public static void CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion version, bool withFilter, DataTable table, string dir) { string filePath = Path.Combine(dir, FileName.Replace(NameKey, string.Format("SpierXls_{0}", version))); DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); workbook.Version = version; Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; sheet.InsertDataTable(table, true, 1, 1, -1, -1); if (withFilter) { sheet.AutoFilters.Range = sheet.Range[1, 1, table.Rows.Count, table.Columns.Count]; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); workbook.SaveToStream(ms); byte[] xlsData = ms.ToArray(); SaveFile(xlsData, filePath); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Duration of CreateSpierXls(...) - {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(filePath), (end - begin))); }
public static void SaveSmartXLS(bool isXlsx, bool withFilter, DataTable data, string dir) { string filePath = Path.Combine(dir, FileName.Replace(NameKey, isXlsx ? "SmartXLSX" : "SmartXLS")); DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; //LsiLogger.Trace("Begin of SaveSmartXLS(...)"); WorkBook xls = new WorkBook(); xls.ImportDataTable(data, true, 0, 0, data.Rows.Count, data.Columns.Count); //xls.write(filePath); if (withFilter) { xls.autoFilter(); } byte[] xlsData; using (MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream()) { if (!isXlsx) { xls.write(output); } else { xls.writeXLSX(output); } xlsData = output.ToArray(); } SaveFile(xlsData, filePath); //LsiLogger.Trace("End of SaveSmartXLS(...)"); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Duration of SaveSmartXLS(...) - {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(filePath), (end - begin))); }
public static void HttpRequestPost(string url, string apiId, string from, string to, string timestamp, string text, string charset, string udh, string moMsgId) { const string httpXForwardedForKey = "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"; const string remoteAddr = "REMOTE_ADDR"; try { WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); NameValueCollection myNameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection(); myNameValueCollection.Add("api_id", apiId); myNameValueCollection.Add("from", from); myNameValueCollection.Add("to", to); myNameValueCollection.Add("timestamp", timestamp); myNameValueCollection.Add("text", text); myNameValueCollection.Add("charset", charset); myNameValueCollection.Add("udh", udh); myNameValueCollection.Add("moMsgId", moMsgId); myWebClient.Headers.Add(httpXForwardedForKey, ""); myWebClient.Headers.Add(remoteAddr, ""); //myWebClient.Headers.Add(remoteAddr, ""); byte[] responseArray = myWebClient.UploadValues(url, "POST", myNameValueCollection); string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray); LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Response received was:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, response)); } catch (Exception ex) { LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Error while create request:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex)); } }
public int?StartInsertLocation(int clientUid, int lrsRestaurantId, string name) { LsiLogger.Trace("Start Inserting location to srv postgre db"); int?id = MyConvert.ToIntN(DoExecuteScalar(locationInsertTemplate, clientUid, lrsRestaurantId, name)); LsiLogger.Trace("End Inserting location to srv postgre db"); return(id); }
public int?StartInsertClient(string name) { LsiLogger.Trace("Start Inserting client to srv postgre db"); int?id = MyConvert.ToIntN(DoExecuteScalar(clientInsertTemplate, name, name)); LsiLogger.Trace("End Inserting client to srv postgre db"); return(id); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Uri uri = new Uri("http://*****:*****@"{0}\{1}", @"d:\!TF\Tests\Application\ConApp_VS2k8\ConApp_VS2k8\files\", string.Format("TransactionReceipt_{0}.pdf", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"))); * string html = File.ReadAllText(@"d:\!TF\Tests\Application\ConApp_VS2k8\ConApp_VS2k8\files\TransactionMail.html"); * PdfConverter converter = PdfGenerator.GetPdfConverter(); * converter.SavePdfFromHtmlStringToFile(html, fullPath); */ /* * int b = UInt16.MaxValue - 1; * string ver = AssemblyVersion.GetApplicationVersion(false); * string a = ver; */ /* * const string dir = @"\\DpoLrsSrv\d$\Development\Projects_deploy\PlayPaq_20130312102132\logs\20130314"; * const string file = " - Kopia._log_01"; * string path = Path.Combine(dir, file); * if (args != null && args.Length > 0) * path = args[0]; * SoapParser.Srv2SoapParser(path); */ } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); LsiLogger.ErrorException("Error occured", ex); Console.ReadKey(); } }
private static void PostgreSqlTest(string connectionString) { PostgreDataController pgdc = new PostgreDataController(connectionString); int?clientUid = null; int?locationUid = null; try { clientUid = pgdc.StartInsertClient("LSI TF corp 3"); if (!clientUid.HasValue) { throw new Exception("No clientUid"); } pgdc.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { LsiLogger.ErrorException("Error in StartInsertClient()", ex); pgdc.RollbackTransaction(); } try { locationUid = pgdc.StartInsertLocation((int)clientUid, 1, "LSI TF comp 3"); if (!locationUid.HasValue) { throw new Exception("No locationUid"); } pgdc.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { LsiLogger.ErrorException("Error in StartInsertLocation()", ex); pgdc.RollbackTransaction(); } try { pgdc.StartInsertBases(2407, (int)locationUid); pgdc.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { LsiLogger.ErrorException("Error in StartInsertBases()", ex); pgdc.RollbackTransaction(); } }
internal static BusinessException CreateNew(StoreProcException ex) { LsiLogger.ErrorException("Lsi.PlayPaq.PlayPaqWebBll.BllExceptions.BusinessExceptionFactory.CreateNew()", ex); List <string> messs = new List <string>(); if (ex is SpNonZeroReturnException || ex is NoSingleRowReturnedException) { return(new BusinessException(new string[] { BusinessException.InternalError }, ex, BusinessException.BusinessExcTypeEnum.Error)); } foreach (StoreProcException.SingleException error in ex.AllErrors) { messs.Add(error.ErrorMessage); } string[] messages = new string[messs.Count]; messs.CopyTo(messages); BusinessException.BusinessExcTypeEnum exceptionType = (ex.HasLsiErrors || ex.HasSqlErrors ? BusinessException.BusinessExcTypeEnum.Error : BusinessException.BusinessExcTypeEnum.Warning); return(new BusinessException(messages, ex, exceptionType)); }
/* * //string guid = "123456789"; * //string a = guid.Insert(3, "-").Insert(7, "-"); * //return; * Dictionary<string, int> dict = new Dictionary<string, int>(); * using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(args[0], Encoding.UTF8)) * { * string line; * while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) * { * // <GetCountriesResponse xmlns=""> * MatchCollection maches = new Regex(@"^<(.+)\s+xmlns=\""\"".*$").Matches(line.Trim()); * if (maches.Count > 0 && maches[0].Groups.Count > 1) * { * string ip = maches[0].Groups[1].ToString(); * if (dict.ContainsKey(ip)) * dict[ip]++; * else * dict.Add(ip, 1); * } * } * } * * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> keyValuePair in dict) * sb.AppendLine(string.Format("IP:{0}\tCount:{1}", keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value)); * * using (StreamWriter sr = File.CreateText(string.Format("{0}_OUT", args[0]))) * { * sr.Write(sb); * sr.Flush(); * sr.Close(); * } * * * * return;*/ //HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR:[] /**/ //PostgreSqlTest(args[0]); //return; /*string dir = @"d:\Projects\Testy\logs\DataExportTest"; * long dataAmount = 10; * //LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Data amount:[{0}]", dataAmount)); * DataTable dt = ResponsesDAL.GetResponseRawDataTF(dataAmount); * if (dt != null && dt.Rows != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) * LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Real data amount:[{0}]", dt.Rows.Count)); * * int type = 6; * switch (type) * { * case 1: * //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(false, false, dt, dir); * ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003, false, dt, dir); * //ExcelTest.CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion.Version97to2003, false, dt, dir); * break; * case 2: * //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(false, true, dt, dir); * ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003, true, dt, dir); * //ExcelTest.CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion.Version97to2003, true, dt, dir); * break; * case 3: * //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(true, false, dt, dir); * ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion.Excel2007, false, dt, dir); * //ExcelTest.CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion.Version2007, false, dt, dir); * break; * case 4: * //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(true, true, dt, dir); * ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion.Excel2007, true, dt, dir); * //ExcelTest.CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion.Version2007, true, dt, dir); * break; * case 5: * ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion.Excel2010, false, dt, dir); * //ExcelTest.CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion.Version2010, false, dt, dir); * break; * case 6: * ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion.Excel2010, true, dt, dir); * //ExcelTest.CreateSpierXls(Spire.Xls.ExcelVersion.Version2010, true, dt, dir); * break; * }*/ //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(false, false, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "SmartXLS"))); //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(false, true, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "SmartXLS_Filter"))); //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(true, false, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "SmartXLSX"))); //ExcelTest.SaveSmartXLS(true, true, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "SmartXLSX_Filter"))); //ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003, false, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "Syncfusion_Excel97to2003"))); //ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003, true, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "Syncfusion_Excel97to22003"))); //ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(ExcelVersion.Excel2007, false, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "Syncfusion_Excel2007"))); //ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(ExcelVersion.Excel2007, true, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "Syncfusion_Excel2007"))); //ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(ExcelVersion.Excel2010, false, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "Syncfusion_Excel2010"))); //ExcelTest.CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(ExcelVersion.Excel2010, true, dt, Path.Combine(dir, fileName.Replace(nameKey, "Syncfusion_Excel2010"))); //return; #region Old /*string message = "TF:[TEST]"; * UnicodeEncoding unicode = new UnicodeEncoding(); * //UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); * Byte[] encodedBytes = unicode.GetBytes(message); * message = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString(encodedBytes); * string xmlData = "<>\"'&[]!@#$%^&*()"; * string escapedXml = SecurityElement.Escape(xmlData); * * * DateTime serverTime = DateTime.Now; * DateTime myTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5); * * int sec = (int) serverTime.Subtract(myTime).TotalMilliseconds; * myTime = myTime.AddMilliseconds(sec); * int sec1 = (int)serverTime.Subtract(myTime).TotalMilliseconds;*/ //dateIn.Subtract(dateOut) /* LRSTablerTrackerRequest r = new LRSTablerTrackerRequest(); * r.Configuration = new LRSTablerTrackerConfigurationDto(); * r.Configuration.IsSecondWarningTime = 1; * r.Orders = new LRSTableTrackerOrderDto[1]; * r.Orders[0] = new LRSTableTrackerOrderDto(); * r.Orders[0].StartTime = DateTime.Now;*/ //new TT.TableTracker().SaveDataAndConfig(r); /*string md5 = GetMD5Hash("31337"); * if ("900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" == md5) * Console.Out.WriteLine("OK"); * else * Console.Out.WriteLine("Error"); * return;*/ /*string strDt = "2011-11-11 11:11:11"; * //DateTime dt = new DateTime(2011,11,11,11,11,11); * DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(strDt); * long epoch = Epoch(dt); * return;*/ /*long locationId = 28; * int no = 106; * * * WLTableDto dto1 = new WLTableDto(); * dto1.WLLocationId = locationId; * dto1.Number = no.ToString(); * dto1.WLDictServiceDeviceId = 1; * * WLTableDto dto2 = new WLTableDto(); * dto2.WLLocationId = locationId; * dto2.Number = (no + 1).ToString(); * dto2.WLDictServiceDeviceId = 1; * * new WLTableController().DoubleSave(dto1, dto2);*/ /* * string CurrentStartTime = "2011-11-14 09:45:33"; * DateTime startTime; * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentStartTime) && DateTime.TryParse(CurrentStartTime, out startTime)) * { * DateTime dt = startTime; * Console.Out.WriteLine(dt.ToString()); * } */ //string srvTime = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s"); /* * MyTest my = new MyTest(); * my.Date = DateTime.Now; * my.Id = 1; * string xml = Serialize(my, true, true, true); * * MyTest my1 = (MyTest) Deserialize(@"d:\!TF\______________Pulpit\MyTest.xml",typeof(MyTest)); * DateTime utc = my1.Date.ToUniversalTime(); * * string date = "2011-11-09T15:59:29.451+01:00"; * DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(date); * DateTime dtOk = new DateTime(dt.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Local); * string time = dt.ToString(); * string timeOk = dtOk.ToString(); */ //string response = "0;2011-10-04T16:50:55;120;1"; //var timeAndGoalData = response.Split('#')[0].Split(';'); //DateTime? dt = GetDateTimeFromDateString(response); //var howManyCar = response.Count(character => character.Equals('#')) - 1; //string[] car = response.Split('#'); //return; ////string a = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s"); //return; //TestTimeZones(); //return; ///string guid = "CB1231250107404AA38D5CC79D6C6758"; //ws.Lenovo srv = new Lenovo(); //ActionReturnOfLocationInfo ret = srv.LocationCheck(guid, "1.0"); //ActionReturnOfLocationConfig config = srv.GetConfig(guid); /*ManagementObjectSearcher s = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product"); * foreach (ManagementBaseObject baseObject in s.Get()) * { * object obj = baseObject; * } * * * return; * * * * * * //string guid = "0123456789QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM<>{}:<,,./;'[]sdAfsBd-fs!d@f#$%^&*()_+"; * //guid = Regex.Replace(guid, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", string.Empty); * * //string file = @"d:\SmsHub\_logs\LsiSMSServer.log"; * //ReadLockeedFile(file); * * * //new Hub().SendMessage("CAS", "+48788278291", "test 2011-06-02 2-UK", "7", true, "MyMessageId"); * * //TestTimeZones_KK(); * * /*string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); * * //string filePath = @"d:\Projects\REPO_NET\trunk\LsiLogFileListener\LsiLogFileListener\Logs\Test.log"; * string filePath = @"\\jposkrobko2\c$\smshub\_logs\LsiSMSServer.log"; * * * try * { * File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); * } * catch (Exception exp) * { * exp.ToString(); * * }*/ /*using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath, Encoding.UTF8)) * { * * }*/ /*foreach (TzTimeZone.TzZoneInfo info in TzTimeZone.ZoneList) * { * Console.Out.WriteLine(info.ZoneName); * * }*/ //TestTimeZones(); ////string urlRequest = @";%20after%20time:%2000:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio%23%20%23&subject=Error%20in%20TF%20test.log%20-%20ERROR:%20In%20Method%20MainLogger;%20after%20time:%2000:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio%23%20ERROR:%20In%20Method%20MainLogger;%20after%20time:%2000:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio%23%20%23&[email protected]"; //string urlRequest = " in TF test.log - ERROR: In Method MainLogger; after time: 00:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio ERROR: In Method MainLogger; after time: 00:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio &subject=Error in TF test.log - ERROR: In Method MainLogger; after time: 00:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio ERROR: In Method MainLogger; after time: 00:00:00.0468750System.Reflection.TargetInvocationExceptio &[email protected]"; //Uri uri = new Uri(urlRequest); //WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); //NameValueCollection myNameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection(); //if (uri.Query.Length > 0) //{ // foreach (string item in uri.Query.Split('&')) // { // string[] parts = item.Replace("?", string.Empty).Split('='); // if (parts.Length == 2) // { // //LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Add(Name:[{0}],Value:[{1}]);", parts[0], parts[1])); // myNameValueCollection.Add(parts[0], parts[1]); // } // } //} ////string a = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //DateTime lastMody = new DateTime(2011, 05, 03, 21, 15, 59, 120); //DateTime creation = new DateTime(2011, 05, 03, 21, 15, 59, 121); //double milisek = lastMody.Subtract(creation).TotalMilliseconds; //if (lastMody.Subtract(creation).TotalMilliseconds < 0) //{ // string a = "set Offset =0"; //} ///*string file1 = @"d:\!TF\Logs\2169_Calls\test\OUT\20110415_2169_LRSDB2_Requests.log"; //string file2 = @"d:\!TF\Logs\2169_Calls\test\OUT\20110415_2169_LRSDB2_Responses.log"; //string dest = @"d:\!TF\Logs\2169_Calls\test\OUT\20110415_2169_LRSDB2.log"; //JoinFiles(file1, file2, dest);*/ #endregion Old private static void GetComTransactionconfig(string path) { path = @"d:\Projects\REPO_LRS\trunk\LrsPlayPaq\PlaypaqWeb\PlayPaqWebBll"; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { //string fileMask = "LRSCASCallController.cs"; string fileMask = "*.cs"; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, fileMask, SearchOption.AllDirectories); StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string file in files) { bool isFileNameAdded = false; if (File.Exists(file)) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(file); foreach (string line in lines) { Match match = new Regex(@"^.*(\[Transaction\(.+\)\]).*$").Match(line); if (match != null && match.Groups != null && match.Groups.Count > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[1].Value)) { if (!isFileNameAdded) { info.AppendLine(); info.AppendLine(Path.GetFileName(file)); isFileNameAdded = true; } info.AppendLine(match.Groups[1].Value); } } } if (isFileNameAdded) { info.AppendLine(); } } LsiLogger.Trace(info.ToString()); } }
static void MainOld(string[] args) { try { //iQueueTest.SaveSectionBackground(); //iQueueTest.GetSectionBackground(); /* int A_1 = 15; * string a1 = b("ꇱ믳냵곷극뷻곽䗿", A_1); * string a2 = b("뿱鷳闵諷闹迻釽替瘁", A_1); * string a3 = b("믱髳苵鷷裹鋻鯽瓿∁䄃縅砇昉挋簍甏怑", A_1); * string a4 = b("뿱뗳뿵뛷", A_1); * string a5 = b("등釳韵賷迹軻鯽䏿洁樃爅稇攉怋", A_1); * string a6 = b("등뇳럵곷꿹껻믽忿䬁刃伅䴇崉䌋䰍娏圑圓䈕尗䠙崛䤝缟昡椣樥簧ጩ猫礭礯昱簳椵缷縹画", A_1); * string a7 = b("\xD8F1", A_1); * * * string all = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}\{4}\{5}\{6}", a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); * //"FEATURE_IVIEWOBJECTDRAW_DMLT9_WITH_GDI" */ //new Thread(TTSaveDataAndConfig_1).Start(); //new Thread(TTSaveDataAndConfig_2).Start(); return; //CreateRequest /*int min = int.MinValue; * int max = int.MaxValue; * int a = 2147483647; * checked * { * int b = a + 1; * }*/ return; //Srv2VTISync.DoVTISync(5); //return; /*SurveyStructureDef srvDef = new SurveyStructureDef(); * srvDef.SurveyId = 1; * srvDef.CorporaiotnId = 10; * srvDef.Name = "TF test survey struct"; * * Prompt[] prompts = new Prompt[2]; * prompts[0] = new Prompt{ Order = 1, PromptId = 1, Text = "P1", ValidationTableId = 3}; * prompts[1] = new Prompt{ Order = 2, PromptId = 2, Text = "P2", ValidationTableId = 4}; * srvDef.Prompts = prompts; * * * Question[] questions = new Question[3]; * questions[0] = new Question { AnswerTypeId = 1, IsRequired = false, Order = 1, QuestionId = 1, QuestionTypeId = 1, Text = "Q1" }; * questions[1] = new Question { AnswerTypeId = 1, IsRequired = false, Order = 2, QuestionId = 2, QuestionTypeId = 2, Text = "Q2" }; * * Answer[] answers = new Answer[3]; * answers[0] = new Answer {AnswerId = 1, Content = "A1", Order = 1}; * answers[1] = new Answer {AnswerId = 2, Content = "A2", Order = 2}; * answers[2] = new Answer {AnswerId = 3, Content = "A3", Order = 3}; * questions[2] = new Question { AnswerTypeId = 1, IsRequired = false, Order = 3, QuestionId = 3, QuestionTypeId = 3, Text = "Q3", Answers = answers}; * * srvDef.Questions = questions; * * new Srv2.Srv2().SaveSurveyStructure(srvDef); * return;*/ long?corporationSrv2Id = null; long?companySrv2Id = null; long?srv2ValidationTableId = null; long?lrsValidationTableId = null; //corporationSrv2Id = 11; //companySrv2Id = 23; //srv2ValidationTableId = 10; //Srv2Bll.SrvValidatioTableItems items = new Srv2Bll.SrvValidatioTableItems(); //if (companySrv2Id.HasValue) //{ // items.Add(new Srv2Bll.SrvValidatioTableItem { Id = 0, LrsValidationItemId = 1, // Name = "Pin 1", Value = "1", Srv2CompanyId = companySrv2Id.Value}); // items.Add(new Srv2Bll.SrvValidatioTableItem {Id = 0, LrsValidationItemId = 2, // Name = "Pin 2", Value = "2", Srv2CompanyId = companySrv2Id.Value }); // items.Add(new Srv2Bll.SrvValidatioTableItem {Id = 0, LrsValidationItemId = 3, // Name = "Pin 3", Value = "3", Srv2CompanyId = companySrv2Id.Value}); // items.Add(new Srv2Bll.SrvValidatioTableItem {Id = 0, LrsValidationItemId = 4, // Name = "Pin 4", Value = "4", Srv2CompanyId = companySrv2Id.Value}); //} int[] itemsToDelete = null; //itemsToDelete = new int[] { 21, 22, 23 }; //lrsValidationTableId = 2496; if (!corporationSrv2Id.HasValue) { Srv2SaveCorporation(ref corporationSrv2Id); } //if (corporationSrv2Id.HasValue && !companySrv2Id.HasValue) //Srv2SaveCompany(corporationSrv2Id, ref companySrv2Id); //if (corporationSrv2Id.HasValue && !srv2ValidationTableId.HasValue) SaveValidationTable(corporationSrv2Id.Value, lrsValidationTableId, ref srv2ValidationTableId); //Delete ValidationTable //if (srv2ValidationTableId.HasValue) DeleteValidationTable(srv2ValidationTableId.Value); //if (srv2ValidationTableId.HasValue && items.Count > 0) SaveValidationTableItem(srv2ValidationTableId.Value, items); //Delete ValidationTableItems if (itemsToDelete != null && itemsToDelete.Length > 0) DeleteValidationTableIetms(itemsToDelete); Console.Out.WriteLine("Koniec"); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); LsiLogger.ErrorException("Error occured", ex); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public static void CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(ExcelVersion version, bool withFilter, DataTable table, string dir) { ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); string filePath = Path.Combine(dir, FileName.Replace(NameKey, string.Format("Syncfusion_{0}", version))); DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine(); IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel; application.DefaultVersion = version; IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1); IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; //Header IStyle headerStyle = workbook.Styles.Add("HeaderStyle"); headerStyle.BeginUpdate(); workbook.SetPaletteColor(9, Color.FromArgb(239, 243, 247)); headerStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(239, 243, 247); //headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; //headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; headerStyle.Font.Bold = true; headerStyle.Font.Size = 12; headerStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192); headerStyle.Locked = true; headerStyle.Font.FontName = "Arial"; headerStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Black; headerStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false; headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine = false; headerStyle.EndUpdate(); worksheet.SetDefaultRowStyle(1, headerStyle); IRanges header = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); header.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 1, 1, table.Columns.Count]); header.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter; header.RowHeight = 36.75; header.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter; //Body IStyle bodyStyle = workbook.Styles.Add("BodyStyle"); bodyStyle.BeginUpdate(); workbook.SetPaletteColor(10, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204)); bodyStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204); bodyStyle.Font.Size = 10; bodyStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Black; bodyStyle.Font.FontName = "Arial"; bodyStyle.Font.Bold = false; bodyStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Black; bodyStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false; bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine = false; //bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; //bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; bodyStyle.EndUpdate(); worksheet.SetDefaultRowStyle(2, table.Rows.Count + 1, bodyStyle); IRanges data = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); data.Add(worksheet.Range[2, 1, table.Rows.Count + 1, table.Columns.Count]); data.RowHeight = 31.50; //IStyle bodyStyle = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection().CellStyle; //DateTime beginFillPattern = DateTime.Now; //data.CellStyle.FillPattern = ExcelPattern.Solid; //DateTime endFillPattern = DateTime.Now; //messages.Add(string.Format("\tFillPattern:\t{0}", (endFillPattern - beginFillPattern))); //worksheet.SetDefaultRowStyle(2, table.Rows.Count + 1, bodyStyle); IRanges rangesOne = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); rangesOne.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 1, table.Rows.Count, table.Columns.Count]); worksheet.AutoFilters.FilterRange = rangesOne; worksheet.ImportDataTable(table, true, 1, 1, -1, -1, true); IRanges dateTimeColl = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); dateTimeColl.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 5, table.Rows.Count + 1, 5]); dateTimeColl.NumberFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY h:mm am/pm"; for (int i = 1; i <= table.Columns.Count; i++) { worksheet.AutofitColumn(i); } worksheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 18.00); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); workbook.SaveAs(ms); workbook.Close(); excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false; excelEngine.Dispose(); byte[] xlsData = ms.ToArray(); SaveFile(xlsData, filePath); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("Total time:\t{0}", (end - begin))); LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Duration of CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3(...) - {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(filePath), (end - begin))); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(""); foreach (string message in messages) { sb.AppendLine(message); } LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion3 steps\n{0}", sb)); }
public static void CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion0(DataTable table, string dir) { DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); string filePath = Path.Combine(dir, FileName.Replace(NameKey, "Syncfusion")); ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine(); IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel; application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010; IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1); IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; //GlobalStyles DateTime beginDateTimeFormat = DateTime.Now; IRanges dateTimeColl = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); dateTimeColl.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 5, table.Rows.Count + 1, 5]); //dateTimeColl.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"; dateTimeColl.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:m am/pm"; messages.Add(string.Format("DateTimeFormat:\t{0}", (DateTime.Now - beginDateTimeFormat))); //Header DateTime beginHeaderFormat = DateTime.Now; IRanges header = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); header.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 1, 1, table.Columns.Count]); header.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter; header.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter; header.CellStyle.Font.Bold = true; header.CellStyle.Font.Size = 12; header.CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Arial"; header.CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.Black; header.CellStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192); header.CellStyle.Locked = true; header.RowHeight = 36.75; header.CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; header.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false; header.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine = false; messages.Add(string.Format("HeaderFormat:\t{0}\n", (DateTime.Now - beginHeaderFormat))); //Body DateTime beginBodyFormat = DateTime.Now; IRanges data = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); data.Add(worksheet.Range[2, 1, table.Rows.Count + 1, table.Columns.Count]); data.CellStyle.Font.Size = 10; data.RowHeight = 31.50; data.CellStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204); data.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter; data.CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Arial"; data.CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.Black; data.CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; data.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false; data.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine = false; messages.Add(string.Format("BodyFormat:\t{0}\n", (DateTime.Now - beginBodyFormat))); DateTime beginAutoFilters = DateTime.Now; IRanges rangesOne = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); rangesOne.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 1, table.Rows.Count, table.Columns.Count]); worksheet.AutoFilters.FilterRange = rangesOne; messages.Add(string.Format("AutoFilters:\t{0}", (DateTime.Now - beginAutoFilters))); DateTime beginImport = DateTime.Now; worksheet.ImportDataTable(table, true, 1, 1, -1, -1, true); messages.Add(string.Format("Import:\t{0}", (DateTime.Now - beginImport))); DateTime beginAutofitColumn = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 1; i <= table.Columns.Count; i++) { worksheet.AutofitColumn(i); } messages.Add(string.Format("AutofitColumn:\t{0}", (DateTime.Now - beginAutofitColumn))); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); DateTime beginSaveAsMemoryStream = DateTime.Now; workbook.SaveAs(ms); DateTime endSaveAsMemoryStream = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("SaveAsMemoryStream:\t{0}", (endSaveAsMemoryStream - beginSaveAsMemoryStream))); //workbook.Close(); //excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false; //excelEngine.Dispose(); DateTime beginSaveFile = DateTime.Now; byte[] xlsData = ms.ToArray(); SaveFile(xlsData, filePath); DateTime endSaveFile = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("SaveFile:\t{0}", (endSaveFile - beginSaveFile))); //LsiLogger.Trace("End of CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(...)"); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("Total time:\t{0}", (end - begin))); LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Duration of CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(...) - {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(filePath), (end - begin))); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(""); foreach (string message in messages) { sb.AppendLine(message); } LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion steps\n{0}", sb)); }
public static void CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion2(ExcelVersion version, bool withFilter, DataTable table, string dir) { ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); string filePath = Path.Combine(dir, FileName.Replace(NameKey, string.Format("Syncfusion_{0}", version))); DateTime begin = DateTime.Now; //LsiLogger.Trace("Begin of CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(...)"); ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine(); IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel; application.DefaultVersion = version; IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1); IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; DateTime beginColumnNames = DateTime.Now; worksheet.Range["A1"].Text = "Uid"; worksheet.Range["B1"].Text = "Suid"; worksheet.Range["C1"].Text = "Survey"; worksheet.Range["D1"].Text = "Location"; worksheet.Range["E1"].Text = "Date / Time Name"; worksheet.Range["F1"].Text = "Prompt 1"; worksheet.Range["G1"].Text = "Prompt 2"; worksheet.Range["H1"].Text = "Prompt 3"; worksheet.Range["I1"].Text = "Prompt 4"; worksheet.Range["J1"].Text = "Prompt 5"; worksheet.Range["K1"].Text = "Duration (sec)"; worksheet.Range["L1"].Text = "Expired"; DateTime endColumnNames = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("ColumnNames:\t{0}", (endColumnNames - beginColumnNames))); DateTime beginDateTimeFormat = DateTime.Now; IRanges dateTimeColl = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); dateTimeColl.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 5, table.Rows.Count + 1, 5]); //dateTimeColl.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"; dateTimeColl.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"; DateTime endDateTimeFormat = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("DateTimeFormat:\t{0}", (endDateTimeFormat - beginDateTimeFormat))); //Header DateTime beginHeaderFormat = DateTime.Now; IRanges header = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); header.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 1, 1, table.Columns.Count]); header.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter; header.CellStyle.Font.Bold = true; header.CellStyle.Font.Size = 12; header.RowHeight = 36.75; header.CellStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192); header.CellStyle.Locked = true; header.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter; header.CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Arial"; header.CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.Black; header.CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; header.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false; header.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine = false; DateTime endHeaderFormat = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("HeaderFormat:\t{0}\n", (endHeaderFormat - beginHeaderFormat))); //Body DateTime beginBodyFormat = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count + 1; i++) { IRanges data = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); data.Add(worksheet.Range[2 + i, 1, 2 + i, table.Columns.Count]); //IRanges data = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); //data.Add(worksheet.Range[2, 1, table.Rows.Count + 1, table.Columns.Count]); DateTime beginLineStyle = DateTime.Now; data.CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin; DateTime endLineStyle = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tLineStyle:\t{0}", (endLineStyle - beginLineStyle))); DateTime beginDiagonalDown = DateTime.Now; data.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalDown].ShowDiagonalLine = false; DateTime endDiagonalDown = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tDiagonalDown:\t{0}", (endDiagonalDown - beginDiagonalDown))); DateTime beginDiagonalUp = DateTime.Now; data.CellStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.DiagonalUp].ShowDiagonalLine = false; DateTime endDiagonalUp = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tDiagonalUp:\t{0}", (endDiagonalUp - beginDiagonalUp))); IFont font = data.CellStyle.Font; DateTime beginFontName = DateTime.Now; //data.CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Arial"; font.FontName = "Arial"; DateTime endFontName = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tFontName:\t{0}", (endFontName - beginFontName))); DateTime beginFontSize = DateTime.Now; //data.CellStyle.Font.Size = 10; font.Size = 10; DateTime endFontSize = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tFontSize:\t{0}", (endFontSize - beginFontSize))); DateTime beginFontRGBColor = DateTime.Now; //data.CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.Black; font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Black; DateTime endFontRGBColor = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tFontRGBColor:\t{0}", (endFontRGBColor - beginFontRGBColor))); DateTime beginVerticalAlignment = DateTime.Now; data.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter; DateTime endVerticalAlignment = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tVerticalAlignment:\t{0}", (endVerticalAlignment - beginVerticalAlignment))); DateTime beginFillPattern = DateTime.Now; data.CellStyle.FillPattern = ExcelPattern.Solid; DateTime endFillPattern = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tFillPattern:\t{0}", (endFillPattern - beginFillPattern))); DateTime beginRowHeight = DateTime.Now; //data.RowHeight = 31.50; worksheet.SetRowHeight(i + 2, 31.5); DateTime endRowHeight = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tRowHeight:\t{0}", (endRowHeight - beginRowHeight))); DateTime beginColor = DateTime.Now; data.CellStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204); DateTime endColor = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("\tColor:\t{0}", (endColor - beginColor))); } DateTime endBodyFormat = DateTime.Now; messages.Add("\t---------------------------"); messages.Add(string.Format("BodyFormat:\t{0}\n", (endBodyFormat - beginBodyFormat))); if (withFilter) { DateTime beginAutoFilters = DateTime.Now; IRanges rangesOne = worksheet.CreateRangesCollection(); rangesOne.Add(worksheet.Range[1, 1, table.Rows.Count, table.Columns.Count]); worksheet.AutoFilters.FilterRange = rangesOne; DateTime endAutoFilters = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("AutoFilters:\t{0}", (endAutoFilters - beginAutoFilters))); } DateTime beginImport = DateTime.Now; worksheet.ImportDataTable(table, true, 1, 1, -1, -1, true); DateTime endImport = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("Import:\t{0}", (endImport - beginImport))); DateTime beginAutofitColumn = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 1; i <= table.Columns.Count; i++) { worksheet.AutofitColumn(i); //10000-7sec. } DateTime endAutofitColumn = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("AutofitColumn:\t{0}", (endAutofitColumn - beginAutofitColumn))); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); DateTime beginSaveAsMemoryStream = DateTime.Now; workbook.SaveAs(ms); DateTime endSaveAsMemoryStream = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("SaveAsMemoryStream:\t{0}", (endSaveAsMemoryStream - beginSaveAsMemoryStream))); //workbook.Close(); //excelEngine.ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy = false; //excelEngine.Dispose(); DateTime beginSaveFile = DateTime.Now; byte[] xlsData = ms.ToArray(); SaveFile(xlsData, filePath); DateTime endSaveFile = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("SaveFile:\t{0}", (endSaveFile - beginSaveFile))); //LsiLogger.Trace("End of CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion(...)"); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; messages.Add(string.Format("Total time:\t{0}", (end - begin))); LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("Duration of CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion2(...) - {0},{1}", Path.GetFileName(filePath), (end - begin))); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(""); foreach (string message in messages) { sb.AppendLine(message); } LsiLogger.Trace(string.Format("CreateSurveyExcelSyncfusion2 steps\n{0}", sb)); }
public static bool Srv2SoapParser(string filePath) { Collection <InfoObj> infos = new Collection <InfoObj>(); int lineCouinter = 1; bool retValue = false; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { const string newLinePattern = @"^\[Trace\]\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s{1}\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{4}\].*"; const string startRequestStr = "<SaveSurveyResult xmlns=\"Srv2\">"; const string endRequestStr = "<SaveSurveyResultResponse xmlns=\"Srv2\">"; Collection <string> origLines = ReadFileLines(filePath); Collection <string> lines = SplitFileByRegEx(origLines, newLinePattern); /*string fileBody = File.ReadAllText(filePath); * string[] lines = new Regex(newLinePattern, RegexOptions.Multiline).Split(fileBody);*/ if (lines != null && lines.Count > 0) //if (lines != null && lines.Length > 0) { InfoObj info = null; int loopCounter = 0; foreach (string line in lines) { if (line.ToUpper().Contains(startRequestStr.ToUpper())) { if (info != null) { infos.Add(info); } info = new InfoObj(); info.Line = lineCouinter; DateTime?startDate = GetDateFromLine(line); if (startDate.HasValue) { info.Start = startDate.Value; } loopCounter++; if (loopCounter == lines.Count && info != null) { infos.Add(info); } continue; } if (line.ToUpper().Contains(endRequestStr.ToUpper())) { if (info != null) { DateTime?endDate = GetDateFromLine(line); if (endDate.HasValue) { info.End = endDate.Value; } int?result = GetResultFromLine(line); if (result.HasValue) { info.Result = result.Value; } } loopCounter++; lineCouinter++; if (loopCounter == lines.Count && info != null) { infos.Add(info); } continue; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (infos.Count > 0) { foreach (InfoObj obj in infos) { sb.AppendLine(obj.ToString()); } } LsiLogger.Trace(sb.ToString(), "SOPA_Result"); retValue = true; } } else { retValue = false; } return(retValue); }
public void StartInsertBases(int serialNo, int locationUid) { LsiLogger.Trace("Start Inserting Bases to srv postgre db"); DoExecuteScalar(baseInsertTemplate, serialNo, locationUid); LsiLogger.Trace("End Inserting Bases to srv postgre db"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BusinessException"/> class. /// </summary> public BusinessException(String message, Exception ex) : base(message, ex) { LsiLogger.ErrorException(string.Format("Lsi.WaiterLocatorDb.WaiterLocatorDbWebBll.BllExceptions.BusinessException(string, exception) with message:{0}", message), ex); this.messages = new string[] { message }; }