Esempio n. 1
        public void Draw(Cairo.Context cr, List <Subnet> Subnets)
            foreach (var bundle in Subnets)
                WireArray(cr, bundle.Wires);

                foreach (var connection in FindConnectionPoints(bundle.Wires, ConnectionPoints))
                    double x = connection.X * CircuitEditor.DotSpacing;
                    double y = connection.Y * CircuitEditor.DotSpacing;
                    cr.Arc(x, y, ConnectionRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2);

                    //cr.MoveTo(x, y);

                // Get the value of the subnet if there is one.
                // FIXME: We shouldn't have to check that there is one...
                Value value = Value.Floating;
                if (bundle.ID != 0)
                    var state = LogLogic.SubnetState(Program.Backend, bundle.ID);
                    value = state switch
                        ValueState.Floating => Value.Floating,
                        ValueState.Zero => Value.Zero,
                        ValueState.One => Value.One,
                        ValueState.Error => Value.Error,
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"We got an unknown subnet state from the backend! State: {state}"),