public static LotteryResult GetLotteryResult(string cpCode, int status, string btime, string etime, string orderasc = "asc")
            string sqlwhere = " where  b.cpCode='" + cpCode + "'";

            if (status > -1)
                sqlwhere += " and b.Status=" + status;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(btime))
                sqlwhere += " and b.opentime>='" + btime + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(etime))
                sqlwhere += " and b.opentime<='" + etime + " 23:59:59:999'";

            DataTable     dt    = LotteryResultDAL.GetDataTable("select top 1 *  from  LotteryResult (nolock) b " + sqlwhere + " Order by AutoID " + orderasc);
            LotteryResult model = new LotteryResult();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
        public static LotteryResult GetLotteryResult(string cpCode, string status, string orderasc = "asc")
            string sqlwhere = " where  b.cpCode='" + cpCode + "'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                sqlwhere += " and b.Status in (" + status + ") ";

            DataTable     dt    = LotteryResultDAL.GetDataTable("select top 1 *  from  LotteryResult (nolock) b " + sqlwhere + " Order by AutoID " + orderasc);
            LotteryResult model = new LotteryResult();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)