public void GetMaxHourlyWindSpeeds_Test() { Continuum thisInst = new Continuum(""); string Filename = testingFolder + "\\GetMaxHourlyWindSpeeds\\GetMaxHourlyWindSpeeds test.cfm"; thisInst.Open(Filename); double thisLat = 41.0; double thisLong = -83.75; MERRA thisMERRA = thisInst.merraList.GetMERRA(thisLat, thisLong); thisMERRA.GetMERRADataFromDB(thisInst); thisMERRA.GetInterpData(thisInst.UTM_conversions); Met.MaxYearlyWind[] theseMaxWS = thisMERRA.GetMaxHourlyWindSpeeds(); Assert.AreEqual(theseMaxWS[0].maxWS, 19.948, 0.001, "Wrong Max WS Year 2000"); Assert.AreEqual(theseMaxWS[2].maxWS, 23.496, 0.001, "Wrong Max WS Year 2002"); Assert.AreEqual(theseMaxWS[6].maxWS, 21.704, 0.001, "Wrong Max WS Year 2006"); Assert.AreEqual(theseMaxWS[10].maxWS, 20.305, 0.001, "Wrong Max WS Year 2010"); thisInst.Close(); }
public void Calc_Avg_or_LT_Test() { Continuum thisInst = new Continuum(""); string Filename = testingFolder + "\\MERRA_Testing.cfm"; thisInst.Open(Filename); Met thisMet = thisInst.metList.metItem[0]; UTM_conversion.Lat_Long theseLL = thisInst.UTM_conversions.UTMtoLL(thisInst.metList.metItem[0].UTMX, thisInst.metList.metItem[0].UTMY); MERRA merra = thisInst.merraList.GetMERRA(theseLL.latitude, theseLL.longitude); if (merra.interpData.TS_Data.Length == 0) { merra.GetMERRADataFromDB(thisInst); merra.GetInterpData(thisInst.UTM_conversions); } // Test 1 double thisAvg = merra.Calc_Avg_or_LT(merra.interpData.TS_Data, 100, 100, "50 m WS"); Assert.AreEqual(6.670311915, thisAvg, 0.001, "Wrong 50m WS all data"); // Test 2 thisAvg = merra.Calc_Avg_or_LT(merra.interpData.TS_Data, 100, 100, "Surface Pressure"); Assert.AreEqual(98.72393837, thisAvg, 0.001, "Wrong Pressure"); // Test 3 thisAvg = merra.Calc_Avg_or_LT(merra.interpData.TS_Data, 100, 100, "10 m Temp"); // all data Assert.AreEqual(10.33596373, thisAvg, 0.001, "Wrong 10m Temp"); // Test 4 thisAvg = merra.Calc_Avg_or_LT(merra.interpData.TS_Data, 1, 2008, "50 m WS"); // jan 2008 Assert.AreEqual(8.938906452, thisAvg, 0.001, "Wrong 50m WS"); // Test 5 thisAvg = merra.Calc_Avg_or_LT(merra.interpData.TS_Data, 100, 2010, "50 m WS"); // avg 2010 Assert.AreEqual(6.421752226, thisAvg, 0.001, "Wrong 50 m WS"); // Test 6 thisAvg = merra.Calc_Avg_or_LT(merra.interpData.TS_Data, 1, 100, "50 m WS"); // avg all january's Assert.AreEqual(7.639244713, thisAvg, 0.001, "Wrong 50m WS"); thisInst.Close(); }
/// <summary> Adds new MERRA object to list. Figures out if additional MERRA nodes need to be uploaded from textfiles. /// Runs MCP at Met site (if thisMet not null) if have all MERRA node data. Calls BW worker to upload additional data if needed. </summary> public void AddMERRA_GetDataFromTextFiles(double thisLat, double thisLong, int offset, Continuum thisInst, Met thisMet, bool isTest) { // Create new MERRA object and assign lat, long, and node lat/long MERRA thisMERRA = new MERRA(); thisMERRA.Set_Interp_LatLon_Dates_Offset(thisLat, thisLong, offset, thisInst); thisMERRA.numMERRA_Nodes = numMERRA_Nodes; thisMERRA.MERRA_Nodes = new MERRA.MERRA_Node_Data[numMERRA_Nodes]; if ( == null) { thisMERRA.isUserDefined = true; } if (MERRAfolder == "") { try { MessageBox.Show("Please select folder containing MERRA2 data .ascii files."); if (thisInst.fbd_MERRAData.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { MERRAfolder = thisInst.fbd_MERRAData.SelectedPath; } else { return; } SetMERRA2LatLong(thisInst); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Folder path not valid.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } } // Figure out if MERRA textfile has the necessary lat/long range and get MERRA node coordinates bool gotCoords = thisMERRA.Find_MERRA_Coords(MERRAfolder); if (gotCoords == false) { return; } DialogResult doMCP = DialogResult.No; if ( != null && isTest == false && (thisInst.metList.ThisCount == 1 || thisInst.metList.isMCPd == false)) { doMCP = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to conduct MCP at selected met?", "Continuum 3.0", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); } else if ( != "" && isTest == false && thisInst.metList.ThisCount > 1 && thisInst.metList.isMCPd == true) { doMCP = DialogResult.Yes; } else if (isTest == true) { doMCP = DialogResult.No; } if (doMCP == DialogResult.Yes) { thisInst.metList.isMCPd = true; thisInst.modelList.ClearAllExceptImported(); thisInst.turbineList.ClearAllWSEsts(); thisInst.turbineList.ClearAllGrossEsts(); thisInst.turbineList.ClearAllNetEsts(); thisInst.mapList.ClearAllMaps(); thisInst.metPairList.ClearAll(); } // Figure out what MERRA nodes need to be downloaded UTM_conversion.Lat_Long[] requiredMERRANode = GetRequiredNewMERRANodeCoords(thisLat, thisLong, thisInst); if (requiredMERRANode.Length != 0) { MERRA.MERRA_Pull[] nodesToPull = new MERRA.MERRA_Pull[requiredMERRANode.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < requiredMERRANode.Length; i++) { nodesToPull[i].Coords.latitude = requiredMERRANode[i].latitude; nodesToPull[i].Coords.longitude = requiredMERRANode[i].longitude; nodesToPull[i].UTM = thisInst.UTM_conversions.LLtoUTM(nodesToPull[i].Coords.latitude, nodesToPull[i].Coords.longitude); } // Check to see that MERRA data files have required lat/long and assign XInd and YInd bool gotIndices = thisMERRA.GetMERRAPullXYIndices(ref nodesToPull, MERRAfolder); if (gotIndices == false) { return; } BackgroundWork.Vars_for_MERRA Vars_for_MERRA = new BackgroundWork.Vars_for_MERRA(); Vars_for_MERRA.thisInst = thisInst; Vars_for_MERRA.thisMERRA = thisMERRA; Vars_for_MERRA.MCP_type = thisInst.Get_MCP_Method(); Vars_for_MERRA.thisMet = thisMet; Vars_for_MERRA.nodesToPull = nodesToPull; thisInst.BW_worker = new BackgroundWork(); thisInst.BW_worker.Call_BW_MERRA2_Import(Vars_for_MERRA); } else { // Have all necessary MERRA nodes and user wants to do MCP so.... Run MCP! // Add MERRA object to list Array.Resize(ref merraData, numMERRA_Data + 1); merraData[numMERRA_Data - 1] = thisMERRA; thisMERRA.GetMERRADataFromDB(thisInst); thisMERRA.GetInterpData(thisInst.UTM_conversions); if (doMCP == DialogResult.Yes) { thisMet.WSWD_Dists = new Met.WSWD_Dist[0]; thisInst.metList.RunMCP(ref thisMet, thisMERRA, thisInst, thisInst.Get_MCP_Method()); thisMet.CalcAllLT_WSWD_Dists(thisInst, thisMet.mcp.LT_WS_Ests); // Calculates LT wind speed / wind direction distributions for using all day and using each season and each time of day (Day vs. Night) thisInst.updateThe.AllTABs(thisInst); } else { thisInst.updateThe.MERRA_Dropdowns(thisInst); thisInst.updateThe.MERRA_TAB(thisInst); } } }