public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var mapView = new MKMapView();
            View = mapView;


            var firstViewModel = (FourthViewModel)ViewModel;
            _regionManager = new RegionManager(mapView);

            var button = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            button.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 10, 300, 40);
            button.SetTitle("move", UIControlState.Normal);

            var lat = new UITextField(new RectangleF(10, 50, 130, 40));
            lat.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad;

            var lng = new UITextField(new RectangleF(160, 50, 130, 40));
            lng.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad;

            var set = this.CreateBindingSet<FourthView, Core.ViewModels.FourthViewModel>();
            set.Bind(button).To(vm => vm.UpdateCenterCommand);
            set.Bind(lat).To(vm => vm.Lat);
            set.Bind(lng).To(vm => vm.Lng);
            set.Bind(_regionManager).For(r => r.Center).To(vm => vm.Location);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var mapView = new MKMapView();
            mapView.Delegate = new MyDelegate();
            View = mapView;


            // ios7 layout
            if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout")))
                EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;

            var secondViewModel = (SecondViewModel)ViewModel;
            var hanAnnotation = new ZombieAnnotation(secondViewModel.Han);


                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(secondViewModel.Han.Location.Lat, secondViewModel.Han.Location.Lng),
                20000), true);

            var button = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            button.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 10, 300, 40);
            button.SetTitle("move", UIControlState.Normal);

            var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SecondView, Core.ViewModels.SecondViewModel>();
            set.Bind(hanAnnotation).For(a => a.Location).To(vm => vm.Han.Location);
            set.Bind(button).For("Title").To(vm => vm.Han.Location);
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // TODO: Step 1a - add the map view
            var map = new MKMapView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            // TODO: Step 1b - change the map style
            map.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;
            map.MapType = MKMapType.Satellite;
            map.MapType = MKMapType.Hybrid;

            // TODO: Step 1c - enable/disable interactions
            map.ZoomEnabled = false;
            map.ScrollEnabled = false;

            // TODO: Step 1d - show user location
			if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (8, 0)) {
            map.ShowsUserLocation = true;
 void CreateMapView()
     _mapView = new MKMapView (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
     _mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
     _mapView.Delegate = new MapViewDelegate ();
     View.InsertSubview (_mapView, 0);
		public override void LoadView ()
			// Set title of screen to game title
			Title = Game.Title;

			// Create MapView and add to Container View
			map = new MKMapView (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
			View = map;

			// Center map on current location
			map.DidUpdateUserLocation += (sender, e) => {
				if (map.UserLocation != null) {
					CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = map.UserLocation.Coordinate;
					MKCoordinateSpan span = new MKCoordinateSpan(MilesToLatitudeDegrees(2), MilesToLongitudeDegrees(2, coords.Latitude));
					map.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion(coords, span);

			map.ShowsUserLocation = true;
			map.ZoomEnabled = true;
			map.ShowsPointsOfInterest = false;

			// Add Stockists to map
			Game.Stockists.ForEach (shop => map.AddAnnotation (new MKPointAnnotation () {
				Title = shop.Title,
				Coordinate = new CLLocationCoordinate2D () {
					Latitude = shop.Latitude,
					Longitude = shop.Longitude
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            mapView = new MKMapView();
            RectangleF frame = new RectangleF(0,0,320,360);

            mapView.Frame = frame;
            mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;

            var myAnnotation = new MyAnnotation(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(0,0), "Home", "is where the heart is");

            UIButton detailButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);

            mapView.GetViewForAnnotation = delegate(MKMapView mapViewForAnnotation, NSObject annotation) {

                var anv = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("thislocation");
                if (anv == null)
                    anv = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, "thislocation");

                    detailButton.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Tapped");
                    anv.RightCalloutAccessoryView = detailButton;
                    anv.Annotation = annotation;
                anv.CanShowCallout = true;
                return anv;

Esempio n. 7
        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            // try and dequeue the annotation view
            MKAnnotationView annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(annotationIdentifier);
            // if we couldn't dequeue one, create a new one
            if (annotationView == null)
                annotationView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, annotationIdentifier);
            else // if we did dequeue one for reuse, assign the annotation to it
                annotationView.Annotation = annotation;

            // configure our annotation view properties
            annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
            (annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).AnimatesDrop = true;
            (annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Red;
            annotationView.Selected = true;

            Assembly ass = this.GetType ().Assembly;

            var annotationImage =
                UIImage.FromBundle((annotation as BasicPinAnnotation).ImageAdress);

            annotationView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(
            return annotationView;
		MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
			MKAnnotationView annotationView = null;

			if (annotation is MKUserLocation)
				return null;

			var anno = annotation as MKPointAnnotation;
			var customPin = GetCustomPin(anno);
			if (customPin == null)
				throw new Exception("Custom pin not found");

			annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(customPin.Id);
			if (annotationView == null)
				annotationView = new CustomMKAnnotationView(annotation, customPin.Id);
				annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromFile("pin.png");
				annotationView.CalloutOffset = new CGPoint(0, 0);
				annotationView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromFile("monkey.png"));
				annotationView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);
				((CustomMKAnnotationView)annotationView).Id = customPin.Id;
				((CustomMKAnnotationView)annotationView).Url = customPin.Url;
			annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;

			return annotationView;
Esempio n. 9
		private void Initialize ()
			Title = Locale.GetText ("");
			_mapView = new MKMapView ();
			_mapView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.All;
			_mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;
			_mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
			_sgMapType = new UISegmentedControl ();
			_sgMapType.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleMargins;
			_sgMapType.Opaque = true;
			_sgMapType.Alpha = 0.75f;
			_sgMapType.ControlStyle = UISegmentedControlStyle.Bar;
			_sgMapType.InsertSegment ("Map", 0, true);
			_sgMapType.InsertSegment ("Satellite", 1, true);
			_sgMapType.InsertSegment ("Hybrid", 2, true);
			_sgMapType.SelectedSegment = 0;
			_sgMapType.ValueChanged += (s, e) => {
				switch (_sgMapType.SelectedSegment) {
				case 0:
					_mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;
				case 1:
					_mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Satellite;
				case 2:
					_mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Hybrid;
Esempio n. 10
            public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
                MKAnnotationView anView;

                if (annotation is MKUserLocation)
                    return null; 

                if (annotation is MonkeyAnnotation) {

                    // show monkey annotation
                    anView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation (mId);

                    if (anView == null)
                        anView = new MKAnnotationView (annotation, mId);
                    anView.Image = UIImage.FromFile ("monkey.png");
                    anView.CanShowCallout = true;
                    anView.Draggable = true;
                    anView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = UIButton.FromType (UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);

                } else {

                    // show pin annotation
                    anView = (MKPinAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation (pId);

                    if (anView == null)
                        anView = new MKPinAnnotationView (annotation, pId);
                    ((MKPinAnnotationView)anView).PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Green;
                    anView.CanShowCallout = true;

                return anView;
Esempio n. 11
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            _map = new MKMapView();

            foreach(BusStop busStop in _busStops)
                AddBusStopToMap(_map, busStop);

            AddBusStopToMap(_map, _busStops[0]);

            _map.ShowsUserLocation = true;

            _map.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, this.View.Bounds.Width, this.View.Bounds.Height);

            if(_busStops.Length <= 1)
                _map.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion(FindCentre(_busStops), new MKCoordinateSpan(0.005, 0.0005));
                _map.Region = RegionThatFitsAllStops(_busStops);

            this.View.AddSubview (_map);
		public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
			MKAnnotationView annotationView = null;
			MKPointAnnotation anno = null;

			if (annotation is MKUserLocation) {
				return null; 
			} else {
				anno = annotation as MKPointAnnotation;

			string identifier = GetIdentifier (anno);

			if (identifier == "")
				throw new Exception ("No Identifier found for pin");

			annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation (identifier);

			if (annotationView == null)
				annotationView = new CustomMKPinAnnotationView (annotation, identifier);

			//This removes the bubble that pops up with the title and everything
			((CustomMKPinAnnotationView)annotationView).FormsIdentifier = identifier;
			annotationView.CanShowCallout = false;

			return annotationView;
	  public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
      var extendedAnnotation = annotation as ExtendedMapAnnotation;

	    if (extendedAnnotation == null) return null;

	    // try and dequeue the annotation view
	    var annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(AnnotationIdentifier);

	    // if we couldn't dequeue one, create a new one
	    if (annotationView == null)
	      annotationView = new MKAnnotationView(extendedAnnotation, AnnotationIdentifier);
	    else // if we did dequeue one for reuse, assign the annotation to it
	      annotationView.Annotation = extendedAnnotation;

	    // configure our annotation view properties
	    annotationView.CanShowCallout = false;
	    annotationView.Selected = true;

	    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extendedAnnotation.PinIcon))
	      annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromFile(extendedAnnotation.PinIcon);

	    return annotationView;
Esempio n. 14
        public MapController(Entity entity)
            try {
                Entity = entity;

                Title = Entity.EntityTypeName;

                _map = new MKMapView ();

                _pin = new Pin(Entity);

                _map.Frame = View.Bounds;
                _map.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;


                _map.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion (_pin.Coordinate, new MKCoordinateSpan (0.01, 0.01));

                View.AddSubview (_map);

                _map.SelectAnnotation(_pin, true);

            } catch (Exception error) {
                Log.Error (error);
Esempio n. 15
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            FoundCoords += (object sender, CoordEventArgs e) => {

            map = new MKMapView (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            View = map;

            // create search controller
            searchBar = new UISearchBar (new RectangleF (0, 0, View.Frame.Width, 50)) {
                Placeholder = "Enter a search query"
            searchController = new UISearchDisplayController (searchBar, this);
            searchController.Delegate = new SearchDelegate (map);
            SearchSource source = new SearchSource (searchController, map);
            searchController.SearchResultsSource = source;
            source.FoundCoords += (object sender, CoordEventArgs e) => {
                var handler = FoundCoords;
                if(handler != null){
            View.AddSubview (searchBar);
		public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
			var pet = ((CustomAnnotation)annotation).Model;
			var petAnnotationType = GetPetAnnotationType (pet);

			var pin = (MapAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(petAnnotationType);
			string pinImage = petAnnotationType + ".png";
			if (pin == null)
				pin = new MapAnnotationView(annotation, petAnnotationType);
				pin.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(pinImage);
				pin.CenterOffset = new PointF (0, -15);
				pin.Annotation = annotation;

			pin.Draggable = _pinIsDraggable;
			pin.CanShowCallout = _canShowCallout;

			if (_canShowCallout) 
				Task.Run( async () => pin.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = await GetImage(pet));
				pin.RightCalloutAccessoryView = GetDetailButton (pet);
			return pin;
			UIButton detailButton; // need class-level ref to avoid GC

			/// <summary>
			/// This is very much like the GetCell method on the table delegate
			/// </summary>
			public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
				// try and dequeue the annotation view
				MKAnnotationView annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(annotationIdentifier);
				// if we couldn't dequeue one, create a new one
				if (annotationView == null)
					annotationView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, annotationIdentifier);
				else // if we did dequeue one for reuse, assign the annotation to it
					annotationView.Annotation = annotation;
				// configure our annotation view properties
				annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
				(annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).AnimatesDrop = true;
				(annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Green;
				annotationView.Selected = true;
				// you can add an accessory view, in this case, we'll add a button on the right, and an image on the left
				detailButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);
				detailButton.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => { 
					var c = (annotation as MKAnnotation).Coordinate;
					new UIAlertView("Annotation Clicked", "You clicked on " +
					c.Latitude.ToString() + ", " +
					c.Longitude.ToString() , null, "OK", null).Show(); 
				annotationView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = detailButton;
				annotationView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Icon/29_icon.png"));
				//annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Apress-29x29.png");
				return annotationView;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // add the map view
            var map = new MKMapView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            // change the map style
            map.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;

            // enable/disable interactions
            // map.ZoomEnabled = false;
            // map.ScrollEnabled = false;

            // show user location
			if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (8, 0)) {
				locationManager.RequestAlwaysAuthorization ();
            map.ShowsUserLocation = true;

            // TODO: Step 3d - specify a custom map delegate
//            var mapDelegate = new MyMapDelegate();
//            map.Delegate = mapDelegate;

            // Add a point annotation
            map.AddAnnotation(new MKPointAnnotation()
                Title = "MyAnnotation",
                Coordinate = new MonoTouch.CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D(42.364260, -71.120824)

            // TODO: Step 3f - add a custom annotation
//            map.AddAnnotation(new CustomAnnotation("CustomSpot", new MonoTouch.CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D(38.364260, -68.120824)));

            // TODO: Step 3a - remove old GetViewForAnnotation delegate code to new delegate - we will recreate this next
            // Customize annotation view via GetViewForAnnotation delegate
            map.GetViewForAnnotation = delegate(MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
                if (annotation is MKUserLocation)
                    return null;

                MKPinAnnotationView pinView = (MKPinAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pId);
                if (pinView == null)
                    pinView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, pId);

                    pinView.PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Green;
                    pinView.CanShowCallout = true;

                    // Add accessory views to the pin
                    pinView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);
					pinView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromFile("Icon-29.png"));

                return pinView;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var mapView = new MKMapView();
            mapView.Delegate = new MyDelegate();
            View = mapView;


            var firstViewModel = (FirstViewModel) ViewModel;
            var helenAnnotation = new ZombieAnnotation(firstViewModel.Helen);
            var keithAnnotation = new ZombieAnnotation(firstViewModel.Keith);


                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(firstViewModel.Helen.Location.Lat, firstViewModel.Helen.Location.Lng),
                20000), true);

            var button = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            button.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 10, 300, 40);
            button.SetTitle("move", UIControlState.Normal);

            var set = this.CreateBindingSet<FirstView, Core.ViewModels.FirstViewModel>();
            set.Bind(button).To(vm => vm.MoveCommand);
            set.Bind(helenAnnotation).For(a => a.Location).To(vm => vm.Helen.Location);
            set.Bind(keithAnnotation).For(a => a.Location).To(vm => vm.Keith.Location);
            public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
                var pin = (MKAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("zombie");
                if (pin == null)
                    pin = new MKAnnotationView(annotation, "zombie");
                    pin.Image = UIImage.FromFile("zombie.png");
                    pin.CenterOffset = new PointF(0, -30);
                    pin.Annotation = annotation;

                var zombieAnnotation = (ZombieAnnotation) annotation;
                if (zombieAnnotation.Zombie.IsMale)
                    //pin.PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Purple;
                    //pin.PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Red;

                return pin;
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();
			Title = "MapView";
			mapView = new MKMapView(View.Bounds);	
			mapView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;		
			//mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;	// this is the default
			//mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Satellite;
			//mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Hybrid;

			// create our location and zoom 
			//CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(40.77, -73.98); // new york
			//CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(33.93, -118.40); // los angeles
			//CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(51.509, -0.1); // london
			CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(48.857, 2.351); // paris

			MKCoordinateSpan span = new MKCoordinateSpan(MilesToLatitudeDegrees(20), MilesToLongitudeDegrees(20, coords.Latitude));
			// set the coords and zoom on the map
			mapView.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion(coords, span);

        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var mapView = new MKMapView();
            View = mapView;


            // ios7 layout
            if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout")))
                EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;

            var regionManager = new RegionManager(mapView);
            mapView.Delegate = regionManager;

            var button = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            button.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 10, 300, 40);
            button.SetTitle("move", UIControlState.Normal);

            var set = this.CreateBindingSet<FifthView, Core.ViewModels.FifthViewModel>();
            set.Bind(regionManager).For(r => r.TheLocation).To(vm => vm.Location);
            set.Bind(button).For("Title").To(vm => vm.Location);
Esempio n. 23
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();

            Title = "Mi Ubicacion";

            mapView = new MKMapView(View.Bounds);
            mapView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;
            //mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;	// this is the default
            //mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Satellite;
            mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Hybrid;
            mapView.ZoomEnabled = true;

            // this is all that's required to show the blue dot indicating user-location
            mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;

            Console.WriteLine ("initial loc:"+mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate.Latitude + "," + mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate.Longitude);

            mapView.DidUpdateUserLocation += (sender, e) => {
                if (mapView.UserLocation != null) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("userloc:"+mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate.Latitude + "," + mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate.Longitude);
                    CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate;
                    MKCoordinateSpan span = new MKCoordinateSpan(MilesToLatitudeDegrees(1), MilesToLongitudeDegrees(1, coords.Latitude));
                    mapView.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion(coords, span);

            if (!mapView.UserLocationVisible) {
                // user denied permission, or device doesn't have GPS/location ability
                Console.WriteLine ("userloc not visible, show cupertino");
                CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(37.33233141,-122.0312186); // cupertino
                MKCoordinateSpan span = new MKCoordinateSpan(MilesToLatitudeDegrees(20), MilesToLongitudeDegrees(20, coords.Latitude));
                mapView.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion(coords, span);

            int typesWidth=260, typesHeight=30, distanceFromBottom=60;
            mapTypes = new UISegmentedControl(new RectangleF((View.Bounds.Width-typesWidth)/2, View.Bounds.Height-distanceFromBottom, typesWidth, typesHeight));
            mapTypes.InsertSegment("Mapa", 0, false);
            mapTypes.InsertSegment("Satelite", 1, false);
            mapTypes.InsertSegment("Hibrido", 2, false);
            mapTypes.SelectedSegment = 0; // Road is the default
            mapTypes.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin;
            mapTypes.ValueChanged += (s, e) => {
                switch(mapTypes.SelectedSegment) {
                case 0:
                    mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;
                case 1:
                    mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Satellite;
                case 2:
                    mapView.MapType = MKMapType.Hybrid;

 public override MKOverlayView GetViewForOverlay(MKMapView mapView, NSObject overlay)
     var circleOverlay = overlay as MKCircle;
     var circleView = new MKCircleView (circleOverlay);
     circleView.FillColor = UIColor.Red;
     circleView.Alpha = 0.2f;
     return circleView;
 public GeocoderViewControllerAdapter(MvxViewController viewController, MKMapView mapView, Action<string> addressChanged)
     : base(viewController)
     _geocoder = new CLGeocoder ();
     _addressChanged = addressChanged;
     mapView.RegionChanged += MapView_RegionChanged;
     mapView.SetRegion (new MapKit.MKCoordinateRegion (new CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D (45.5316085, -73.6227476), new MapKit.MKCoordinateSpan (0.01, 0.01)), animated: true);
Esempio n. 26
        public void DidSelectAnnotationView(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView annotationView)
            var annotation = annotationView.Annotation as BNRMapPoint;

                if (annotation != null) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Weak DidSelectAnnotationView: {0}", annotation.Title);
        public override void CalloutAccessoryControlTapped(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view, UIControl control)
            // make sure its the right annotation
            var ann = view.Annotation as HeritagePropertyAnnotation;

            // call the callback
            if (ann != null && this.CalloutTappedCallback != null)
Esempio n. 28
 public override MKOverlayView GetViewForOverlay(MKMapView mapView, IMKOverlay overlay)
     // return a view for the polygon
     MKPolygon polygon = overlay as MKPolygon;
     MKPolygonView polygonView = new MKPolygonView (polygon);
     polygonView.FillColor = UIColor.Blue;
     polygonView.StrokeColor = UIColor.Red;
     return polygonView;
Esempio n. 29
        public MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            if (annotation is LocationAnnotation)
                // Try to dequeue an existing pin view first.
                var pinView = (MKAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("CustomPinAnnotationView");
                if (pinView == null)
                    // If an existing pin view was not available, create one.
                    pinView = new MKAnnotationView(annotation, @"CustomPinAnnotationView");

                //pinView.animatesDrop = YES;
                pinView.CanShowCallout = true;
                //pinView.Image = new UIImage(@"pizza_slice_32.png");
                pinView.CalloutOffset = new CGPoint(0, 32);

                UILabel label;
                if (pinView.Subviews.Count() == 0)
                    label = new UILabel();
                    label = pinView.Subviews[0] as UILabel;

                label.Text = Convert.ToString((annotation as LocationAnnotation).LocationIndex);

            else if (annotation is MKPointAnnotation)
                return(new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, null));
Esempio n. 30
        void AddMap()
            mapView = new MKMapView();
            mapView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;


            var dict = new NSMutableDictionary();

            dict.Add((NSString)"mainView", this.View);
            dict.Add((NSString)"mapView", mapView);
            dict.Add((NSString)"locationMessage", locationMessage);

            this.View.AddConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("H:|-[mapView]-|", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllTop, null, dict));
            this.View.AddConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.FromVisualFormat("V:[locationMessage]-[mapView]-|", NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllCenterX, null, dict));
            this.View.AddConstraints(new[] {
                NSLayoutConstraint.Create(locationMessage, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.CenterX, 1, 0),
        UIButton detailButton;         // avoid GC

        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            // try and dequeue the annotation view
            MKAnnotationView annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(annotationIdentifier);

            // if we couldn't dequeue one, create a new one
            if (annotationView == null)
                annotationView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, annotationIdentifier);
            else             // if we did dequeue one for reuse, assign the annotation to it
                annotationView.Annotation = annotation;

            // configure our annotation view properties
            annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
            (annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).AnimatesDrop = true;
            (annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).PinColor     = MKPinAnnotationColor.Red;
            annotationView.Selected = true;

            // you can add an accessory view; in this case, a button on the right and an image on the left
            detailButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);
            detailButton.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {
                var cinemaAnnotation = (annotation as CinemaAnnotation);
                if (cinemaAnnotation == null)

                CinemaDetailsViewController cinemaDetails = cinemaAnnotation.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("CinemaDetailsViewController") as CinemaDetailsViewController;
                if (cinemaDetails != null)
                    cinemaDetails.Cinema = cinemaAnnotation.Cinema;
                    cinemaAnnotation.NavigationController.PushViewController(cinemaDetails, true);

            annotationView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = detailButton;

            annotationView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromFile("Images/SmallLogo.png"));
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // add the map view
            var map = new MKMapView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);


            // change the map style
            map.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;

            // enable/disable interactions
            // map.ZoomEnabled = false;
            // map.ScrollEnabled = false;

            // show user location
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0))
            map.ShowsUserLocation = true;

            // specify a custom map delegate
            var mapDelegate = new MyMapDelegate();

            map.Delegate = mapDelegate;

            // add a point annotation
            map.AddAnnotation(new MKPointAnnotation()
                Title      = "MyAnnotation",
                Coordinate = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(42.364260, -71.120824)

            // TODO: Step 5a - search for an address

            // TODO: Step 5c - search for items of interest
Esempio n. 33
        MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
            //Stop annotations
            if (annotation is StopAnnotation)
                StopAnnotation stopAnn = annotation as StopAnnotation;

                //dequeue or create
                MKPinAnnotationView pin = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(STOP_PIN_ID) as MKPinAnnotationView;
                if (pin == null)
                    pin = new MKPinAnnotationView(stopAnn, STOP_PIN_ID);
                    pin.CanShowCallout = true;

            }            //end is stop annotations
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// This is very much like the GetCell method on the table delegate
        /// </summary>
        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            // try and dequeue the annotation view
            MKAnnotationView annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(annotationIdentifier);

            // if we couldn't dequeue one, create a new one
            if (annotationView == null)
                annotationView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, annotationIdentifier);
            else             // if we did dequeue one for reuse, assign the annotation to it
                annotationView.Annotation = annotation;
            // configure our annotation view properties
            annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
            (annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).AnimatesDrop = true;
            (annotationView as MKPinAnnotationView).PinColor     = MKPinAnnotationColor.Green;
            annotationView.Selected = true;
            // you can add an accessory view, in this case, we'll add a button on the right, and an image on the left
            detailButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);
            detailButton.TouchUpInside += (s, e) =>
                //Create Alert
                var detailAlert = UIAlertController.Create("Annotation Clicked", "You clicked on " +
                                                           (annotation as MKAnnotation).Coordinate.Latitude.ToString() + ", " +
                                                           (annotation as MKAnnotation).Coordinate.Longitude.ToString(), UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                detailAlert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));

                UIWebView webView = new UIWebView();
                var       url     = "";       // NOTE: https secure request
                webView.LoadRequest(new NSUrlRequest(new NSUrl(url)));
                webView.Bounds = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, 100, 100);


                parent.PresentViewController(detailAlert, true, null);
            annotationView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = detailButton;
            annotationView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView  = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromBundle("29_icon.png"));
            /// <summary>
            /// This is the callback for when the detail disclosure is clicked
            /// </summary>
            public override void CalloutAccessoryControlTapped(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view, UIControl control)
                //This will launch apple's Maps app with the selected address
                var           assignment = GetAssignment(view.Annotation as MKPlacemark);
                StringBuilder builder    = new StringBuilder("");

                builder.Append(assignment.Address.Replace(' ', '+'));
                builder.Append(assignment.City.Replace(' ', '+'));

                using (var url = NSUrl.FromString(builder.ToString())) {
Esempio n. 36
            public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
                var pin = (MKAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("zombie");

                if (pin == null)
                    pin              = new MKAnnotationView(annotation, "zombie");
                    pin.Image        = UIImage.FromFile("zombie.png");
                    pin.CenterOffset = new PointF(0, -30);
                    pin.Annotation = annotation;

                pin.Draggable = true;

        public virtual MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            if (annotation is MKUserLocation)

            MKAnnotationView pinView = (MKPinAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pID);

            if (pinView == null)
                pinView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, pID);

            ((MKPinAnnotationView)pinView).PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Red;
            pinView.CanShowCallout = true;

Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a view for our annotations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapView"></param>
        /// <param name="annotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, NSObject annotation)
            if (annotation.GetType() != typeof(ClusterAnnotation))
                return(MapViewViewForAnnotation(mapView, annotation));

            if (((ClusterAnnotation)annotation).Type == ClusterAnnotationType.Leaf)
                return(MapViewViewForAnnotation(mapView, annotation));

            if (((ClusterAnnotation)annotation).Type == ClusterAnnotationType.Cluster)
                return(MapViewViewForClusterAnnotation(mapView, annotation));

Esempio n. 39
        public override void DidUpdateUserLocation(MKMapView mapView, MKUserLocation userLocation)
            if (mapView.UserLocation != null)
                MapDelegate1.color = 1;
                CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate;
                MKCoordinateSpan       span   = new MKCoordinateSpan(MilesToLatitudeDegrees(1), MilesToLongitudeDegrees(1, coords.Latitude));
                mapView.Region = new MKCoordinateRegion(coords, span);

                MapDelegate1.color = 3;

                mapView.AddAnnotation(new MKPointAnnotation()
                    Title      = "Victim 5",
                    Subtitle   = "1 510 555-5555 - Rescue in progress",
                    Coordinate = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(37.777257, -122.391061)
Esempio n. 40
        public static RadarBounds GetRadarBounds(this MKMapView map)
            CLLocationCoordinate2D center = map.CenterCoordinate;

            var topLeft     = MKMapPoint.FromCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(center.Latitude + (map.Region.Span.LatitudeDelta / 2.0), center.Longitude - (map.Region.Span.LongitudeDelta / 2.0)));
            var bottomRight = MKMapPoint.FromCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(center.Latitude - (map.Region.Span.LatitudeDelta / 2.0), center.Longitude + (map.Region.Span.LongitudeDelta / 2.0)));

            var bounds = new RadarBounds {
                MinLat = center.Latitude + (map.Region.Span.LatitudeDelta / 2.0),
                MaxLat = center.Latitude - (map.Region.Span.LatitudeDelta / 2.0),
                MinLon = center.Longitude - (map.Region.Span.LongitudeDelta / 2.0),
                MaxLon = center.Longitude + (map.Region.Span.LongitudeDelta / 2.0),

                Height = Math.Abs(topLeft.Y - bottomRight.Y),
                Width  = Math.Abs(topLeft.X - bottomRight.X)

        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // add the map view
            var map = new MKMapView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);


            // change the map style
            map.MapType = MKMapType.Standard;

            // enable/disable interactions
            // map.ZoomEnabled = false;
            // map.ScrollEnabled = false;

            // show user location
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0))
            map.ShowsUserLocation = true;

            // TODO: Step 3d - specify a custom map delegate
            var mapDelegate = new MyMapDelegate();

            map.Delegate = mapDelegate;

            // Add a point annotation
            map.AddAnnotation(new MKPointAnnotation()
                Title      = "MyAnnotation",
                Coordinate = new MonoTouch.CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D(42.364260, -71.120824)

            // TODO: Step 3f - add a custom annotation
            map.AddAnnotation(new CustomAnnotation("CustomSpot", new MonoTouch.CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D(38.364260, -68.120824)));

            // TODO: Step 3a - remove old GetViewForAnnotation delegate code to new delegate - we will recreate this next
            // [removed]
Esempio n. 42
        public void Overlays()
            using (var polygon = new MKPolygon())
                using (var polyline = new MKPolyline())
                    using (var circle = new MKCircle())
                        using (MKMapView mv = new MKMapView()) {
                            // old API accepted NSObject (limited protocol support)
                            Assert.That(mv.Overlays.Length, Is.EqualTo(1), "1");
                            Assert.That(mv.Overlays, Is.Empty, "2");

                            IMKOverlay[] list = { polygon, polyline, circle };
                            Assert.That(mv.Overlays.Length, Is.EqualTo(3), "3");
                            Assert.That(mv.Overlays, Is.Empty, "4");
Esempio n. 43
        public override void DidSelectAnnotationView(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view)

            var unifiedPoint = view?.Annotation as UnifiedPointAnnotation;

            _selectedAnnotation     = unifiedPoint;
            _selectedAnnotationView = view;

            if (unifiedPoint != null)
                _renderer.SelectedItem = unifiedPoint.Data;
                var isSelected = unifiedPoint.Data?.SelectedImage != null;

                UpdateImage(view, unifiedPoint.Data, isSelected);
                UpdatePin(view, unifiedPoint.Data, true);
                view.Layer.ZPosition = int.MaxValue - 1;
Esempio n. 44
        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            MKAnnotationView anView;

            if (annotation is MKUserLocation)

            if (annotation is CustomAnnotation)
                // show monkey annotation
                anView = (MKPinAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pId);
                //MKAnnotationView pinView = (MKPinAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pId);
                if (anView == null)
                    anView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, mId);

                //anView.Image = UIImage.FromFile("monkey.png");

                anView.CanShowCallout            = true;
                anView.Draggable                 = true;
                anView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure);
                anView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromFile("monkey.png"));
                // show pin annotation
                anView = (MKPinAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(pId);

                if (anView == null)
                    anView = new MKPinAnnotationView(annotation, pId);

                ((MKPinAnnotationView)anView).PinColor = MKPinAnnotationColor.Red;
                anView.CanShowCallout = true;

            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (disposing)
                    if (_MapView != null)
                        _MapView = null;

                    if (GeocodeAnnotation != null)
                        GeocodeAnnotation = null;

        private void BuildMapView(LocationCoordinate currentLocation)
            var visibleRegion = this.BuildVisibleRegion(currentLocation);

            this.mapView = new MKMapView()
                ShowsUserLocation = true,
                ZoomEnabled       = true

            this.mapView.Frame = new RectangleF(0, this.toolbar.Bounds.Height, this.View.Frame.Width, this.View.Frame.Height - this.toolbar.Bounds.Height);
            this.mapView.SetRegion(visibleRegion, true);
            this.mapView.Delegate = this.GeofenceMapDelegate;

Esempio n. 47
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <View> e)
            if (isLoaded)
            if (e.OldElement != null)
                nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
                nativeMap.OverlayRenderer = null;

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
                nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
                isCircle  = formsMap.DrawCircle;
                if (!isCircle)
                    nativeMap.OverlayRenderer = GetOverlayRenderer;

                    CLLocationCoordinate2D[] coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D[formsMap.RouteCoordinates.Count];

                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (var position in formsMap.RouteCoordinates)
                        coords[index] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(position.Latitude, position.Longitude);

                    var routeOverlay = MKPolyline.FromCoordinates(coords);
                if (isCircle)
                    var circle = formsMap.Circle;
                    nativeMap.OverlayRenderer = GetOverlayRenderer;
                    var circleOverlay = MKCircle.Circle(new CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D(circle.Position.Latitude, circle.Position.Longitude), circle.Radius);
Esempio n. 48
        public MKPolylineEx(MKMapView map, List <MKPolylineEx> polylines, CLLocationCoordinate2D[] coordinates)
            _map        = map;
            _collection = polylines;
            var idxStart = 0;

            while (idxStart < coordinates.Length)
                var coordsToAdd = new List <CLLocationCoordinate2D>();
                for (var i = idxStart; i < Math.Min(idxStart + PolylineSegmentLength + 1, coordinates.Length); i++)
                var polylineToAdd = MKPolyline.FromCoordinates(coordsToAdd.ToArray());

                idxStart += PolylineSegmentLength;
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <View> e)

            if (e.OldElement != null)
                // release event bindings
                if (_nativeMap != null)
                    _nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation           = null;
                    _nativeMap.CalloutAccessoryControlTapped -= OnCalloutAccessoryControlTapped;
                    _nativeMap = null;

                var notifyingCollection = _customMap?.CustomPins as INotifyCollectionChanged;
                if (notifyingCollection != null)
                    notifyingCollection.CollectionChanged += PinCollectionChanged;

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                // create event bindings
                _nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
                _customMap = e.NewElement as CustomMap;

                if (_nativeMap != null)
                    _nativeMap.CalloutAccessoryControlTapped += OnCalloutAccessoryControlTapped;
                    _nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation           = GetViewForAnnotation;

                var notifyingCollection = _customMap?.CustomPins as INotifyCollectionChanged;
                if (notifyingCollection != null)
                    notifyingCollection.CollectionChanged += PinCollectionChanged;

        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Xamarin.Forms.View> e)

            if (e.OldElement != null)
                nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
                nativeMap.OverlayRenderer = null;
                #region For different pin images
                nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation           = null;
                nativeMap.CalloutAccessoryControlTapped -= OnCalloutAccessoryControlTapped;
                nativeMap.DidSelectAnnotationView       -= OnDidSelectAnnotationView;
                nativeMap.DidDeselectAnnotationView     -= OnDidDeselectAnnotationView;

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
                nativeMap  = Control as MKMapView;
                customPins = new List <Pin>(formsMap.Pins);

                nativeMap.OverlayRenderer = GetOverlayRenderer;
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var position in CustomMap.RouteCoordinates)
                    coords[index] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(position.Latitude, position.Longitude);

                routeOverlay = MKPolyline.FromCoordinates(coords);

                nativeMap.ScrollEnabled = true;
                #region For different pin images
                nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation           = GetViewForAnnotation;
                nativeMap.CalloutAccessoryControlTapped += OnCalloutAccessoryControlTapped;
                nativeMap.DidSelectAnnotationView       += OnDidSelectAnnotationView;
                nativeMap.DidDeselectAnnotationView     += OnDidDeselectAnnotationView;
Esempio n. 51
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var mapView = new MKMapView();

            View = mapView;


            // ios7 layout
            if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout")))
                EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;

            var firstViewModel = (FourthViewModel)ViewModel;

            _regionManager = new RegionManager(mapView);

            var button = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);

            button.Frame = new RectangleF(10, 10, 300, 40);
            button.SetTitle("move", UIControlState.Normal);

            var lat = new UITextField(new RectangleF(10, 50, 130, 40));

            lat.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad;

            var lng = new UITextField(new RectangleF(160, 50, 130, 40));

            lng.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.DecimalPad;

            var set = this.CreateBindingSet <FourthView, Core.ViewModels.FourthViewModel>();

            set.Bind(button).To(vm => vm.UpdateCenterCommand);
            set.Bind(lat).To(vm => vm.Lat);
            set.Bind(lng).To(vm => vm.Lng);
            set.Bind(_regionManager).For(r => r.Center).To(vm => vm.Location);
Esempio n. 52
        public void StartMaps()
            MapShow.Hidden = false;
            //   MapCloseButton.Hidden = false;

            mapView = MapShow;

            CLLocationManager location = new CLLocationManager();

            mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
            CLLocationManager locationManager = new CLLocationManager();


Esempio n. 53
        protected override void OnElementChanged(Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.ElementChangedEventArgs <View> e)

            nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
            formsMap  = Element as CustomMap;

            if (e.OldElement != null)
                nativeMap.Delegate = null;
                formsMap.ItemsSource.CollectionChanged -= ItemsSource_CollectionChanged;

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                nativeMap.Delegate = null;
                nativeMap.Delegate = new MapDelegate(formsMap, nativeMap);
                formsMap.ItemsSource.CollectionChanged += ItemsSource_CollectionChanged;
Esempio n. 54
        public virtual MKOverlayRenderer OverlayRenderer(MKMapView mapView, IMKOverlay overlay)
            if (overlay is MKPolyline)
                Console.WriteLine("get renderer for overlay");
                var renderer = new MKPolylineRenderer(overlay as MKPolyline);

                if (overlay.GetTitle() == "direction")
                    renderer.StrokeColor = UIColor.Blue.ColorWithAlpha(0.1f);
                    renderer.StrokeColor = UIColor.Red.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f);
                renderer.LineWidth = 10;
Esempio n. 55
File: vcMap.cs Progetto: pauZc/8_iOS
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            MKMapView mapView = new MKMapView(View.Bounds);

            NavigationItem.Title     = "Ubicación";
            mapView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;
            var ann = new MKPointAnnotation[] {
                new MKPointAnnotation()
                    Title = "Universidad de la Salle Bajío", Coordinate = coordenada[0]
                }, new MKPointAnnotation()
                    Title = lugar, Coordinate = coordenada[1]

            Do_Rute(Add_Annotation(ann, coordenada, mapView), UIColor.Green, coordenada, mapView);
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <View> e)

            if (e.OldElement != null)
                this.nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
                this.nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation = null;

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
                this.nativeMap  = Control as MKMapView;
                this.customPins = formsMap.CustomPins;

                nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation = GetViewForAnnotation;
Esempio n. 57
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            var mapView = new MKMapView();

            mapView.Delegate = new MyDelegate();
            View             = mapView;


            var mapViewModel = (MapViewModel)ViewModel;

            var keithAnnotation = new ItemAnnotation(mapViewModel);


                                  new CLLocationCoordinate2D(mapViewModel.Latitude, mapViewModel.Longitude),
                                  200), true);
Esempio n. 58
            /// <summary>
            /// Callback for when the user's location is found, we want to zoom in when this happens
            /// </summary>
            public override void DidUpdateUserLocation(MKMapView mapView, MKUserLocation userLocation)
                var placemark = mapView.Annotations.OfType <MKPlacemark>().FirstOrDefault();

                if (placemark != null && userLocation.Location != null)
                    //Calculate the mid point between 2 locations
                    double latitude = Math.Min(userLocation.Coordinate.Latitude, placemark.Coordinate.Latitude) +
                                      Math.Abs(userLocation.Coordinate.Latitude - placemark.Coordinate.Latitude) / 2;
                    double longitude = Math.Min(userLocation.Coordinate.Longitude, placemark.Coordinate.Longitude) +
                                       Math.Abs(userLocation.Coordinate.Longitude - placemark.Coordinate.Longitude) / 2;
                    var midPoint = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude, longitude);

                    //Display the distance between the points (and multiple by 1.05 to get space on the edges)
                    var distance = userLocation.Location.DistanceFrom(placemark.Location) * 1.05;
                    var region   = MKCoordinateRegion.FromDistance(midPoint, distance, distance);

                    mapView.SetRegion(region, true);
        public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
            MKAnnotationView annotationView = null;

            if (annotation is MKUserLocation)
                return null;

            if (annotation is CarAnnotation)
                annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(CarAnnotation) ??
                                 new MKAnnotationView(annotation, CarAnnotation);

                if (((CarAnnotation) annotation).Color == UIColor.Blue)
                    annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(Images.CarAnnotationBlue);
                    annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(Images.CarAnnotationRed);

                annotationView.CanShowCallout = false;

            if (annotation is PoiAnnotation)
                annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(POI_ANNOTATION) ??
                                 new MKAnnotationView(annotation, POI_ANNOTATION);

                if (((PoiAnnotation) annotation).Description == "Hard Acceleration")
                    annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(Images.TipAnnotation);
                    annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(Images.TipAnnotation);

                annotationView.CanShowCallout = false;

            if (annotation is WaypointAnnotation)
                annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(WaypointAnnotation) ??
                                 new MKAnnotationView(annotation, WaypointAnnotation);

                if (((WaypointAnnotation) annotation).Waypoint == "A")
                    annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(Images.WaypointAnnotationA);
                    annotationView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle(Images.WaypointAnnotationB);

                annotationView.CanShowCallout = false;

            return annotationView;
Esempio n. 60
		public override void DidSelectAnnotationView (MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view)
				if (view.Annotation is MyAnnotation)
					var myAnnotation = (MyAnnotation)view.Annotation;
					CalloutMapAnnotation calloutAnnotation = myAnnotation.AssociatedCalloutMapAnnotation;
					if (calloutAnnotation == null)
						calloutAnnotation = new CalloutMapAnnotation(myAnnotation.Coordinate, myAnnotation.Title, "");
						calloutAnnotation.Coordinate = myAnnotation.Coordinate;
					myAnnotation.AssociatedCalloutMapAnnotation = calloutAnnotation;
					calloutAnnotation.ParentAnnotation = myAnnotation;
					selectedAnnotationView = view;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Util.LogException("DidSelectAnnotationView", ex);