Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that binds this object instance to an IPEndPoint.  If you need to change settings dynamically, Dispose and recreate a new object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">IPEndPoint where to send the multicast packets -- should be in range to</param>
        /// <param name="timeToLive">ushort Time To Live of the packets -- how many routers will we cross -- set to 2 for local or testing</param>
        public UdpSender(System.Net.IPEndPoint endPoint, ushort timeToLive)
            this.endPoint = endPoint;

            LstSocks.Socket.SockInterfacePair sip = LstSocks.Socket.GetSharedSocket(endPoint);
            this.sock = sip.sock;
            this.externalInterface = sip.extInterface;

            if (Utility.IsMulticast(endPoint.Address))
                SocketOptionLevel sOL = SocketOptionLevel.IP;
                if (endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    sOL = SocketOptionLevel.IPv6;
                // Set the TTL
                sock.SetSocketOption(sOL, SocketOptionName.MulticastTimeToLive, timeToLive);
                // Enable Multicast Loopback
                sock.SetSocketOption(sOL, SocketOptionName.MulticastLoopback, 1);
                // Enable Unicast Loopback
                echoEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(externalInterface, endPoint.Port);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that binds this object instance to an IPEndPoint.  If you need to change IPEndPoint dynamically, Dispose and recreate a new object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">IPEndPoint where we should be listening for IP Multicast packets.</param>
        /// <param name="TimeoutMilliseconds">Milliseconds before lack of a packet == a Network Timeout</param>
        /// <example>
        /// ...
        /// MulticastUdpListener mcListener = new MulticastUdpListener(endPoint1);
        /// mcListener.Receive(packetBuffer);
        /// mcListener.Displose();
        /// MulticastUdpListener mcListener = new MulticastUdpListener(endPoint2);
        /// mcListener.Receive(packetBuffer);
        /// mcListener.Displose();
        /// mcListener = null;
        /// ...
        /// </example>
        public UdpListener(System.Net.IPEndPoint endPoint, int timeoutMilliseconds)
            LstSocks.Socket.SockInterfacePair sip = LstSocks.Socket.GetSharedSocket(endPoint);
            this.sock = sip.sock;
            this.externalInterface = sip.extInterface;
            this.ep = endPoint;

            lock (sip)
                if (!sip.Initialized)
                        // Set the timeout on the socket
                        if (timeoutMilliseconds > 0)
                            sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, timeoutMilliseconds);

                        // Set the socket to send & receive from this endpoint
                        sock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(externalInterface, endPoint.Port));

                        // Make room for 80 packets plus some overhead
                        sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer, 1500 * 80);

                        if (Utility.IsMulticast(endPoint.Address))
                            if (endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                                // Join the IPv6 Multicast group
                                sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, SocketOptionName.AddMembership,
                                                     new IPv6MulticastOption(endPoint.Address));
                                // Join the IPv4 Multicast group
                                sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership,
                                                     new MulticastOption(endPoint.Address));

                        sip.Initialized = true;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that binds this object instance to an IPEndPoint.  If you need to change settings dynamically, Dispose and recreate a new object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">IPEndPoint where to send the multicast packets -- should be in range to</param>
        /// <param name="timeToLive">ushort Time To Live of the packets -- how many routers will we cross -- set to 2 for local or testing</param>
        public UdpSender(System.Net.IPEndPoint endPoint, ushort timeToLive)
            this.endPoint = endPoint;

            LstSocks.Socket.SockInterfacePair sip = LstSocks.Socket.GetSharedSocket(endPoint);
            this.sock = sip.sock;
            this.externalInterface = sip.extInterface;

            if ( Utility.IsMulticast( endPoint.Address ) )
                SocketOptionLevel sOL = SocketOptionLevel.IP;
                if (endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                    sOL = SocketOptionLevel.IPv6;
                // Set the TTL
                sock.SetSocketOption(sOL, SocketOptionName.MulticastTimeToLive, timeToLive);
                // Enable Multicast Loopback
                sock.SetSocketOption(sOL, SocketOptionName.MulticastLoopback, 1);
                // Enable Unicast Loopback
                echoEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(externalInterface, endPoint.Port);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that binds this object instance to an IPEndPoint.  If you need to change IPEndPoint dynamically, Dispose and recreate a new object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endPoint">IPEndPoint where we should be listening for IP Multicast packets.</param>
        /// <param name="TimeoutMilliseconds">Milliseconds before lack of a packet == a Network Timeout</param>
        /// <example>
        /// ...
        /// MulticastUdpListener mcListener = new MulticastUdpListener(endPoint1);
        /// mcListener.Receive(packetBuffer);
        /// mcListener.Displose();
        /// MulticastUdpListener mcListener = new MulticastUdpListener(endPoint2);
        /// mcListener.Receive(packetBuffer);
        /// mcListener.Displose();
        /// mcListener = null;
        /// ...
        /// </example>
        public UdpListener(System.Net.IPEndPoint endPoint, int timeoutMilliseconds)
            LstSocks.Socket.SockInterfacePair sip = LstSocks.Socket.GetSharedSocket(endPoint);
            this.sock = sip.sock;
            this.externalInterface = sip.extInterface;
            this.ep = endPoint;

                        // Set the timeout on the socket
                        if( timeoutMilliseconds > 0 )
                            sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, timeoutMilliseconds);

                        // Set the socket to send & receive from this endpoint
                        sock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(externalInterface,endPoint.Port));

                        // Make room for 80 packets plus some overhead
                        sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer, 1500 * 80);

                            if(endPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
                                // Join the IPv6 Multicast group
                                sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, SocketOptionName.AddMembership,
                                    new IPv6MulticastOption(endPoint.Address));
                                // Join the IPv4 Multicast group
                                sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.AddMembership,
                                    new MulticastOption(endPoint.Address));


                        sip.Initialized = true;