Esempio n. 1
 public ThreadContext(ulong?addr, MITextPosition textPosition, string function, uint level, string from)
     pc           = addr;
     sp           = 0;
     TextPosition = textPosition;
     Function     = function;
     Level        = level;
     From         = from;
Esempio n. 2
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame threadContext)
            Debug.Assert(threadContext != null, "ThreadContext is null");

            Engine        = engine;
            Thread        = thread;
            ThreadContext = threadContext;

            _textPosition = RoslynHelper.GetStatementRange(ThreadContext.FileName, ThreadContext.LineNumber, ThreadContext.ColumnNumber);
            _functionName = threadContext.Method.Name;

            if (_textPosition != null)
                docContext = new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition);

            this.LocalVariables = threadContext.GetVisibleVariables().Select(x => new MonoProperty(threadContext, x)).ToList();
Esempio n. 3
        // Enumerates the code contexts for a given position in a source file.
        public int EnumCodeContexts(IDebugDocumentPosition2 pDocPos, out IEnumDebugCodeContexts2 ppEnum)
            string documentName;

            EngineUtils.CheckOk(pDocPos.GetFileName(out documentName));

            // Get the location in the document
            TEXT_POSITION[] startPosition = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            TEXT_POSITION[] endPosition   = new TEXT_POSITION[1];
            EngineUtils.CheckOk(pDocPos.GetRange(startPosition, endPosition));
            List <IDebugCodeContext2> codeContexts = new List <IDebugCodeContext2>();

            List <ulong> addresses = null;
            uint         line      = startPosition[0].dwLine + 1;

            _debuggedProcess.WorkerThread.RunOperation(async() =>
                addresses = await DebuggedProcess.StartAddressesForLine(documentName, line);

            if (addresses != null && addresses.Count > 0)
                foreach (var a in addresses)
                    var           codeCxt = new AD7MemoryAddress(this, a, null);
                    TEXT_POSITION pos;
                    pos.dwLine   = line;
                    pos.dwColumn = 0;
                    MITextPosition textPosition = new MITextPosition(documentName, pos, pos);
                    codeCxt.SetDocumentContext(new AD7DocumentContext(textPosition, codeCxt));
                if (codeContexts.Count > 0)
                    ppEnum = new AD7CodeContextEnum(codeContexts.ToArray());
            ppEnum = null;
Esempio n. 4
        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, AD7Thread thread, ThreadContext threadContext)
            Debug.Assert(threadContext != null, "ThreadContext is null");

            Engine        = engine;
            Thread        = thread;
            ThreadContext = threadContext;

            _textPosition = threadContext.TextPosition;
            _functionName = threadContext.Function;

            if (_textPosition != null)
                _documentCxt = new AD7DocumentContext(_textPosition, _codeCxt);

                if (_codeCxt != null)
Esempio n. 5
 public AD7DocumentContext(MITextPosition textPosition)//, AD7MemoryAddress codeContext)
     _textPosition = textPosition;
     //_codeContext = codeContext;