Esempio n. 1
        // This isn't an MHEG action as such but is used as part of the implementation of "Clone"
        public override void MakeClone(MHRoot pTarget, MHRoot pRef, MHEngine engine)
            MHIngredient pClone = pTarget.Clone(engine);                      // Clone it.

            pClone.ObjectIdentifier.GroupId.Copy(m_ObjectIdentifier.GroupId); // Group id is the same as this.
            pClone.ObjectIdentifier.ObjectNo = ++m_nLastId;                   // Create a new object id.
            // Set the object reference result to the newly constructed ref.
            pRef.SetVariableValue(new MHUnion(pClone.ObjectIdentifier));
            pClone.Preparation(engine); // Prepare the clone.
Esempio n. 2
 public void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
     for (int i = 0; i < p.GetSeqCount(); i++)
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine);
            MHParseNode pMultiplex = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_MULTIPLEX);

            for (int i = 0; i < pMultiplex.GetArgCount(); i++)
                MHParseNode pItem = pMultiplex.GetArgN(i);
                if (pItem.GetTagNo() == ASN1Codes.C_AUDIO)
                    MHAudio pAudio = new MHAudio();
                    pAudio.Initialise(pItem, engine);
                else if (pItem.GetTagNo() == ASN1Codes.C_VIDEO)
                    MHVideo pVideo = new MHVideo();
                    pVideo.Initialise(pItem, engine);
                else if (pItem.GetTagNo() == ASN1Codes.C_RTGRAPHICS)
                    MHRTGraphics pRtGraph = new MHRTGraphics();
                    pRtGraph.Initialise(pItem, engine);
                // Ignore unknown items
            MHParseNode pStorage = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_STORAGE);

            if (pStorage != null)
                m_nStorage = pStorage.GetArgN(0).GetEnumValue();
            MHParseNode pLooping = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_LOOPING);

            if (pLooping != null)
                m_nLooping = pLooping.GetArgN(0).GetIntValue();
Esempio n. 4
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine);
            MHParseNode args = p.GetArgN(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < args.GetSeqCount(); i++)
                MHPointArg pPoint = new MHPointArg();
                pPoint.Initialise(args.GetSeqN(i), engine);
Esempio n. 5
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine);                   // Target
            m_Succeeded.Initialise(p.GetArgN(1), engine); // Call/fork succeeded flag
            // Arguments.
            MHParseNode args = p.GetArgN(2);

            for (int i = 0; i < args.GetSeqCount(); i++)
                MHParameter pParm = new MHParameter();
                pParm.Initialise(args.GetSeqN(i), engine);
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine); // Target
            m_Succeeded.Initialise(p.GetArgN(1), engine);
            MHParseNode pVarSeq = p.GetArgN(2);

            for (int i = 0; i < pVarSeq.GetSeqCount(); i++)
                MHObjectRef pVar = new MHObjectRef();
                pVar.Initialise(pVarSeq.GetSeqN(i), engine);
            m_FileName.Initialise(p.GetArgN(3), engine);
Esempio n. 7
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine);
            MHParseNode pMovements = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_MOVEMENT_TABLE);

            if (pMovements != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < pMovements.GetArgCount(); i++)
                    MHMovement pMove = new MHMovement();
                    pMove.Initialise(pMovements.GetArgN(i), engine);
            MHParseNode pTokenGrp = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_TOKEN_GROUP_ITEMS);

            if (pTokenGrp != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < pTokenGrp.GetArgCount(); i++)
                    MHTokenGroupItem pToken = new MHTokenGroupItem();
                    pToken.Initialise(pTokenGrp.GetArgN(i), engine);
            MHParseNode pNoToken = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_NO_TOKEN_ACTION_SLOTS);

            if (pNoToken != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < pNoToken.GetArgCount(); i++)
                    MHParseNode      pAct     = pNoToken.GetArgN(i);
                    MHActionSequence pActions = new MHActionSequence();
                    // The action slot entry may be NULL.
                    if (pAct.NodeType != MHParseNode.PNNull)
                        pActions.Initialise(pAct, engine);
Esempio n. 8
 public void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
     // A pair consisting of an object reference and an optional action slot sequence.
     m_Object.Initialise(p.GetSeqN(0), engine);
     if (p.GetSeqCount() > 1)
         MHParseNode pSlots = p.GetSeqN(1);
         for (int i = 0; i < pSlots.GetSeqCount(); i++)
             MHParseNode      pAct     = pSlots.GetSeqN(i);
             MHActionSequence pActions = new MHActionSequence();
             // The action slot entry may be NULL.
             if (pAct.NodeType != MHParseNode.PNNull)
                 pActions.Initialise(pAct, engine);
Esempio n. 9
        public override void Initialise(MHParseNode p, MHEngine engine)
            base.Initialise(p, engine);
            MHParseNode pPositions = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_POSITIONS);

            for (int i = 0; i < pPositions.GetArgCount(); i++)
                MHParseNode pPos = pPositions.GetArgN(i);
                Point       pos  = new Point(pPos.GetSeqN(0).GetIntValue(), pPos.GetSeqN(1).GetIntValue());
            MHParseNode pWrap = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_WRAP_AROUND);

            if (pWrap != null)
                m_fWrapAround = pWrap.GetArgN(0).GetBoolValue();
            MHParseNode pMultiple = p.GetNamedArg(ASN1Codes.C_MULTIPLE_SELECTION);

            if (pMultiple != null)
                m_fMultipleSelection = pMultiple.GetArgN(0).GetBoolValue();
Esempio n. 10
        // UK MHEG specifies the use of the Tiresias font and broadcasters appear to
        // assume that all MHEG applications will lay the text out in the same way.

        // Recreate the image.
        protected void Redraw()
            if (!RunningStatus || m_pDisplay == null)
            if (m_nBoxWidth == 0 || m_nBoxHeight == 0)
                return;                                        // Can't draw zero sized boxes.
            m_pDisplay.SetSize(m_nBoxWidth, m_nBoxHeight);

            MHRgba textColour = GetColour(m_textColour);
            // Process any escapes in the text and construct the text arrays.
            MHSequence <MHTextLine> theText = new MHSequence <MHTextLine>();
            // Set up the first item on the first line.
            MHTextItem pCurrItem = new MHTextItem();
            MHTextLine pCurrLine = new MHTextLine();

            Stack <MHRgba> m_ColourStack = new Stack <MHRgba>(); // Stack to handle nested colour codes.

            pCurrItem.Colour = textColour;

            int i = 0;

            while (i < m_Content.Size)
                char ch = m_Content.GetAt(i++);

                if (ch == '\t')   // Tab - start a new item if we have any text in the existing one.
                    if (pCurrItem.Text.Size != 0)
                        pCurrItem = pCurrItem.NewItem();

                else if (ch == '\r')   // CR - line break.
                // TODO: Two CRs next to one another are treated as </P> rather than <BR><BR>
                // This should also include the sequence CRLFCRLF.
                    pCurrLine = new MHTextLine();
                    pCurrItem = pCurrItem.NewItem();

                else if (ch == 0x1b)   // Escape - special codes.
                    if (i == m_Content.Size)
                    char code = m_Content.GetAt(i);
                    // The only codes we are interested in are the start and end of colour.
                    // TODO: We may also need "bold" and some hypertext colours.

                    if (code >= 0x40 && code <= 0x5e)   // Start code
                    // Start codes are followed by a parameter count and a number of parameter bytes.
                        if (++i == m_Content.Size)
                        char paramCount = m_Content.GetAt(i);
                        if (code == 0x43 && paramCount == 4 && i + paramCount <= m_Content.Size)
                            // Start of colour.
                            if (pCurrItem.Text.Size != 0)
                                pCurrItem = pCurrItem.NewItem(); pCurrLine.Items.Append(pCurrItem);
                            pCurrItem.Colour = new MHRgba(m_Content.GetAt(i), m_Content.GetAt(i + 1),
                                                          m_Content.GetAt(i + 2), 255 - m_Content.GetAt(i + 3));
                            // Push this colour onto the colour stack.
                            Logging.Log(Logging.MHLogWarning, "Unknown text escape code " + code);
                        i += paramCount;                   // Skip the parameters
                    else if (code >= 0x60 && code <= 0x7e) // End code.
                        if (code == 0x63)
                            if (m_ColourStack.Count > 1)
                                // Start a new item since we're using a new colour.
                                if (pCurrItem.Text.Size != 0)
                                    pCurrItem = pCurrItem.NewItem();
                                // Set the subsequent text in the colour we're using now.
                                pCurrItem.Colour = m_ColourStack.Peek();

                else if (ch <= 0x1f)
                    // Certain characters including LF and the marker codes between 0x1c and 0x1f are
                    // explicitly intended to be ignored.  Include all the other codes.

                else   // Add to the current text.
                    int nStart = i - 1;
                    while (i < m_Content.Size && m_Content.GetAt(i) >= 0x20)
                    pCurrItem.Text.Append(new MHOctetString(m_Content, nStart, i - nStart));

            // Set up the initial attributes.
            int style, size, lineSpace, letterSpace;

            InterpretAttributes(m_fontAttrs, out style, out size, out lineSpace, out letterSpace);
            // Create a font with this information.
            m_pDisplay.SetFont(size, (style & 2) != 0, (style & 1) != 0);

            // Calculate the layout of each section.
            for (i = 0; i < theText.Size; i++)
                MHTextLine pLine = theText.GetAt(i);
                pLine.LineWidth = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < pLine.Items.Size; j++)
                    MHTextItem pItem = pLine.Items.GetAt(j);
                    // Set any tabs.
                    for (int k = 0; k < pItem.TabCount; k++)
                        pLine.LineWidth += TABSTOP - pLine.LineWidth % TABSTOP;

                    if (pItem.UnicodeLength == 0)
                    { // Convert UTF-8 to Unicode.
                        int s = pItem.Text.Size;
                        pItem.Unicode       = pItem.Text.ToString();
                        pItem.UnicodeLength = pItem.Unicode.Length;
                    // Fit the text onto the line.
                    int nFullText = pItem.UnicodeLength;
                    // Get the box size and update pItem.m_nUnicode to the number that will fit.
                    Rectangle rect = m_pDisplay.GetBounds(pItem.Unicode, ref nFullText, m_nBoxWidth - pLine.LineWidth);
                    if (nFullText == pItem.UnicodeLength || !m_fTextWrap)
                        // All the characters fit or we're not wrapping.
                        pItem.Width      = rect.Width;
                        pLine.LineWidth += rect.Width;

                    /*                   else if (m_fTextWrap)
                     *                 { // No, we have to word-wrap.
                     *                     int nTruncated = pItem.UnicodeLength; // Just in case.
                     *                     // Now remove characters until we find a word-break character.
                     *                     while (pItem.UnicodeLength > 0 && pItem.Unicode[pItem.UnicodeLength] != ' ') pItem.UnicodeLength--;
                     *                     // If there are now word-break characters we truncate the text.
                     *                     if (pItem.UnicodeLength == 0) pItem.UnicodeLength = nTruncated;
                     *                     // Special case to avoid infinite loop if the box is very narrow.
                     *                     if (pItem.UnicodeLength == 0) pItem.UnicodeLength = 1;
                     *                     // We need to move the text we've cut off this line into a new line.
                     *                     int nNewWidth = nFullText - pItem.UnicodeLength;
                     *                     int nNewStart = pItem.UnicodeLength;
                     *                     // Remove any spaces at the start of the new section.
                     *                     while (nNewWidth != 0 && pItem.Unicode[nNewStart] == ' ') { nNewStart++; nNewWidth--; }
                     *                     if (nNewWidth != 0) {
                     *                         // Create a new line from the extra text.
                     *                         MHTextLine pNewLine = new MHTextLine();
                     *                         theText.InsertAt(pNewLine, i+1);
                     *                         // The first item on the new line is the rest of the text.
                     *                         MHTextItem pNewItem = pItem.NewItem();
                     *                         pNewLine.Items.Append(pNewItem);
                     *                         pNewItem.Unicode = pItem.Unicode.Substring(nNewStart, nNewWidth);
                     *                         pNewItem.UnicodeLength = nNewWidth;
                     *                     }
                     *                     // Remove any spaces at the end of the old section.  If we don't do that and
                     *                     // we are centering or right aligning the text we'll get it wrong.
                     *                     while (pItem.UnicodeLength > 1 && pItem.Unicode[pItem.UnicodeLength - 1] == ' ') pItem.UnicodeLength--;
                     *                     int uniLength = pItem.UnicodeLength;
                     *                     rect = m_pDisplay.GetBounds(pItem.Unicode, ref uniLength, 0);
                     *                     pItem.Width = rect.Width;
                     *                     pLine.LineWidth += rect.Width;
                     *                 }

            // Now output the text.
            int yOffset = 0;
            // If there isn't space for all the lines we should drop extra lines.
            int nNumLines = theText.Size;

                if (m_VertJ == End)
                    yOffset = m_nBoxHeight - nNumLines * lineSpace;
                else if (m_VertJ == Centre)
                    yOffset = (m_nBoxHeight - nNumLines * lineSpace) / 2;
                if (yOffset < 0)
            } while (yOffset < 0);

            for (i = 0; i < nNumLines; i++)
                MHTextLine pLine   = theText.GetAt(i);
                int        xOffset = 0;
                if (m_HorizJ == End)
                    xOffset = m_nBoxWidth - pLine.LineWidth;
                else if (m_HorizJ == Centre)
                    xOffset = (m_nBoxWidth - pLine.LineWidth) / 2;
                //ASSERT(xOffset >= 0);

                for (int j = 0; j < pLine.Items.Size; j++)
                    MHTextItem pItem = pLine.Items.GetAt(j);
                    // Tab across if necessary.
                    for (int k = 0; k < pItem.TabCount; k++)
                        xOffset += TABSTOP - xOffset % TABSTOP;
                    if (pItem.Unicode.Length != 0)           // We may have blank lines.
                        m_pDisplay.AddText(xOffset, yOffset, // Jas removed this cos it doesn't make sense yOffset + lineSpace
                                           pItem.Unicode.Substring(0, pItem.UnicodeLength), pItem.Colour);
                    xOffset += pItem.Width;
                yOffset += lineSpace;
                if (yOffset + lineSpace > m_nBoxHeight)