Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        var margins = new MARGINS()
            cxLeftWidth = -1

        // Get a handle to the window
        var hwnd = GetActiveWindow();

        // Set properties of the window
        // See:
        SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE);

        // Extend the window into the client area
        See : https :      //
        DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, ref margins);

        d            = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(ShowWindow);
        R            = d.BeginInvoke(null, null);
        blit_Texture = Camera.main.targetTexture;
        pBlitTexture = new Texture2D(blit_Texture.width, blit_Texture.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
        Camera.main.projectionMatrix = Camera.main.projectionMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f));
Esempio n. 2
        private void DoPhoneGen()
            // 我想 update 個 UI,用咗 Task + AsyncCallback 嚟分開 UI 同 server job
            LongTimeTask_Delegate d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(LTT_MemberPhoneNumber);
            IAsyncResult          R = d.BeginInvoke("GenPhoneNumbers", new AsyncCallback(TC_MemberPhoneNumber), null); //invoking the method

            progressBar1.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public static void SendEmail(string toEmails, string subject, String messageBody)
            LongTimeTask_Delegate d = null;

            d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(sendmail);
            IAsyncResult R = null;

            if (toEmails != null)
                R = d.BeginInvoke(toEmails, subject, messageBody, null, null);
Esempio n. 4
        private void cmdGenRegionCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chkChina.Checked)
                _IsAllItemsProcessed = false;

                LongTimeTask_Delegate d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(LTT_RegionCode);
                IAsyncResult          R = d.BeginInvoke("GenRegionCodes", new AsyncCallback(TC_RegionCode), null); //invoking the method

                progressBar1.Visible = true;
            if (chkHongKong.Checked)
                _IsAllItemsProcessed = false;

                LongTimeTask_Delegate d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(LTT_RegionCode);
                IAsyncResult          R = d.BeginInvoke("GenRegionCodes", new AsyncCallback(TC_RegionCode), null); //invoking the method

                progressBar1.Visible = true;
            if (chkMacao.Checked)
                _IsAllItemsProcessed = false;

                LongTimeTask_Delegate d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(LTT_RegionCode);
                IAsyncResult          R = d.BeginInvoke("GenRegionCodes", new AsyncCallback(TC_RegionCode), null); //invoking the method

                progressBar1.Visible = true;
            if (chkTaiwan.Checked)
                _IsAllItemsProcessed = false;

                LongTimeTask_Delegate d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(LTT_RegionCode);
                IAsyncResult          R = d.BeginInvoke("GenRegionCodes", new AsyncCallback(TC_RegionCode), null); //invoking the method

                progressBar1.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 5
 private void ok_bt_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     model.Comname = (string)COMListbox.SelectedValue;
     if (model.Comname != null)
         sendengrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
         Plot1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
         senden_delegate = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(senden_an_pic);
         ruckruf_delegate = senden_delegate.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(TaskCompleted), null);
         Info_txt_box.Text = "Das COM Port wurde nicht ausgewählt";
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult UpdateAs()

            LongTimeTask_Delegate d = null;
            d = new LongTimeTask_Delegate(longJob);

            IAsyncResult R = null;

            MembershipUserCollection all = Membership.GetAllUsers();
            foreach (MembershipUser item in all)
                R = d.BeginInvoke(item.UserName, null, null); //invoking the method                

            R = d.BeginInvoke("db", null, null);

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "" });
            //            return Json(new { redirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new { area = "" }) },JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
