Esempio n. 1
        static public int GetFileIconIndex(string filename, string overlayIcon)
            if (mFileTypeManager == null)
                mFileTypeManager = new IconListManager(mAssetTypeImages, IconReader.IconSize.Small);

            int returnInt = 0;

            // Make sure this is a full path, if not append the tools directory to it?
            string overlayIconFilename = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(overlayIcon);

            // Try getting a File Icon
            if (File.Exists(filename) && File.Exists(overlayIconFilename))
                returnInt = mFileTypeManager.AddFileOverlayIcon(filename, "MISSING", overlayIconFilename);

            // If we got the default index, return our Class Icon index
            if (returnInt == 0)
                return(GetAssetIconIndex(filename, null));
Esempio n. 2
        static private int LoadIcon(string imageFileName, string assetClassName)
                // Load the icon specified by the Icon= key
                string iconName = imageFileName;

                // Make sure this is a full path, if not append the tools directory to it?
                iconName = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(imageFileName);

                lock (mAssetTypes)
                    // Make sure that the icon file exists
                    if (iconName.Length > 0 && DosUtils.FileExist(iconName))
                        // Get the image
                        Image myImage = new Bitmap(iconName);

                        // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists
                        mAssetTypes.Add(assetClassName, mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);

                        return(mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);
            catch (Exception e)
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Load Icon", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);

Esempio n. 3
        static private int LoadIcon(string imageFileName, string assetClassName)
                if (imageFileName != null && imageFileName.Length > 0)
                    // Load the icon specified by the Icon= key
                    string iconName = imageFileName;

                    // Make sure this is a full path, if not append the tools directory to it?
                    iconName = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(imageFileName);

                    // Make sure that the icon file exists
                    if (iconName.Length > 0 && DosUtils.FileExist(iconName))
                        // Get the image
                        Image image = new Bitmap(iconName);

                        return(InternalAddIconToLists(assetClassName, iconName, image));
            catch (Exception e)
                MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Load Icon", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);

Esempio n. 4
        public void LoadFilter(string filterName)
            // Is this an already fully qualified name?
            if (DosUtils.ExistFast(filterName) == false)
                // No, then lets assume it came from the user's tools directory
                filterName = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(filterName + ".sync");

            SyncFilterComboBox.Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filterName);
            SyncFilterComboBox.Tag  = filterName;

            if (DosUtils.ExistFast(filterName))
                //if (ClassificationTreeView.Visible)
                // Reset the tree
                //    OnWorkerCompleteLoadFilter();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit the ripper in notepad
        /// </summary>
        private void EditRipper()
            if (this.PropertiesList.Length > 0)
                MOG_Properties properties = PropertiesList[0] as MOG_Properties;

                // Get the assigned ripper information
                string ripper = properties.AssetRipper;
                string tool   = DosUtils.FileStripArguments(properties.AssetRipper);
                string args   = DosUtils.FileGetArguments(properties.AssetRipper);

                // Do we have a ripper to edit?
                if (ripper.Length > 0)
                    // Locate the ripper
                    ripper = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("", tool);
                    if (ripper.Length > 0)
                        // Edit the ripper
                        guiCommandLine.ShellSpawn("Notepad.exe", ripper);
                        // If not, do we want to create one?
                        if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("No Ripper Found", "This appears to be a new ripper.\n" +
                                                      "RIPPER: " + tool + "\n\n" +
                                                      "Would you like to create a new one for editing?", MOGPromptButtons.YesNo) == MOGPromptResult.Yes)
                            // Create a new one using the user's specified name
                            string defaultRipperName = tool;
                            ripper = Path.Combine(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectToolsPath(), defaultRipperName);

                            // Do we want to start from the template?
                            if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Use Ripper Template", "Would you like to base the new ripper from MOG's ripper template?", MOGPromptButtons.YesNo) == MOGPromptResult.Yes)
                                // If so, copy the template to this new ripper
                                string template = MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemRepositoryPath() + "\\Tools\\Rippers\\TemplateComplex_ripper.bat";

                                DosUtils.CopyFast(template, ripper, false);

                            // Launch the editor
                            string output = "";
                            guiCommandLine.ShellExecute("Notepad.exe", ripper, System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ref output);

                            // Now, set this new ripper as the ripper assigned to this asset restoring the users args
                            properties.AssetRipper = ripper + " " + args;
                            this.PropertiesRippingRipperComboBox.Text = properties.AssetRipper;
                    MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Edit Ripper", "There is no ripper to edit.");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary> InitializeAssetIcons
        /// Loads all the bmp's specified in the asset declarations
        /// in the Project.ini files.  Each bmp is added to a
        /// list allong with its key added to a corresponding list
        /// for later searching.
        /// </summary>
        static public void ClassIconInitialize()
            // Check to see if our project is loaded
            if (!MOG_ControllerProject.IsProject())

            // Only allow population of the images array once
            if (mAssetTypes.Count > 0)

            lock (mAssetTypes)
                // Add the active item icon first
                // Get the image
                if (DosUtils.FileExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "BaseNode.bmp")))
                    // Get the group image
                    Image myImage = new Bitmap(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "BaseNode.bmp"));

                    // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

                if (DosUtils.FileExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "Group.bmp")))
                    // Get the group image
                    Image myImage = new Bitmap(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "Group.bmp"));

                    // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

            mAssetTypeImages.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta;

            // Initialize state icons
            FileInfo [] stateImages = DosUtils.FileGetList(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images\\States", ""), "*.bmp");

            foreach (FileInfo stateImage in stateImages)
                LoadRawIcon(mStateTypeImages, mStateTypes, stateImage.FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(stateImage.Name));

            // Load our file icons as small icons
            mFileTypeManager = new IconListManager(mAssetTypeImages, IconReader.IconSize.Small);
Esempio n. 7
        private System.Drawing.Bitmap SetIcon(string filename)
                return(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("\\Images\\States", filename)));
            catch (Exception e1)
                MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Initialize state icon", "Icon:\n" + "\\Images\\States\\" + filename +
                                        "\nCould not be loaded\n\n" + e1.Message, e1.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR);

Esempio n. 8
        static public void MOGGlobalViewRemoteMachine(MogMainForm mainForm, string MachineName)
            string output = "";

            // Get the tool listed on the startup page
            string command = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("RemoteConnections", MachineName + ".Rdp");

            if (command == null ||
                command.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Concat("The target Rdp (", MachineName, ") does not exist in any of our valid tools directories!", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.OK));

            guiCommandLine.ShellSpawn(command, "", ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ref output);
Esempio n. 9
        public RequestBuildForm()
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            string buildTool = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Configs", "Build.Options.Info");

            if (DosUtils.FileExist(buildTool))
                mOptions = new MOG_Ini(buildTool);

            // Load prefs
Esempio n. 10
        static private void MOGGlobalViewRemoteMachine_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            ToolStripItem menu        = sender as ToolStripItem;
            string        MachineName = menu.Text;

            string output = "";

            // Get the tool listed on the startup page
            string command = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("RemoteConnections", MachineName + ".Rdp");

            if (command == null ||
                command.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Concat("The target Rdp (", MachineName, ") does not exist in any of our valid tools directories!", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.OK));

            guiCommandLine.ShellSpawn(command, "", ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ref output);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary> InitializeAssetIcons
        /// Loads all the bmp's specified in the asset declarations
        /// in the Project.ini files.  Each bmp is added to a
        /// list allong with its key added to a corresponding list
        /// for later searching.
        /// </summary>
        static public void ClassIconInitialize()
            // Check to see if our project is loaded
            if (!MOG_ControllerProject.IsProject())

            // Only allow population of the images array once
            if (mAssetTypes.Count > 0)

            // Add the active item icon first
            // Get the image
            AddIcon("Images", "BaseNode.bmp", "dot");
            AddIcon("Images", "Group.bmp", "group");
            AddIcon("Images", "FileLocked.png", "locked");

            //mAssetTypeImages.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta;
            mAssetTypeImages.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;

            // Initialize state icons
            FileInfo [] stateImages = DosUtils.FileGetList(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images\\States", ""), "*.bmp");

            foreach (FileInfo stateImage in stateImages)
                LoadRawIcon(mStateTypeImages, mStateTypes, stateImage.FullName.ToLower(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(stateImage.Name).ToLower());

            // Initialize state icons
            stateImages = DosUtils.FileGetList(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images\\States", ""), "*.png");

            foreach (FileInfo stateImage in stateImages)
                LoadRawIcon(mStateTypeImages, mStateTypes, stateImage.FullName.ToLower(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(stateImage.Name).ToLower());

            // Load our file icons as small icons
            mFileTypeManager = new IconListManager(mAssetTypeImages, IconReader.IconSize.Small);
Esempio n. 12
        static public bool AddIcon(string directory, string filename, string key)
            Tst.TstDictionaryEntry node = mAssetTypes.Find(key);
            if (node == null)
                // Add the active item icon first
                // Get the image
                if (DosUtils.FileExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(directory, filename)))
                    string iconName = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(directory, filename);
                    // Get the group image
                    Image myImage = new Bitmap(iconName);

                    InternalAddIconToLists(key, iconName, myImage);

Esempio n. 13
        private void PropertyFilenameWizardPage_CloseFromNext(object sender, MOG_ControlsLibrary.Utils.PageEventArgs e)
            if (PropertyFilenameTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                string PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(PropertyFilenameTextBox.Text, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject()));

                string LocatedPropertyMenu = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(PropertyMenuFullName);

                if (LocatedPropertyMenu.Length == 0)
                    // Make sure we got a filename with a full path, if we didn't it is probably a relational path
                    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(PropertyMenuFullName))
                        PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectToolsPath() + "\\Property.Menus\\" + PropertyMenuFullName;
                    PropertyMenuFullName = LocatedPropertyMenu;

                // Create or open the existing properties
                MOG_PropertiesIni ripMenu = new MOG_PropertiesIni(PropertyMenuFullName);

                // Reset our menu

                // Add the properties
                SaveOutMenus(ripMenu, PropertyContextMenuTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes);

                // Save the properties

                // Save our new propertyMenu filename
                mPropertyMenu = PropertyMenuFullName;

            // Skip to the end
            e.Page = PropertyEndWizardPage;
Esempio n. 14
        static public void ExplorerIconInitialize()
            // Only allow population of the images array once
            if (mAssetTypes.Count > 0)

            lock (mAssetTypes)
                // Add the active item icon first
                // Get the image
                if (DosUtils.FileExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "BaseNode.bmp")))
                    // Get the group image
                    Image myImage = new Bitmap(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "BaseNode.bmp"));

                    // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

                if (DosUtils.FileExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "Group.bmp")))
                    // Get the group image
                    Image myImage = new Bitmap(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool("Images", "Group.bmp"));

                    // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists

            mAssetTypeImages.TransparentColor = Color.Magenta;

            // Load our file icons as small icons
            mFileTypeManager = new IconListManager(mAssetTypeImages, IconReader.IconSize.Small);
Esempio n. 15
        static public bool AddIcon(string directory, string filename, string key)
            Tst.TstDictionaryEntry node = mAssetTypes.Find(key);
            if (node == null)
                lock (mAssetTypes)
                    // Add the active item icon first
                    // Get the image
                    if (DosUtils.FileExist(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(directory, filename)))
                        // Get the group image
                        Image myImage = new Bitmap(MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(directory, filename));

                        // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists
                        mAssetTypes.Add(key, mAssetTypeImages.Images.Count - 1);

Esempio n. 16
        static private void LaunchBuild(MogMainForm mainForm, string command, MOG_Ini options)
            // Extract the Build's Options
            string BuildPlatform = "";
            string BuildType     = "";

            // Split up the Build's Options
            string [] commands = command.Trim().Split(" ".ToCharArray());
            if (command.Length == 0 || commands.Length < 1)
                MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Request build", "Bad or missing command (" + command + ") in request build!", Environment.StackTrace);

            BuildType = commands[0];

            if (commands.Length > 1)
                BuildPlatform = commands[1];

            // Get the list of available slaves to use for builds
            // Get the highest slaves
            string validSlaves = "";

            if (options.SectionExist("Builds.ValidSlaves") &&
                options.KeyExist("Builds.ValidSlaves", "Builds"))
                validSlaves = options.GetString("Builds.ValidSlaves", "Builds");

            string buildTypeSection = "Builds." + BuildType;

            // Locate the buildTool within the Build.Options.Info file
            string buildTool = "";

            // Determine what the executable name is
            if (options.SectionExist(buildTypeSection))
                // Check for a buildTypeSection level validSlaves definition
                if (options.SectionExist("Builds.ValidSlaves") && options.KeyExist("Builds.ValidSlaves", buildTypeSection))
                    validSlaves = options.GetString("Builds.ValidSlaves", buildTypeSection);

                // Check if a specific BuildPlatform was specified? and
                // Check if we have keys in our buildTypeSection?
                if (BuildPlatform.Length > 0 &&
                    options.CountKeys(buildTypeSection) > 0)
                    // Obtain the build tool for this build type and BuildPlatform
                    buildTool = options.GetString(buildTypeSection, BuildPlatform);
                    if (buildTool.Length > 0)
                        // Check for a BuildPlatform level validSlaves definition
                        if (options.SectionExist("Builds.ValidSlaves") && options.KeyExist("Builds.ValidSlaves", buildTypeSection + "." + BuildPlatform))
                            validSlaves = options.GetString("Builds.ValidSlaves", buildTypeSection + "." + BuildPlatform);
                else if (options.KeyExist("Builds", BuildType))
                    buildTool = options.GetString("Builds", BuildType);

            // Make sure we have a valid build tool?
            if (buildTool.Length > 0)
                // Locate the buildTool in the tools directories
                string buildToolRelativePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(buildTool);
                buildTool = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(buildToolRelativePath, buildTool);
                if (buildTool.Length > 0)
                    //:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //:: MOG ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
                    //:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                    string EnvVariables = MOG_EnvironmentVars.CreateToolsPathEnvironmentVariableString(buildToolRelativePath) + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildProjectName() + "=" + MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName() + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildProjectBranchName() + "=" + MOG_ControllerProject.GetBranchName() + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildType() + "=" + BuildType + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildPlatformName() + "=" + BuildPlatform + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildTool() + "=" + buildTool + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildToolPath() + "=" + System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(buildTool) + "," +
                                          MOG_EnvironmentVars.GetBuildRequestedBy() + "=" + MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName();

                    // Fire off the build
                    if (MOG_ControllerProject.Build(buildTool, validSlaves, MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(), EnvVariables))
                        string message = "Build Request Successfull.\n" +
                                         "You will be notified when it is completed.";
                        MessageBox.Show(message, "Refresh Build", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    string message = "MOG was unable to locate the specified build tool.\n" +
                                     "BUILD TOOL: " + buildTool + "\n\n" +
                                     "Your MOG Administrator may need to internalize this tool before it will work.";
                    MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Request Build", message);
                string message = "No build tool was located for the selected build type.\n" +
                                 "BUILD TYPE: " + buildTypeSection + "\n\n" +
                                 "Your MOG Administrator may need to edit the 'Build.Options.Info' file to configure this build type.";
                MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Request Build", message);
Esempio n. 17
        public void View(MOG_Filename filename, AssetDirectories AssetDirectoryType, string viewer)
            viewer = viewer.ToLower();

            // Onlcy create viewer processes for real viewers, not none
            if (viewer.Length > 0)
                    viewer = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(viewer, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject()));

                    // Does this viewer have an extension
                    if (Path.GetExtension(viewer).Length == 0)
                        // Try tacking on an exe just for good measure
                        viewer += ".exe";

                    // Check to see if we can find the tool with the path provided
                    if (!DosUtils.Exist(viewer))
                            string locatedViewer = MOG_ControllerSystem.LocateTool(Path.GetDirectoryName(viewer), Path.GetFileName(viewer));
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locatedViewer))
                                viewer = locatedViewer;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Located Viewer", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);
                catch (Exception e2)
                    MOG_Report.ReportMessage("Located Viewer", e2.Message, e2.StackTrace, MOG.PROMPT.MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL);

                // Get the binary files for this asset
                ArrayList binaryFiles = LocateAssetBinary(filename, AssetDirectoryType);

                if (binaryFiles.Count > 5)
                    if (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Asset View", "There are (" + binaryFiles.Count.ToString() + ") files to be viewed in this asset.\n\nShould we continue and launch one viewer per file?", MOGPromptButtons.OKCancel) == MOGPromptResult.Cancel)

                // Make sure viewer exists
                foreach (string binary in binaryFiles)
                    AssetView assetViewer = new AssetView();
                    assetViewer.Asset = filename;

                    // If we have a viewer, we need to put quotes around our binary so that its arguments line up
                    if (viewer.Length > 0)
                        assetViewer.Binary = "\"" + binary + "\"";
                        assetViewer.Viewer = viewer;
                        //    // If we don't have a viewer, we will be launching the biniary its self.
                        //    // Therefore, set the binary without quotes
                        //    assetViewer.Binary = binary;
                        //    assetViewer.Viewer = "";

                    Thread viewerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(assetViewer.ShellSpawnWithLock));
                MOG_Report.ReportMessage("View", "No viewer defined for this asset!", "", MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ALERT);