Esempio n. 1
        // Calculate the per-pixel accuracy on a dataset whose file names are supplied as a parameter.
        private static double CalculateAccuracy(LossMulticlassLogPerPixel anet, IEnumerable <ImageInfo> dataset)
            var numRight = 0;
            var numWrong = 0;

            foreach (var imageInfo in dataset)
                // Load the input image.
                using (var inputImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(imageInfo.ImageFilename))
                    // Load the ground-truth (RGB) labels.;
                    using (var rgbLabelImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(imageInfo.ClassLabelFilename))
                        // Create predictions for each pixel. At this point, the type of each prediction
                        // is an index (a value between 0 and 20). Note that the net may return an image
                        // that is not exactly the same size as the input.
                        using (var output = anet.Operator(inputImage))
                            using (var temp = output.First())
                                // Convert the indexes to RGB values.
                                using (var indexLabelImage = new Matrix <ushort>())
                                    PascalVOC2012.RgbLabelImageToIndexLabelImage(rgbLabelImage, indexLabelImage);

                                    // Crop the net output to be exactly the same size as the input.
                                    using (var chipDims = new ChipDims((uint)inputImage.Rows, (uint)inputImage.Columns))
                                        using (var chipDetails = new ChipDetails(Dlib.CenteredRect(temp.Columns / 2, temp.Rows / 2,
                                            using (var netOutput = Dlib.ExtractImageChip <ushort>(temp, chipDetails, InterpolationTypes.NearestNeighbor))
                                                var nr = indexLabelImage.Rows;
                                                var nc = indexLabelImage.Columns;

                                                // Compare the predicted values to the ground-truth values.
                                                for (var r = 0; r < nr; ++r)
                                                    for (var c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
                                                        var truth = indexLabelImage[r, c];
                                                        if (truth != LossMulticlassLogPerPixel.LabelToIgnore)
                                                            var prediction = netOutput[r, c];
                                                            if (prediction == truth)

            // Return the accuracy estimate.
            return(numRight / (double)(numRight + numWrong));
Esempio n. 2
        private static int Main(string[] args)
                if (args.Length != 1 && args.Length != 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("To run this program you need a copy of the PASCAL VOC2012 dataset.");
                    Console.WriteLine("You call this program like this: ");
                    Console.WriteLine("./dnn_semantic_segmentation_train_ex /path/to/VOC2012 [minibatch-size]");

                // a mini-batch smaller than the default can be used with GPUs having less memory
                var minibatchSize = args.Length == 2 ? uint.Parse(args[1]) : 23u;
                Console.WriteLine($"mini-batch size: {minibatchSize}");

                Console.WriteLine("\nSCANNING PASCAL VOC2012 DATASET\n");

                var listing = PascalVOC2012.GetPascalVoc2012TrainListing(args[0]).ToArray();
                Console.WriteLine($"images in dataset: {listing.Length}");
                if (listing.Length == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Didn't find the VOC2012 dataset.");

                const double initialLearningRate = 0.1;
                const double weightDecay         = 0.0001;
                const double momentum            = 0.9;

                using (var bnet = new LossMulticlassLogPerPixel(2))
                    using (var sgd = new Sgd((float)weightDecay, (float)momentum))
                        using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMulticlassLogPerPixel>(bnet, sgd))
                            trainer.SetSynchronizationFile("pascal_voc2012_trainer_state_file.dat", 10 * 60);
                            // This threshold is probably excessively large.
                            // Since the progress threshold is so large might as well set the batch normalization
                            // stats window to something big too.
                            Dlib.SetAllBnRunningStatsWindowSizes(bnet, 1000);

                            // Output training parameters.

                            var samples = new List <Matrix <RgbPixel> >();
                            var labels  = new List <Matrix <ushort> >();

                            //// Start a bunch of threads that read images from disk and pull out random crops.  It's
                            //// important to be sure to feed the GPU fast enough to keep it busy.  Using multiple
                            //// thread for this kind of data preparation helps us do that.  Each thread puts the
                            //// crops into the data queue.
                            using (var data = new Pipe <TrainingSample>(200))
                                var function = new Action <object>(seed =>
                                    using (var rnd = new Rand((ulong)seed))
                                        while (data.IsEnabled)
                                            // Pick a random input image.
                                            var imageInfo = listing[rnd.GetRandom32BitNumber() % listing.Length];

                                            // Load the input image.
                                            using (var inputImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(imageInfo.ImageFilename))
                                                // Load the ground-truth (RGB) labels.
                                                using (var rgbLabelImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(imageInfo.ClassLabelFilename))
                                                    // Convert the indexes to RGB values.
                                                    using (var indexLabelImage = new Matrix <ushort>())
                                                        PascalVOC2012.RgbLabelImageToIndexLabelImage(rgbLabelImage, indexLabelImage);

                                                        // Randomly pick a part of the image.
                                                        var temp = new TrainingSample();
                                                        RandomlyCropImage(inputImage, indexLabelImage, temp, rnd);

                                                        // Push the result to be used by the trainer.

                                var threads = Enumerable.Range(1, 1).Select(i =>
                                    var dataLoader = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(function))
                                        Name = $"dataLoader{i}"

                                // The main training loop.  Keep making mini-batches and giving them to the trainer.
                                // We will run until the learning rate has dropped by a factor of 1e-4.
                                while (trainer.GetLearningRate() >= 1e-4)

                                    // make a mini-batch
                                    while (samples.Count < minibatchSize)
                                        data.Dequeue(out var temp);



                                    LossMulticlassLogPerPixel.TrainOneStep(trainer, samples, labels);

                                // Training done, tell threads to stop and make sure to wait for them to finish before
                                // moving on.
                                foreach (var thread in threads)

                                // also wait for threaded processing to stop in the trainer.

                                Console.WriteLine("saving network");
                                LossMulticlassLogPerPixel.Serialize(bnet, SemanticSegmentationNetFilename);

                            // Make a copy of the network to use it for inference.
                            using (var anet = bnet.CloneAs(3))
                                Console.WriteLine("Testing the network...");

                                // Find the accuracy of the newly trained network on both the training and the validation sets.
                                Console.WriteLine($"train accuracy  :  {CalculateAccuracy(anet, PascalVOC2012.GetPascalVoc2012TrainListing(args[0]))}");
                                Console.WriteLine($"val accuracy    :  {CalculateAccuracy(anet, PascalVOC2012.GetPascalVoc2012ValListing(args[0]))}");
            catch (Exception e)

Esempio n. 3
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("You call this program like this: ");
                Console.WriteLine("./dnn_semantic_segmentation_train_ex /path/to/images");
                Console.WriteLine("You will also need a trained 'semantic_segmentation_voc2012net.dnn' file.");
                Console.WriteLine("You can either train it yourself (see example program");
                Console.WriteLine("dnn_semantic_segmentation_train_ex), or download a");
                Console.WriteLine("copy from here:");

                // Read the file containing the trained network from the working directory.
                using (var net = LossMulticlassLogPerPixel.Deserialize("semantic_segmentation_voc2012net.dnn"))
                    // Show inference results in a window.
                    using (var win = new ImageWindow())
                        // Find supported image files.
                        var files = Directory.GetFiles(args[0])
                                    .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".jpeg") || s.EndsWith(".jpg") || s.EndsWith(".png")).ToArray();
                        Console.WriteLine($"Found {files.Length} images, processing...");
                        foreach (var file in files)
                            // Load the input image.
                            using (var inputImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(file))
                                // Create predictions for each pixel. At this point, the type of each prediction
                                // is an index (a value between 0 and 20). Note that the net may return an image
                                // that is not exactly the same size as the input.
                                using (var output = net.Operator(inputImage))
                                    using (var temp = output.First())
                                        // Crop the returned image to be exactly the same size as the input.
                                        var rect = Rectangle.CenteredRect((int)(temp.Columns / 2d), (int)(temp.Rows / 2d), (uint)inputImage.Columns, (uint)inputImage.Rows);
                                        using (var dims = new ChipDims((uint)inputImage.Rows, (uint)inputImage.Columns))
                                            using (var chipDetails = new ChipDetails(rect, dims))
                                                using (var indexLabelImage = Dlib.ExtractImageChip <ushort>(temp, chipDetails, InterpolationTypes.NearestNeighbor))
                                                    // Convert the indexes to RGB values.
                                                    using (var rgbLabelImage = IndexLabelImageToRgbLabelImage(indexLabelImage))
                                                        // Show the input image on the left, and the predicted RGB labels on the right.
                                                        using (var joinedRow = Dlib.JoinRows(inputImage, rgbLabelImage))

                                                            // Find the most prominent class label from amongst the per-pixel predictions.
                                                            var classLabel = GetMostProminentNonBackgroundClassLabel(indexLabelImage);

                                                            Console.WriteLine($"{file} : {classLabel} - hit enter to process the next image");
            catch (Exception e)