public void MSOFirstLastSucc()
            var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);  //new solver using ASCII encoding

            List <char> alph = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            HashSet <char> al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            //ex x. first(x)
            MSOFormula first   = new MSOFirst("x");
            MSOFormula last    = new MSOLast("y");
            MSOFormula succ    = new MSOSucc("x", "y");
            MSOFormula and     = new MSOAnd(new MSOAnd(first, last), succ);
            MSOFormula formula = new MSOExistsFO("x", new MSOExistsFO("y", and));


            var dfa = formula.getDFA(al, solver);

            var test = solver.Convert(@"^(a|b){2}$");

            Assert.IsTrue(dfa.IsEquivalentWith(test, solver));

            string file = "../../../MSOZ3Test/DotFiles/ab";

            solver.SaveAsDot(dfa, "aut", file);   //extension .dot  is added automatically when missing
        public void MSOLe()
            var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);  //new solver using ASCII encoding

            List <char> alph = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            HashSet <char> al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            //ex x. all y. x<=y and a(x)
            MSOFormula formula = new MSOExistsFO("x",
                                                 new MSOAnd(
                                                     new MSOLabel("x", 'a'),
                                                     new MSOForallFO("y",
                                                                     new MSOOr(
                                                                         new MSOEqual("x", "y"),
                                                                         new MSOLess("y", "x")))));


            var dfa = formula.getDFA(al, solver);

            var test = solver.Convert(@"^(a|b)*a$");

            Assert.IsTrue(dfa.IsEquivalentWith(test, solver));

            string file = "../../../MSOZ3Test/DotFiles/endsina";

            solver.SaveAsDot(dfa, "aut", file);   //extension .dot  is added automatically when missing
        public override MSOFormula ToMSO(FreshGen fg, string V)
            int    c = fg.get();
            string x = "_x_" + c.ToString();
            string y = "_y_" + c.ToString();
            string X = "_X_" + c.ToString();

            int        i = str.Length - 1;
            string     z_i, z_im;
            MSOFormula phi = null;

            phi = new MSOLabel("z0", str[0]);

            while (i > 0)
                z_i  = "z" + i.ToString();
                z_im = "z" + (i - 1).ToString();
                phi  = new MSOExistsFO(z_i, new MSOAnd(new MSOSucc(z_im, z_i),
                                                       new MSOAnd(new MSOLabel(z_i, str[i]), phi)));

            return(new MSOForallFO("z0", new MSOIff(new MSOBelong("z0", V), phi)));
        public void MSO2a2b()
            var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);  //new solver using ASCII encoding

            List <char> alph = new List <char> {
                'a', 'b'
            HashSet <char> al = new HashSet <char>(alph);

            MSOFormula formula1 = new MSOExistsFO("x1",
                                                  new MSOExistsFO("x2",
                                                                  new MSOAnd(
                                                                      new MSOAnd(
                                                                          new MSOLabel("x1", 'a'),
                                                                          new MSOLabel("x2", 'a')),
                                                                      new MSONot(
                                                                          new MSOEqual("x1", "x2")))));
            MSOFormula formula2 = new MSOExistsFO("x1",
                                                  new MSOExistsFO("x2",
                                                                  new MSOAnd(
                                                                      new MSOAnd(
                                                                          new MSOLabel("x1", 'b'),
                                                                          new MSOLabel("x2", 'b')),
                                                                      new MSONot(
                                                                          new MSOEqual("x1", "x2")))));

            MSOFormula formula = new MSOAnd(formula1, formula2);


            var WS1S  = formula.ToWS1S(solver);
            var dfa   = WS1S.getDFA(al, solver);
            var timer = new Stopwatch();
            var tt    = 100;
            var acc   = 0L;

            for (int k = 0; k < tt; k++)
                dfa = WS1S.getDFA(al, solver);
                acc += timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("time: " + acc / tt + " ms");

            //var test = solver.Convert(@"^(a|b)$");

            //Assert.IsTrue(dfa.IsEquivalentWith(test, solver));

            string file = "../../../MSOZ3Test/DotFiles/a2b2";

            solver.SaveAsDot(dfa, "aut", file);   //extension .dot  is added automatically when missing
        public override MSOFormula ToMSO(FreshGen fg, string v)
            switch (op)
            case PDLStringPosOperator.FirstOcc:
                int        i = str.Length - 1;
                string     z_i, z_im;
                MSOFormula phi = null;        //new MSOForallFO("x", new MSOEqual("x", "x"));

                //TODO make sure input string is non empty that is i/=0

                phi = new MSOLabel("z0", str[0]);

                while (i > 0)
                    z_i  = "z" + i.ToString();
                    z_im = "z" + (i - 1).ToString();
                    phi  = new MSOExistsFO(z_i, new MSOAnd(new MSOSucc(z_im, z_i),
                                                           new MSOAnd(new MSOLabel(z_i, str[i]), phi)));

                return(new MSOAnd(new MSOForallFO("z0", new MSOIf(phi, new MSOLessEq(v, "z0"))),
                                  new MSOExistsFO("z0", new MSOAnd(phi, new MSOEqual(v, "z0")))));

            case PDLStringPosOperator.LastOcc:
                int        i = str.Length - 1;
                string     z_i, z_im;
                MSOFormula phi = null;        //new MSOForallFO("x", new MSOEqual("x", "x"));

                //TODO make sure input string is non empty that is i/=0

                phi = new MSOLabel("z0", str[0]);

                while (i > 0)
                    z_i  = "z" + i.ToString();
                    z_im = "z" + (i - 1).ToString();
                    phi  = new MSOExistsFO(z_i, new MSOAnd(new MSOSucc(z_im, z_i),
                                                           new MSOAnd(new MSOLabel(z_i, str[i]), phi)));

                return(new MSOAnd(new MSOForallFO("z0", new MSOIf(phi, new MSOLessEq("z0", v))),
                                  new MSOExistsFO("z0", new MSOAnd(phi, new MSOEqual(v, "z0")))));

            default: throw new PDLException("undefined operator");
        public override MSOFormula Contains(FreshGen fg, string v)
            string zi, ziPrev, z0 = "_z0";
            int    i = str.Length - 1;

            MSOFormula phi = new MSOTrue();

            while (i > 0)
                zi     = "_z" + i.ToString();
                ziPrev = "_z" + (i - 1).ToString();
                phi    = new MSOExistsFO(zi, new MSOAnd(phi, new MSOAnd(new MSOLabel(zi, str[i]), new MSOSucc(ziPrev, zi))));
            phi = new MSOExistsFO(z0, new MSOAnd(phi, new MSOAnd(new MSOLabel(z0, str[0]), new MSOEqual(z0, v))));
