public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock) // // Descriptions: // compute output force. // { if (plug.notEqual(mOutputForce)) return false; // get the logical index of the element this plug refers to. // uint multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex; // Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not // want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the // requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause // a dependency graph loop. MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mInputData); hInputArray.jumpToElement(multiIndex); // get children of aInputData. MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue(); MDataHandle hPosition = hCompond.child(mInputPositions); MObject dPosition =; MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition = new MFnVectorArrayData(dPosition); MVectorArray points = fnPosition.array(); // The attribute mInputPPData contains the attribute in an array form // prepared by the particleShape if the particleShape has per particle // attribute fieldName_attrName. // // Suppose a field with the name dynExprField1 is connecting to // particleShape1, and the particleShape1 has per particle float attribute // dynExprField1_magnitude and vector attribute dynExprField1_direction, // then hInputPPArray will contains a MdoubleArray with the corresponding // name "magnitude" and a MvectorArray with the name "direction". This // is a mechanism to allow the field attributes being driven by dynamic // expression. MArrayDataHandle mhInputPPData = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(mInputPPData); mhInputPPData.jumpToElement(multiIndex); MDataHandle hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue(); MObject dInputPPData =; MFnArrayAttrsData inputPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dInputPPData); MDataHandle hOwnerPPData = dataBlock.inputValue(mOwnerPPData); MObject dOwnerPPData =; MFnArrayAttrsData ownerPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dOwnerPPData); string magString = "magnitude"; MFnArrayAttrsData.Type doubleType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kDoubleArray; bool arrayExist; MDoubleArray magnitudeArray; arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType); if (arrayExist) { magnitudeArray = inputPPArray.getDoubleData(magString); } else { magnitudeArray = new MDoubleArray(); } MDoubleArray magnitudeOwnerArray; arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType); if (arrayExist) { magnitudeOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getDoubleData(magString); } else { magnitudeOwnerArray = new MDoubleArray(); } string dirString = "direction"; MFnArrayAttrsData.Type vectorType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kVectorArray; MVectorArray directionArray; arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType); if (arrayExist) { directionArray = inputPPArray.getVectorData(dirString); } else { directionArray = new MVectorArray(); } MVectorArray directionOwnerArray; arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType); if (arrayExist) { directionOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getVectorData(dirString); } else { directionOwnerArray = new MVectorArray(); } // Compute the output force. // MVectorArray forceArray = new MVectorArray(); apply(dataBlock, points.length, magnitudeArray, magnitudeOwnerArray, directionArray, directionOwnerArray, forceArray); // get output data handle // MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mOutputForce); MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder(); // get output force array from block. // MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex); MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce = new MFnVectorArrayData(); MObject dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create(forceArray); // update data block with new output force data. // hOut.set(dOutputForce); dataBlock.setClean(plug); return true; }
public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock) // // Descriptions: // compute output force. // { if (plug.notEqual(mOutputForce)) { return(false); } // get the logical index of the element this plug refers to. // uint multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex; // Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not // want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the // requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause // a dependency graph loop. MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mInputData); hInputArray.jumpToElement(multiIndex); // get children of aInputData. MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue(); MDataHandle hPosition = hCompond.child(mInputPositions); MObject dPosition =; MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition = new MFnVectorArrayData(dPosition); MVectorArray points = fnPosition.array(); // The attribute mInputPPData contains the attribute in an array form // prepared by the particleShape if the particleShape has per particle // attribute fieldName_attrName. // // Suppose a field with the name dynExprField1 is connecting to // particleShape1, and the particleShape1 has per particle float attribute // dynExprField1_magnitude and vector attribute dynExprField1_direction, // then hInputPPArray will contains a MdoubleArray with the corresponding // name "magnitude" and a MvectorArray with the name "direction". This // is a mechanism to allow the field attributes being driven by dynamic // expression. MArrayDataHandle mhInputPPData = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(mInputPPData); mhInputPPData.jumpToElement(multiIndex); MDataHandle hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue(); MObject dInputPPData =; MFnArrayAttrsData inputPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dInputPPData); MDataHandle hOwnerPPData = dataBlock.inputValue(mOwnerPPData); MObject dOwnerPPData =; MFnArrayAttrsData ownerPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dOwnerPPData); string magString = "magnitude"; MFnArrayAttrsData.Type doubleType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kDoubleArray; bool arrayExist; MDoubleArray magnitudeArray; arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType); if (arrayExist) { magnitudeArray = inputPPArray.getDoubleData(magString); } else { magnitudeArray = new MDoubleArray(); } MDoubleArray magnitudeOwnerArray; arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType); if (arrayExist) { magnitudeOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getDoubleData(magString); } else { magnitudeOwnerArray = new MDoubleArray(); } string dirString = "direction"; MFnArrayAttrsData.Type vectorType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kVectorArray; MVectorArray directionArray; arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType); if (arrayExist) { directionArray = inputPPArray.getVectorData(dirString); } else { directionArray = new MVectorArray(); } MVectorArray directionOwnerArray; arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType); if (arrayExist) { directionOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getVectorData(dirString); } else { directionOwnerArray = new MVectorArray(); } // Compute the output force. // MVectorArray forceArray = new MVectorArray(); apply(dataBlock, points.length, magnitudeArray, magnitudeOwnerArray, directionArray, directionOwnerArray, forceArray); // get output data handle // MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mOutputForce); MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder(); // get output force array from block. // MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex); MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce = new MFnVectorArrayData(); MObject dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create(forceArray); // update data block with new output force data. // hOut.set(dOutputForce); dataBlock.setClean(plug); return(true); }