public override IndexInput OpenInput(System.String name)
     return(new FaultyIndexInput(fsDir.OpenInput(name)));
		private void  Demo_FSIndexInputBug(FSDirectory fsdir, System.String file)
			// Setup the test file - we need more than 1024 bytes
			IndexOutput os = fsdir.CreateOutput(file);
			for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
				os.WriteByte((byte) i);
			IndexInput in_Renamed = fsdir.OpenInput(file);
			// This read primes the buffer in IndexInput
			byte b = in_Renamed.ReadByte();
			// Close the file
			// ERROR: this call should fail, but succeeds because the buffer
			// is still filled
			b = in_Renamed.ReadByte();
			// ERROR: this call should fail, but succeeds for some reason as well
				// OK: this call correctly fails. We are now past the 1024 internal
				// buffer, so an actual IO is attempted, which fails
				b = in_Renamed.ReadByte();
				Assert.Fail("expected readByte() to throw exception");
			catch (System.Exception)
				// expected exception