Esempio n. 1
     * Returns closest nutrient within range of TargetColor's type
     * that isn't already targeted and is in direct line of sight
     * or null if there are no valid targets
    private Nutrient AcquireTarget()
        // get all the nutrients of the target color from the nutrient manager
        IList <Nutrient> nutrients = m_NutrientManager.GetNutrients(m_TargetColor);

        if (nutrients == null)  // if there are no nutrients of that color then there are no targets
            return(null);       // return null to indicate there are no targets

        // now we need to find the closest, untargeted nutrient as that is what we will shoot at
        Nutrient closestNutrient = null;                // initially set the closest nutrient to null
        float    closestDistance = float.MaxValue;      // set the closest distance to infinity

        // now iterate through the nutrients to find the closest one
        foreach (Nutrient e in nutrients)
            if (!e.IsTargetted)         // first check that the nutrient being examined is not already targetted
                // now find the distance to that target
                float distance = MDPUtility.DistanceSquared(gameObject, e.gameObject);

                // check if this distance is less than the next known closest distance, and that the target is in LOS
                if (distance < closestDistance && distance < FiringRange * FiringRange && IsInLineOfSight(e.transform))
                    // if it passed the check
                    closestNutrient = e;                // assign this nutrient to be the closest one
                    closestDistance = distance;         // assign this nutrient's distance to be the closest distance

        // after we are done iterating through the nutrients then return what we found was the closest one as the target
Esempio n. 2
    public GameObject nutrientLostSound;                        //!< for holding a reference to the nutrient lost sound

     * the function to generate what nutrients are on the food blob
    public void GenerateEnzymes(int minNutrients, int maxNutrients, Color[] availableColors)
        NumNutrients = Random.Range(minNutrients, maxNutrients + 1);                    // randomly choose the number of nutrients on the blob

        // find a reference to the current nutrient manager and game manager
        m_NutrientManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NutrientManager)) as NutrientManager;
        m_GameManager     = FindObjectOfType(typeof(IntestineGameManager)) as IntestineGameManager;

        // populate the number of nutrients decided earlier
        for (int i = 0; i < NumNutrients; i++)
            float radius = .4f;                                         // choose .4f as a radius to start with
            float angle  = ((2 * Mathf.PI) / NumNutrients) * i;         // divide the circle into the right number of angle chunks in rads
            float xPos   = radius * Mathf.Cos(angle);                   // find the x position as radius*cos(theta)
            float zPos   = radius * Mathf.Sin(angle);                   // find the y position as radius*sin(theta)

            Vector3 position = transform.position;                      // 3 dimensional vector for position
            position.x += xPos;                                         // set the x position of the vector
            position.z += zPos;                                         // set the z position of the vector
            position.y  = .5f;                                          // set the y position of the vector

            // randomly choose a color for the nutrient
            int      randomIndex = MDPUtility.RandomInt(availableColors.Length);
            Nutrient nutrient    = m_NutrientManager.InstantiateNutrient(availableColors[randomIndex], position);
            nutrient.intestineGameManager = m_GameManager;                      // assign the game manager reference on the nutrient to be
            // the same as the one referenced in this class

            // Attach new enzyme as a child object
            nutrient.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
            ((Behaviour)nutrient.GetComponent("Halo")).enabled = false;                 // halo should be false unless explicitly enabled
Esempio n. 3
    /*public static bool Collides(CircleCollider o1, CircleCollider o2)
     * {
     *      float radiusSum = o1.Properties.Radius + o2.Properties.Radius;
     * float distanceSquared = MDPUtility.DistanceSquared(o1.gameObject, o2.gameObject);
     * // Square root is a slow operation so square the radii instead
     * return distanceSquared < radiusSum * radiusSum;
     * }*/

    public static bool CircleToCircle(MDPEntity o1, MDPEntity o2)
        float radiusSum = o1.Collider.Properties.Radius + o2.Collider.Properties.Radius;

        float distanceSquared = MDPUtility.DistanceSquared(o1.gameObject, o2.gameObject);

        // Square root is a slow operation so square the radii instead
        return(distanceSquared < radiusSum * radiusSum);
Esempio n. 4
     * asynchronous function that checks mouse clicks to see if it brings up the tower menu or closes a tower menu
    private IEnumerator CheckMouseClick()
        Vector3 mousePos = MDPUtility.MouseToWorldPosition();           // get the mouse click position

        mousePos.y = 5;                                                 // change the y position to 5 for proper hit detection
        RaycastHit hitInfo;                                             // storing raycast hits

        // check if we click on a tower by doing a raycast down to see if a tower was below it
        if (Physics.Raycast(mousePos, Vector3.down, out hitInfo, mousePos.y))
            // if we click on tower, toggle whether menu is showed
            if (hitInfo.transform.position == transform.position)
                if (!m_OneClick)
                    m_OneClick = true;
                    clickTimer = Time.time;
                    m_OneClick = false;
                    //double click is true;
                    Debug.Log("Double Clicked");

                    IsEnabled = !IsEnabled;                                             // change the value in this class
                    m_GameManager.setTowerMenuUp(IsEnabled);                            // also set the flag in the game manager
            else                        // if we didn't click directly on a tower disable a menu if it's up
                if (IsEnabled)
                    IsEnabled = false;                                          // change the value in this class
                    m_GameManager.setTowerMenuUp(false);                        // also set the flag in the game manager
            // otherwise if we clicked in a random place cancel the menu
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.1f));                      // wait for .1 seconds

            if (IsEnabled)
                IsEnabled = false;                                      //change the value in this class
                m_GameManager.setTowerMenuUp(false);                    // change the value in game manager
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.0f));
Esempio n. 5
     * function that spawns towers
    public void SpawnTower(Color color)
        GameObject towerType = Towers [MDPUtility.RandomInt(Towers.Length)];                    // randomly choose a type of tower

        m_SpawnedTower = Instantiate(towerType) as GameObject;                                  // instantiate the chosen tower
        Tower tower = m_SpawnedTower.GetComponent <Tower> ();                                   // get the script on the new tower

        tower.SetColor(color);                                                                  // set the color of the tower
        tower.SetActiveModel("Base");                                                           // set the model name of the tower

        // Set up spawn indicator
        float range = tower.FiringRange;                                         // calculate the firing range for the tower

        m_Indicator = Instantiate(SpawnIndicator) as GameObject;                 // instantiate a spawn indicator
        m_Indicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3(range * 2, 1, range * 2); // adjust the size of the indicator based on the firing range

        m_IsSpawnActive = true;                                                  // set the isspawnactive to true since there is now an active tower spawned
Esempio n. 6
     * Called ever frame
     * Helps with spawning tower and showing spawn indicator
     * Checks for any updates to tower cost from debugger
    void Update()
        // check if the game is paused we destroy any spawned tower that isn't currently placed
        if (Time.timeScale <= 0.001f)
            // this handles the cleanup of variables that need to be reassigned based on destroying unplaced tower
            if (m_IsSpawnActive)
                m_IsSpawnActive = false;                                                                // set that isspawnactive flag to false
                DestroyImmediate(m_Indicator.GetComponent <Renderer>().material);                       // destroy the indicator material
                Destroy(m_Indicator);                                                                   // destroy the indicator
                Destroy(m_SpawnedTower);                                                                // destroy the spawned tower
                m_SpawnedTower = null;                                                                  // set the spawnedtower reference to null

        // if we are not in the tutorial and we are using the debugger, check for updates to the tower base cost
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            if (debugConfig.debugActive)
                TOWER_BASE_COST = debugConfig.TOWER_BASE_COST;

        // Handle valid spawn locations if player is spawning a tower
        if (m_IsSpawnActive)
            // check that the mouse button is not currently pressed
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                Time.timeScale  = 1;
                m_IsSpawnActive = false;                                                // set the spawn active flag to false

                DestroyImmediate(m_Indicator.GetComponent <Renderer>().material);       // destroy the spawn indicator material
                Destroy(m_Indicator);                                                   // destroy the spawn indicator

                // check if the user has enough nutrients to spawn a tower
                if (m_IsMouseOverWallLastFrame && m_GameManager.nutrients - TOWER_BASE_COST >= 0)
                    // if they do have enough nutrients
                    m_SpawnedTower.GetComponent <Tower> ().enabled = true;                                          // enable the tower
                    m_SpawnedTower.transform.position          = wall.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0); // set it's location on the wall
                    m_SpawnedTower.GetComponent <Tower>().wall = wall;                                              // set the reference to the wall the tower is on
                    m_SpawnedTower.GetComponent <TowerMenu> ().Initialize();                                        // initialize the tower menu
                    m_GameManager.nutrients = m_GameManager.nutrients - TOWER_BASE_COST;                            // deduct cost

                    // play placement sound

                    // track stats
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SIStats_towersPlaced", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SIStats_towersPlaced") + 1);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SIStats_nutrientsSpent", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SIStats_nutrientsSpent") + TOWER_BASE_COST);
                    // if they didn't have enough nutrients to place the tower then destroy it
                    m_SpawnedTower = null;
                // if they haven't tried to place the tower by clicking/tapping keep letting them drag the tower
                m_SpawnedTower.transform.position = MDPUtility.MouseToWorldPosition() + Vector3.up;

                // check if the tower is over a wall or not and color the indicator red or green accordingly
                // also adjust the indicator position so it is still centered over the tower
                m_Indicator.transform.position = MDPUtility.MouseToWorldPosition() + Vector3.up;
                Color color = m_IsMouseOverWallLastFrame ? :;
                color.a = 0.5f;
                m_Indicator.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = color;

        m_IsMouseOverWallLastFrame = IsMouseOverWall;           // set the "last frame" variable to the value from this frame
Esempio n. 7
  * function that helps tower menu initialization
  * this is called by the tower spawner when a tower is spawned and helps the tower menu show up
  * in the correct location when brought up for a tower
 public void Initialize()
     m_ScreenPosition    = MDPUtility.WorldToScreenPosition(transform.position);
     m_ScreenPosition.y -= Screen.height * (105f / 768f);