// Golden Section search form Heston
        public double GoldenSearchMS(double a, double b, double tol, int MaxIter, double K, HParam param, double theta, double r, double q, double T, int NumTerms)
            MSExpansionHeston MS = new MSExpansionHeston();
            double            x1, x2, x3, x4, f1, f2, f3, f4;
            double            GR = (Math.Sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 2.0;
            int k = 0;

            while (Math.Abs(b - a) > tol)
                k  = k + 1;
                x1 = a;
                x2 = a + (1.0 - GR) * (b - a);
                x3 = a + GR * (b - a);
                x4 = b;
                f1 = -MS.MSPutHeston(x1, theta, K, param, r, q, T, NumTerms);
                f2 = -MS.MSPutHeston(x2, theta, K, param, r, q, T, NumTerms);
                f3 = -MS.MSPutHeston(x3, theta, K, param, r, q, T, NumTerms);
                f4 = -MS.MSPutHeston(x4, theta, K, param, r, q, T, NumTerms);
                if ((f1 > f2) & (f2 < f3))
                    b = x3;
                else if ((f2 > f3) & (f3 < f4))
                    a = x2;
                if (k > MaxIter)
            return((a + b) / 2.0);
        public double[] MSPriceHeston(HParam param, OpSet opset, MSSet msset)
            // param  = Heston parameters
            // opset  = option settings
            // msset  = Medvedev-Scaillet expansion settings

            // Extract quantities from the option settings
            double K  = opset.K;
            double S  = opset.S;
            double v0 = param.v0;
            double T  = opset.T;
            double r  = opset.r;
            double q  = opset.q;

            // Extract quantities from the MS structure
            int    N        = msset.N;
            double a        = msset.a;
            double b        = msset.b;
            double A        = msset.A;
            double B        = msset.B;
            double dt       = msset.dt;
            double tol      = msset.tol;
            int    MaxIter  = msset.MaxIter;
            int    NumTerms = msset.NumTerms;
            double yinf     = msset.yinf;
            int    method   = msset.method;

            // Closed-form European put
            NewtonCotes NC            = new NewtonCotes();
            double      EuroPutClosed = NC.HestonPriceNewtonCotes(param, opset, method, A, B, N);

            // Moneyness
            double theta = Math.Log(K / S) / Math.Sqrt(v0) / Math.Sqrt(T);

            // Find the barrier level
            // Bisection method to find y
            // a = Math.Max(1.25,0.95*theta);
            // b = 3.0;
            // double y = BisectionMS(a,b,theta,K,param,r,q,T,NumTerms,tol,MaxIter,dt);

            // Golden section search method to find y
            GoldenSearch GS = new GoldenSearch();

            a = 1.5;
            b = 2.5;
            double y = GS.GoldenSearchMS(a, b, tol, MaxIter, K, param, theta, r, q, T, NumTerms);

            if (y < theta)
                y = theta;

            // Find the early exercise premium
            MSExpansionHeston MS        = new MSExpansionHeston();
            double            AmerPutMS = MS.MSPutHeston(y, theta, K, param, r, q, T, NumTerms);
            double            EuroPutMS = MS.MSPutHeston(yinf, theta, K, param, r, q, T, NumTerms);
            double            EEP       = AmerPutMS - EuroPutMS;

            // Control variate American put
            double AmerPut = EuroPutClosed + EEP;

            // Output the results
            double[] output = new double[6];
            output[0] = EuroPutClosed;
            output[1] = AmerPutMS;
            output[2] = AmerPut;      // Medvedev and Scaillet recommend this one.
            output[3] = EEP;
            output[4] = theta;
            output[5] = y;
        // Derivative of the MS approximation
        public double MSPutHestonDiff(double y, double theta, double Strike, HParam param, double r, double q, double T, int NumTerms, double dy)
            MSExpansionHeston MS = new MSExpansionHeston();

            return((MS.MSPutHeston(y + dy, theta, Strike, param, r, q, T, NumTerms) - MS.MSPutHeston(y - dy, theta, Strike, param, r, q, T, NumTerms)) / 2.0 / dy);