Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 发票流水号获得病人
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InvoiceSerialNo">发票号</param>
        public OutPatient(string VisitNo)
            List <HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster> models = null;

            HIS.Model.MZ_PatList model = null;

            model = (MZ_PatList)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PATLIST", Tables.mz_patlist.VISITNO + "='" + VisitNo + "'", typeof(MZ_PatList));
            if (model == null)
                throw new Exception("输入的门诊就诊号找不到病人登记信息");

            this.PatListID   = model.PatListID;
            this.PatID       = model.PatID;
            this.PatientName = model.PatName;
            this.VisitNo     = model.VisitNo;
            this.Sex         = model.PatSex;
            this.Age         = model.Age;
            this.PYM         = model.PYM;
            this.WBM         = model.WBM;
            _mediCard        = model.MediCard;
            _mediType        = model.MediType;
            _hpCode          = model.HpCode;
            _hpGrade         = model.HpGrade;
            _cureDeptCode    = model.CureDeptCode;
            _cureEmpCode     = model.CureEmpCode;
            _diseaseCode     = model.DiseaseCode;
            string[] disease = model.DiseaseName.Split("|".ToCharArray());
            _diseaseName = disease[0];
            if (disease.Length > 1)
                _diseaseMemo = disease[1];
            _cureDate = model.CureDate;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 就诊号
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RegisterID"></param>
        public OutPatient(int RegisterID)
            //HIS.DAL.MZ_PatList mz_patList = new HIS.DAL.MZ_PatList( );
            //mz_patList._OleDB = new HIS.SYSTEM.DatabaseAccessLayer.OleDB( );
            //mz_patList._OleDB.Initialize( );
            MZ_PatList model = (MZ_PatList)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PATLIST", Tables.mz_patlist.PATLISTID + "=" + RegisterID, typeof(MZ_PatList));

            if (model == null)
                throw new Exception("无效的就诊号!");
            this.PatListID   = model.PatListID;
            this.PatID       = model.PatID;
            this.VisitNo     = model.VisitNo;
            this.PatientName = model.PatName;
            this.Sex         = model.PatSex;
            this.Age         = model.Age;
            this.PYM         = model.PYM;
            this.WBM         = model.WBM;
            _mediCard        = model.MediCard;
            _mediType        = model.MediType;
            _hpCode          = model.HpCode;
            _hpGrade         = model.HpGrade;
            _cureDeptCode    = model.CureDeptCode;
            _cureEmpCode     = model.CureEmpCode;
            _diseaseCode     = model.DiseaseCode;
            string[] disease = model.DiseaseName.Split("|".ToCharArray());
            _diseaseName = disease[0];
            if (disease.Length > 1)
                _diseaseMemo = disease[1];

            _cureDate = model.CureDate;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取可用发票张数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="billKind">发票类型</param>
        /// <param name="OperatorId">操作员ID(即EMPLOYEEID)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetInvoiceNumberOfCanUse(OPDBillKind billKind, int OperatorId)
            int count = 0;
            List <HIS.Model.MZ_INVOICE> invoices = null;

            invoices = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_INVOICE>("MZ_INVOICE", "invoice_type=" + (int)billKind + " and status=0 and employee_id =" + OperatorId);
            foreach (MZ_INVOICE invoice in invoices)
                count = count + (invoice.END_NO - invoice.CURRENT_NO + 1);

            invoices = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_INVOICE>("MZ_INVOICE", "invoice_type=" + (int)billKind + " and status=2 and employee_id =" + OperatorId);
            foreach (MZ_INVOICE invoice in invoices)
                count = count + (invoice.END_NO - invoice.CURRENT_NO + 1);

            invoices = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_INVOICE>("MZ_INVOICE", "invoice_type=" + (int)billKind + " and status=0 and employee_id =0");
            foreach (MZ_INVOICE invoice in invoices)
                count = count + (invoice.END_NO - invoice.CURRENT_NO + 1);

            invoices = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_INVOICE>("MZ_INVOICE", "invoice_type=" + (int)billKind + " and status=2 and employee_id =0");
            foreach (MZ_INVOICE invoice in invoices)
                count = count + (invoice.END_NO - invoice.CURRENT_NO + 1);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除处方
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PrescriptionId">要删除的处方ID</param>
        /// <returns>被删除的处方数</returns>
        public int DeletePrescription(int PrescriptionId)
            //MZ_PresMaster mz_presmaster = BindEntity<MZ_PresMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).GetModel( PrescriptionId );
            MZ_PresMaster mz_presmaster = (MZ_PresMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PRESMASTER", Tables.mz_presmaster.PRESMASTERID + "=" + PrescriptionId, typeof(MZ_PresMaster));

            if (mz_presmaster.Charge_Flag == 1)
                throw new Exception("该处方已经收费,不能删除!");

            MSAccessDb.BeginTrans( );
                int effectRow = 0;
                List <HIS.Model.MZ_PresOrder> detail = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_PresOrder>("MZ_PRESORDER", "PRESMASTERID=" + PrescriptionId);
                for (int i = 0; i < detail.Count; i++)
                    MSAccessDb.Execute("delete * from mz_presorder where presorderid=" + ((HIS.Model.MZ_PresOrder)detail[i]).PresOrderID);
                MSAccessDb.Execute("delete * from mz_presmaster where presmasterid = " + PrescriptionId);
                MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
                MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除处方明细
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PrescriptionDetailId">要删除的明细ID</param>
        /// <returns>被删除的处方明细数</returns>
        public int DeletePrescriptionDetail(int PrescriptionDetailId)
            MZ_PresOrder  mz_presorder  = (MZ_PresOrder)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PRESORDER", Tables.mz_presorder.PRESORDERID + "=" + PrescriptionDetailId, typeof(MZ_PresOrder));
            MZ_PresMaster mz_presmaster = (MZ_PresMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PRESMASTER", Tables.mz_presmaster.PRESMASTERID + "=" + mz_presorder.PresMasterID, typeof(MZ_PresMaster));

            if (mz_presmaster.Charge_Flag == 1)
                throw new Exception("该处方已经收费,不能删除!");

            MSAccessDb.BeginTrans( );
                int          effectRow = 0;
                MZ_PresOrder detail    = (MZ_PresOrder)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PRESORDER", Tables.mz_presorder.PRESORDERID + "=" + PrescriptionDetailId, typeof(MZ_PresOrder));
                MSAccessDb.Execute("delete * from mz_presorder where presorderid=" + detail.PresOrderID);
                MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
            catch (Exception err)
                MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="billKind"></param>
        /// <param name="OperatorId"></param>
        /// <param name="NewInvoiceNo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool AdjustInvoiceNo(OPDBillKind billKind, int OperatorId, string NewInvoiceNo)
            string strWhere = Tables.mz_invoice.STATUS + " = 0";

            strWhere += " and " + Tables.mz_invoice.EMPLOYEE_ID + " = " + OperatorId;
            strWhere += " and " + Tables.mz_invoice.INVOICE_TYPE + " = " + (int)billKind;

            MZ_INVOICE mz_invoice   = (MZ_INVOICE)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_INVOICE", strWhere, typeof(MZ_INVOICE));
            long       newInvoiceNo = Convert.ToInt64(NewInvoiceNo);

            if (mz_invoice != null)
                if (newInvoiceNo > Convert.ToInt64(mz_invoice.END_NO))
                    throw new Exception("要调整的发票号不能超出本卷票的结束号!");
                if (newInvoiceNo <= Convert.ToInt64(mz_invoice.CURRENT_NO))
                    throw new Exception("要调整的发票号不能小于当前票号!");
                //BindEntity<MZ_INVOICE>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).Update( strWhere , Tables.mz_invoice.CURRENT_NO + oleDb.EuqalTo( ) + newInvoiceNo );
                MSAccessDb.UpdateRecord(new string[] { Tables.mz_invoice.CURRENT_NO + " = " + newInvoiceNo },
                                        strWhere, typeof(MZ_INVOICE));
                throw new Exception("没有找到当前在用发票记录!");
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除发票卷
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VolumnID">发票卷号</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 对于在用的,已用的,停用的但之前有使用过的不能删除
        /// 备用的,停用的但还未使用的可以删除
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool DeleteInvoiceVolumn(int VolumnID)
            MZ_INVOICE invoice = (MZ_INVOICE)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_INVOICE", Tables.mz_invoice.ID + "=" + VolumnID, typeof(MZ_INVOICE));

            if (invoice != null)
                if (invoice.STATUS == 0)
                    throw new Exception("该卷发票正在使用中,不能删除");
                if (invoice.STATUS == 1)
                    throw new Exception("该卷发票已经有使用记录,不能删除");
                if (invoice.STATUS == 3 && invoice.START_NO != invoice.CURRENT_NO)
                    throw new Exception("该卷发票已停用,但有部分票据已经使用过,不能删除!\r\n如果要使用未用的票据号,请将这段票据号重新分配");
                string sql = "delete * from mz_invoice where id=" + VolumnID;
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("删除票卷发生错误!");
Esempio n. 8
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 获取门诊票据领用记录
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns>返回DataTable</returns>
        public static System.Data.DataTable GetInvoiceRecord()
            string    sql = @"select ID,iif(INVOICE_TYPE=0,'收费','挂号') as INVOICE_TYPE,
                            '' as  STATUS,
                            A.STATUS as STATUS_FLAG
                            from  mz_invoice  as A 
                            Left Join  base_employee_property as B on A.EMPLOYEE_ID = B.EMPLOYEE_ID   ";
            DataTable tb  = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable(sql);

            for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)
                int status_flag = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["STATUS_FLAG"]);
                switch (status_flag)
                case 0:
                    tb.Rows[i]["STATUS"] = "正常";

                case 1:
                    tb.Rows[i]["STATUS"] = "用完";

                case 2:
                    tb.Rows[i]["STATUS"] = "待用";

                case 3:
                    tb.Rows[i]["STATUS"] = "停用";
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取没有交账的人员列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetNotHandInAccountUser()
            string strSql = "";

            strSql = "select distinct CHARGECODE,CHARGENAME from mz_costmaster where accountid=0 and record_flag in (0,1,2)";
Esempio n. 10
        public static DataTable GetPatientList()
            string date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            string sql  = "select patlistid,patname,patsex,curedate from mz_patlist where curedate>#" + date + "# and upload_flag=0 order by curedate desc";

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新本次就诊登记信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>成功标识;true</returns>
        public bool UpdateRegister()
            //HIS.SYSTEM.DatabaseAccessLayer.OleDB oleDB = new HIS.SYSTEM.DatabaseAccessLayer.OleDB( );
            //oleDB.Initialize( );
                //HIS.DAL.MZ_PatList mz_patList = new HIS.DAL.MZ_PatList( );
                //mz_patList._OleDB = oleDB;
                HIS.Model.MZ_PatList register = (MZ_PatList)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PATLIST", Tables.mz_patlist.PATLISTID + "=" + this.PatListID, typeof(MZ_PatList));
                register.CureDeptCode = _cureDeptCode; //就诊科室
                register.CureEmpCode  = _cureEmpCode;  //就诊医生
                register.DiseaseCode  = _diseaseCode;  //疾病代码
                if (register.REG_DOC_CODE.Trim( ) == "")
                    register.REG_DOC_CODE  = _cureEmpCode;
                    register.REG_DOC_NAME  = DataReader.GetEmployeeNameById(Convert.ToInt32(_cureEmpCode));
                    register.REG_DEPT_CODE = _cureDeptCode;
                    register.REG_DEPT_NAME = DataReader.GetDeptNameById(Convert.ToInt32(_cureDeptCode));

                register.DiseaseName = _diseaseName.Replace("|", "") + "|" + _diseaseMemo.Replace("|", ""); //疾病名称
                register.HpCode      = _hpCode;                                                             //就医机构代码
                register.HpGrade     = _hpGrade;                                                            //就医机构级别
                register.MediCard    = _mediCard;                                                           //医疗证卡号
                register.MediType    = _mediType;                                                           //就诊类型
                register.PatCode     = "";                                                                  //病人代码????
                register.PatID       = this.PatID;                                                          //病人ID,如果是普通病人,则为0;否则参见PatientInfo.PatID;
                register.PatListID   = this.PatListID;                                                      //本次就诊号
                register.PatName     = this.PatientName;                                                    //病人姓名
                register.PatSex      = this.Sex;                                                            //性别
                register.PYM         = this.PYM;                                                            //拼音码
                register.WBM         = this.WBM;                                                            //五笔码
                register.Age         = this.Age;                                                            //年龄
                register.VisitNo     = this.VisitNo;                                                        //就诊号(门诊号)
                string strWhere = Tables.mz_presmaster.PATLISTID + "=" + this.PatListID + " and " +
                                  Tables.mz_presmaster.HAND_FLAG + "= 0";
                MZ_PresMaster mz_presmaster = (MZ_PresMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PRESMASTER", strWhere, typeof(MZ_PresMaster));
                if (mz_presmaster != null)
                    if (mz_presmaster.PresDocCode == null || mz_presmaster.PresDocCode.Trim( ) == "")
                        strWhere += " and " + Tables.mz_presmaster.PRESMASTERID + "=" + mz_presmaster.PresMasterID;

                        MSAccessDb.UpdateRecord(new string[] { Tables.mz_presmaster.PRESDOCCODE + "=" + "'" + _cureEmpCode + "'",
                                                               Tables.mz_presmaster.PRESDEPTCODE + "=" + "'" + _cureDeptCode + "'" },
                                                strWhere, typeof(MZ_PresMaster));

            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("更新病人等级信息发生错误!");
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 上传发票信息
        /// </summary>
        public void UploadDataWithInvoiceInfo()
            if (_oleDb == null)
                ConnectToRemoteDB( );

            DataTable tbInvoice    = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable("select * from mz_invoice where upload_flag=0 and employee_id=" + _employeeId);
            int       invoiceCount = tbInvoice.Rows.Count;

            if (invoiceCount == 0)
                if (UpLoadingEvent != null)

            if (UpLoadingEvent != null)
                UpLoadingEvent(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "开始上传个人发票使用记录!\r\n");
                BeginTrans( );

                for (int invoiceIndex = 0; invoiceIndex < tbInvoice.Rows.Count; invoiceIndex++)
                    int        localInvoiceId = Convert.ToInt32(tbInvoice.Rows[invoiceIndex][Tables.mz_invoice.ID]);
                    MZ_INVOICE mz_invoice     = new MZ_INVOICE( );
                    DataBind <MZ_INVOICE>(tbInvoice.Rows[invoiceIndex], mz_invoice);
                    string strWhere = Tables.mz_invoice.ID + _oleDb.EuqalTo( ) + localInvoiceId;
                    if (BindEntity <MZ_INVOICE> .CreateInstanceDAL(_oleDb).Exists(strWhere))
                        BindEntity <MZ_INVOICE> .CreateInstanceDAL(_oleDb).Update(mz_invoice);

                        MSAccessDb.Execute("update mz_invoice set upload_flag = 1 where id = " + localInvoiceId);
                        BindEntity <MZ_INVOICE> .CreateInstanceDAL(_oleDb).Add(mz_invoice);

                        int serverInvoiceId = mz_invoice.ID;
                        MSAccessDb.Execute("update mz_invoice set upload_flag = 1,id = " + serverInvoiceId + " where id = " + localInvoiceId);
                CommitTrans( );
                if (UpLoadingEvent != null)
                    UpLoadingEvent(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "上传个人发票使用记录成功!\r\n发票使用记录" + invoiceCount + "条\r\n\r\n");
            catch (Exception err)
                RollbackTrans( );
                throw err;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取病人信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Condiction">检索条件</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static System.Data.DataTable GetPatientList(string Condiction)
     //return BindEntity<MZ_PatList>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).GetList( Condiction );
     if (Condiction.Trim() == "")
         return(MSAccessDb.GetDataTable("select * from mz_patlist"));
         return(MSAccessDb.GetDataTable("select * from mz_patlist where " + Condiction));
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 查找病人信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strWhere">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static OutPatient[] GetPatient(string strWhere)
            List <HIS.Model.MZ_PatList> patList = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_PatList>("MZ_PATLIST", strWhere);

            OutPatient[] patients = new OutPatient[patList.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < patList.Count; i++)
                patients[i] = new OutPatient(patList[i].PatListID);

        /// <summary>
        /// 交款
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">操作员ID(EmployeeId)</param>
        public static bool HandInAccount(int userId, PrivyAccountBook accountBook)
            string strblankoutInvoices = "";

            foreach (string invoiceNum in accountBook.ChargeInvoiceInfo.Useless)
                strblankoutInvoices = strblankoutInvoices + invoiceNum + "|";
            if (strblankoutInvoices.Trim( ) != "")
                strblankoutInvoices = strblankoutInvoices.Remove(strblankoutInvoices.Length - 1, 1);

            MSAccessDb.BeginTrans( );

                HIS.Model.MZ_Account new_mz_account = new HIS.Model.MZ_Account( );
                new_mz_account.AccountCode = userId.ToString( );
                new_mz_account.AccountDate = DateTime.Now;
                new_mz_account.Total_Fee   = accountBook.InvoiceItemSumTotal;
                new_mz_account.Cash_Fee    = 0;
                new_mz_account.POS_Fee     = 0;
                new_mz_account.BlankOut    = strblankoutInvoices;
                new_mz_account.AccountID   = MSAccessDb.GetMaxID("MZ_ACCOUNT", Tables.mz_account.ACCOUNTID);
                MSAccessDb.InsertRecord(new_mz_account, Tables.mz_account.ACCOUNTID);
                int accountBookId = new_mz_account.AccountID;
                List <MZ_CostMaster> list_costmaster = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_CostMaster>("MZ_COSTMASTER", " RECORD_FLAG<>9 and ACCOUNTID=0 and  CHARGECODE='" + userId + "'");
                if (list_costmaster.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("没有科目可以交账!");
                for (int i = 0; i < list_costmaster.Count; i++)
                    list_costmaster[i].AccountID = accountBookId;
                MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );

            catch (Exception err)
                MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
                throw new Exception("交款处理发生错误!");
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// 正式结算
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BudgetaryChargeInfos">预算信息</param>
 /// <param name="prescriptions">要结算的处方,该处方对象经过预算方法处理</param>
 /// <returns>true:结算成功,false:结算失败</returns>
 public override bool Charge(ChargeInfo[] BudgetaryChargeInfos, Prescription[] prescriptions, out BaseInvoice[] ChargeInvoicies)
     MSAccessDb.BeginTrans( );
         _charge(BudgetaryChargeInfos, prescriptions, out ChargeInvoicies);
         MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
     catch (Exception err)
         MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
         throw new Exception("正式结算发生错误!");
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 发票号
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InviceNo"></param>
        /// <param name="InvoiceType"></param>
        public OutPatient(string InviceNo, OPDBillKind InvoiceType)
            List <HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster> models = null;

            HIS.Model.MZ_PatList model = null;
            string strWhere            = "";

            if (InvoiceType == OPDBillKind.门诊收费发票)
                strWhere = "TICKETNUM='" + InviceNo + "'" + " and " + Tables.mz_costmaster.HANG_FLAG + " = 1";
                strWhere = "TICKETNUM='" + InviceNo + "'" + " and " + Tables.mz_costmaster.HANG_FLAG + " = 0";
            models = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_CostMaster>("MZ_COSTMASTER", strWhere);
            if (models.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("输入的发票流水号找不到病人登记信息");
                model = (MZ_PatList)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PATLIST", Tables.mz_patlist.PATLISTID + "=" + models[0].PatListID, typeof(MZ_PatList));

            this.PatListID   = model.PatListID;
            this.PatID       = model.PatID;
            this.PatientName = model.PatName;
            this.VisitNo     = model.VisitNo;
            this.Sex         = model.PatSex;
            this.Age         = model.Age;
            this.PYM         = model.PYM;
            this.WBM         = model.WBM;
            _mediCard        = model.MediCard;
            _mediType        = model.MediType;
            _hpCode          = model.HpCode;
            _hpGrade         = model.HpGrade;
            _cureDeptCode    = model.CureDeptCode;
            _cureEmpCode     = model.CureEmpCode;
            _diseaseCode     = model.DiseaseCode;
            string[] disease = model.DiseaseName.Split("|".ToCharArray( ));
            _diseaseName = disease[0];
            if (disease.Length > 1)
                _diseaseMemo = disease[1];
            _cureDate = model.CureDate;
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置发票停用
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ID">发票卷ID</param>
 public static void SetInvoiceNoUsed(int ID)
     HIS.Model.MZ_INVOICE model_mz_invoice = null;
     model_mz_invoice = (MZ_INVOICE)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_INVOICE", "ID=" + ID, typeof(MZ_INVOICE));
     if (model_mz_invoice != null)
         if (model_mz_invoice.END_NO == model_mz_invoice.CURRENT_NO &&
             model_mz_invoice.STATUS == 1)
             throw new Exception("本卷发票已经使用完,不能再停用!");
         model_mz_invoice.STATUS = 3;
         //BindEntity<MZ_INVOICE>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).Update( model_mz_invoice );
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// 预算
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prescriptions">要预算的处方</param>
 /// <returns>预算信息,供正式结算用</returns>
 public override ChargeInfo[] Budget(Prescription[] prescriptions)
     ChargeInfo[] chargeInfos = new ChargeInfo[prescriptions.Length];
         MSAccessDb.BeginTrans( );
         chargeInfos = _budget(prescriptions);
         MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
     catch (Exception err)
         MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
         throw new Exception("预结算发生错误!");
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到未上传的病人列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <int> GetUnUploadPatientList()
            string     sql     = @"select distinct a.patlistid 
                            from mz_patlist a ,mz_costmaster b 
                            where a.patlistid=b.patlistid 
                            and  (b.upload_flag=0 or b.upload_flag is null )
                            and b.record_flag in (0,1,2)";
            DataTable  tb      = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable(sql);
            List <int> patList = new List <int>( );

            for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)

Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置发票记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invoiceType">发票类型</param>
        /// <param name="ChargetorId">领用人ID(EmployeeId)</param>
        /// <param name="StartNo">开始号</param>
        /// <param name="EndNo">结束号</param>
        /// <param name="Operator">操作员(EmployeeId)</param>
        public static void SetInvoiceRecord(OPDBillKind invoiceType, int ChargetorId, string PerfChar, int StartNo, int EndNo, int Operator)
            HIS.Model.MZ_INVOICE model_mz_invoice = new HIS.Model.MZ_INVOICE();

            model_mz_invoice.ALLOT_DATE   = DateTime.Now;
            model_mz_invoice.ALLOT_USER   = Operator;
            model_mz_invoice.CURRENT_NO   = StartNo;
            model_mz_invoice.EMPLOYEE_ID  = ChargetorId;
            model_mz_invoice.END_NO       = EndNo;
            model_mz_invoice.INVOICE_TYPE = (int)invoiceType;
            model_mz_invoice.START_NO     = StartNo;
            model_mz_invoice.STATUS       = 2;
            model_mz_invoice.PerfChar     = PerfChar;
            model_mz_invoice.ID           = MSAccessDb.GetMaxID("MZ_INVOICE", Tables.mz_invoice.ID);

            MSAccessDb.InsertRecord(model_mz_invoice, Tables.mz_invoice.ID);
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 ///  登记本次就诊
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>本次就诊号</returns>
 public int NewRegister()
         HIS.Model.MZ_PatList register = new HIS.Model.MZ_PatList( );
         register.CureDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); //就诊日期
         register.CureDeptCode = _cureDeptCode;                                           //就诊科室
         register.CureEmpCode  = _cureEmpCode;                                            //就诊医生
         register.DiseaseCode  = _diseaseCode;                                            //疾病代码
         register.DiseaseName  = _diseaseName;                                            //疾病名称
         register.HpCode       = _hpCode;                                                 //就医机构代码
         register.HpGrade      = _hpGrade;                                                //就医机构级别
         register.MediCard     = _mediCard;                                               //医疗证卡号
         register.MediType     = _mediType;                                               //就诊类型
         register.PatCode      = " ";                                                     //病人代码
         register.PatID        = 0;                                                       //病人ID,如果是普通病人,则为0;否则参见PatientInfo.PatID;
         register.PatName      = PatientName;                                             //病人姓名
         register.PatSex       = Sex;                                                     //性别
         register.PYM          = " ";                                                     //拼音码
         register.WBM          = " ";                                                     //五笔码
         register.Age          = Age;
         register.VisitNo      = " ";                                                     //( new RegController( ) ).CreateVisitNo( );
         register.PatListID    = MSAccessDb.GetMaxID("MZ_PATLIST", Tables.mz_patlist.PATLISTID);
         int newRegisterno = 0;
         MSAccessDb.InsertRecord(register, Tables.mz_patlist.PATLISTID);
         newRegisterno = register.PatListID;
         if (newRegisterno > 0)
             this.PatListID = newRegisterno;
             this.VisitNo   = register.VisitNo;
             MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
             return(this.PatListID); //返回就诊ID
             throw new Exception("创建病人登记信息失败!");
     catch (Exception err)
         MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
         throw new Exception("新登记病人信息发生错误!");
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// 读取具有有效处方的病人列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ExistsVisitDay">有效就诊期</param>
        /// <param name="ExistsPresDays">处方有效期</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static System.Data.DataTable GetPatientListByExistsPrescrition(int ExistsVisitDay, int ExistsPresDays)
            DateTime serverDate     = DateTime.Now;
            string   pres_endDate   = serverDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59.999999";
            string   pres_beginDate = serverDate.AddDays(ExistsPresDays * -1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00.000000";

            string visit_endDate   = serverDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59.999999";
            string visit_beginDate = serverDate.AddDays(ExistsVisitDay * -1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00.000000";

            //return dal.GetPatientListByExistsPrescrition( visit_beginDate, visit_endDate, pres_beginDate, pres_endDate );
            string sql = @"select distinct a.patlistid,a.patid,patname,patsex,curedate,pym,wbm,visitno 
                            from mz_patlist a,mz_presmaster b where a.patlistid = b.patlistid 
                            and visitno <>'' 
                            and b.presdate between #" + visit_beginDate + "# and #" + visit_endDate + @"# 
                            and b.record_flag = 0 order by curedate desc";

Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// 退费
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invoice">要退费的发票对象</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Refundment(Invoice invoice, Prescription[] ReblancePrescriptions)

                _refundment(invoice, ReblancePrescriptions);

                MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
            catch (Exception err)
                MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
                //ErrorWriter.WriteLog( err.Message );
                throw err;
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// 发票查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dateTimeFrom">开始时间</param>
        /// <param name="dateTimeTo">结束时间</param>
        /// <param name="OperatorId">操作员(EmployeeId)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetChargeInvoiceList(DateTime dateTimeFrom, DateTime dateTimeTo, int OperatorId)
            string userWhere = "";

            if (OperatorId != 0)
                userWhere = " and chargecode='" + OperatorId.ToString( ) + "'";
            string sql = @"select a.TICKETNUM as invoiceno,b.PATNAME as patientname,b.VISITNO as VISITNO,b.MEDITYPE as MEDITYPE,a.TOTAL_FEE as cost,a.TOTAL_FEE-a.POS_FEE-a.VILLAGE_FEE-a.FAVOR_FEE-a.SELF_TALLY as cash,a.POS_FEE as pos,a.VILLAGE_FEE as tally,a.FAVOR_FEE as favor,a.SELF_TALLY as self_tally,a.COSTDATE as chargedate,a.CHARGENAME as chargeuser,a.unchargedate,a.unchargecost,a.unchargeuser,a.hang_flag 
                            (select aa.*,b.COSTDATE as unchargedate, ABS(b.TOTAL_FEE)  as unchargecost,b.chargename as unchargeuser 
                             from  (
                                     from  MZ_COSTMASTER  where   RECORD_FLAG IN(0,1) " + userWhere + @"  AND COSTDATE BETWEEN #" + dateTimeFrom.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00#  AND  #" + dateTimeTo.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59# " + @"
                                   ) aa  Left Join  (select TICKETNUM,TOTAL_FEE,COSTDATE,CHARGENAME,HANG_FLAG  
                                                    from  MZ_COSTMASTER  where   RECORD_FLAG = 2 ) b  on aa.TICKETNUM = b.TICKETNUM AND aa.HANG_FLAG = b.HANG_FLAG  
                             ) a  
                             Left Join  (select PATLISTID,PATNAME,VISITNO,MEDITYPE from  MZ_PATLIST  ) b  on a.PATLISTID = b.PATLISTID ";

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取个人账单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TollCollectorId">收费员ID</param>
        /// <param name="AccountBookId">账单ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PrivyAccountBook GetPrivyAccountBook(int TollCollectorId, int AccountBookId)
            DataTable tbInvoiceList       = null;
            DataTable tbInvoiceDetailList = null;

            #region 获取本次收费发票列表
//            //发票列表(所有的发票,包含挂号和收费)
//            string sql = @"select a.patlistid,b.meditype,a.record_flag, ticketnum,total_fee,village_fee,favor_fee,pos_fee,self_tally,
//                                    (total_fee-village_fee-favor_fee-pos_fee-self_tally) as money_fee ,a.hang_flag,a.costdate
//                            from mz_costmaster a,mz_patlist b
//                            where a.patlistid=b.patlistid
//                            and a.record_flag in (0,1,2)
//                            and a.chargecode='" + TollCollectorId.ToString( ) + @"'
//                            and a.accountid = " + AccountBookId + @"
//                            and a.workid=" + WORK_ID + @"
//                            and b.workid= "+ WORK_ID+ @"
//                             order by costdate";
//            tbInvoiceList = oleDb.GetDataTable( sql );
//            //发票明细列表(所有的,包含挂号和收费)
//            sql = @"select a.ticketnum,c.code as stat_item_code,c.mzfp_code,d.item_name, b.total_fee ,a.record_flag,a.hang_flag,
//                        a.village_fee,a.favor_fee,a.pos_fee,a.self_tally,
//                        (a.total_fee-a.village_fee-a.favor_fee-a.pos_fee-a.self_tally) as money_fee
//                    from mz_costmaster a,mz_costorder b ,base_stat_item c,base_stat_mzfp d
//                    where a.costmasterid = b.costid
//                    and b.itemtype=c.code
//                    and c.mzfp_code = d.code
//                    and a.record_flag in (0,1,2)
//                    and a.chargecode='" + TollCollectorId.ToString( ) + @"'
//                    and a.accountid = " + AccountBookId + @"
//                    and a.workid=" + WORK_ID + @"
//                    and b.workid= "+ WORK_ID;
//            tbInvoiceDetailList = oleDb.GetDataTable( sql );
            GetAccountData(TollCollectorId, new int[] { AccountBookId }, out tbInvoiceList, out tbInvoiceDetailList);
            DataTable tbAccount = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable("select * from mz_account where accountid=" + AccountBookId);
            return(GetPrivyAccountBook(TollCollectorId, AccountBookId, tbInvoiceList, tbInvoiceDetailList, tbAccount));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取缴款单数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TollCollectorId"></param>
        /// <param name="AccountBookId"></param>
        public static void GetAccountData(int TollCollectorId, int[] AccountBookIds,
                                          out DataTable tbInvoiceList, out DataTable tbInvoiceDetailList)
            tbInvoiceList       = null;
            tbInvoiceDetailList = null;
            string accountList = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < AccountBookIds.Length - 1; i++)
                accountList += AccountBookIds[i].ToString( ) + ",";
            accountList += AccountBookIds[AccountBookIds.Length - 1].ToString( );

            string sql = @"select a.patlistid,b.meditype,a.record_flag, ticketnum,total_fee,village_fee,favor_fee,pos_fee,self_tally, 
                                    (total_fee-village_fee-favor_fee-pos_fee-self_tally) as money_fee ,a.hang_flag,a.costdate,a.accountid
                            from mz_costmaster a,mz_patlist b 
                            where a.patlistid=b.patlistid 
                            and a.record_flag in (0,1,2)
                            and a.chargecode='" + TollCollectorId.ToString( ) + @"'
                            and a.accountid in ( " + accountList + @")
                             order by costdate";

            tbInvoiceList = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable(sql);
            sql = @"select a.ticketnum,c.code as stat_item_code,c.mzfp_code, as item_name, b.total_fee ,a.record_flag,a.hang_flag,
                        (a.total_fee-a.village_fee-a.favor_fee-a.pos_fee-a.self_tally) as money_fee,a.accountid
                    from mz_costmaster a,mz_costorder b ,base_stat_item c,base_mzfp_item d 
                    where a.costmasterid = b.costid 
                    and b.itemtype=c.code
                    and c.mzfp_code = d.code 
                    and a.record_flag in (0,1,2)
                    and a.chargecode='" + TollCollectorId.ToString( ) + @"'
                    and a.accountid in (" + accountList + ") ";
            tbInvoiceDetailList = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable(sql);
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// 预算
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prescriptions">要预算的处方</param>
        /// <returns>预算信息,供正式结算用</returns>
        public override ChargeInfo[] Budget(Prescription[] prescriptions)

            List <List <Item> > lstStatItems = new List <List <Item> >( );
            decimal chargeTotalCost = 0;

            #region 合并大类并计算舍入金额
                for (int i = 0; i < prescriptions.Length; i++)
                    List <Item> lstTemp = new List <Item>( );
                    lstTemp         = MergePrescriptionByStatItemCode(ref prescriptions[i]);
                    chargeTotalCost = chargeTotalCost + prescriptions[i].Total_Fee;
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("合并项目发生错误!");
            Hashtable htCostOrder = new Hashtable();
            #region 合并所有结算明细(不需要再舍入)
                foreach (List <Item> lstTemp in lstStatItems)
                    foreach (object obj in lstTemp)
                        if (htCostOrder.ContainsKey(((Item)obj).Text.Trim( )))
                            Item         item         = (Item)obj;
                            MZ_CostOrder mz_costorder = (MZ_CostOrder)htCostOrder[item.Text.Trim( )];
                            mz_costorder.Total_Fee = mz_costorder.Total_Fee + Convert.ToDecimal(item.Value);
                            MZ_CostOrder mz_costorder = new HIS.Model.MZ_CostOrder( );
                            mz_costorder.ItemType  = ((Item)obj).Text.Trim( );
                            mz_costorder.Total_Fee = Convert.ToDecimal(((Item)obj).Value);
                            htCostOrder.Add(mz_costorder.ItemType, mz_costorder);
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("合并明细大类发生错误!");
            int costmasterid = MSAccessDb.GetMaxID("MZ_COSTMASTER", Tables.mz_costmaster.COSTMASTERID);
            #region 数据库操作,得到结算号

                #region 赋值结算头表并保存
                HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster mz_costmaster = new HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster( );
                mz_costmaster.PatID        = Patient.PatID;
                mz_costmaster.PatListID    = Patient.PatListID;
                mz_costmaster.PresMasterID = 0;
                mz_costmaster.TicketNum    = "";
                mz_costmaster.TicketCode   = "";
                mz_costmaster.ChargeCode   = OperatorId.ToString( );
                mz_costmaster.ChargeName   = DataReader.GetEmployeeNameById(OperatorId);
                mz_costmaster.Total_Fee    = chargeTotalCost;//结算表的总金额
                mz_costmaster.Self_Fee     = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Village_Fee  = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Favor_Fee    = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Pos_Fee      = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Money_Fee    = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Ticket_Flag  = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Record_Flag  = 9;//预结算记录状态置为9
                mz_costmaster.OldID        = 0;
                mz_costmaster.AccountID    = 0;
                mz_costmaster.Hang_Flag    = (int)OPDOperationType.门诊收费;
                mz_costmaster.Hurried_Flag = Patient.IsEmergency ? 1 : 0;
                mz_costmaster.CostMasterID = costmasterid;

                MSAccessDb.InsertRecord(mz_costmaster, Tables.mz_costorder.COSTORDERID);

                #region 更新处方表的结算号和总金额,舍入金额
                for (int prescCount = 0; prescCount < prescriptions.Length; prescCount++)
                    string        strWhere      = Tables.mz_presmaster.PRESMASTERID + " = " + prescriptions[prescCount].PrescriptionID;
                    MZ_PresMaster mz_presmaster = (MZ_PresMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PRESMASTER", strWhere, typeof(MZ_PresMaster));
                    if (mz_presmaster.Charge_Flag == 1)
                        throw new Exception("处方已被别的收费员收费,请确认!");
                    //BindEntity<MZ_PresMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).Update( strWhere ,
                    //                      Tables.mz_presmaster.COSTMASTERID + " = " + mz_costmaster.CostMasterID ,
                    //                      Tables.mz_presmaster.TOTAL_FEE + " = " + prescriptions[prescCount].Total_Fee ,
                    //                      Tables.mz_presmaster.ROUNGINGMONEY + " = " + prescriptions[prescCount].RoundingMoney );
                    MSAccessDb.UpdateRecord(new string[] { Tables.mz_presmaster.COSTMASTERID + " = " + mz_costmaster.CostMasterID,
                                                           Tables.mz_presmaster.TOTAL_FEE + " = " + prescriptions[prescCount].Total_Fee,
                                                           Tables.mz_presmaster.ROUNGINGMONEY + " = " + prescriptions[prescCount].RoundingMoney },
                                            strWhere, typeof(MZ_PresMaster));

                #region 保存结算明细到数据库(按大项目保存)
                int costorderid = MSAccessDb.GetMaxID("MZ_COSTORDER", Tables.mz_costorder.COSTORDERID);
                foreach (object obj in htCostOrder)
                    HIS.Model.MZ_CostOrder mz_costorder = (HIS.Model.MZ_CostOrder)((System.Collections.DictionaryEntry)obj).Value;
                    mz_costorder.CostID      = mz_costmaster.CostMasterID;
                    mz_costorder.CostOrderID = costorderid;
                    //mz_costorder.CostOrderID = BindEntity<MZ_CostOrder>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).Add( mz_costorder );
                    MSAccessDb.InsertRecord(mz_costorder, Tables.mz_costorder.COSTORDERID);

                MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );

            catch (Exception err)
                MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
                throw new Exception("保存预算结果到数据库发生错误!");
            for (int prescCount = 0; prescCount < prescriptions.Length; prescCount++)
                prescriptions[prescCount].ChargeID = costmasterid;

            #region 返回预算结果
                Hashtable htInvoiceItem = new Hashtable( );
                foreach (object obj in htCostOrder)
                    HIS.Model.MZ_CostOrder mz_costorder = (HIS.Model.MZ_CostOrder)((System.Collections.DictionaryEntry)obj).Value;
                    InvoiceItem            invoice      = GetInvoiceByStatCode(mz_costorder.ItemType.Trim( ));
                    invoice.Cost = mz_costorder.Total_Fee;
                    if (htInvoiceItem.ContainsKey(invoice.ItemCode.Trim( )))
                        InvoiceItem _invoice = (InvoiceItem)htInvoiceItem[invoice.ItemCode];
                        _invoice.Cost = _invoice.Cost + invoice.Cost;
                        htInvoiceItem.Add(_invoice.ItemCode, _invoice);
                        htInvoiceItem.Add(invoice.ItemCode, invoice);
                List <InvoiceItem> chargeItems = new List <InvoiceItem>( );
                foreach (object item in htInvoiceItem)

                ChargeInfo chargeInfos = new ChargeInfo( );
                chargeInfos.Items    = chargeItems.ToArray( );
                chargeInfos.ChargeID = costmasterid;
                chargeInfos.TotalFee = chargeTotalCost;

                ChargeInfo[] chargeInfo = new ChargeInfo[1];
                chargeInfo[0].TotalFee = chargeTotalCost;
                chargeInfo[0]          = chargeInfos;
                chargeInfo[0].FavorFee = GetFavorCost(Patient.MediType, chargeInfo[0], prescriptions);
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("返回预算结果发生错误!");
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// 正式结算
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BudgetaryChargeInfos">预算信息</param>
        /// <param name="prescriptions">要结算的处方,该处方对象经过预算方法处理</param>
        /// <returns>true:结算成功,false:结算失败</returns>
        public override bool Charge(ChargeInfo[] BudgetaryChargeInfos, Prescription[] prescriptions, out BaseInvoice[] ChargeInvoicies)
            MSAccessDb.BeginTrans( );

                for (int chargeCount = 0; chargeCount < BudgetaryChargeInfos.Length; chargeCount++)
                    //if ( BindEntity<MZ_CostMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).Exists( BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeID ) )
                    if (MSAccessDb.Exists("MZ_COSTMASTER", Tables.mz_costmaster.COSTMASTERID + "=" + BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeID))
                        HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster chargeBill = new HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster( );
                        //chargeBill = BindEntity<MZ_CostMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).GetModel( BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeID );
                        chargeBill             = (MZ_CostMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_COSTMASTER", Tables.mz_costmaster.COSTMASTERID + "=" + BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeID, typeof(MZ_CostMaster));
                        chargeBill.Self_Fee    = BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].SelfFee;
                        chargeBill.Village_Fee = BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].VillageFee;
                        chargeBill.Favor_Fee   = BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].FavorFee;
                        chargeBill.Pos_Fee     = BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].PosFee;
                        chargeBill.Money_Fee   = BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].CashFee;
                        chargeBill.Self_Tally  = BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].SelfTally;
                        chargeBill.Ticket_Flag = 0;
                        chargeBill.CostDate    = DateTime.Now;
                        chargeBill.Record_Flag = 0;
                        string perfCode = "";
                        chargeBill.TicketNum  = InvoiceManager.GetBillNumber(OPDBillKind.门诊收费发票, OperatorId, false, out perfCode);
                        chargeBill.TicketCode = perfCode;//BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].InvoiceNO;

                        BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].InvoiceSerialNO = Convert.ToInt32(chargeBill.TicketNum);
                        BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].InvoiceNO       = chargeBill.TicketNum;
                        BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].PerfChar        = perfCode;
                        BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeDate      = chargeBill.CostDate;


                        //List<MZ_PresMaster> lstPresMaster = BindEntity<MZ_PresMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).GetListArray( HIS.BLL.Tables.mz_presmaster.COSTMASTERID + " = " + BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeID );
                        List <MZ_PresMaster> lstPresMaster = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_PresMaster>("MZ_PRESMASTER", Tables.mz_presmaster.COSTMASTERID + " = " + BudgetaryChargeInfos[chargeCount].ChargeID);
                        if (lstPresMaster.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("没有找到要结算的处方,请确认是否已被人收费");
                        foreach (MZ_PresMaster mz_presmaster in lstPresMaster)
                            if (mz_presmaster.Charge_Flag == 0)
                                mz_presmaster.Charge_Flag = 1;
                                mz_presmaster.TicketCode  = perfCode;
                                mz_presmaster.TicketNum   = chargeBill.TicketNum;
                                mz_presmaster.ChargeCode  = OperatorId.ToString( );
                                //BindEntity<MZ_PresMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).Update( mz_presmaster );
                                throw new Exception("该处方已被其他收费员收费!");
                        throw new Exception("没有找到结算号的记录!");
                MSAccessDb.CommitTrans( );
            catch (Exception err)
                MSAccessDb.RollbackTrans( );
                throw new Exception("正式结算发生错误!");
                ChargeInvoicies = new Invoice[BudgetaryChargeInfos.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < BudgetaryChargeInfos.Length; i++)
                    ChargeInvoicies[i] = new Invoice(BudgetaryChargeInfos[i].PerfChar, BudgetaryChargeInfos[i].InvoiceNO, OPDBillKind.门诊收费发票);
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("收费成功,但生成发票对象失败!");
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// 发票号
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InvoiceNo">发票号</param>
        public Invoice(string PerfChar, string InvoiceNo, OPDBillKind kind)
            HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster m_mz_costmaster = new HIS.Model.MZ_CostMaster( );
            //HIS.DAL.MZ_DAL mz_dal = new HIS.DAL.MZ_DAL( );
            //mz_dal._OleDB = oleDb;
                string condiction = "TicketNum='" + InvoiceNo + "' and record_flag in (0,1)";
                if (PerfChar.Trim( ) != "")
                    condiction += " and TicketCode ='" + PerfChar + "'";

                if (kind == OPDBillKind.门诊挂号发票)
                    condiction += " and hang_flag=" + (int)OPDOperationType.门诊挂号;
                if (kind == OPDBillKind.门诊收费发票)
                    condiction += " and hang_flag=" + (int)OPDOperationType.门诊收费;

                //m_mz_costmaster = BindEntity<MZ_CostMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL(oleDb).GetModel( condiction );
                m_mz_costmaster = (MZ_CostMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_COSTMASTER", condiction, typeof(MZ_CostMaster));
                _chargeId       = m_mz_costmaster.CostMasterID;
                _invoiceNo      = InvoiceNo;
                MZ_CostMaster mz_costmaster = (MZ_CostMaster)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_COSTMASTER", Tables.mz_costmaster.COSTMASTERID + "=" + m_mz_costmaster.CostMasterID, typeof(MZ_CostMaster));
                MZ_PatList    mz_patlist    = (MZ_PatList)MSAccessDb.GetModel("MZ_PATLIST", Tables.mz_patlist.PATLISTID + "=" + mz_costmaster.PatListID, typeof(MZ_PatList));
                _patientName  = mz_patlist == null ? "" : mz_patlist.PatName;
                _totalPay     = m_mz_costmaster.Total_Fee;
                _posPay       = m_mz_costmaster.Pos_Fee;
                _favorPay     = m_mz_costmaster.Favor_Fee;
                _villagePay   = m_mz_costmaster.Village_Fee;
                _chargeUser   = m_mz_costmaster.ChargeName;
                _chargeUserId = m_mz_costmaster.ChargeCode;
                _chargeDate   = m_mz_costmaster.CostDate;
                _record_flag  = m_mz_costmaster.Record_Flag;
                _cashPay      = _totalPay - _posPay - _villagePay - _favorPay;//m_mz_costmaster.Money_Fee;
//                string sql = @"select b.ITEM_NAME,TOTAL_FEE
//                                from mz_costorder as a,base_stat_mzfp as b,base_stat_item as c
//                                where a.ITEMTYPE = c.CODE AND c.MZFP_CODE = b.CODE AND a.COSTID = " + mz_costmaster.CostMasterID;
//                System.Data.DataTable tb = mz_dal.GetInvoiceDetail( mz_costmaster.CostMasterID );
                string    sql            = @"select c.mzfp_name as ITEM_NAME,TOTAL_FEE 
                                from mz_costorder as a,base_stat_item as c  
                                where a.ITEMTYPE = c.CODE AND a.COSTID = " + mz_costmaster.CostMasterID;
                DataTable tb             = MSAccessDb.GetDataTable(sql);
                Hashtable htInvoiceItems = new Hashtable( );
                for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)
                    InvoiceItem item = new InvoiceItem();
                    item.ItemName = tb.Rows[i]["Item_Name"].ToString( ).Trim( );
                    item.Cost     = Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Rows[i]["Total_fee"]);

                    if (htInvoiceItems.ContainsKey(item.ItemName))
                        InvoiceItem item1 = (InvoiceItem)htInvoiceItems[item.ItemName];
                        item1.Cost = item1.Cost + item.Cost;
                        htInvoiceItems.Add(item1.ItemName, item1);
                        htInvoiceItems.Add(item.ItemName, item);

                _items = new InvoiceItem[htInvoiceItems.Count];
                int invoiceCount = 0;
                foreach (object obj in htInvoiceItems)
                    _items[invoiceCount].ItemName = ((InvoiceItem)((DictionaryEntry)obj).Value).ItemName;
                    _items[invoiceCount].Cost     = ((InvoiceItem)((DictionaryEntry)obj).Value).Cost;

                #region ...
                Hashtable htStatItems = new Hashtable( );
                List <HIS.Model.MZ_PresMaster> lst_mz_presmaster = new List <HIS.Model.MZ_PresMaster>( );
                //lst_mz_presmaster = BindEntity<MZ_PresMaster>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).GetListArray( Tables.mz_presmaster.COSTMASTERID + oleDb.EuqalTo() + _chargeId );
                lst_mz_presmaster = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_PresMaster>("MZ_PRESMASTER", Tables.mz_presmaster.COSTMASTERID + "=" + _chargeId);
                _prescription     = new Prescription[lst_mz_presmaster.Count];
                int index = 0;
                foreach (MZ_PresMaster model_mz_presmaster in lst_mz_presmaster)
                    _prescription[index]                = new Prescription( );
                    _prescription[index].Charge_Flag    = model_mz_presmaster.Charge_Flag;
                    _prescription[index].ChargeCode     = model_mz_presmaster.ChargeCode;
                    _prescription[index].ChargeID       = model_mz_presmaster.CostMasterID;
                    _prescription[index].Drug_Flag      = model_mz_presmaster.Drug_Flag;
                    _prescription[index].ExecDeptCode   = model_mz_presmaster.ExecDeptCode;
                    _prescription[index].ExecDocCode    = model_mz_presmaster.ExecDocCode;
                    _prescription[index].OldPresID      = model_mz_presmaster.OldID;
                    _prescription[index].PresCostCode   = model_mz_presmaster.PresCostCode;
                    _prescription[index].PrescriptionID = model_mz_presmaster.PresMasterID;
                    _prescription[index].PrescType      = model_mz_presmaster.PresType;
                    _prescription[index].PresDeptCode   = model_mz_presmaster.PresDocCode;
                    _prescription[index].PresDocCode    = model_mz_presmaster.PresDocCode;
                    _prescription[index].Record_Flag    = model_mz_presmaster.Record_Flag;
                    _prescription[index].TicketCode     = model_mz_presmaster.TicketCode;
                    _prescription[index].TicketNum      = model_mz_presmaster.TicketNum;
                    _prescription[index].Total_Fee      = model_mz_presmaster.Total_Fee;
                    _prescription[index].Drug_Flag      = model_mz_presmaster.Drug_Flag;
                    //List<HIS.Model.MZ_PresOrder> orders = BindEntity<MZ_PresOrder>.CreateInstanceDAL( oleDb ).GetListArray( "PresmasterID=" + _prescription[index].PrescriptionID );
                    List <MZ_PresOrder>  orders  = MSAccessDb.GetListArray <MZ_PresOrder>("MZ_PRESORDER", "PresmasterID=" + _prescription[index].PrescriptionID);
                    PrescriptionDetail[] details = new PrescriptionDetail[orders.Count];
                    for (int j = 0; j < orders.Count; j++)
                        #region 明细
                        details[j].Amount      = orders[j].Amount;
                        details[j].BigitemCode = orders[j].BigItemCode;
                        details[j].Buy_price   = orders[j].Buy_Price;
                        details[j].ComplexId   = orders[j].CaseID;
                        details[j].DetailId    = orders[j].PresOrderID;
                        details[j].ItemId      = orders[j].ItemID;
                        details[j].Itemname    = orders[j].ItemName;
                        details[j].ItemType    = orders[j].ItemType;
                        details[j].Order_Flag  = orders[j].Order_Flag;
                        details[j].PassId      = orders[j].PassID;
                        details[j].PresAmount  = orders[j].PresAmount;
                        details[j].PresctionId = orders[j].PresMasterID;
                        details[j].RelationNum = orders[j].RelationNum;
                        details[j].Sell_price  = orders[j].Sell_Price;
                        details[j].Standard    = orders[j].Standard;
                        details[j].Tolal_Fee   = orders[j].Tolal_Fee;
                        details[j].Unit        = orders[j].Unit;
                        details[j].Comp_Money  = orders[j].Comp_Money;

                        #region 生成大项目列表
                        if (htStatItems.ContainsKey(orders[j].BigItemCode.Trim()))
                            InvoiceItem item = (InvoiceItem)htStatItems[orders[j].BigItemCode.Trim( )];
                            item.Cost += orders[j].Tolal_Fee;
                            htStatItems.Remove(orders[j].BigItemCode.Trim( ));
                            htStatItems.Add(item.ItemCode, item);
                            InvoiceItem item = new InvoiceItem( );
                            item.ItemCode = orders[j].BigItemCode.Trim();
                            item.ItemName = GetStatItemNameByStatCode(item.ItemCode);
                            item.Cost     = orders[j].Tolal_Fee;
                            htStatItems.Add(item.ItemCode, item);
                    _prescription[index].PresDetails = details;
                _statitems = new InvoiceItem[htStatItems.Count];
                index      = 0;
                foreach (object obj in htStatItems.Values)
                    _statitems[index] = (InvoiceItem)obj;
                paytype = "";
                if (_cashPay > 0)
                    paytype += " 现金 ";
                if (_posPay > 0)
                    paytype += " POS ";
                if (_villagePay > 0)
                    paytype += " 记账 ";
            catch (Exception err)
                throw new Exception("读取发票信息错误!");