public static bool InsertForeignCostMatchInvoice(Ctx ctx, MInvoiceLine invoiceLine, decimal matchQty, int ASI, Trx trx)
            int                  acctSchema_ID    = 0;
            int                  M_CostElement_ID = 0;
            int                  AD_Org_ID        = 0;
            int                  M_ASI_ID         = 0;
            MProduct             product          = null;
            MAcctSchema          acctSchema       = null;
            MCostForeignCurrency foreignCost      = null;
            dynamic              pc      = null;
            String               cl      = null;
            MInvoice             invoice = null;

                // if cost is calculated then not to calculate again
                if (invoiceLine.IsFutureCostCalculated())

                invoice = new MInvoice(ctx, invoiceLine.GetC_Invoice_ID(), trx);

                if (!invoice.IsSOTrx() && !invoice.IsReturnTrx())
                    acctSchema_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT asch.c_acctschema_id FROM c_acctschema asch INNER JOIN ad_clientinfo ci
                                    ON ci.c_acctschema1_id = asch.c_acctschema_id WHERE ci.ad_client_id  = " + invoice.GetAD_Client_ID()));
                    acctSchema    = new MAcctSchema(ctx, acctSchema_ID, trx);

                    if (acctSchema.GetC_Currency_ID() != invoice.GetC_Currency_ID())
                        // Get Costing Element of Av. Invoice
                        M_CostElement_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT M_CostElement_ID FROM M_CostElement WHERE AD_Client_ID = "
                                                                               + invoice.GetAD_Client_ID() + " AND IsActive = 'Y' AND CostingMethod = 'I'"));

                        product = new MProduct(ctx, invoiceLine.GetM_Product_ID(), trx);

                        if (product != null && product.GetProductType() == "I" && product.GetM_Product_ID() > 0) // for Item Type product
                            pc = MProductCategory.Get(product.GetCtx(), product.GetM_Product_Category_ID());

                            // Get Costing Level
                            if (pc != null)
                                cl = pc.GetCostingLevel();
                            if (cl == null)
                                cl = acctSchema.GetCostingLevel();

                            if (cl == "C" || cl == "B")
                                AD_Org_ID = 0;
                                AD_Org_ID = invoice.GetAD_Org_ID();
                            if (cl != "B")
                                M_ASI_ID = 0;
                                M_ASI_ID = ASI;

                            foreignCost = MCostForeignCurrency.Get(product, M_ASI_ID, AD_Org_ID, M_CostElement_ID, invoice.GetC_BPartner_ID(), invoice.GetC_Currency_ID());
                            foreignCost.SetCumulatedQty(Decimal.Add(foreignCost.GetCumulatedQty(), matchQty));
                            foreignCost.SetCumulatedAmt(Decimal.Add(foreignCost.GetCumulatedAmt(), Decimal.Multiply(invoiceLine.GetPriceActual(), matchQty)));
                            if (foreignCost.GetCumulatedQty() != 0)
                                foreignCost.SetCostPerUnit(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(foreignCost.GetCumulatedAmt(), foreignCost.GetCumulatedQty()), acctSchema.GetCostingPrecision()));
                            if (!foreignCost.Save(trx))
                                ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                                _log.Severe("Error occured during updating M_Cost_ForeignCurrency. Error name : " + pp.GetName() +
                                            " AND Error Value : " + pp.GetValue() + " , For Invoice line : " + invoiceLine.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID() +
                                            " , AND Ad_Client_ID : " + invoiceLine.GetAD_Client_ID());
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Invoice Line from Shipment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">order</param>
        /// <param name="ship">shipment header</param>
        /// <param name="sLine">shipment line</param>
        private void CreateLine(MOrder order, MInOut ship, MInOutLine sLine)
            if (_invoice == null)
                _invoice = new MInvoice(order, 0, _DateInvoiced);
                int _CountVA009 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA009_") ? 1 : 0;
                if (_CountVA009 > 0)
                    int _PaymentMethod_ID = order.GetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID();
                    // during consolidation, payment method need to set that is defined on selected business partner.
                    // If not defined on BP then it will set from order
                    // during sale cycle -- VA009_PaymentMethod_ID
                    // during purchase cycle -- VA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID
                    int bpPamentMethod_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT " + (order.IsSOTrx() ? " VA009_PaymentMethod_ID " : " VA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID ") +
                                                                                @" FROM C_BPartner WHERE C_BPartner_ID = " + order.GetC_BPartner_ID(), null, Get_Trx()));

                    if (_ConsolidateDocument && bpPamentMethod_ID != 0)
                        _PaymentMethod_ID = bpPamentMethod_ID;
                    if (_PaymentMethod_ID > 0)

                int _CountVA026 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA026_") ? 1 : 0;
                if (_CountVA026 > 0)

                // Added by Bharat on 29 Jan 2018 to set Inco Term from Order
                if (_invoice.Get_ColumnIndex("C_IncoTerm_ID") > 0)

                if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA077_"))
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_AdditionalAnnualCharge", order.Get_Value("VA077_AdditionalAnnualCharge"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_ChangeStartDate", order.Get_Value("VA077_ChangeStartDate"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_ContractCPEndDate", order.Get_Value("VA077_ContractCPEndDate"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_ContractCPStartDate", order.Get_Value("VA077_ContractCPStartDate"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_HistoricContractDate", order.Get_Value("VA077_HistoricContractDate"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_IsLegalEntity", order.Get_Value("VA077_IsLegalEntity"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_MarginPercent", order.Get_Value("VA077_MarginPercent"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_NewAnnualContractTotal", order.Get_Value("VA077_NewAnnualContractTotal"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_OldAnnualContractTotal", order.Get_Value("VA077_OldAnnualContractTotal"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_PartialAmtCatchUp", order.Get_Value("VA077_PartialAmtCatchUp"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_SalesCoWorker", order.Get_Value("VA077_SalesCoWorker"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_SalesCoWorkerPer", order.Get_Value("VA077_SalesCoWorkerPer"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_TotalMarginAmt", order.Get_Value("VA077_TotalMarginAmt"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_TotalPurchaseAmt", order.Get_Value("VA077_TotalPurchaseAmt"));
                    _invoice.Set_Value("VA077_TotalSalesAmt", order.Get_Value("VA077_TotalSalesAmt"));

                if (!_invoice.Save())
                    ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError();
                    if (pp != null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Could not create Invoice (s). " + pp.GetName());
                    throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice (s)");
            #region Comment Create Shipment Comment Line
            //	Create Shipment Comment Line
            //if (_ship == null
            //    || _ship.GetM_InOut_ID() != ship.GetM_InOut_ID())
            //    MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_DocType_ID());
            //    if (_bp == null || _bp.GetC_BPartner_ID() != ship.GetC_BPartner_ID())
            //    {
            //        _bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            //    }

            //    //	Reference: Delivery: 12345 - 12.12.12
            //    MClient client = MClient.Get(GetCtx(), order.GetAD_Client_ID());
            //    String AD_Language = client.GetAD_Language();
            //    if (client.IsMultiLingualDocument() && _bp.GetAD_Language() != null)
            //    {
            //        AD_Language = _bp.GetAD_Language();
            //    }
            //    if (AD_Language == null)
            //    {
            //        // MessageBox.Show("Set base Language");
            //        //AD_Language = Language.getBaseAD_Language();
            //    }
            //    //java.text.SimpleDateFormat format = DisplayType.getDateFormat
            //    //    (DisplayType.Date, Language.getLanguage(AD_Language));

            //    //String reference = dt.GetPrintName(_bp.GetAD_Language())
            //    //    + ": " + ship.GetDocumentNo()
            //    //    + " - " + format.format(ship.GetMovementDate());
            //    String reference = dt.GetPrintName(_bp.GetAD_Language())
            //        + ": " + ship.GetDocumentNo()
            //        + " - " + ship.GetMovementDate();
            //    _ship = ship;
            //    //
            //    MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(_invoice);
            //    line.SetIsDescription(true);
            //    line.SetDescription(reference);
            //    line.SetLine(_line + sLine.GetLine() - 2);
            //    if (!line.Save())
            //    {
            //        throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice Comment Line (sh)");
            //    }
            //    //	Optional Ship Address if not Bill Address
            //    if (order.GetBill_Location_ID() != ship.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID())
            //    {
            //        MLocation addr = MLocation.GetBPLocation(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID(), null);
            //        line = new MInvoiceLine(_invoice);
            //        line.SetIsDescription(true);
            //        line.SetDescription(addr.ToString());
            //        line.SetLine(_line + sLine.GetLine() - 1);
            //        if (!line.Save())
            //        {
            //            throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice Comment Line 2 (sh)");
            //        }
            //    }
            MInvoiceLine line1 = new MInvoiceLine(_invoice);
            line1.SetLine(_line + sLine.GetLine());
            if (sLine.GetA_Asset_ID() > 0)
                if (line1.Get_ColumnIndex("VAFAM_AssetCost") > 0)
                    int         PAcctSchema_ID = 0;
                    int         pCurrency_ID   = 0;
                    MAcctSchema as1            = MClient.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_Client_ID()).GetAcctSchema();
                    if (as1 != null)
                        PAcctSchema_ID = as1.GetC_AcctSchema_ID();
                        pCurrency_ID   = as1.GetC_Currency_ID();
                    decimal LineNetAmt = Decimal.Multiply(line1.GetPriceActual(), line1.GetQtyEntered());
                    decimal AssetCost  = GetAssetCost(sLine.GetA_Asset_ID(), sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), PAcctSchema_ID);
                    AssetCost = Decimal.Multiply(AssetCost, line1.GetQtyEntered());
                    if (LineNetAmt > 0)
                        LineNetAmt = MConversionRate.Convert(GetCtx(), LineNetAmt, _invoice.GetC_Currency_ID(), pCurrency_ID, _invoice.GetAD_Client_ID(), _invoice.GetAD_Org_ID());
                    decimal Diff = LineNetAmt - AssetCost;
                    line1.Set_Value("VAFAM_AssetCost", AssetCost);
                    line1.Set_Value("VAFAM_Difference", Diff);

            if (Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA077_"))
                //invoice line
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_CNAutodesk", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_CNAutodesk"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_Duration", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_Duration"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_MarginAmt", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_MarginAmt"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_MarginPercent", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_MarginPercent"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_OldSN", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_OldSN"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_ProductInfo", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_ProductInfo"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_PurchasePrice", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_PurchasePrice"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_RegEmail", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_RegEmail"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_SerialNo", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_SerialNo"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_UpdateFromVersn", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_UpdateFromVersn"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_UserRef_ID", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_UserRef_ID"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_EndDate", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_EndDate"));
                line1.Set_Value("VA077_StartDate", sLine.Get_Value("VA077_StartDate"));

            if (!line1.Save())
                ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError();
                if (pp != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Could not create Invoice Line (s). " + pp.GetName());
                throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice Line (s)");
            //	Link
            if (!sLine.Save())
                ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError();
                if (pp != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Could not update Shipment Line. " + pp.GetName());
                throw new Exception("Could not update Shipment Line");

        protected override String DoIt()
            MInvoice obj = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), GetRecord_ID(), Get_Trx());

            // get Precision for rounding
            MCurrency currency = new MCurrency(GetCtx(), obj.GetC_Currency_ID(), Get_Trx());

            precision = currency.GetStdPrecision();

            MInvoiceLine[] lines = obj.GetLines();

            if (_IsCLearDiscount == "N")
                if (_DiscountAmt == 0 && _DiscountPercent == 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "PlsSelAtlstOneField"));

                if (_DiscountAmt != 0 && _DiscountPercent != 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "PlsSelOneField"));

                // get amount on which we have to apply discount
                subTotal = obj.GetTotalLines();

                // when we are giving discount in terms of amount, then we have to calculate discount in term of percentage
                discountPercentageOnTotalAmount = GetDiscountPercentageOnTotal(subTotal, _DiscountAmt, precision);

                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    MInvoiceLine ln = lines[i];
                    // this value represent discount on line net amount
                    discountAmountOnTotal = GetDiscountAmountOnTotal(ln.GetLineNetAmt(), discountPercentageOnTotalAmount != 0 ? discountPercentageOnTotalAmount : _DiscountPercent);

                    // this value represent discount on unit price of 1 qty
                    discountAmountOnTotal = Decimal.Round(Decimal.Divide(discountAmountOnTotal, ln.GetQtyEntered()), precision);

                    ln.SetAmountAfterApplyDiscount(Decimal.Add(ln.GetAmountAfterApplyDiscount(), discountAmountOnTotal));
                    ln.SetPriceActual(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Subtract(ln.GetPriceActual(), discountAmountOnTotal), precision));
                    ln.SetPriceEntered(Decimal.Round(Decimal.Subtract(ln.GetPriceEntered(), discountAmountOnTotal), precision));
                    // set tax amount as 0, so that on before save we calculate tax again on discounted price
                    if (!ln.Save(Get_TrxName()))
                        ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                        log.Info("ApplyDiscountInvoiceVendor : Not Saved. Error Value : " + pp.GetValue() + " , Error Name : " + pp.GetName());
                        throw new Exception(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DiscNotApplied"));
                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DiscAppliedSuccess"));
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    MInvoiceLine ln = lines[i];
                    ln.SetPriceEntered(Decimal.Add(ln.GetPriceEntered(), ln.GetAmountAfterApplyDiscount()));
                    ln.SetPriceActual(Decimal.Add(ln.GetPriceActual(), ln.GetAmountAfterApplyDiscount()));
                    if (!ln.Save(Get_TrxName()))
                        ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                        log.Info("ApplyDiscountInvoiceVendor : Not Saved. Error Value : " + pp.GetValue() + " , Error Name : " + pp.GetName());
                        throw new Exception(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DiscNotCleared"));
                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DiscClearedSuccessfully"));
Esempio n. 4
         *  Create Invoice Line from Shipment
         *	@param order order
         *	@param ship shipment header
         *	@param sLine shipment line
        private void CreateLine(MOrder order, MInOut ship, MInOutLine sLine)
            if (_invoice == null)
                _invoice = new MInvoice(order, 0, _DateInvoiced);
                //---------------------------Column Added by Anuj------------------
                int _CountVA009 = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_MODULEINFO_ID) FROM AD_MODULEINFO WHERE PREFIX='VA009_'  AND IsActive = 'Y'"));
                if (_CountVA009 > 0)
                    int _PaymentMethod_ID = order.GetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID();
                    if (_PaymentMethod_ID > 0)
                //-----------------Column Added by Anuj------------------

                int _CountVA026 = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_MODULEINFO_ID) FROM AD_MODULEINFO WHERE PREFIX='VA026_'  AND IsActive = 'Y'"));
                if (_CountVA026 > 0)

                // Added by Bharat on 29 Jan 2018 to set Inco Term from Order

                if (_invoice.Get_ColumnIndex("C_IncoTerm_ID") > 0)

                if (!_invoice.Save())
                    throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice (s)");
            #region Comment Create Shipment Comment Line
            //	Create Shipment Comment Line
            //if (_ship == null
            //    || _ship.GetM_InOut_ID() != ship.GetM_InOut_ID())
            //    MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_DocType_ID());
            //    if (_bp == null || _bp.GetC_BPartner_ID() != ship.GetC_BPartner_ID())
            //    {
            //        _bp = new MBPartner(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_BPartner_ID(), Get_TrxName());
            //    }

            //    //	Reference: Delivery: 12345 - 12.12.12
            //    MClient client = MClient.Get(GetCtx(), order.GetAD_Client_ID());
            //    String AD_Language = client.GetAD_Language();
            //    if (client.IsMultiLingualDocument() && _bp.GetAD_Language() != null)
            //    {
            //        AD_Language = _bp.GetAD_Language();
            //    }
            //    if (AD_Language == null)
            //    {
            //        // MessageBox.Show("Set base Language");
            //        //AD_Language = Language.getBaseAD_Language();
            //    }
            //    //java.text.SimpleDateFormat format = DisplayType.getDateFormat
            //    //    (DisplayType.Date, Language.getLanguage(AD_Language));

            //    //String reference = dt.GetPrintName(_bp.GetAD_Language())
            //    //    + ": " + ship.GetDocumentNo()
            //    //    + " - " + format.format(ship.GetMovementDate());
            //    String reference = dt.GetPrintName(_bp.GetAD_Language())
            //        + ": " + ship.GetDocumentNo()
            //        + " - " + ship.GetMovementDate();
            //    _ship = ship;
            //    //
            //    MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(_invoice);
            //    line.SetIsDescription(true);
            //    line.SetDescription(reference);
            //    line.SetLine(_line + sLine.GetLine() - 2);
            //    if (!line.Save())
            //    {
            //        throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice Comment Line (sh)");
            //    }
            //    //	Optional Ship Address if not Bill Address
            //    if (order.GetBill_Location_ID() != ship.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID())
            //    {
            //        MLocation addr = MLocation.GetBPLocation(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_BPartner_Location_ID(), null);
            //        line = new MInvoiceLine(_invoice);
            //        line.SetIsDescription(true);
            //        line.SetDescription(addr.ToString());
            //        line.SetLine(_line + sLine.GetLine() - 1);
            //        if (!line.Save())
            //        {
            //            throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice Comment Line 2 (sh)");
            //        }
            //    }
            MInvoiceLine line1 = new MInvoiceLine(_invoice);
            line1.SetLine(_line + sLine.GetLine());
            if (sLine.GetA_Asset_ID() > 0)
                if (line1.Get_ColumnIndex("VAFAM_AssetCost") > 0)
                    int         PAcctSchema_ID = 0;
                    int         pCurrency_ID   = 0;
                    MAcctSchema as1            = MClient.Get(GetCtx(), GetAD_Client_ID()).GetAcctSchema();
                    if (as1 != null)
                        PAcctSchema_ID = as1.GetC_AcctSchema_ID();
                        pCurrency_ID   = as1.GetC_Currency_ID();
                    decimal LineNetAmt = Decimal.Multiply(line1.GetPriceActual(), line1.GetQtyEntered());
                    decimal AssetCost  = GetAssetCost(sLine.GetA_Asset_ID(), sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), PAcctSchema_ID);
                    AssetCost = Decimal.Multiply(AssetCost, line1.GetQtyEntered());
                    if (LineNetAmt > 0)
                        LineNetAmt = MConversionRate.Convert(GetCtx(), LineNetAmt, _invoice.GetC_Currency_ID(), pCurrency_ID, _invoice.GetAD_Client_ID(), _invoice.GetAD_Org_ID());
                    decimal Diff = LineNetAmt - AssetCost;
                    line1.Set_Value("VAFAM_AssetCost", AssetCost);
                    line1.Set_Value("VAFAM_Difference", Diff);

            if (!line1.Save())
                throw new Exception("Could not create Invoice Line (s)");
            //	Link
            if (!sLine.Save())
                throw new Exception("Could not update Shipment Line");
