_Tab_ID, Get_TrxName());

            if (!(Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsMaintainVersions FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Table_ID(), null, Get_TrxName())) == "Y"))
                // Checked whether there are any columns with the table which is marked as "Maintain Versions"
                // if no such column found then return message
                if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_Column_ID) FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Table_ID() + " AND IsMaintainVersions = 'Y'", null, Get_TrxName())) <= 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "NoVerColFound"));

            // Always called this function so that in case if new column is added
            // to table this function creates new columns to table
            CreateMasterVersionTable(0, tab.GetAD_Table_ID());
            int Ver_AD_Table_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Table_ID FROM AD_Table WHERE TableName = ((SELECT TableName FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Table_ID() + ") || '_Ver')"));

            if (Ver_AD_Table_ID <= 0)
                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VerTableNotFound"));

            // Get Display Name of Window linked with the tab
            string displayName = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Name FROM AD_Window WHERE AD_Window_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Window_ID(), null, Get_TrxName())) + " Version";

            Ver_AD_Window_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Window_ID FROM AD_Window WHERE Name = '" + displayName + "_" + tab.GetName() + "'", null, Get_TrxName()));
            // Check if Version window do not exist, then create new version window
            if (Ver_AD_Window_ID <= 0)
                Ver_AD_Window_ID = CreateVerWindow(displayName, tab.GetName());
                // if window not created then return message
                if (Ver_AD_Window_ID <= 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionWinNotCreated"));
                    // Update Version Window ID on Version Table
                    DB.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE AD_Table SET AD_Window_ID = " + Ver_AD_Window_ID + " WHERE  AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, Get_Trx());

            // check access for Version window
            int countAcc = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_Role_ID) FROM AD_Window_Access WHERE AD_Window_ID = " + Ver_AD_Window_ID + " AND IsReadWrite = 'Y'", null, Get_Trx()));

            if (countAcc <= 0)
                // Provide access to Version window, for the roles which parent (Master window) has
                countAcc = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteQuery(@"UPDATE AD_Window_Access SET IsReadWrite = 'Y' WHERE AD_Window_ID = " + Ver_AD_Window_ID + @" 
                            AND AD_Role_ID IN (SELECT AD_Role_ID FROM AD_Window_Access WHERE AD_Window_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Window_ID() + @"  AND IsReadWrite = 'Y')", null, Get_Trx()));

            // check for version tab
            Ver_AD_Tab_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Tab_ID FROM AD_Tab WHERE AD_Window_ID = " + Ver_AD_Window_ID, null, Get_TrxName()));
            // if version tab do not exist, then create new version tab
            if (Ver_AD_Tab_ID <= 0)
                Ver_AD_Tab_ID = CreateVerTab(tab, Ver_AD_Window_ID, Ver_AD_Table_ID);
                MTab verTab = new MTab(GetCtx(), Ver_AD_Tab_ID, Get_TrxName());

            // if version tab not found then return message
            if (Ver_AD_Tab_ID <= 0)
                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionTabNotCreated"));

            // Create fields against version Tab
            string retMsg = CreateVerFields(tab, Ver_AD_Tab_ID, Ver_AD_Table_ID);

            if (retMsg != "")

            return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionWindowCreated"));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Process
        /// throws Exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>info</returns>
        override protected string DoIt()
            //IDbTransaction trx = ExecuteQuery.GerServerTransaction();
            MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), p_AD_Tab_ID, Get_Trx());

            //MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), p_AD_Tab_ID, trx.ToString());
            if (p_AD_Tab_ID == 0 || tab == null || tab.Get_ID() == 0)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@: @AD_Tab_ID@ " + p_AD_Tab_ID);
            int    count = 0;
            string sql   = "SELECT * FROM AD_Column c "
                           + "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field f "
                           + "WHERE c.AD_Column_ID=f.AD_Column_ID"
                           + " AND c.AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_Id" //	#1
                           + " AND f.AD_Tab_ID=@AD_Tab_Id)"    //	#2
                           + " AND AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_Id1"  //	#3
                           + " AND NOT (Name LIKE 'Created%' OR Name LIKE 'Updated%')"
                           + " AND IsActive='Y' "
                           + "ORDER BY Name desc";

                SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[3];
                param[0] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Table_Id", tab.GetAD_Table_ID());
                param[1] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Tab_Id", tab.GetAD_Tab_ID());
                param[2] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Table_Id1", tab.GetAD_Table_ID());
                DataSet ds = DataBase.DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, param, Get_Trx());
                //DataSet ds1 = ExecuteQuery.ExecuteDataset(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    //MColumn column = new MColumn (getCtx(),dr, Get_Trx());
                    //MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), dr, null);
                    MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), dr, Get_Trx());
                    MField field = new MField(tab);
                    if (column.IsKey())
                    if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "AD_Client_ID")
                    if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "AD_Org_ID")
                    //Export_ID Check  [Hide Export Field]
                    if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "Export_ID")

                    if (field.Save())
                        AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), column.GetName());
                        //AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, null, );

                ds = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);

            return("@Created@ #" + count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create version fields against version tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab"> Object of MTab </param>
        /// <param name="Ver_AD_Tab_ID"> Tab ID of Version window </param>
        /// <param name="Ver_AD_Table_ID"> Table ID of Version </param>
        /// <returns>string (Message)</returns>
        private string CreateVerFields(MTab tab, int Ver_AD_Tab_ID, int Ver_AD_Table_ID)
            // Get all fields from Master Tab
            int[] fields = MTable.GetAllIDs("AD_Field", "AD_Tab_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Tab_ID(), Get_TrxName());

            bool hasOrigCols  = false;
            bool hasVerFields = false;
            bool hasVerCols   = false;

            // Get columns from Master table
            DataSet origColDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT AD_Column_ID, Name,ColumnSql, ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + tab.GetAD_Table_ID(), null, Get_TrxName());

            if (origColDS != null && origColDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                hasOrigCols = true;

            // Get fields from Version Tab
            DataSet verFieldDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT f.AD_Column_ID, f.Name, f.AD_Field_ID, (SELECT c.AD_Element_ID FROM AD_Column c  WHERE c.AD_Column_ID = f.AD_Column_ID) AS AD_Element_ID FROM AD_Field f WHERE f.AD_Tab_ID = " + Ver_AD_Tab_ID, null, Get_TrxName());

            if (verFieldDS != null && verFieldDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                hasVerFields = true;

            // Get Columns from Version Table
            DataSet verColumnsDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT AD_Column_ID, Name, ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, Get_TrxName());

            if (verColumnsDS != null && verColumnsDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                hasVerCols = true;

            StringBuilder sbColName = new StringBuilder("");

            foreach (int fld in fields)
                bool   createNew = true;
                MField origFld   = new MField(GetCtx(), fld, Get_TrxName());

                // check if Field already exist for Version Tab else create new
                if (hasVerFields)
                    DataRow[] drFld = verFieldDS.Tables[0].Select("Name = '" + origFld.GetName() + "'");
                    if (drFld.Length > 0)
                        createNew = false;

                // if Field do not exist on Version tab
                if (createNew)
                    int VerColID = 0;
                    // Get column Info from Column ID of Master Table
                    DataRow[] drOrigColName = origColDS.Tables[0].Select("AD_Column_ID = " + origFld.GetAD_Column_ID());
                    if (drOrigColName.Length > 0)
                        if (Util.GetValueOfString(drOrigColName[0]["ColumnSQL"]).Trim() != "")
                        // check whether  Column exist in Version table with column name of Master Table
                        // if column not found return with Message
                        DataRow[] drVerCol = verColumnsDS.Tables[0].Select("ColumnName = '" + sbColName.ToString() + "'");
                        if (drVerCol.Length > 0)
                            VerColID = Util.GetValueOfInt(drVerCol[0]["AD_Column_ID"]);
                            log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Column Not Found :: " + sbColName.ToString());
                            return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ColumnNameNotFound") + " :: " + sbColName.ToString());
                        log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Column ID not found in Original table :: " + origFld.GetAD_Column_ID());
                        return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ColumnNameNotFound") + " :: " + origFld.GetAD_Column_ID());

                    // Only create Version Field if Version Column found
                    if (VerColID > 0)
                        // check if field is already created with column
                        // else skip creating field
                        int fldID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Field_ID FROM AD_Field WHERE AD_Column_ID = " + VerColID + " AND AD_Tab_ID = " + Ver_AD_Tab_ID, null, Get_TrxName()));
                        if (fldID <= 0)
                            // Create Field for Column, copy field from Master tables Field tab on Version Field against Version Tab
                            MField verFld = new MField(GetCtx(), 0, Get_TrxName());
                            if (!verFld.Save())
                                ValueNamePair vnp   = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                                string        error = "";
                                if (vnp != null)
                                    error = vnp.GetName();
                                    if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null)
                                        error = vnp.GetValue();
                                if (error == "")
                                    error = "Error in creating Version Field";
                                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Field not saved :: " + verFld.GetName() + " :: " + error);
                                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "FieldNotSaved") + " :: " + verFld.GetName());

            // Fill Dataset again from Version Field
            verFieldDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT f.AD_Column_ID, f.Name, f.AD_Field_ID, (SELECT c.AD_Element_ID FROM AD_Column c  WHERE c.AD_Column_ID = f.AD_Column_ID) AS AD_Element_ID FROM AD_Field f WHERE f.AD_Tab_ID = " + Ver_AD_Tab_ID, null, Get_TrxName());

            // Create Default Fields against default Columns for Version tab
            string retMsg = CreateDefaultFields(Ver_AD_Tab_ID, verFieldDS, hasVerFields, verColumnsDS, Ver_AD_Table_ID);

            if (retMsg != "")
