public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Position,Category")] Member member) { ModelState.Remove("Category.Name"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var memberExists = await context.Member.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Name == member.Name); if (memberExists != null) { return(ValidationProblem(detail: "Member name already exists.")); } member.Category = (memberService.IsJuniorEditor(member)) ? context.Category .First(c => c.Name == member.Category.Name) : null; context.Add(member); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); logger.Log($"{HttpContext.User.Identity.Name} created member `{member.Name}` with position {member.Position} " + $"(Category = {member.Category.Name}) "); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(member)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Comment> > PostComment(Comment _comment) { var user = await identityService.GetUserWithToken(HttpContext); var comment = new Comment() { ArticleID = _comment.ArticleID, Text = _comment.Text, DateTime = DateTime.Now, UserID = user.Id }; context.Comment.Add(comment); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); var article = await context.Article.FindAsync(comment.ArticleID); var comments = await context.Comment .Where(c => c.ArticleID == article.Id) .Include(c => c.User) .Select(c => mapper.Map <CommentDto>(c)) .ToListAsync(); foreach (var comment_ in comments) { var owner = await context.Users.FindAsync(comment_.User.Id); comment_.User = owner; } await articleHub.Clients.All.ArticleCommentChange(article.Id, comments); logger.Log($"{user.UserName} posted a comment `{comment.Text}` on the article of title `{article.Title}`"); return(Ok()); }
/// <summary> /// Logs a string to the console. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message that will be logged.</param> private void Log(string message) { if (message.Contains("Unknown User") || message.Contains("Unknown Guild")) { _logger.Log(message); return; } _logger.Log(message); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Number,FallYear,SpringYear")] Volume volume) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { context.Add(volume); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); logger.Log($"{HttpContext.User.Identity.Name} created Volume {volume.Number}."); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index), "Home")); } return(View(volume)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Position")] Member member) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { context.Add(member); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); logger.Log($"{HttpContext.User.Identity.Name} created writer `{member.Name}`"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(member)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Tag")] Category category) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { context.Add(category); category.SetLanguage(Regex.IsMatch(category.Name, @"^[a-zA-Z.\-+\s]*$") ? OutlookConstants.Language.English : OutlookConstants.Language.Arabic); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); logger.Log($"{HttpContext.User.Identity.Name} created Category `{category.Name}` and ID `{category.Id}`."); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(category)); }
public ResponseModel setLicenseVariables(out LicenseModel License) { string sFunctionName = "setLicenseVariables()"; ResponseModel Response = new ResponseModel(); //LicenseModel License = new LicenseModel(); License = new LicenseModel(); try { License.OrganizationName = OrganizationModel.Name; License.OrganizationMnemonic = OrganizationModel.Mnemonic; License.ProductionYear = OrganizationModel.ProdutionYear; License.TotalBranches = OrganizationModel.TotalBranches; Response.SuccessfullyPassed(); } catch (Exception ex) { #region Text Logging oLog.Log( sClassName, sFunctionName, ex.ToString()); #endregion Text Logging Response.FailedWithException(); } return(Response); }
public ResponseModel AuthenticateUserLogin(string sLoginID, string sPassword) { string sFunctionName = "AuthenticateUserLogin(,)"; ResponseModel Result = new ResponseModel(); try { SMSCoreData CoreData = new SMSCoreData(); DataView oDV = new DataView(); CoreData.getUserProfile(sLoginID, out oDV); if (oDV != null) { Result.isSuccessful = true; Result.sResponseCode = Constants.ResponseMessages.Success; } } catch (Exception ex) { #region Text Logging oLog.Log( sClassName, sFunctionName, ex.Message); #endregion Text Logging Result.isSuccessful = false; Result.sResponseCode = Constants.ResponseMessages.Failure; } return(Result); }
public void SaveMetrics(string path) { ComputeAlgorithmMetrics(); var searchTimeDict = MetricsDictionary.ElementAt(0); string csvFormatMessage = "Algorithm, SearchTime, CustomerNumber"; foreach (var metrics in searchTimeDict.Value)//writes base csv format message { var metricName = metrics.Key; csvFormatMessage += ", " + metricName; } var recorder = new FileRecorder(path, csvFormatMessage); var fileLogger = new Logger.Logger(recorder); foreach (var currentMetricDictionary in MetricsDictionary) { string csvMessage = currentMetricDictionary.Key.Item1 + ", " + currentMetricDictionary.Key.Item2 + ", " + currentMetricDictionary.Key.Item3; foreach (var metric in currentMetricDictionary.Value) { var metricValue = metric.Value; csvMessage += ", " + metricValue; } fileLogger.Log(csvMessage); } }
public void Initialize() { string sFunctionName = "Initialize()"; DataView oDV = new DataView(); try { Data.getOrganizationDetails(out oDV); foreach (DataRowView row in oDV) { this.Name = row["Name"].ToString(); this.Mnemonic = row["Organization_Mnemonic"].ToString(); this.ProdutionYear = row["Production_Year"].ToString(); this.LicenseA = row["LicenseA"].ToString(); this.LicenseB = row["LicenseB"].ToString(); } Data.getTotalBranches(out oDV); foreach (DataRowView row in oDV) { this.TotalBranches = Convert.ToInt32(row[0].ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { #region Text Logging oLog.Log( sClassName, sFunctionName, ex.ToString()); #endregion Text Logging } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] RegisterModel registerModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new OutlookUser { UserName = registerModel.Username, Email = registerModel.Email, FirstName = registerModel.FirstName, LastName = registerModel.LastName }; var result = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, registerModel.Password); var code = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); code = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code)); var callbackUrl = Url.Page( "/Account/ConfirmEmail", pageHandler: null, values: new { area = "Identity", userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Scheme); await emailSender.SendEmailAsync(registerModel.Email, "Confirm your AUB Outlook Account", EmailSender.EmailVerificationHtmlMessage(HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl))); logger.Log($"User {user.UserName} was created."); return(new JsonResult(result)); } return(BadRequest(ModelState)); }
static void UnhandledExceptionTrapper(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Unhandled exception! \n \n" + e.ExceptionObject + "\n", ConsoleColor.Red); var logger = new Logger.Logger(); logger.Log("UnhandledException! \n \n" + e.ExceptionObject + "\n"); }
public override void PrintView() { var metricsPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Simulation.Params.CurrentSimulationLoggerPath, @"algorithmMetrics.csv")); var algorithmsLogger = new Logger.Logger(new FileRecorder(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Simulation.Params.CurrentSimulationLoggerPath, @"algorithms.csv")))); var dataSetLogger = new Logger.Logger(new FileRecorder(Path.Combine(Simulation.Params.CurrentSimulationLoggerPath, @"algorithmsDataset.csv"), "DataModelId,CustomersNumber,VehicleNumber,MaxRideTimeDurationInMinutes,MaxAllowedUpperBoundLimitInMinutes,Seed")); var vehicleNumber = 20; var count = 0; //var algorithmsMetrics = new AlgorithmMetrics(); Simulation.Params.VehicleNumber = vehicleNumber; for (int customersNumber = 25; customersNumber <= 100; customersNumber = customersNumber + 25) { Simulation.Params.NumberInitialRequests = customersNumber; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // tests 10 different data models { bool allowDropNodes = false; RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateNewRandomSeed(); var dataModel = DataModelFactory.Instance().CreateInitialSimulationDataModel(allowDropNodes, Simulation); var printableList = dataModel.GetSettingsPrintableList(); ConsoleLogger.Log(printableList); dataSetLogger.Log(dataModel.GetCSVSettingsMessage()); for (int searchTime = 5; searchTime <= 90; searchTime = searchTime + 5) //test different same datamodel with different search times { AlgorithmContainer algorithmContainer = new AlgorithmContainer(); foreach (var searchAlgorithm in algorithmContainer.SearchAlgorithms) { var algorithm = new SearchAlgorithm(searchAlgorithm, searchTime); algorithm.Test(dataModel, allowDropNodes); ConsoleLogger.Log(algorithm.GetResultPrintableList()); if (count == 0) { //logs base message type style algorithmsLogger.Log(algorithm.GetCSVMessageStyle()); } algorithmsLogger.Log(algorithm.GetCSVResultsMessage()); count++; } } } } //algorithmsMetrics.SaveMetrics(metricsPath); }
public void SaveStats(string path) { IRecorder fileRecorder = new FileRecorder(path); var myFileLogger = new Logger.Logger(fileRecorder); var statsPrintableList = GetStatsPrintableList(); myFileLogger.Log(statsPrintableList); }
private void PrintEndGameState() { var winner = GoalsBlueLeft == 0 ? :; var opponent = GoalsBlueLeft == 0 ? :; var opponentScore = winner == ? GoalsRedLeft : GoalsBlueLeft; ConsoleWriter.Show("\n\n\n************************\n THE WINNERS IS: " + winner + "\n THE NOOBS ARE: " + opponent + "\n WITH GOALS LEFT: " + opponentScore + "\n \n \n END OF GAME: " + GetGameDefinition.GameName + " \n \n*****************"); Logger.Logger logger = new Logger.Logger(this); logger.Log(GameMasterState.GameResolved); }
public void StartServer() { try { this.ServerSocket.Bind(new System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, Port)); this.ServerSocket.Listen(1); logger.Log(">>>Server started at IP: " + IPAddress.ToString() + " Port: " + Port + " <<<"); this.ServerSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), null); logger.Log(">>>Server is listening for incoming connections<<<"); } catch (SocketException se) { throw se; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string sEncrypt(string sPlainText, string sKey) { string sFunctionName = "sEncrypt(,)"; string sEncryptedString = ""; try { sEncryptedString = LicenseY.Encrypt(sPlainText, sKey); } catch (Exception ex) { #region Text Logging oLog.Log( sClassName, sFunctionName, ex.Message); #endregion Text Logging } return(sEncryptedString); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(int?id, [Bind("Number,ArabicTheme,EnglishTheme")] Issue issue) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (id == null) { return(ValidationProblem(detail: "Volume Id cannot be null")); } issue.Volume = await context.Volume.FindAsync(id); context.Add(issue); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); var Volume = await context.Volume.FindAsync(id); logger.Log($"{HttpContext.User.Identity.Name} created Issue `{issue.Number}` in Volume {Volume.Number} "); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index), new { id = id })); } return(View(issue)); }
//public static void Main(string[] args) //{ // var obj = new WBSSLStore.Scheduler.OrderUpdation.OrderUpdation(new Data.Infrastructure.DatabaseFactory()); // obj.FetchApiOrders(); // //obj.FetAPIOrderBySite(); //} public void FetAPIOrderBySite() { try { if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["isUpdateCustomSite"])) { string siteids = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CustomSiteid"].ToString(); var _cussite = siteids.Split(new char[] { ',' }).ToArray(); var Sites = (from s in DbContext.Sites where s.isActive == true && _cussite.Contains(s.ID.ToString()) select s).ToList(); foreach (Site s in Sites) { try { logger.Log("-----Start Custom Site Order Updating For :" + s.Alias + "-----", Logger.LogType.STATUSUPDATE); FetchOrderThruRESTAPI(s); logger.Log("-----End Custom Site Order Updating For :" + s.Alias + "-----", Logger.LogType.STATUSUPDATE); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogException(ex); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public int GetIntInput(int minVal, int maxVal) { wrongKeyLabel: int key = 0; try { key = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (key < minVal || key > maxVal) { ConsoleLogger.Log("Wrong input, please retype using a valid integer number value needs to be in the range [" + minVal + "," + maxVal + "]"); goto wrongKeyLabel; } } catch (Exception) { ConsoleLogger.Log("Wrong input, please retype using a valid integer number!"); goto wrongKeyLabel; } return(key); }
/// <summary> /// Add to App.config file following lines in appSettings with tags add: /// key = "smtpClient" value="[string]", /// key = "defaultCredentials" value="[true|false]", /// key = "networkCredential" value="[string]", /// key = "password" value="[string]", /// key = "enableSsl" value="[true|false]", /// key = "port" value="[int]" /// key = "dir" value="[path to folder for loggs]" /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Send(MailModel model) { Logger.Logger logger = new Logger.Logger(); logger.Log($"attempt to send an e - mail to {model.MailTo}"); try { var message = new MailMessage(); message.From = new MailAddress(model.MailFrom, model.MailFrom); model.MailTo.ForEach(m => message.To.Add(new MailAddress(m))); message.Subject = model.Title; message.Body = model.Body; try { var smtp = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpClient"]); smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["defaultCredentials"]); smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["networkCredential"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["networkCredential"]); smtp.EnableSsl = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["enableSsl"]); smtp.Port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["port"]); smtp.Send(message); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MailServiceException($"Something went wrong.{Environment.NewLine}Can't send e-mail.{Environment.NewLine}Try check if you have an internet connection, or check if you have set the proper values to app.config file"); } logger.Log("Mail sent successfully"); return(true); } catch (Exception) { logger.Log($"unsuccessful sending an e-mail"); return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromRoute] int?id, string NewWriter, IFormFile Picture, [Bind("Language,Category,Writer,Title,Subtitle,Text")] Article article) { ModelState.Remove("Category.Name"); ModelState.Remove("Writer.Name"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (id == null) { return(ValidationProblem(detail: "Issue Id cannot be null")); } article.Issue = await context.Issue.FindAsync(id); article.DateTime = DateTime.Now; // Assign value to the MemberID that refers to the writer of the article article.Category = context.Category .First(c => c.Name == article.Category.Name); articleService.SetArticleWriter(article, (article.Writer.Name == "+ NEW WRITER") ? NewWriter : article.Writer.Name); if (Picture != null) { await articleService.AddArticlePicture(article, Picture, env.WebRootPath); } context.Add(article); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); logger.Log($"{HttpContext.User.Identity.Name} created article of title `{article.Title}` and ID `{article.Id}`"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index), new { id = id })); } return(View(article)); }
/** * Private constructor */ private StretchApp() { reader_ = new FileReader() { extensionFilter = EXTENSIONS_FILTER }; parser_ = new TraParser(); notifier_ = new Notifier(); logger_ = new Logger.Logger(); solver_ = new Solving.Solver(); //Allow debug logger_.IsDebug = true; logger_.Log("APP Started"); }
public void Run() { if (IsStarted) { return; } listen = true; IsStarted = true; logger.Log("Server started " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss") + " IP = " + settings.ServerIP + ":" + settings.ServerPort.ToString(), Logger.EntryLevel.Server); if (commands == null) { logger.Log("Commands slot is void", Logger.EntryLevel.Server); } try { listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(settings.ServerIP), settings.ServerPort); listener.Start(); while (listen) { TcpClient client = null; try { client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); ClientObject clientObject = new ClientObject(client, commands); Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { clientObject.Process(logger, settings.MlsOfDelay); })); clientThread.Start(); } catch (SocketException) { } } } finally { if (listener != null) { listener.Stop(); } } }
public bool setLicenses() { string sFunctionName = "setLicenses()"; bool LicensesSet = false; try { GenerateKey(); GenerateLicense(); GetHash(); LicensesSet = true; } catch (Exception ex) { #region Text Logging oLog.Log( sClassName, sFunctionName, ex.ToString()); #endregion Text Logging LicensesSet = false; } return(LicensesSet); }
public void Logger_AfterFirstLog_CreatesLogFile() { var fileName = "logTest"; var fileExtensions = ".txt"; _loggingOptions.Value.FileName = fileName + fileExtensions; var logger = new Logger.Logger(_loggingOptions); logger.Log("test message", LogLevel.Fatal); var finalName = $"{fileName}{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd}{fileExtensions}"; var exists = File.Exists(finalName); Assert.True(exists); //should delete }
private void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var discordClient = new DiscordShardedClient(new DiscordSocketConfig { LogLevel = LogSeverity.Verbose, MessageCacheSize = 0 }); var logger = new Logger.Logger(); services .AddSingleton(discordClient) .AddSingleton(new CommandService(new CommandServiceConfig { LogLevel = LogSeverity.Verbose, DefaultRunMode = RunMode.Async, })) .AddSingleton <CommandHandler>() .AddSingleton <StartupService>() .AddSingleton <TimerService>() .AddSingleton <IUserIndexQueue, UserIndexQueue>() .AddSingleton <IPrefixService, PrefixService>() .AddSingleton <IndexService>() .AddSingleton(logger) .AddSingleton <Random>() // Add random to the collection .AddSingleton(this.Configuration) // Add the configuration to the collection .AddHttpClient(); services .AddTransient <ILastfmApi, LastfmApi>(); using (var context = new FMBotDbContext()) { try { logger.Log("Ensuring database is up to date"); context.Database.Migrate(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("Migrations", $"Something went wrong while creating/updating the database! \n{e.Message}"); throw; } } }
public static string GetMBUrl(MBOrderData objRequest) { string strParam = PrepareMBRequest(objRequest); string strResponse = PostDataOnMB(strParam); if (!strResponse.StartsWith("Error HTML :")) { return(strMoneyBookersURL + "?sid=" + strResponse); } else { //log error Logger.Logger log = new Logger.Logger(); log.Log(strResponse, Logger.LogType.ERROR); return(string.Empty); } }
public void EndRead(IAsyncResult result) { var buffer = (byte[])result.AsyncState; if (clientSocket.Connected) { try { var ns = clientSocket.GetStream(); var bytesAvailable = ns.EndRead(result); var messages = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer).Split((char)23); if (messages != null) { foreach (var message in messages.Select(q => q.Trim('\0'))) { logger.Log(message); ConsoleWriter.Show("GameMaster read: \n" + message + "\n"); var msgObject = GMReader.GetObjectFromXML(message); if (msgObject != null) { messageManager.ProcessMessage(msgObject); } else { ConsoleWriter.Warning("Could not obtain object from message: \n" + message); } } } BeginRead(); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleWriter.Error("Error while handling message from communication server." + "\n Error message: \n" + e.ToString() + "\n"); GameMaster.State = GameMasterState.GameOver; } } else { ConsoleWriter.Warning("Communication server connection lost\n"); GameMaster.State = GameMasterState.GameOver; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the server count and shard count for /// </summary> private async Task UpdateDiscordBotsDotOrg(ulong botId, int shardCount, IReadOnlyList <int> guildCounts, IEnumerable <int> shardIds) { foreach (var shardId in shardIds) { var request = new RestRequest($"bots/{botId}/stats") { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json, Method = Method.POST }; request.AddOrUpdateParameter("shard_count", shardCount); request.AddOrUpdateParameter("server_count", guildCounts[shardId]); request.AddOrUpdateParameter("shard_id", shardId); var result = await RestClients["DiscordBotsDotOrg"].ExecutePostTaskAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); if (result.IsSuccessful) { return; } _logger.Log($"Failed to update dblOrg stats reason: {result.ErrorMessage}", ConsoleColor.Red); } }