Esempio n. 1
        private void Setup()
            InSetup = true;

            // Setup preferred project

            MetaTreeNode mtn = MetaTree.GetNode(SS.I.PreferredProjectId);

            // If not found create folder node
            // The following default folder node should exist in the MetaTree root node:
            //   <child name = "default_folder" l = "Private Queries, Lists..." type = "project" item = "default_folder" />

            if (mtn == null)
                mtn       = new MetaTreeNode(MetaTreeNodeType.Project);
                mtn.Name  = mtn.Target = "DEFAULT_FOLDER";
                mtn.Label = "Private Queries, Lists...";

            PreferredProject.Text   = mtn.Label;
            PreferredProjectId      = SS.I.PreferredProjectId;
            PreferredProjectChanged = false;

            // Setup default directory

            DefaultFolder.Text = ClientDirs.DefaultMobiusUserDocumentsFolder;

            // Setup zoom

            TableColumnZoom.ZoomPct    = SS.I.TableColumnZoom; // Setup zoom controls
            GraphicsColumnZoom.ZoomPct = SS.I.GraphicsColumnZoom;
            ZoomChanged = false;

            ScrollGridByRow.Checked   = !SS.I.ScrollGridByPixel;
            ScrollGridByPixel.Checked = SS.I.ScrollGridByPixel;
            InitialScrollGridByPixel  = SS.I.ScrollGridByPixel;

            // Setup look and feel

            List <SkinInfoMx> skins = LookAndFeelMx.GetSkins();

            foreach (SkinInfoMx si in skins)
                LookAndFeelOption.Properties.Items.Add(new ImageComboBoxItem(si.ExternalName, si.ImageIndex));

            // Basic old styles (these cause dialog box to close for some reason)

            CurrentLookAndFeel       = SS.I.UserIniFile.Read("LookAndFeel", "Blue");
            LookAndFeelOption.Text   = LookAndFeelMx.GetExternalSkinName(CurrentLookAndFeel);
            ChangingLookAndFeelModes = false;
            InSetup = false;

            FindRelatedCpdsInQuickSearch.Checked = SS.I.FindRelatedCpdsInQuickSearch;
            RestoreWindowsAtStartup.Checked      = SS.I.RestoreWindowsAtStartup;
