Esempio n. 1
        public void LookLeftTest()
            LookHelper lookHelper = this.CreateLookHelper();

            lookHelper.Look(-1f, 0);
                "H" + MessageHelper.IntToMessageValue(this.controlSettings.HorizontalMaximumDegree),

            lookHelper.Look(-0.5f, 0);
                "H" + MessageHelper.IntToMessageValue((this.controlSettings.HorizontalMaximumDegree - this.controlSettings.HorizontalMinimumDegree) * 3 / 4),
Esempio n. 2
        // Move player and change opacity of layers above.
        private void MovePlayer()
            _rigidBody2D.velocity = new Vector2(_moveX * flSpeed, _moveY * flSpeed);
            _rotation             = LookHelper.SmoothLookAtMouse(transform, 0.05f, Registry.ENTITY_SPRITE_OFFSET);
            //	_head.transform.rotation = _rotation;

            _tempVector.x = transform.position.x;
            _tempVector.y = transform.position.y;
            _tempVector.z = Registry.Instance.CEILING_LAYER_Z;

            // MakeObstructingObjectsTransparent();

            _animator.SetBool("isRunning", _moveX != 0 || _moveY != 0);
            _animator.SetFloat("speed", Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Max(_moveX, _moveY)));
Esempio n. 3
        private async Task SaveAction()
            string validName = await ServiceLocator.ContextService.ConvertToValidFileName(LookName);

            List <string> nameList = new List <string>();

            foreach (var lookItem in _receivedSelectedSprite.Looks)
            LookName = await ServiceLocator.ContextService.FindUniqueName(validName, nameList);

            var message = new GenericMessage <PortableImage>(Image);

            Messenger.Default.Send(message, ViewModelMessagingToken.LookImageToSaveListener);

            ServiceLocator.DispatcherService.RunOnMainThread(() =>

            //ServiceLocator.DispatcherService.RunOnMainThread(() =>
            //    ServiceLocator.NavigationService.NavigateTo<LookSavingViewModel>());

            var newDimention = new ImageDimension
                Height = SelectedSize.NewHeight,
                Width  = SelectedSize.NewWidth

            var look = await LookHelper.Save(Image, LookName, newDimention, CurrentProgram.BasePath);

            ServiceLocator.DispatcherService.RunOnMainThread(() =>
                //    new List<NavigationPlatform>{NavigationPlatform.WindowsStore});
Esempio n. 4
        public void CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareAreaTest()
            // Джойстик в центре:
            float x = 0;
            float y = 0;

            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, x);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, y);

            // Джойстик на 0 градусов на 100%:
            x = 1;
            y = 0;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, x);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, y);

            // Джойстик на 90 градусов на 100%:
            x = 0;
            y = 1;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, x);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, y);

            // Джойстик на 45 градусов на 100%:
            x = (float)Math.Sqrt(2f) / 2f;
            y = x;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, x);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, y);

            // Джойстик на 45 градусов на 50%:
            x = (float)Math.Sqrt(2f) / 2f / 2;
            y = x;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(0.5f - x));
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(0.5f - y));

            // Джойстик на 30 градусов на 50%:
            x = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 6) * 0.5f;
            y = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI / 6) * 0.5f;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(0.5f - x));
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs((0.5f * (float)Math.Tan(Math.PI / 6)) - y));

            // Джойстик на 60 градусов на 50%:
            x = (float)Math.Cos(Math.PI / 3) * 0.5f;
            y = (float)Math.Sin(Math.PI / 3) * 0.5f;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs((0.5f * (float)Math.Tan(Math.PI / 6)) - x));
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(0.5f - y));

            // Джойстик на 135 градусов на 50%:
            x = -(float)Math.Sqrt(2f) / 2f / 2;
            y = Math.Abs(x);
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(-0.5f - x));
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(0.5f - y));

            // Джойстик на 225 градусов на 50%:
            x = -(float)Math.Sqrt(2f) / 2f / 2;
            y = x;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(-0.5f - x));
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(-0.5f - y));

            // Джойстик на 315 градусов на 50%:
            x = (float)Math.Sqrt(2f) / 2f / 2;
            y = -x;
            LookHelper.CorrectCoordinatesFromCyrcleToSquareArea(ref x, ref y);
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(0.5f - x));
            Assert.Greater(0.000001, Math.Abs(-0.5f - y));
Esempio n. 5
 private void Awake()
     ignoreState = new IgnoreState();
     lookHelper  = new LookHelper();