public void ClassificationModel_PredictProbability_Threshold_On_Probability()
            #region learner creation

            // Use StreamReader(filepath) when running from filesystem
            var parser     = new CsvParser(() => new StringReader(Resources.winequality_white));
            var targetName = "quality";

            // read feature matrix
            var observations = parser.EnumerateRows(c => c != targetName)

            // read classification targets and convert to binary problem (low quality/high quality).
            var targets = parser.EnumerateRows(targetName)
                          .ToF64Vector().Select(t => t < 5 ? 0.0 : 1.0).ToArray();

            var translation = new Dictionary <double, string> {
                { 0.0, "Low quality" }, { 1.0, "High quality" }

            // create learner
            var learner = new ClassificationDecisionTreeLearner(maximumTreeDepth: 5);

            // learns a ClassificationDecisionTreeModel
            var model = learner.Learn(observations, targets);

            // predict probabilities for all observations
            var probabilityPredictions = model.PredictProbability(observations);

            // zip target and probabilities to keep order
            var zip = targets.Zip(probabilityPredictions, (t, p) => new { Target = t, Prediction = p });

            // threhold on the probabilty of the predicted class.
            // This will remove the obserations that the model is uncertain about.
            var probabilityThreshold = 0.90;
            var thresholdedResult    = zip.Where(kvp => kvp.Prediction.Probabilities[kvp.Prediction.Prediction] > probabilityThreshold);

            // evaluate the resulting observations
            var thresholdedPredictions = thresholdedResult.Select(p => p.Prediction).ToArray();
            var thresholdedTargets     = thresholdedResult.Select(p => p.Target).ToArray();

            // evaluate only on probability thresholded data
            var metric = new LogLossClassificationProbabilityMetric();
            Trace.WriteLine("ProbabilityThresholded Result:");
            Trace.WriteLine(metric.ErrorString(thresholdedTargets, thresholdedPredictions, translation));

            // evaluate on all data for comparison
            Trace.WriteLine("All data result:");
            Trace.WriteLine(metric.ErrorString(targets, probabilityPredictions, translation));
        public void LogLossClassificationMetric_ErrorString_TargetStringMapping()
            var sut         = new LogLossClassificationProbabilityMetric(1e-15);
            var predictions = new ProbabilityPrediction[] {
                new ProbabilityPrediction(0, new Dictionary <double, double> {
                    { 0, 1.0 }, { 1, 1.0 }, { 2, 1.0 }
                new ProbabilityPrediction(1, new Dictionary <double, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 1.0 }, { 2, 0.0 }
                new ProbabilityPrediction(2, new Dictionary <double, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.0 }, { 2, 1.0 }

            var targets             = new double[] { 0, 1, 2 };
            var targetStringMapping = new Dictionary <double, string> {
                { 0, "One" }, { 1, "Two" }, { 2, "Three" }

            var actual   = sut.ErrorString(targets, predictions, targetStringMapping);
            var expected = ";One;Two;Three;One;Two;Three\r\nOne;1.000;0.000;0.000;100.000;0.000;0.000\r\nTwo;0.000;1.000;0.000;0.000;100.000;0.000\r\nThree;0.000;0.000;1.000;0.000;0.000;100.000\r\nError: 36.620\r\n";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void LogLossClassificationMetric_ErrorString()
            var sut         = new LogLossClassificationProbabilityMetric(1e-15);
            var predictions = new ProbabilityPrediction[] {
                new ProbabilityPrediction(0, new Dictionary <double, double> {
                    { 0, 1.0 }, { 1, 1.0 }, { 2, 1.0 }
                new ProbabilityPrediction(1, new Dictionary <double, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 1.0 }, { 2, 0.0 }
                new ProbabilityPrediction(2, new Dictionary <double, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.0 }, { 2, 1.0 }

            var targets = new double[] { 0, 1, 2 };

            var actual   = sut.ErrorString(targets, predictions);
            var expected = ";0;1;2;0;1;2\r\n0;1.000;0.000;0.000;100.000;0.000;0.000\r\n1;0.000;1.000;0.000;0.000;100.000;0.000\r\n2;0.000;0.000;1.000;0.000;0.000;100.000\r\nError: 36.620\r\n";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);