Esempio n. 1
        public ReplayServer(MFroReplay replay)
            this.replay = replay;
              this.alive = true;

              try {
            server = new HttpListener();
            server.Prefixes.Add("" + port + "/observer-mode/rest/consumer/");
              } catch {
            try { AddAddress("" + port + "/"); } catch { return; }
            server = new HttpListener();
            server.Prefixes.Add("" + port + "/observer-mode/rest/consumer/");
              new Thread(this.Stopper) { IsBackground = true, Name = "Server Stopper" }.Start();
              new Thread(() => {
            Logger.WriteLine("Starting Spectator Server [ID: {0}]... ".Format(replay.GameId));
            try {
              while (alive) { Handle(server.GetContext()); }
            } catch { }
            Logger.WriteLine("Closing Spectator Server");
              }) { IsBackground = true, Name = "ServerHandler" }.Start();

              var dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\"
            + @"solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\");
              var versions = dir.EnumerateDirectories().ToList();
              versions.Sort((a, b) => b.Name.CompareTo(a.Name));

              ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(versions[0].FullName + @"\deploy\League of Legends.exe",
            String.Join(" ", SpectateArgs).Format(replay.MetaData["encryptionKey"], replay.GameId));
              info.WorkingDirectory = versions[0].FullName + @"\deploy";
Esempio n. 2
 public ReplayDetails(MFroReplay replay, Window parent)
       Owner = parent;
       WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
       JSONObject data = replay.Combine;
       this.replay = replay;
       this.gameId = data["gameId"];
       int red = 0, blue = 0,
     redGold = 0, blueGold = 0,
     redKill = 0, blueKill = 0,
     redAssist = 0, blueAssist = 0,
     redDeaths = 0, blueDeaths = 0;
       foreach (var info in data["players"].Values) {
     if (info.teamId == 100) {
       if( > 0){
     BlueOutcome.Content = "Victory";
     RedOutcome.Content = "Defeat";
       BluePlayerDetails player = new BluePlayerDetails() { DataContext = new PlayerInfo(info) };
       if (info.summonerId == replay.SummonerId) player.Background = person;
       Grid.SetColumn(player, 0);
       Grid.SetRow(player, blue++);
       blueGold += info.statistics.goldEarned;
       blueKill += info.statistics.championsKilled;
       blueAssist += info.statistics.assists;
       blueDeaths += info.statistics.numDeaths;
     } else {
       if ( > 0) {
     BlueOutcome.Content = "Defeat";
     RedOutcome.Content = "Victory";
       RedPlayerDetails player = new RedPlayerDetails() { DataContext = new PlayerInfo(info) };
       if (info.summonerId == replay.SummonerId) player.Background = person;
       Grid.SetColumn(player, 1);
       Grid.SetRow(player, red++);
       redGold += info.statistics.goldEarned;
       redKill += info.statistics.championsKilled;
       redAssist += info.statistics.assists;
       redDeaths += info.statistics.numDeaths;
       BlueGold.Content = (blueGold * .001).ToString("F1") + "k";
       RedGold.Content = (redGold * .001).ToString("F1") + "k";
       BlueKDA.Content = blueKill + " / " + blueDeaths + " / " + blueAssist;
       RedKDA.Content = redKill + " / " + redDeaths + " / " + redAssist;
       PlayerGrid.Height = (red > blue) ? red * 72 : blue * 72;
Esempio n. 3
 public SummaryData(MFroReplay replay)
     dynamic combine = replay.Combine;
       var player = combine.players[replay.SummonerId.ToString()];
       var stats = player.statistics;
       kills = stats.championsKilled;
       deaths = stats.numDeaths;
       assists = stats.assists;
       win = stats.ContainsKey("win") && == 1;
       championId = player.championId;
       spell1Id = player.spell1Id;
       spell2Id = player.spell2Id;
       mapId = combine.mapId;
       queueId = combine.gameQueueConfigId;
       gameTime = combine.gameStartTime;
       gameId = combine.gameId;
       item0 = stats.item0;
       item1 = stats.item1;
       item2 = stats.item2;
       item3 = stats.item3;
       item4 = stats.item4;
       item5 = stats.item5;
       item6 = stats.item6;