Esempio n. 1
        public string CallvoteHandler(ReferenceHub player, string[] args)         // lowercase to match command
            Log.Info(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " called vote with arguments: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                Log.Info("\t" + i + ": " + args[i]);
            if (args.Length == 0)
                //return new string[] { "callvote RestartRound", "callvote Kick <player>", "callvote <custom> [options]" };
                return("callvote Kick/Kill/<custom> <player>/[options]");
                if (CurrentVote != null)
                    //return new string[] { "A vote is currently in progress." };
                    return("A vote is currently in progress.");
                    Dictionary <int, string> options = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    switch (args[0].ToLower())
                    case "kick":
                        if (this.EnableKick)
                            if (!player.CheckPermission("playervote.kick"))
                                return("You don't have the required permission to call kick votes.");

                            if (args.Length == 1)
                                return("callvote Kick <player>");
                                Log.Info("Vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " to " + args[0] + " player " + args[1]);

                                ReferenceHub locatedPlayer = Player.GetPlayer(args[1]);
                                if (locatedPlayer != null)
                                    options[1] = "Yes";
                                    options[2] = "No";

                                    StartVote(new Vote(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " asks: Kick " + locatedPlayer.nicknameSync.MyNick + "?", options), delegate(Vote vote)
                                        int votePercent = (int)((float)vote.Counter[1] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                        if (votePercent >= this.ThresholdKick)
                                            Extensions.BC(5, votePercent + "% voted yes. Kicking player " + locatedPlayer.nicknameSync.MyNick + ".");
                                            GameCore.Console.singleton.TypeCommand($"/ban " + locatedPlayer.queryProcessor.PlayerId + " 0", new PVoteSender());
                                            Extensions.BC(5, "Only " + votePercent + "% voted yes. " + this.ThresholdKick + "% was required to kick " + locatedPlayer.nicknameSync.MyNick + ".");

                                    return("Did not find any players with the name or partial name of " + args[1]);
                            return("callvote Kick is not enabled.");

                    case "kill":
                        if (this.EnableKill)
                            if (!player.CheckPermission("playervote.kill"))
                                return("You don't have the required permission to call kill votes.");

                            if (args.Length == 1)
                                return("callvote Kill <player>");
                                Log.Info("Vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " to " + args[0] + " player " + args[1]);

                                ReferenceHub locatedPlayer = Player.GetPlayer(args[1]);
                                if (locatedPlayer != null)
                                    options[1] = "Yes";
                                    options[2] = "No";

                                    StartVote(new Vote(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " asks: Kill " + locatedPlayer.nicknameSync.MyNick + "?", options), delegate(Vote vote)
                                        int votePercent = (int)((float)vote.Counter[1] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                        if (votePercent >= this.ThresholdKill)
                                            Extensions.BC(5, votePercent + "% voted yes. Killing player " + locatedPlayer.nicknameSync.MyNick + ".");
                                            locatedPlayer.playerStats._hpDirty = true;
                                            Extensions.BC(5, "Only " + votePercent + "% voted yes. " + this.ThresholdKill + "% was required to kill " + locatedPlayer.nicknameSync.MyNick + ".");

                                    return("Did not find any players with the name or partial name of " + args[1]);
                            return("callvote Kill is not enabled.");

                    case "nuke":
                        if (EnableNuke)
                            if (!player.CheckPermission("playervote.nuke"))
                                return("You don't have the required permission to call nuke votes.");

                            Log.Info("Vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " to " + args[0]);
                            //return new string[] { "To be implemented." };

                            options[1] = "Yes";
                            options[2] = "No";

                            StartVote(new Vote(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " asks: NUKE THE FACILITY?!?", options), delegate(Vote vote)
                                int votePercent = (int)((float)vote.Counter[1] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                if (votePercent >= this.ThresholdNuke)
                                    Extensions.BC(5, votePercent + "% voted yes. Nuking the facility...");
                                    EnableNuke = true;
                                    Extensions.BC(5, "Only " + votePercent + "% voted yes. " + this.ThresholdNuke + "% was required to nuke the facility.");
                            return("callvote Nuke is not enabled.");

                    case "respawnwave":
                        if (EnableRespawnWave)
                            if (!player.CheckPermission("playervote.respawnwave"))
                                return("You don't have the required permission to call respawnwave votes.");

                            Log.Info("Vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " to " + args[0]);
                            //return new string[] { "To be implemented." };

                            options[1] = "No";
                            options[2] = "MTF";
                            options[3] = "CI";

                            StartVote(new Vote(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " asks: Respawn the next wave?", options), delegate(Vote vote)
                                int votePercent    = (int)((float)vote.Counter[1] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                int mtfVotePercent = (int)((float)vote.Counter[2] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                int ciVotePercent  = (int)((float)vote.Counter[3] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                if (mtfVotePercent >= this.ThresholdRespawnWave)
                                    Extensions.BC(5, mtfVotePercent + "% voted yes. Respawning a wave of Nine-Tailed Fox...");

                                    MTFRespawn _MTFRespawn = PlayerManager.localPlayer.GetComponent <MTFRespawn>();

                                    bool oldNextRespawn      = _MTFRespawn.nextWaveIsCI;
                                    _MTFRespawn.nextWaveIsCI = false;
                                    _MTFRespawn.nextWaveIsCI = oldNextRespawn;
                                else if (ciVotePercent >= this.ThresholdRespawnWave)
                                    Extensions.BC(5, ciVotePercent + "% voted yes. Respawning a wave of Chaos Insurgency...");

                                    MTFRespawn _MTFRespawn = PlayerManager.localPlayer.GetComponent <MTFRespawn>();

                                    bool oldNextRespawn      = _MTFRespawn.nextWaveIsCI;
                                    _MTFRespawn.nextWaveIsCI = true;
                                    _MTFRespawn.nextWaveIsCI = oldNextRespawn;
                                    Extensions.BC(5, votePercent + "% voted no. " + this.ThresholdRespawnWave + "% was required to respawn the next wave.");
                            return("callvote RespawnWave is not enabled.");

                    case "restartround":
                        if (EnableRestartRound)
                            if (!player.CheckPermission("playervote.restartround"))
                                return("You don't have the required permission to call restartround votes.");

                            Log.Info("Vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " to " + args[0]);
                            //return new string[] { "To be implemented." };

                            options[1] = "Yes";
                            options[2] = "No";

                            StartVote(new Vote(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " asks: Restart the round?", options), delegate(Vote vote)
                                int votePercent = (int)((float)vote.Counter[1] / (float)(ServerConsole.PlayersAmount - 1) * 100f);
                                if (votePercent >= this.ThresholdRestartRound)
                                    Extensions.BC(5, votePercent + "% voted yes. Restarting the round...");
                                    PlayerManager.localPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerStats>().Roundrestart();
                                    Extensions.BC(5, "Only " + votePercent + "% voted yes. " + this.ThresholdRestartRound + "% was required to restart the round.");
                            return("callvote RestartRound is not enabled.");

                        if (!player.CheckPermission("playervote.custom"))
                            return("You don't have the required permission to call custom votes.");

                        if (args.Length == 1)
                            Log.Info("Binary vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + ": " + string.Join(" ", args));
                            options[1] = "Yes";
                            options[2] = "No";
                            Log.Info("Multiple-choice vote called by " + player.nicknameSync.MyNick + ": " + string.Join(" ", args));
                            for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++)
                                options[i] = args[i];
                        StartVote(new Vote(player.nicknameSync.MyNick + " asks: " + args[0], options), null);
                    return("Vote has been started!");