Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function added to display result of cpu exercizer test
        /// </summary>
        public void PerformMultipleStep(string fullPath, int memoryOffset)
            if (MCU.LoadFileInMemoryAt(fullPath, memoryOffset))
                _currentState = TCurrentState.RUNNING;
                while (_currentState != TCurrentState.STOPPED)
                    if (!_cpu.Halted)

                    // CP/M warm boot (test finished and restarted itself)
                    if (_cpu.PC == 0x00)
                        _currentState = TCurrentState.STOPPED;

                    // Call to CP/M bios emulated function to write characters on screen
                    if (_cpu.PC == 0x05)
Esempio n. 2
            public Status SetMCU(MCU _mcu)
                if (mode == Mode.USB_HID &&
                    (mcu != MCU.MSP430_F5xx &&
                     mcu != MCU.MSP430_F543x_A &&
                     mcu != MCU.MSP430_F543x_NON_A &&
                     mcu != MCU.MSP430_F6xx))

                mcu = _mcu;

                if (mode == Mode.USB_HID)
                    protocol = Protocol.USB_5_6;
                    if (_mcu == MCU.MSP430_F1xx ||
                        _mcu == MCU.MSP430_F2xx ||
                        _mcu == MCU.MSP430_F4xx ||
                        _mcu == MCU.MSP430_G2xx3)
                        protocol = Protocol.UART_1_2_4;
                        protocol = Protocol.UART_5_6;
        public MCUDefinitionFromProject GenerateMCUDefinitionFromProject(ReconfigurableProjectImportParameters parameters, IProjectImportService service)
            var gpdscFile = Path.ChangeExtension(parameters.ProjectFile, ".gpdsc");

            var    parsedProject = ParseProjectFile(gpdscFile, true);
            string baseDir       = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(parameters.ProjectFile));

            var mcu = new MCU
                ID = parsedProject.DeviceName,
                AdditionalSourceFiles = parsedProject.AllFiles.Where(f => f.EndsWith(".h", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Select(f => MakeBSPPath(f, baseDir)).ToArray(),
                AdditionalHeaderFiles = parsedProject.AllFiles.Where(f => !f.EndsWith(".h", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Select(f => MakeBSPPath(f, baseDir)).ToArray(),
                CompilationFlags      = new ToolFlags
                    IncludeDirectories = parsedProject.IncludeDirectories.Select(d => MakeBSPPath(d, baseDir)).ToArray(),
                    PreprocessorMacros = parsedProject.PreprocessorMacros.ToArray(),
                    COMMONFLAGS        = parsedProject.CFLAGS,
                    LinkerScript       = MakeBSPPath(parsedProject.LinkerScript, baseDir),

            return(new MCUDefinitionFromProject
                MCU = mcu,
                VirtualFolderStructure = parsedProject.RootDirectory,
Esempio n. 4
        static void CompareField(MCU m1, MCU m2, string fieldName)
            object o1 = typeof(MCU).GetField(fieldName).GetValue(m1);
            object o2 = typeof(MCU).GetField(fieldName).GetValue(m2);

            if (!o1.Equals(o2))
                Console.WriteLine($"Mismatching {fieldName} for {m1.ID}: {o1:x} => {o2:x}");
Esempio n. 5
 public void Run(string[] multipleRomFiles)
     if (_currentState == TCurrentState.STOPPED)
         if (MCU.LoadMultipleFiles(multipleRomFiles))
             _currentState = TCurrentState.RUNNING;
             _timer        = new Timer(TimerAsync_CallBack, null, 0, Timeout.Infinite);
Esempio n. 6
 public void Run(String fullPath, int offset)
     if (_currentState == TCurrentState.STOPPED)
         if (MCU.LoadFileInMemoryAt(fullPath, offset))
             _currentState = TCurrentState.RUNNING;
             _timer        = new Timer(TimerAsync_CallBack, null, 0, Timeout.Infinite);
Esempio n. 7
        public void DetectAndApplyMemorySizes(MCU mcu, string linkerScript)
            linkerScript = _LinkerScriptCache.ProvidePreprocessedLinkerScript(linkerScript, 0);

            string tmpFile = Path.GetTempPath() + "LinkerScriptQuery.c";

            File.WriteAllText(tmpFile, "");
            string mapFile = Path.ChangeExtension(tmpFile, ".map");
            var    proc    = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(Path.Combine(toolchainDir, @"bin\arm-eabi-gcc.exe"), $"-T {linkerScript} {tmpFile} -Wl,-Map,{mapFile} -Wl,--defsym,__Vectors=0 -Wl,--defsym,Stack_Size=0")
                UseShellExecute        = false,
                RedirectStandardError  = true,
                RedirectStandardOutput = true,

            var rgMemory = new Regex("^([^ \t]+)[ \t]+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)[ \t]+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)");
            var memories = File.ReadAllLines(mapFile)
                           .SkipWhile(l => !l.Contains("Memory Configuration"))
                           .TakeWhile(l => !l.Contains("Linker script and memory map"))
                           .Select(l => rgMemory.Match(l))
                           .Where(m => m.Success)
                           .Select(m => new MCUMemory {
                Name = m.Groups[1].Value, Address = uint.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier), Size = uint.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
                           .Where(m => m.Name != "*default*")

            mcu.MemoryMap = new AdvancedMemoryMap {
                Memories = memories
            var flash = memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.ToUpper() == "FLASH" || m.Name == "m_text" || m.Name == "ROM" || m.Name == "rom" || m.Name == "MFlash256");
            var ram   = memories.First(m => m.Name.ToUpper() == "RAM" || m.Name == "m_data" || m.Name == "RAM_INTERN" || m.Name == "SRAM1" || m.Name == "RAM0" || m.Name.StartsWith("Ram0_") || m.Name.StartsWith("DSRAM_"));

            if (flash == null)
                if (mcu.ID != "LPC4330_M4" && mcu.ID != "LPC4337" && mcu.ID != "LPC4330_M0")
                    throw new Exception("Could not locate FLASH memory");
                mcu.FLASHSize = (int)flash.Size;
                mcu.FLASHBase = (uint)flash.Address;

            mcu.RAMSize = (int)ram.Size;
            mcu.RAMBase = (uint)ram.Address;
        private static void FixGPDSCErrors(BoardSupportPackage bsp, MCU mcu, string extractedProjectDirectory, FlagsFromMakefile flagsFromMakefile, string relativeFLASHScript)
            //1. Startup files may not be referenced in the GPDSC file
            string[] startupFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, Path.GetDirectoryName(relativeFLASHScript)), "*.c")
                                    .Select(f => "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + f.Substring(extractedProjectDirectory.Length).TrimStart('\\').Replace('\\', '/'))
                                    .Except(bsp.Frameworks.SelectMany(fw => fw.AdditionalSourceFiles))

            //2. Some include directories are not referenced in the GPDSC file
            string[] extraIncludeDirs = flagsFromMakefile.RelativeIncludeDirs
                                        .Select(d => "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + d)
                                        .Except(bsp.Frameworks.SelectMany(fw => fw.AdditionalIncludeDirs))

            mcu.AdditionalSourceFiles = startupFiles;
            mcu.CompilationFlags      = mcu.CompilationFlags.Merge(new ToolFlags {
                IncludeDirectories = extraIncludeDirs
Esempio n. 9
        private Emulator()
            _currentState        = TCurrentState.STOPPED;
            _nextVblankInterrupt = GPU.END_VBLANK_OPCODE;

            _mcu = new MCUR();

            _cpu = new CPU();

            _gpu = new GPU();

            _devices   = new Devices();
            _stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            _currentState = TCurrentState.STOPPED;
            _autoReset    = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Esempio n. 10
        public void StartStop()
            string err = "";

            if (this.ControlProcess.Password.Length != 0 &&
                !this.ControlProcess.ValidateBslPassword(this.ControlProcess.Password.Length / 2, this.ControlProcess.MCU))
                err += $"{ERR1}\n";

            if (this.FwPath == "" || !File.Exists(this.FwPath))
                err += $"{ERR2}\n";

            if (err != "")
                MessageBox.Show(err.TrimEnd('\n'), "BSL430.NET", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

            MCU mcu = this.ControlProcess.MCU;

            if (this.FirstUpload && (mcu == MCU.MSP430_F1xx || mcu == MCU.MSP430_F2xx || mcu == MCU.MSP430_F4xx || mcu == MCU.MSP430_G2xx3))
                var result = MessageBox.Show("As this is your first upload, and you are targetting old 1xx/2xx/4xx protocol, you should be careful. " +
                                             "If you dont enter password, Mass Erase is executed first. This is standard procedure when targetting newer 5xx/6xx protocol. " +
                                             "However old 1xx/2xx/4xx bootloader protocols erase complete memory including Info A (with CALIBRATION data) if Mass Erase is executed " +
                                             "or incorrect password is entered, provided LOCK A bit is not set.\n\nDo you still want to continue?",
                                             "BSL430.NET", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    this.FirstUpload = false;

        public MCU[] LoadMCUList(IProjectImportService service, Dictionary <string, string> toolLocations)
            var        stm32cubeMXExe = toolLocations[_STM32CubeMX.ID];
            var        xmlFile        = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(stm32cubeMXExe), @"db\mcu\families.xml");
            List <MCU> result         = new List <MCU>();

            var xml = new XmlDocument();

            foreach (var family in xml.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("Family").OfType <XmlElement>())
                var familyName = family.GetAttribute("Name");
                foreach (var subfamily in family.SelectNodes("SubFamily").OfType <XmlElement>())
                    var subfamilyName = subfamily.GetAttribute("Name");
                    foreach (var mcu in subfamily.SelectNodes("Mcu").OfType <XmlElement>())
                        var mcuName = mcu.GetAttribute("Name");
                        var refName = mcu.GetAttribute("RefName");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mcuName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(refName))
                            var mcuObject = new MCU
                                ID = refName,
                                //UserFriendlyName = mcuName,

                            int.TryParse(mcu.SelectSingleNode("Flash")?.InnerText, out mcuObject.FLASHSize);
                            int.TryParse(mcu.SelectSingleNode("Ram")?.InnerText, out mcuObject.RAMSize);

                            mcuObject.FLASHSize       *= 1024;
                            mcuObject.RAMSize         *= 1024;
                            mcuObject.HierarchicalPath = $"{familyName}\\{subfamilyName}";


Esempio n. 12
        public void StartStop()
            MCU mcu = this.ControlProcess.MCU;

            if (this.FirstErase && (mcu == MCU.MSP430_F1xx || mcu == MCU.MSP430_F2xx || mcu == MCU.MSP430_F4xx || mcu == MCU.MSP430_G2xx3))
                var result = MessageBox.Show("As this is your first erase, and you are targetting old 1xx/2xx/4xx protocol, you should be careful. " +
                                             "Old 1xx/2xx/4xx bootloader protocols erase complete memory including Info A (with CALIBRATION data) if Mass Erase is executed, " +
                                             "provided LOCK A bit is not set.\n\nDo you still want to continue?", "BSL430.NET", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    this.FirstErase = false;

Esempio n. 13
        internal void CopyAndAttachRegisterDefinitions(MCU mcu)
            foreach (var rule in nameRules)
                var m = rule.Key.Match(mcu.ID);
                if (m.Success)
                    string devRegex = rule.Value;
                    for (int i = 1; i < m.Groups.Count; i++)
                        devRegex = devRegex.Replace(@"\" + i, m.Groups[i].Value);

                    Regex  devRegexObj = new Regex(devRegex);
                    string definition  = null;
                    foreach (var dev in mcuDefs)
                        if (devRegexObj.IsMatch(dev.Key))
                            definition = dev.Value;

                    if (definition == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nWarning: cannot find device register definition for " + devRegex);
                        mcu.MCUDefinitionFile = "DeviceDefinitions/" + Path.GetFileName(definition);
                        string targetPath = Path.Combine(mbedRoot, mcu.MCUDefinitionFile + ".gz");
                        File.Copy(definition + ".gz", targetPath, true);
Esempio n. 14
 public MCU(string id, string desc = null, string signature = null, int flash = 0, int eeprom = 0, MCU parent = null)
     : base(id, desc, parent)
     if (signature != null)
         this.signature = signature.ToLower();
     this.flash  = flash;
     this.eeprom = eeprom;
Esempio n. 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var generator = new MbedBSPGenerator("5.9.2");

            bool skipRescan = args.Contains("/norescan");

            string suffix = "";


            ParsedTargetList parsedTargets = XmlTools.LoadObject <ParsedTargetList>(Path.Combine(generator.outputDir, "mbed", "ParsedTargets.xml"));


            BoardSupportPackage bsp = new BoardSupportPackage
                PackageID            = "com.sysprogs.arm.mbed",
                PackageDescription   = "ARM mbed",
                PackageVersion       = generator.Version + suffix,
                GNUTargetID          = "arm-eabi",
                GeneratedMakFileName = "mbed.mak",
                BSPSourceFolderName  = "mbed Files"

            var validTargets = parsedTargets.Targets.Where(t => t.BaseConfiguration != null).ToArray();

            MCUFamily commonFamily = new MCUFamily
                ID = "MBED_CORE",
                AdditionalSourceFiles         = generator.ConvertPaths(Intersect(validTargets.Select(t => t.BaseConfiguration.SourceFiles))),
                AdditionalHeaderFiles         = generator.ConvertPaths(Intersect(validTargets.Select(t => t.BaseConfiguration.HeaderFiles))),
                SymbolsRequiredByLinkerScript = new[] { "__Vectors", "Stack_Size" },
                CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                    IncludeDirectories = generator.ConvertPaths(Intersect(validTargets.Select(t => t.BaseConfiguration.IncludeDirectories))),
                    PreprocessorMacros = Intersect(validTargets.Select(t => t.BaseConfiguration.EffectivePreprocessorMacros))

            bsp.MCUFamilies = new[] { commonFamily };

            List <MCU> mcus = new List <MCU>();
            Dictionary <string, ConditionalConfigAggregator> libraryAndFeatureConfigs = new Dictionary <string, ConditionalConfigAggregator>();

            Console.WriteLine("Generating target definitions...");

            foreach (var target in validTargets)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.BaseConfiguration.LinkerScript))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Skipping {target.ID}: no linker script defined");

                var mcu = new MCU
                    FamilyID = commonFamily.ID,
                    ID       = target.ID,
                    AdditionalSourceFiles = generator.ConvertPaths(target.BaseConfiguration.SourceFiles),
                    AdditionalHeaderFiles = generator.ConvertPaths(target.BaseConfiguration.HeaderFiles),
                    CompilationFlags      = new ToolFlags
                        IncludeDirectories = generator.ConvertPaths(target.BaseConfiguration.IncludeDirectories),
                        PreprocessorMacros = target.BaseConfiguration.EffectivePreprocessorMacros,
                        LinkerScript       = generator.ConvertPaths(new[] { target.BaseConfiguration.LinkerScript })[0],
                        COMMONFLAGS        = target.CFLAGS.Replace(';', ' '),
                    ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList
                        PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup>
                            new PropertyGroup
                                UniqueID   = "com.sysprogs.mbed.",
                                Properties = target.BaseConfiguration.EffectiveConfigurableProperties.ToList()

                generator.DetectAndApplyMemorySizes(mcu, target.BaseConfiguration.LinkerScript);

                if (mcu.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS.Contains("-mfloat-abi"))
                    string[] flags        = mcu.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS.Split(' ');
                    string   defaultValue = flags.First(f => f.StartsWith("-mfloat-abi"));

                    var property = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated
                        Name           = "Floating point support",
                        UniqueID       = "floatmode",
                        SuggestionList = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[]
                            new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=soft", UserFriendlyName = "Software"
                            new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=hard", UserFriendlyName = "Hardware"
                            new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=softfp", UserFriendlyName = "Hardware with Software interface"
                            new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                InternalValue = "", UserFriendlyName = "Unspecified"

                    property.DefaultEntryIndex = Enumerable.Range(0, property.SuggestionList.Length).First(i => property.SuggestionList[i].InternalValue == defaultValue);
                    flags[Array.IndexOf(flags, defaultValue)] = "$$" + mcu.ConfigurableProperties.PropertyGroups[0].UniqueID + property.UniqueID + "$$";
                    mcu.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS          = string.Join(" ", flags);

                mcu.AdditionalSourceFiles = mcu.AdditionalSourceFiles.Except(commonFamily.AdditionalSourceFiles).ToArray();
                mcu.AdditionalHeaderFiles = mcu.AdditionalHeaderFiles.Except(commonFamily.AdditionalHeaderFiles).ToArray();
                mcu.CompilationFlags.IncludeDirectories = mcu.CompilationFlags.IncludeDirectories.Except(commonFamily.CompilationFlags.IncludeDirectories).ToArray();
                mcu.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = mcu.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros.Except(commonFamily.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros).ToArray();

                foreach (var cfg in target.DerivedConfigurations)

                    ConditionalConfigAggregator agg;
                    if (!libraryAndFeatureConfigs.TryGetValue(cfg.CanonicalKey, out agg))
                        agg = libraryAndFeatureConfigs[cfg.CanonicalKey] = new ConditionalConfigAggregator(cfg);

                    agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets[target.ID] = cfg.Configuration.Subtract(target.BaseConfiguration, cfg.CanonicalKey, cfg.Library != null);

                if (!generator.ConvertSoftdevicesAndPatchTarget(mcu, target.BaseConfiguration.HexFiles))
                    mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript = generator.ConvertPath(generator.PreprocessLinkerScriptIfNeeded(mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript));


            bsp.SupportedMCUs = mcus.ToArray();
            List <FileCondition>        fileConditions   = new List <FileCondition>();
            List <ConditionalToolFlags> conditionalFlags = new List <ConditionalToolFlags>();
            List <EmbeddedFramework>    frameworks       = new List <EmbeddedFramework>();

            Console.WriteLine("Merging library build settings...");

            foreach (var agg in libraryAndFeatureConfigs.Values)
                EmbeddedFramework framework = new EmbeddedFramework
                    ID = agg.ID,
                    UserFriendlyName             = agg.Name,
                    AdditionalSourceFiles        = generator.ConvertPaths(Union(agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets.Values.Select(t => t.SourceFiles))),
                    AdditionalHeaderFiles        = generator.ConvertPaths(Union(agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets.Values.Select(t => t.HeaderFiles))),
                    AdditionalIncludeDirs        = generator.ConvertPaths(Intersect(agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets.Values.Select(t => t.IncludeDirectories))),
                    AdditionalPreprocessorMacros = Intersect(agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets.Values.Select(t => t.EffectivePreprocessorMacros)),

                var properties = Union(agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets.Values.Select(t => t.EffectiveConfigurableProperties), new PropertyComparerByID()).ToList();
                if (properties.Count > 0)
                    framework.ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList
                        PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup>
                            new PropertyGroup
                                UniqueID   = "com.sysprogs.mbed.",
                                Properties = properties

                foreach (var file in framework.AdditionalSourceFiles.Concat(framework.AdditionalHeaderFiles))
                    var targetsWhereIncluded = agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets
                                               .Where(v => generator.ConvertPaths(v.Value.SourceFiles.Concat(v.Value.HeaderFiles)).Contains(file))
                                               .Select(kv => kv.Key)

                    if (targetsWhereIncluded.Length == agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets.Count)
                        continue;   //The file is included on all targets
                    fileConditions.Add(new FileCondition {
                        FilePath = file, ConditionToInclude = new Condition.MatchesRegex {
                            Expression = "$$SYS:MCU_ID$$", Regex = "^(" + string.Join("|", targetsWhereIncluded) + ")$"

                foreach (var kv in agg.AddedSettingsPerTargets)
                    var extraIncludeDirs        = generator.ConvertPaths(kv.Value.IncludeDirectories).Except(framework.AdditionalIncludeDirs).ToArray();
                    var extraPreprocessorMacros = kv.Value.EffectivePreprocessorMacros.Except(framework.AdditionalPreprocessorMacros).ToArray();
                    if (extraIncludeDirs.Length == 0 && extraPreprocessorMacros.Length == 0)

                    ToolFlags flags = new ToolFlags();
                    if (extraIncludeDirs.Length > 0)
                        flags.IncludeDirectories = extraIncludeDirs;
                    if (extraPreprocessorMacros.Length > 0)
                        flags.PreprocessorMacros = extraPreprocessorMacros;

                    conditionalFlags.Add(new ConditionalToolFlags
                        Flags         = flags,
                        FlagCondition = new Condition.And
                            Arguments = new Condition[]
                                new Condition.ReferencesFramework {
                                    FrameworkID = framework.ID
                                new Condition.Equals {
                                    Expression = "$$SYS:MCU_ID$$", ExpectedValue = kv.Key


            bsp.FileConditions   = fileConditions.ToArray();
            bsp.ConditionalFlags = conditionalFlags.ToArray();
            bsp.Frameworks       = frameworks.ToArray();
            bsp.Examples         = generator.DetectSampleDirs();


            bool performTests = true;

            if (performTests)
Esempio n. 16
        public void ConvertSoftdevicesAndPatchTarget(MCU mcu, string[] hexFiles)
            string baseDir = Path.Combine(mbedRoot, "SysprogsGenerated");

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(baseDir, ".mbedignore"), "*");

            foreach (var hexFile in hexFiles)
                if (_ConvertedHexFiles.ContainsKey(hexFile))
                var    parsedFile     = IntelHexParser.Parse(hexFile);
                string sectionName    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hexFile).Replace('.', '_').Replace('-', '_');
                string generatedCFile = $@"{baseDir}\{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(hexFile)}.c";

                using (var fs = File.CreateText(generatedCFile))
                    fs.WriteLine($"//Converted from " + Path.GetFileName(hexFile));
                    fs.WriteLine($"//Must be loaded at 0x{parsedFile.LoadAddress:x8}");
                    fs.WriteLine($"const char __attribute__((used, section(\".{sectionName}\"))) {sectionName}[] = " + "{");
                    int cnt = 0;
                    foreach (var b in parsedFile.Data)
                        if (cnt != 0 && (cnt % 16) == 0)
                        fs.Write($"0x{b:x2}, ");

                if (!generatedCFile.StartsWith(mbedRoot, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    throw new Exception("HEX file outside mbed root");
                _ConvertedHexFiles[hexFile] = new ConvertedHexFile {
                    LoadAddress = parsedFile.LoadAddress, RelativePath = generatedCFile.Substring(mbedRoot.Length + 1), SectionName = sectionName, Size = parsedFile.Data.Length

            var hexFileList = hexFiles.Select(hf => _ConvertedHexFiles[hf]).ToList();

            if (hexFiles.Length == 0)

            hexFileList.Sort((a, b) => a.LoadAddress.CompareTo(b.LoadAddress));
            var    linkerScript = mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript;
            string patchedLinkerScript;

            if (!_PatchedLinkerScripts.TryGetValue(linkerScript, out patchedLinkerScript))
                patchedLinkerScript = Path.Combine(baseDir, Path.GetFileName(mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript));
                if (_PatchedLinkerScriptsReverse.TryGetValue(patchedLinkerScript, out string tmp) && tmp != linkerScript)
                    for (int i = 2; ; i++)
                        patchedLinkerScript = Path.Combine(baseDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript) + "_x" + i + Path.GetExtension(mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript));
                        if (!_PatchedLinkerScriptsReverse.ContainsKey(patchedLinkerScript))
                _PatchedLinkerScripts[linkerScript] = patchedLinkerScript;
                _PatchedLinkerScriptsReverse[patchedLinkerScript] = linkerScript;

                List <string> linkerScriptLines = File.ReadAllLines(linkerScript.Replace("$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$", mbedRoot)).ToList();

                int firstMemorySectionLine = Enumerable.Range(0, linkerScript.Length)
                                             .SkipWhile(i => linkerScriptLines[i].Trim() != "MEMORY")
                                             .SkipWhile(i => !linkerScriptLines[i].Contains("{"))

                int offset = 1;
                foreach (var hex in hexFileList)
                    linkerScriptLines.Insert(firstMemorySectionLine + offset++, $"  {hex.SectionName} (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x{hex.LoadAddress:x8}, LENGTH = 0x{hex.Size:x}");

                int sectionsLine = Enumerable.Range(0, linkerScript.Length)
                                   .SkipWhile(i => linkerScriptLines[i].Trim() != "SECTIONS")
                                   .SkipWhile(i => !linkerScriptLines[i].Contains("{"))

                offset = 1;

                foreach (var hex in hexFileList)
                    char   br1 = '{', br2 = '}';
                    string contents = $".{hex.SectionName} :\n{br1}\n\tKEEP(*(.{hex.SectionName}))\n{br2} > {hex.SectionName}\n";
                    foreach (var line in contents.Split('\n'))
                        linkerScriptLines.Insert(sectionsLine + offset++, "\t" + line);

                File.WriteAllLines(patchedLinkerScript.Replace("$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$", mbedRoot), linkerScriptLines);

            mcu.CompilationFlags.LinkerScript = ConvertPaths(new[] { patchedLinkerScript })[0];
            mcu.AdditionalSourceFiles         = mcu.AdditionalSourceFiles.Concat(hexFileList.Select(h => "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + h.RelativePath.Replace('\\', '/'))).ToArray();
Esempio n. 17
        public MCU GenerateDefinition(MCUFamilyBuilder fam, BSPBuilder bspBuilder, bool requirePeripheralRegisters)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LinkerScriptPath))
                throw new Exception("Linker script not defined for " + Name);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartupFile))
                throw new Exception("Startup file not defined for " + Name);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MCUDefinitionFile) && requirePeripheralRegisters)
                throw new Exception("Peripheral register definition not found for " + Name);

            var mcu = new MCU
                ID               = Name,
                FamilyID         = fam.Definition.Name,
                FLASHSize        = FlashSize,
                RAMSize          = RAMSize,
                HierarchicalPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", bspBuilder.ShortName, fam.Definition.Name),
                CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                    PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { bspBuilder.GetMCUTypeMacro(this) },
                    LinkerScript       = LinkerScriptPath,
                AdditionalSourceFiles = new string[] { StartupFile },
                MCUDefinitionFile     = MCUDefinitionFile

            if (fam.Definition.HasMixedCores)
                MCUFamilyBuilder.AddCoreSpecificFlags(true, mcu, Core);

            List <SysVarEntry> sysVars = new List <SysVarEntry>();

            foreach (var classifier in fam.Definition.Subfamilies)
                string category = classifier.TryMatchMCUName(Name);
                if (category == null)
                    if (classifier.Required)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot detect subfamily for " + Name);

                sysVars.Add(new SysVarEntry {
                    Key = classifier.VariableName, Value = category

            if (sysVars.Count > 0)
                mcu.AdditionalSystemVars = sysVars.ToArray();

            bspBuilder.GetMemoryBases(out mcu.FLASHBase, out mcu.RAMBase);
Esempio n. 18
        public static MCU GenerateMCUDefinition(string bspDir, string linkerScript, string generatorResourceDir, string target, string debugComponentDir)
            string mcuName        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(linkerScript).TrimStart('D');
            string copiedFilesDir = Path.Combine(bspDir, "DeviceFiles", mcuName);

            File.Copy(linkerScript, Path.Combine(bspDir, "LinkerScripts", Path.GetFileName(linkerScript)), true);
            Dictionary <string, int> memorySizes = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            Regex rgMemory = new Regex("^[ \t]+([^ ]+)[ \t]+:[ \t]+ORIGIN[ \t]*=[ \t]*0x([0-9a-fA-F]+),[ \t]*LENGTH[ \t]*=[ \t]*([0-9]+)");

            foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(linkerScript))
                var m = rgMemory.Match(line);
                if (m.Success)
                    memorySizes[m.Groups[1].Value] = int.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value);

            List <string> headers = new List <string>();

            foreach (var rf in RenamedFiles)
                string file = Path.Combine(generatorResourceDir, string.Format(rf.SourceFileFormat, mcuName));
                if (!File.Exists(file))
                    Directory.Delete(copiedFilesDir, true);

                var lines = File.ReadAllLines(file);
                if (rf.MakeWeakFunctions)
                    Regex rgFunc = new Regex("void[ \t]+(INT_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[ \t]*\\(void\\)");
                    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                        var m = rgFunc.Match(lines[i]);
                        if (m.Success)
                            lines[i] = lines[i].Substring(0, m.Groups[1].Index) + "__attribute__((weak)) " + lines[i].Substring(m.Groups[1].Index);

                File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(copiedFilesDir, rf.TargetFileName), lines);

                if (rf.TargetFileName.EndsWith(".h"))

            var mcu = new MCU
                ID               = mcuName,
                FamilyID         = target,
                CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                    IncludeDirectories = new[] { $"$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/DeviceFiles/{mcuName}" },
                    LinkerScript       = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/LinkerScripts/" + Path.GetFileName(linkerScript),
                    LDFLAGS            = "-nostartfiles -Wl,-e_PowerON_Reset",
                    COMMONFLAGS        = "$$com.sysprogs.renesas.doubles$$ $$com.sysprogs.renesas.core$$",
                AdditionalSourcesRequiredForTesting = true,
                AdditionalHeaderFiles = headers.ToArray()

            string peripheralFile = Path.Combine(debugComponentDir, "IoFiles", mcuName + ".sfrx");

            if (File.Exists(peripheralFile))
                var doc = new XmlDocument();

                MCUDefinition definition = new MCUDefinition
                    MCUName      = mcuName,
                    RegisterSets = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("moduletable/module").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(TransformRegisterSet).Where(s => s != null).ToArray()

                using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(bspDir, "DeviceDefinitions", mcuName + ".xml.gz"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    using (var gs = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Compress))
                        XmlTools.SaveObjectToStream(definition, gs);

                mcu.MCUDefinitionFile = $"DeviceDefinitions/{mcuName}.xml";

            memorySizes.TryGetValue("ROM", out mcu.FLASHSize);
            memorySizes.TryGetValue("RAM", out mcu.RAMSize);
Esempio n. 19
        static void GenerateBSP(string toolchainDir, string ccsDir)
            string[] keys = null;

            string bspDir = toolchainDir + @"\msp430-bsp";

            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > tiMCUs = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(@"..\..\msp430.csv"))
                string[] cells = line.Split(';');
                if (keys == null)
                    keys = cells;

                Dictionary <string, string> entry = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
                    entry[keys[i]] = cells[i];

                tiMCUs[cells[0]] = entry;
                int idx = cells[0].IndexOf('-');
                if (idx != -1)
                    tiMCUs[cells[0].Substring(0, idx)] = entry;

            Regex rgLen    = new Regex(".*LENGTH = 0x([0-9a-fA-F]{4}).*");
            Regex rgOrigin = new Regex(".*ORIGIN = 0x([0-9a-fA-F]{4}).*");
            Regex rgPeriph = new Regex("__([^ ]+) = (0x[a-fA-F0-9]+);");

            List <string>    families = new List <string>();
            List <MCU>       MCUs     = new List <MCU>();
            List <MCUFamily> famList  = new List <MCUFamily>();

            Directory.CreateDirectory(bspDir + "\\devices");

            XmlSerializer regSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MCUDefinition));

            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(toolchainDir, "include"), "*.h");

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                string file = files[i];

                var    proc    = new Process();
                string mcuName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).ToLower();

                proc.StartInfo.FileName               = toolchainDir + @"\bin\msp430-elf-gcc.exe";
                proc.StartInfo.Arguments              = $"-I. -E {mcuName}.h -o - -mmcu={mcuName}";
                proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory       = Path.Combine(toolchainDir, "include");
                proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

                List <string> lines = new List <string>();
                for (; ;)
                    var line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null)

                if (proc.ExitCode != 0)

                List <HardwareRegister> regs = new List <HardwareRegister>();

                MCU mcu = new MCU();
                mcu.ID = mcuName;
                mcu.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mmcu=" + mcuName;

                string ld = Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".ld");
                if (!File.Exists(ld))
                foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(ld))
                    if (line.StartsWith("  RAM"))
                        var m = rgLen.Match(line);
                        mcu.RAMSize = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        m           = rgOrigin.Match(line);
                        mcu.RAMBase = uint.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                    if (line.StartsWith("  ROM"))
                        var m = rgLen.Match(line);
                        mcu.FLASHSize = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        m             = rgOrigin.Match(line);
                        mcu.FLASHBase = uint.Parse(m.Groups[1].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                if (mcu.RAMSize == 0)
                    throw new Exception("RAM size cannot be 0");

                foreach (var line in lines)
                    Regex rgRegister = new Regex("extern volatile (.*) ([^ ]+) __asm__\\(\"([^\"]+)\"\\)");

                    var m = rgRegister.Match(line);
                    if (!m.Success)
                        if (line.Contains("extern") && line.Contains("__asm__"))
                            throw new Exception("Suspicious line");

                    string type = m.Groups[1].Value;
                    string name = m.Groups[2].Value;
                    if (name.EndsWith("_H") || name.EndsWith("_L"))
                    if (!m.Groups[3].Value.StartsWith("0x"))
                        throw new Exception("Invalid addr for " + name);
                    ulong addr = ulong.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value.Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                    HardwareRegister reg = new HardwareRegister();
                    // TODO: the registers are not all 8 bits
                    // According to some datasheets (not all were checked):
                    // 01FFh to 0100h -> 16 bits
                    // 0FFh to 010h -> 8bits
                    // 0Fh to 00h -> 8-bit SFR (special function register)
                    if (type == "unsigned char")
                        reg.SizeInBits = 8;
                    else if (type == "unsigned int")
                        reg.SizeInBits = 16;
                    else if (type == "unsigned long int")
                        reg.SizeInBits = 32;
                        throw new Exception("Unknown type");

                    reg.Name    = name;
                    reg.Address = m.Groups[3].Value;

                string family = "Other";

                Dictionary <string, string> info;
                if (tiMCUs.TryGetValue(mcu.ID, out info))
                    family = info["Description"];

                int idx = families.IndexOf(family);
                if (idx == -1)
                    idx = families.Count;
                    famList.Add(new MCUFamily {
                        ID = "fam_" + idx, UserFriendlyName = family, CompilationFlags = null

                mcu.FamilyID          = "fam_" + idx.ToString();
                mcu.MCUDefinitionFile = "devices\\" + mcu.ID + ".xml";
                mcu.HierarchicalPath  = family;

                MCUDefinition desc = new MCUDefinition {
                    MCUName = mcu.ID, RegisterSets = new HardwareRegisterSet[] { new HardwareRegisterSet {
                                                                                     Registers = regs.ToArray()
                                                                                 } }
                };                                                                                                                                                                   //, Specs = specs };
                AdjustHardwareRegisters(ccsDir, mcu.ID, ref desc.RegisterSets);

                using (var fs = File.Create(bspDir + "\\" + mcu.MCUDefinitionFile + ".gz"))
                    using (var gs = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Compress))
                        regSer.Serialize(gs, desc);

                Console.WriteLine($"Processed {mcuName} ({i}/{files.Length}) [{i * 100 / files.Length}%]");

            //Build the XML file
            BoardSupportPackage bsp = new BoardSupportPackage {
                GNUTargetID = "msp430", PackageID = "com.sysprogs.msp430.core", PackageDescription = "MSP430 MCUs"

            bsp.SupportedMCUs       = MCUs.ToArray();
            bsp.MCUFamilies         = famList.ToArray();
            bsp.DebugMethodPackages = new string[] { "debuggers\\core", "debuggers\\mspdebug" };

            bsp.Examples = new string[] { "Samples\\LEDBlink" };

            bsp.AdditionalGCCFlags = new PropertyList
                PropertyGroups = new PropertyGroup[] { new PropertyGroup {
                                                           Name       = "MSP430 Options",
                                                           Properties = new PropertyEntry[] {
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Boolean {
                                                                   Name          = "Disable watchdog on startup",
                                                                   Description   = "Link the crt0 modules that disable the watchdog on startup",
                                                                   UniqueID      = "com.sysprogs.msp430.mdisable-watchdog",
                                                                   ValueForTrue  = "-mdisable-watchdog",
                                                                   ValueForFalse = "",
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Boolean {
                                                                   Name          = "Enable libcalls for shifts",
                                                                   Description   = "Use library routines for non-constant shifts",
                                                                   UniqueID      = "com.sysprogs.msp430.menable-libcall-shift",
                                                                   ValueForTrue  = "-menable-libcall-shift",
                                                                   ValueForFalse = "",
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Boolean {
                                                                   Name          = "Inline hardware multiplication",
                                                                   Description   = "Issue inline multiplication code for 32-bit integers",
                                                                   UniqueID      = "com.sysprogs.msp430.minline-hwmul",
                                                                   ValueForTrue  = "-minline-hwmul",
                                                                   ValueForFalse = "",
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Enumerated {
                                                                   Name           = "Interrupt vector count",
                                                                   Description    = "Specify number of interrupt vectors on chip:",
                                                                   UniqueID       = "com.sysprogs.msp430.mivcnt",
                                                                   GNUPrefix      = "-mivcnt=",
                                                                   SuggestionList = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[]
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "", UserFriendlyName = "(default)"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "16"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "32"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "64"
                                                                   AllowFreeEntry = true,
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Enumerated {
                                                                   Name           = "Hardware multiplier",
                                                                   Description    = "Define available hardware multiplier",
                                                                   UniqueID       = "com.sysprogs.msp430.mmpy",
                                                                   GNUPrefix      = "-mmpy=",
                                                                   SuggestionList = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[]
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "", UserFriendlyName = "(default)"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "16"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "16se"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "32"
                                                                       new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                                           InternalValue = "32dw"
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Boolean {
                                                                   Name          = "No hardware multiplication in ISRs",
                                                                   Description   = "Assume interrupt routine does not do hardware multiplication",
                                                                   UniqueID      = "com.sysprogs.msp430.noint-hwmul",
                                                                   ValueForTrue  = "-noint-hwmul",
                                                                   ValueForFalse = "",
                                                               new PropertyEntry.Boolean {
                                                                   Name          = "Prologue space optimization",
                                                                   Description   = "Use subroutine call for function prologue/epilogue when possible",
                                                                   UniqueID      = "com.sysprogs.msp430.msave-prologue",
                                                                   ValueForTrue  = "-msave-prologue",
                                                                   ValueForFalse = "",
                                                       } }

            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BoardSupportPackage), PropertyEntry.EntryTypes);
            using (var fs = File.Create(bspDir + "\\BSP.xml"))
                ser.Serialize(fs, bsp);

            var lBsp = LoadedBSP.Load(new BSPSummary(bspDir), null);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets MCU family. Default is MSP430_F5xx.
 /// Please see TI BSL doc (slau319t.pdf) for supported MCUs and their modes.
 /// </summary>
 public Status SetMCU(MCU Mcu)
     return(dev.SetMCU(Mcu) ?? Utils.StatusCreateEx(466));
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extractedProjectDirectory"></param>
        /// <param name="sink"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BoardSupportPackage GenerateBSPForSTARTProject(string extractedProjectDirectory, IWarningSink sink)
            var gpdscFile = Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, "AtmelStart.gpdsc");

            if (!File.Exists(gpdscFile))
                throw new Exception($"{gpdscFile} does not exist!");

            var gccMakefile = Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, "gcc\\Makefile");

            if (!File.Exists(gccMakefile))
                throw new Exception($"{gccMakefile} does not exist. {GCCExportHint}");

            var xml = new XmlDocument();

            string device = null;

            foreach (var node in xml.SelectNodes("package/generators/generator/select").OfType <XmlElement>())
                var name   = node.GetAttribute("Dname");
                var vendor = node.GetAttribute("Dvendor");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendor) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    device = name;

            if (device == null)
                throw new Exception($"Could not find the device ID in {gpdscFile}");

            var flagsFromMakefile = ScanMakefileForCommonFlags(gccMakefile);

            var bsp = new BoardSupportPackage
                PackageID          = "com.sysprogs.arm.samd21",
                GNUTargetID        = "arm-eabi",
                PackageDescription = $"ATSAMD21 Support",
                BSPImporterID      = ID,
                MCUFamilies        = new[] { new MCUFamily {
                                                 ID = "ATSAMD21"
                                             } },
                Frameworks = xml.SelectNodes("package/components/component").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(GenerateFrameworkForComponent).Where(f => f != null).ToArray(),

                EmbeddedSamples = new[]
                    new EmbeddedProjectSample
                        Name                    = "Default Project",
                        Description             = "A basic project generated by Atmel START",
                        AdditionalSourcesToCopy = new[]
                            new AdditionalSourceFile
                                SourcePath     = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/main.c",
                                TargetFileName = "$$PROJECTNAME$$.c",
            List <MCU> mcus = new List <MCU>();
            Dictionary <string, int> headers = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            string[] strFileMCU    = File.ReadAllLines("../../McuAtmel.csv");
            bool     header_row    = true;
            var      linkerScripts = DetectLinkerScripts(extractedProjectDirectory);

            for (int il = 0; il < strFileMCU.Length; il++)
                string   line  = strFileMCU[il];
                string[] items = line.Split(',');

                if (header_row)
                    for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                        headers[items[i]] = i;

                    header_row = false;
                String size = items[headers["Device Name"]].Substring(9, 2);
                String LinkerScriptLocation = linkerScripts.RelativeFLASHScript.Substring(0, linkerScripts.RelativeFLASHScript.LastIndexOf("/")) + "/samd21g" + size + "_flash.ld";
                var    memories             = ScanLinkerScriptForMemories(Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, LinkerScriptLocation));
                LinkerScriptLocation = LinkerScriptLocation.Replace("*", "$$com.sysprogs.bspoptions.primary_memory$$");

                LinkerScriptLocation = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + LinkerScriptLocation;
                var newMcu = new MCU
                    ID       = items[headers["Device Name"]],
                    FamilyID = "ATSAMD21",

                    FLASHBase = (uint)0,
                    FLASHSize = Int32.Parse(items[headers["Flash (kBytes)"]]),

                    RAMBase = (uint)536870912,
                    RAMSize = Int32.Parse(items[headers["SRAM (kBytes)"]]),

                    CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                        PreprocessorMacros = new[] { $"__{items[headers["Device Name"]]}__" },
                        COMMONFLAGS        = string.Join(" ", flagsFromMakefile.CommonFlags),
                        LinkerScript       = linkerScripts.LinkerScriptFormat,
                        IncludeDirectories = flagsFromMakefile.RelativeIncludeDirs?.Select(d => "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + d).ToArray(),
                        LDFLAGS            = "-Wl,--entry=Reset_Handler",              //Unless this is specified explicitly, the gdb's "load" command won't set $pc to the entry point, requiring an explicit device reset.

                    ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList
                        PropertyGroups = new[] { linkerScripts.ToPropertyGroup() }.Where(g => g != null).ToList()

                    MemoryMap = new AdvancedMemoryMap
                        Memories = memories.ToArray()
                FixGPDSCErrors(bsp, newMcu, extractedProjectDirectory, flagsFromMakefile, linkerScripts.RelativeFLASHScript);
            bsp.SupportedMCUs = mcus.ToArray();
            List <AdditionalSourceFile> sourceFilesList = bsp.EmbeddedSamples[0].AdditionalSourcesToCopy.ToList();
            IEnumerable <String>        files           = Directory.EnumerateFiles(extractedProjectDirectory);

            foreach (String item in files)
                String target = "";
                if (item.EndsWith(".h"))
                    target = "inc/" + Path.GetFileName(item);
                else if (item.EndsWith(".c"))
                    target = "src/" + Path.GetFileName(item);
                AdditionalSourceFile a = new AdditionalSourceFile
                    SourcePath     = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + Path.GetFileName(item),
                    TargetFileName = target,
            files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(extractedProjectDirectory + "/config");
            foreach (String item in files)
                String target = "";
                if (item.EndsWith(".h"))
                    target = "config/" + Path.GetFileName(item);
                AdditionalSourceFile a = new AdditionalSourceFile
                    SourcePath     = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/config/" + Path.GetFileName(item),
                    TargetFileName = target,
            bsp.EmbeddedSamples[0].AdditionalSourcesToCopy = sourceFilesList.ToArray();
            String path = Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, LoadedBSP.PackageFileName);

            XmlTools.SaveObject(bsp, path);
Esempio n. 22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                throw new Exception("Usage: risc-v.exe <freedom-e-sdk directory with build logs>");

            const string TargetVariable       = "";
            const string LinkerScriptVariant  = "com.sysprogs.riscv.linkerscript";
            string       linkerScriptTemplate = $"$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/bsp/$${TargetVariable}$$/metal.$${LinkerScriptVariant}$$.lds";
            const string FamilyName           = "SIFIVE";

            using (var bspBuilder = new RISCVBSPBuilder(new BSPDirectories(args[0], @"..\..\Output", @"..\..\rules", @"..\..\logs")))
                BoardSupportPackage bsp = new BoardSupportPackage
                    PackageID            = "com.sysprogs.arm.riscv.sifive",
                    PackageDescription   = "SiFive Freedom E Devices",
                    GNUTargetID          = "riscv64-unknown-elf",
                    RequiredToolchainID  = "com.visualgdb.risc-v",
                    GeneratedMakFileName = "sifive.mak",
                    PackageVersion       = "1.0",
                    MinimumEngineVersion = "5.4",

                    MCUFamilies = new[]
                        new MCUFamily
                            ID = FamilyName,
                            CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                                IncludeDirectories  = new[] { $"$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/bsp/$${TargetVariable}$$/install/include" },
                                LinkerScript        = linkerScriptTemplate,
                                AdditionalLibraries = new[] { "c", "gcc", "m" },

                            ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList
                                PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup>
                                    new PropertyGroup
                                        Properties = new List <PropertyEntry>
                                            new PropertyEntry.Enumerated
                                                UniqueID       = LinkerScriptVariant,
                                                Name           = "Default Linker Script",
                                                SuggestionList = new [] { "default", "freertos", "ramrodata", "scratchpad" }.Select(s => new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion {
                                                    InternalValue = s

                List <MCU> mcus = new List <MCU>();
                var        commonPseudofamily = new MCUFamilyBuilder(bspBuilder, XmlTools.LoadObject <FamilyDefinition>(bspBuilder.Directories.RulesDir + @"\CommonFiles.xml"));
                List <MCUDefinitionWithPredicate> registers = new List <MCUDefinitionWithPredicate>();

                foreach (var bspDir in Directory.GetDirectories(Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.InputDir, "bsp")))
                    var target  = Path.GetFileName(bspDir);
                    var logFile = Path.Combine(bspBuilder.Directories.InputDir, target + ".log");
                    if (!File.Exists(logFile))
                        throw new Exception($"Missing {logFile}. Please run in the SDK directory using WSL.");

                    var parsedLog = BuildLogFileParser.ParseRISCVBuildLog(logFile);
                    if (parsedLog.LinkerScript == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unknown linker script");

                    var script = bspBuilder.WSLPathToBSPPath(parsedLog.LinkerScript).Replace('/', '\\');
                    if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(script, linkerScriptTemplate.Replace($"$${TargetVariable}$$", target).Replace($"$${LinkerScriptVariant}$$", "default").Replace('/', '\\')) != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected linker script: " + script);

                    var memories = LinkerScriptTools.ScanLinkerScriptForMemories(script.Replace("$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$", bspBuilder.Directories.InputDir));

                    var mcu = new MCU
                        ID = target.ToUpper(),
                        UserFriendlyName = target.ToUpper(),
                        FamilyID         = FamilyName,

                        MemoryMap = new AdvancedMemoryMap
                            Memories = memories,

                        CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                            IncludeDirectories = parsedLog.allIncludes.Where(inc => inc != ".").Select(bspBuilder.WSLPathToBSPPath).ToArray(),
                            PreprocessorMacros = parsedLog.allDefines.Where(kv => !kv.Key.StartsWith("PACKAGE")).Select(kv => $"{kv.Key}={kv.Value}").ToArray(),
                            COMMONFLAGS        = string.Join(" ", parsedLog.allFlags),
                            LDFLAGS            = string.Join(" ", parsedLog.AllLDFlags),
                        AdditionalSystemVars = new[]
                            new SysVarEntry
                                Key   = TargetVariable,
                                Value = target,

                        RAMSize           = (int)(memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "ram")?.Size ?? 0),
                        FLASHSize         = (int)(memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "rom")?.Size ?? 0),
                        MCUDefinitionFile = $"DeviceDefinitions/{target.ToUpper()}.xml",

                    if (mcu.RAMSize < 0)
                        mcu.RAMSize = 0;

                    var parsedSVD = SVDParser.ParseSVDFile(Path.Combine(bspDir, "design.svd"), target.ToUpper());
                    parsedSVD.MatchPredicate = new MCUPredicateImpl(mcu).Match;

                    commonPseudofamily.MCUs.Add(new MCUBuilder {
                        Name = mcu.ID


                bsp.SupportedMCUs = mcus.ToArray();

                List <string> projectFiles = new List <string>();
                PropertyList  unused       = null;

                if (commonPseudofamily.Definition.CoreFramework != null)
                    foreach (var job in commonPseudofamily.Definition.CoreFramework.CopyJobs)
                        job.CopyAndBuildFlags(bspBuilder, projectFiles, null, ref unused, null);

                bsp.Frameworks = commonPseudofamily.GenerateFrameworkDefinitions().ToArray();

                var samples = commonPseudofamily.CopySamples(bsp.Frameworks).ToArray();
                bsp.Examples = samples.Select(s => s.RelativePath).ToArray();

                var mainFamily = bsp.MCUFamilies.First();

                if (mainFamily.AdditionalSourceFiles != null || mainFamily.AdditionalHeaderFiles != null || bsp.FileConditions != null)
                    throw new Exception("TODO: merge lists");

                mainFamily.AdditionalSourceFiles = projectFiles.Where(f => !MCUFamilyBuilder.IsHeaderFile(f)).ToArray();
                mainFamily.AdditionalHeaderFiles = projectFiles.Where(f => MCUFamilyBuilder.IsHeaderFile(f)).ToArray();
                bsp.FileConditions = bspBuilder.MatchedFileConditions.Values.ToArray();

                XmlTools.SaveObject(bsp, Path.Combine(bspBuilder.BSPRoot, "BSP.XML"));
Esempio n. 23
 public MCUPredicateImpl(MCU mcu)
     _Mcu = mcu;
Esempio n. 24
        private void get_mcu_type()
            string  file_list;
            int     i        = 0;
            int     xml_size = 0;
            XmlNode MCU;
            XmlNode next;

            i = Xml_File.Count;
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            for (i = 0; i < Xml_File.Count; i++)
                file_list = Xml_File[i] as string;
                XmlDocument       xmlDoc   = new XmlDocument();
                XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.IgnoreComments = true;
                XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(file_list, settings);
                string    temp;
                ArrayList Xml_OPTION_Name = new ArrayList();

                ArrayList Xml_OPTION_Value = new ArrayList();
                ArrayList xml_option       = new ArrayList();
                XmlNode   next2;
                XmlNode   next3;
                XmlNode   next4;

                int j = 0;

                    MCU = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("MCU");
                    //xml_size = MCU.NextSibling;
                    //mcu_tyep.CHIP_TYPE = (MCU.SelectSingleNode("/CHIP_TYPE")).InnerText;
                    next = MCU.SelectSingleNode("CHIP_TYPE");

                    // UInt16 as1=StrToHex("0x001");

                    mcu_tyep.CHIP_TYPE      = next.InnerText;
                    mcu_tyep.CHIP_NAME      = MCU.SelectSingleNode("CHIP_NAME").InnerText;
                    mcu_tyep.CHIP_ID        = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("CHIP_ID").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.ID_ADDR        = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("ID_ADDR").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.USER_ROM_START = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("USER_ROM_START").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.USER_ROM_SIZE  = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("USER_ROM_SIZE").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.CS_ADDR        = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("CS_ADDR").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.CHIP_BIT       = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("CHIP_BIT").InnerText);
                    // UInt16.Parse
                    mcu_tyep.VDD   = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("VDD").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.VPP   = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("VPP").InnerText);
                    mcu_tyep.opbit = StrToHex(MCU.SelectSingleNode("opbit").InnerText);

                    next = MCU.SelectSingleNode("OPTION");

                    for (j = 0; j < next.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                        next2 = next.SelectSingleNode(next.ChildNodes[j].Name);
                        writer_data mcu_writer_data = new writer_data();   //烧录配置
               = next.ChildNodes[j].Name;
                        mcu_writer_data.addr = StrToHex((next2.SelectSingleNode("address").InnerText));

                        string config_name;
                        int    start_bit = 0;
                        int    end_bit   = 0;
                        int    bit_size  = 0;
                        for (int k = 1; k < next2.ChildNodes.Count; k++)
                            string[] config_bit   = new string[50];
                            string[] config_value = new string[50];
                            config_name = next2.ChildNodes[k].Name;
                            next3       = next2.SelectSingleNode(next2.ChildNodes[k].Name);

                            for (int l = 2; l < next3.ChildNodes.Count; l++)
                                config_bit[l - 2]   = next3.ChildNodes[l].Name.Remove(0, 1);
                                config_value[l - 2] = next3.SelectSingleNode(next3.ChildNodes[l].Name).InnerText;
                            string bit   = next3.SelectSingleNode(next3.ChildNodes[1].Name).InnerText;
                            int    str_1 = bit.IndexOf('[');
                            int    str_2 = bit.IndexOf(':');
                            int    str_3 = bit.IndexOf(']');

                            if (str_2 < 0)
                                start_bit = int.Parse(bit.Substring(str_1 + 1, str_3 - str_1 - 1));
                                end_bit   = 0;
                                bit_size  = 1;
                                start_bit = int.Parse(bit.Substring(str_2 + 1, str_3 - str_2 - 1));
                                end_bit   = int.Parse(bit.Substring(str_1 + 1, str_2 - str_1 - 1));
                                bit_size  = end_bit - start_bit + 1;


                    /* */
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.Show(null, "程序文件出错请重新安装。\n\n这个程序即将退出。", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    //throw e;
        public static BoardSupportPackage GenerateBSPForSTARTProject(string extractedProjectDirectory, IWarningSink sink)
            var gpdscFile = Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, "AtmelStart.gpdsc");

            if (!File.Exists(gpdscFile))
                throw new Exception($"{gpdscFile} does not exist!");

            var gccMakefile = Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, "gcc\\Makefile");

            if (!File.Exists(gccMakefile))
                throw new Exception($"{gccMakefile} does not exist. {GCCExportHint}");

            var xml = new XmlDocument();

            string device = null;

            foreach (var node in xml.SelectNodes("package/generators/generator/select").OfType <XmlElement>())
                var name   = node.GetAttribute("Dname");
                var vendor = node.GetAttribute("Dvendor");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendor) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    device = name;

            if (device == null)
                throw new Exception($"Could not find the device ID in {gpdscFile}");

            var linkerScripts = DetectLinkerScripts(extractedProjectDirectory);
            var memories      = ScanLinkerScriptForMemories(Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, linkerScripts.RelativeFLASHScript));

            var flagsFromMakefile = ScanMakefileForCommonFlags(gccMakefile);

            var mcu = new MCU
                ID       = device,
                FamilyID = "ATSTART",

                FLASHBase = (uint)(memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "rom")?.Address ?? uint.MaxValue),
                FLASHSize = (int)(memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "rom")?.Size ?? uint.MaxValue),

                RAMBase = (uint)(memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "ram")?.Address ?? uint.MaxValue),
                RAMSize = (int)(memories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "ram")?.Size ?? uint.MaxValue),

                CompilationFlags = new ToolFlags
                    PreprocessorMacros = new[] { $"__{device}__" },
                    COMMONFLAGS        = string.Join(" ", flagsFromMakefile.CommonFlags),
                    LinkerScript       = linkerScripts.LinkerScriptFormat,
                    IncludeDirectories = flagsFromMakefile.RelativeIncludeDirs?.Select(d => "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/" + d).ToArray(),
                    LDFLAGS            = "-Wl,--entry=Reset_Handler", //Unless this is specified explicitly, the gdb's "load" command won't set $pc to the entry point, requiring an explicit device reset.

                ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList
                    PropertyGroups = new[] { linkerScripts.ToPropertyGroup() }.Where(g => g != null).ToList()

                MemoryMap = new AdvancedMemoryMap
                    Memories = memories.ToArray()

            var bsp = new BoardSupportPackage
                PackageID          = "com.sysprogs.atstart." + device,
                GNUTargetID        = "arm-eabi",
                PackageDescription = $"{device} Support",
                MCUFamilies        = new[] { new MCUFamily {
                                                 ID = "ATSTART"
                                             } },
                SupportedMCUs = new[] { mcu },
                Frameworks    = xml.SelectNodes("package/components/component").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(GenerateFrameworkForComponent).Where(f => f != null).ToArray(),

                EmbeddedSamples = new[]
                    new EmbeddedProjectSample
                        Name                    = "Default Project",
                        Description             = "A basic project generated by Atmel START",
                        AdditionalSourcesToCopy = new[]
                            new AdditionalSourceFile
                                SourcePath     = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/main.c",
                                TargetFileName = "$$PROJECTNAME$$.c",

            FixGPDSCErrors(bsp, mcu, extractedProjectDirectory, flagsFromMakefile, linkerScripts.RelativeFLASHScript);

            XmlTools.SaveObject(bsp, Path.Combine(extractedProjectDirectory, LoadedBSP.PackageFileName));